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- #!/bin/bash
- # analyze_hosts - Scans one or more hosts on security vulnerabilities
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Peter Mosmans
- # <support AT>
- #
- # This source code (shell script) is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- # file, You can obtain one at
- # TODO: - add: option to only list commands, don't execute them
- # - change: use base options
- # - add: make logging of output default
- # - add: grep on errors of ssh script output
- # - add: check installation (whether all tools are present)
- # - change: refactor looping of ports
- NAME="analyze_hosts"
- VERSION="0.82 (29-04-2014)"
- # statuses
- declare -c ERROR=-1
- declare -c UNKNOWN=0
- declare -c OPEN=1 UP=1 NONEWLINE=1 BASIC=1
- declare -c ADVANCED=2
- declare -c ALTERNATIVE=4
- # logging and verboseness
- declare -c NOLOGFILE=-1
- declare -c QUIET=1
- declare -c STDOUT=2
- declare -c VERBOSE=4
- declare -c LOGFILE=8
- declare -c RAWLOGS=16
- declare -c SEPARATELOGS=32
- # scantypes
- declare -i dnstest=$UNKNOWN fingerprint=$UNKNOWN nikto=$UNKNOWN
- declare -i portscan=$UNKNOWN sshscan=$UNKNOWN sslscan=$UNKNOWN
- declare -i trace=$UNKNOWN whois=$UNKNOWN webscan=$UNKNOWN
- # defaults
- declare -i loglevel=$STDOUT
- declare -i timeout=30
- declare webports=80,443
- declare sslports=443,993,995
- # statuses
- declare -i hoststatus=$UNKNOWN portstatus=$UNKNOWN
- datestring=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
- workdir=/tmp
- # colours
- declare -c BLUE='\E[1;49;96m' LIGHTBLUE='\E[2;49;96m'
- declare -c RED='\E[1;49;31m' LIGHTRED='\E[2;49;31m'
- declare -c GREEN='\E[1;49;32m' LIGHTGREEN='\E[2;49;32m'
- trap abortscan INT
- trap cleanup QUIT
- # define functions
- prettyprint() {
- (($loglevel&$QUIET)) && return
- [[ -z $nocolor ]] && echo -ne $2
- if [[ "$3" == "$NONEWLINE" ]]; then
- echo -n "$1"
- else
- echo "$1"
- fi
- [[ -z $nocolor ]] && tput sgr0
- }
- usage() {
- prettyprint "$NAME version $VERSION" $BLUE
- prettyprint " (c) 2012-2014 Peter Mosmans [Go Forward]" $LIGHTBLUE
- prettyprint " Licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0" $LIGHTBLUE
- echo ""
- echo " usage: $0 [OPTION]... [HOST]"
- echo ""
- echo "Scanning options:"
- echo " -a, --all perform all basic scans"
- echo " --max perform all advanced scans (more thorough)"
- echo " -b, --basic perform basic scans (fingerprint, ssl, trace)"
- echo " results of HOST matches regexp FILTER"
- echo " --dns test for recursive query"
- echo " -f perform web fingerprinting (all webports)"
- echo " --fingerprint perform all web fingerprinting methods"
- echo " -h, --header show webserver headers (all webports)"
- echo " -n, --nikto nikto webscan (all webports)"
- echo " -p nmap portscan (top 1000 ports)"
- echo " --ports nmap portscan (all ports)"
- echo " -s check SSL configuration"
- echo " --ssl perform all SSL configuration checks"
- echo " --timeout=SECONDS change timeout for sslscan (default=$timeout)"
- echo " --ssh perform SSH configuration checks"
- echo " -t check webserver for HTTP TRACE method"
- echo " --trace perform all HTTP TRACE method checks"
- echo " -w, --whois perform WHOIS lookup for (hostname and) IP address"
- echo " -W confirm WHOIS results before continuing scan"
- echo " --filter=FILTER only proceed with scan of HOST if WHOIS"
- echo " --wordlist=filename scan webserver for existence of files in filename"
- echo ""
- echo "Port selection (comma separated list):"
- echo " --webports=PORTS use PORTS for web scans (default $webports)"
- echo " --sslports=PORTS use PORTS for ssl scans (default $sslports)"
- echo ""
- echo "Logging and input file:"
- echo " -d, --directory=DIR location of temporary files (default /tmp)"
- echo " -i, --inputfile=FILE use a file containing hostnames"
- echo " -l, --log log each scan in a separate logfile"
- echo " --nocolor don't use fancy colors in screen output"
- echo " -o, --output=FILE concatenate all results into FILE"
- echo " -q, --quiet quiet"
- echo " -v, --verbose show server responses"
- echo ""
- echo " -u update this script (if it's a cloned repository)"
- echo " --update force update (overwrite all local modifications)"
- echo " --version print version information and exit"
- echo ""
- prettyprint " BLUE: status messages" $BLUE
- prettyprint " GREEN: secure settings" $GREEN
- prettyprint " RED: possible vulnerabilities" $RED
- echo ""
- echo " [HOST] can be a single (IP) address, an IP range, eg."
- echo " or multiple comma-separated addressess"
- echo ""
- echo "example: $0 -a --filter Amazon"
- echo ""
- }
- # setlogfilename (name)
- # sets the GLOBAL variable logfile and tool
- setlogfilename() {
- logfile=$workdir/${target}_$1_${datestring}.txt
- if type $1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- tool=$1
- else
- showstatus "ERROR: The program $1 could not be found" $RED
- tool=$ERROR
- fi
- }
- # purgelogs logfile [LOGLEVEL]
- # purges the current logfile
- # if LOGLEVEL = VERBOSE then show log on screen
- purgelogs() {
- local currentloglevel=$loglevel
- if [[ ! -z $1 ]]; then let "loglevel=loglevel|$1"; fi
- if [[ ! -z "$$logfile" ]] && [[ -f "$logfile" ]]; then
- if (($loglevel&$VERBOSE)); then
- if [[ -s "$logfile" ]]; then
- showstatus "$(grep -v '^#' $logfile)"
- showstatus ""
- fi
- fi
- if (($loglevel&$RAWLOGS)); then
- grep -v '^[#%]' $logfile >> $outputfile
- fi
- if !(($loglevel&$SEPARATELOGS)); then rm $logfile 1>/dev/null 2>&1; fi
- fi
- tool=$ERROR
- loglevel=$currentloglevel
- }
- # showstatus message [COLOR] [LOGFILE|NOLOGFILE|NONEWLINE]
- # COLOR: color of message
- # LOGFILE: only write contents to logfile
- # NOLOGFILE: don't log contents to logfile
- # NONEWLINE: don't echo new line character
- showstatus() {
- if [[ ! -z "$2" ]]; then
- case "$2" in
- (($loglevel&$LOGFILE)) && echo "$1" >> $outputfile;;
- !(($loglevel&$QUIET)) && echo "$1";;
- !(($loglevel&$QUIET)) && echo -n "$1"
- (($loglevel&$LOGFILE)) && echo -n "$1" >> $outputfile;;
- (*)
- prettyprint "$1" $2 $3
- (($loglevel&$LOGFILE)) && echo "$1" >> $outputfile;;
- esac
- else
- !(($loglevel&$QUIET)) && echo "$1"
- (($loglevel&$LOGFILE)) && echo "$1" >> $outputfile
- fi
- }
- do_update() {
- local realpath=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
- if [[ -d $realpath/.git ]]; then
- setlogfilename "git"
- if (($tool!=$ERROR)); then
- local status=$UNKNOWN
- showstatus "current version: $VERSION"
- pushd $realpath 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- if [[ ! -z "$1" ]]; then
- showstatus "forcing update, overwriting local changes"
- git fetch origin master 1>$logfile 2>&1
- git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD 1>>$logfile 2>&1
- else
- git pull 1>$logfile 2>&1
- fi
- grep -Eq "error: |Permission denied" $logfile && status=$ERROR
- grep -q "Already up-to-date." $logfile && status=$OPEN
- popd 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- else
- status=$ERROR
- fi
- case $status in
- $ERROR) showstatus "error updating $0" $RED;;
- $UNKNOWN) showstatus "succesfully updated to $(awk '{FS="\""}/^VERSION=/{print $2}' $0)" $GREEN;;
- $OPEN) showstatus "already running latest version" $BLUE;;
- esac
- purgelogs
- exit 0
- else
- showstatus "Sorry, this doesn't seem to be a git archive"
- showstatus "Please clone the repository using the following command: "
- showstatus "git clone"
- fi;
- }
- startup() {
- flag=$OPEN
- trap cleanup EXIT
- showstatus "$NAME version $VERSION starting on $(date +%d-%m-%Y' at '%R)"
- if (($loglevel&$LOGFILE)); then
- if [[ -n $appendfile ]]; then
- showstatus "appending to existing file $outputfile"
- else
- showstatus "logging to $outputfile"
- fi
- fi
- showstatus "scanparameters: $options" $LOGFILE
- [[ -n "$workdir" ]] && pushd $workdir 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- }
- version() {
- curl --version
- echo ""
- nikto -Version
- echo ""
- nmap -V
- echo ""
- sslscan --version|sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g"
- echo ""
- prettyprint "$NAME version $VERSION" $BLUE
- prettyprint " (c) 2013-2014 Peter Mosmans [Go Forward]" $LIGHTBLUE
- prettyprint " Licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0" $LIGHTBLUE
- echo ""
- }
- checkifportopen() {
- portstatus=$UNKNOWN
- if [[ -s "$portselection" ]]; then
- portstatus=$ERROR
- grep -q " $1/open/" $portselection && portstatus=$OPEN
- fi
- }
- do_dnstest() {
- setlogfilename "dig"
- if (($tool!=$ERROR)); then
- local status=$UNKNOWN
- local ports=53
- showstatus "trying recursive dig... " $NONEWLINE
- dig @$target 1>$logfile 2>&1 </dev/null
- grep -q "ANSWER SECTION" $logfile && status=$OPEN
- if (($status==$OPEN)); then
- showstatus "recursion allowed" $RED
- else
- showstatus "no recursion or answer detected" $GREEN
- fi
- purgelogs
- fi
- }
- do_fingerprint() {
- if (($fingerprint==$BASIC)) || (($fingerprint==$ADVANCED)); then
- setlogfilename "whatweb"
- if (($tool!=$ERROR)); then
- for port in ${webports//,/ }; do
- setlogfilename "whatweb"
- showstatus "performing whatweb fingerprinting on $target port $port... "
- if [[ ! $sslports =~ $port ]]; then
- whatweb -a3 --color never http://$target:$port --log-brief $logfile 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- else
- whatweb -a3 --color never https://$target:$port --log-brief $logfile 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- purgelogs $VERBOSE
- done
- fi
- fi
- if (($fingerprint==$ADVANCED)) || (($fingerprint==$ALTERNATIVE)); then
- setlogfilename "curl"
- if (($tool!=$ERROR)); then
- for port in ${webports//,/ }; do
- setlogfilename "curl"
- checkifportopen $port
- if (($portstatus==$ERROR)); then
- showstatus "$target port $port closed" $BLUE
- else
- showstatus "retrieving headers from $target port $port... " $NONEWLINE
- if [[ ! $sslports =~ $port ]]; then
- curl -A "$NAME" -q --insecure -m 10 --dump-header $logfile http://$target:$port 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || showstatus "could not connect to $target port $port" $BLUE $NONEWLINE
- else
- curl -A "$NAME" -q --insecure -m 10 --dump-header $logfile https://$target:$port 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || showstatus "could not connect to $target port $port" $BLUE $NONEWLINE
- fi
- showstatus ""
- purgelogs $VERBOSE
- fi
- done
- fi
- fi
- }
- do_nikto() {
- setlogfilename "nikto"
- if (($tool!=$ERROR)); then
- [[ $target =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]] && showstatus "FQDN preferred over IP address"
- for port in ${webports//,/ }; do
- setlogfilename "nikto"
- checkifportopen $port
- if (($portstatus==$ERROR)); then
- showstatus "port $port closed" $GREEN
- else
- showstatus "performing nikto webscan on port $port... "
- nikto -host $target:$port -Format txt -output $logfile 1>/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
- fi
- purgelogs $VERBOSE
- done
- fi
- }
- do_portscan() {
- setlogfilename "nmap"
- hoststatus=$UNKNOWN
- if (($portscan>=$ADVANCED)); then
- showstatus "performing advanced nmap portscan (all ports)... " $NONEWLINE
- nmap --open -p- -sV -sC -oN $logfile -oG $portselection $target 1>/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
- else
- showstatus "performing nmap portscan... " $NONEWLINE
- nmap --open -sV -sC -oN $logfile -oG $portselection $target 1>/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
- fi
- grep -q "0 hosts up" $portselection || hoststatus=$UP
- if (($hoststatus<$UP)); then
- showstatus "host down" $BLUE
- else
- showstatus "host is up" $BLUE
- fi
- purgelogs $VERBOSE
- }
- do_sshscan() {
- if (($sshscan>=$BASIC)); then
- setlogfilename "nmap"
- local portstatus=$UNKNOWN
- local ports=22
- showstatus "trying nmap SSH scan on $target port $ports... " $NONEWLINE
- nmap -Pn -p $ports --open --script banner.nse,sshv1.nse,ssh-hostkey.nse,ssh2-enum-algos.nse -oN $logfile $target 1>/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
- grep -q " open " $logfile && portstatus=$OPEN
- if (($portstatus<$OPEN)); then
- showstatus "port closed" $BLUE
- purgelogs
- else
- showstatus "port open" $BLUE
- purgelogs $VERBOSE
- fi
- fi
- }
- do_sslscan() {
- setlogfilename "sslscan"
- if (($sslscan>=$BASIC)) && (($tool!=$ERROR)); then
- for port in ${sslports//,/ }; do
- checkifportopen $port
- if (($portstatus==$ERROR)); then
- showstatus "port $port closed" $BLUE
- return
- fi
- showstatus "performing sslscan on $target port $port..." $NONEWLINE
- timeout $timeout sslscan --no-failed $target:$port|sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" > $logfile || portstatus=$ERROR
- if [[ -s $logfile ]] ; then
- grep -qe "ERROR: Could not open a connection to host" $logfile&&portstatus=$ERROR
- else
- portstatus=$ERROR
- fi
- if (($portstatus==$ERROR)) ; then
- showstatus "could not connect" $BLUE
- else
- showstatus ""
- showstatus "$(awk '/(Accepted).*(ADH|RC4|IDEA|SSLv2|EXP|MD5|NULL| 40| 56)/{print $2,$3,$4,$5}' $logfile)" $RED
- fi
- purgelogs
- done
- fi
- if (($sslscan>=$ADVANCED)); then
- showstatus "performing nmap sslscan on $target ports $sslports..."
- setlogfilename "nmap"
- nmap -p $sslports --script ssl-enum-ciphers --open -oN $logfile $target 1>/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
- if [[ -s $logfile ]] ; then
- showstatus "$(awk '/( - )(broken|weak|unknown)/{print $2}' $logfile)" $RED
- else
- showstatus "could not connect to $target ports $sslports" $BLUE
- fi
- purgelogs
- fi
- }
- do_trace() {
- setlogfilename "curl"
- if (($tool!=$ERROR)); then
- for port in ${webports//,/ }; do
- setlogfilename "curl"
- checkifportopen $port
- showstatus "trying TRACE method on $target port $port... " $NONEWLINE
- if (($portstatus==$ERROR)); then
- showstatus "$target port $port closed" $GREEN
- else
- local prefix="http://"
- [[ $sslports =~ $port ]] && prefix="--insecure https://"
- curl -q -s -A "$NAME" -i -m 30 -X TRACE -o $logfile $prefix$target:$port/ 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- if [[ -s $logfile ]]; then
- status=$(awk 'NR==1 {print $2}' $logfile)
- if (($status==200)); then
- showstatus "TRACE enabled on port $port" $RED
- else
- showstatus "disabled (HTTP $status)" $GREEN
- fi
- else
- showstatus "could not connect" $BLUE
- fi
- fi
- purgelogs
- done
- fi
- if (($trace>=$ADVANCED)); then
- setlogfilename "nmap"
- showstatus "trying nmap TRACE method on ports $webports... " $NONEWLINE
- nmap -p$webports --open --script http-trace -oN $logfile $target 1>/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
- if [[ -s $logfile ]]; then
- status="$(awk '{FS="/";a[++i]=$1}/TRACE is enabled/{print "TRACE enabled on port "a[NR-1]}' $logfile)"
- if [[ -z "$status" ]]; then
- grep -q " open " $logfile && status=$OPEN
- if [[ $OPEN -eq $status ]]; then
- showstatus "disabled" $GREEN
- else
- showstatus "could not connect" $BLUE
- fi
- else
- showstatus "$status" $RED
- fi
- fi
- purgelogs
- fi
- }
- do_webscan() {
- setlogfilename "curl"
- if (($tool!=$ERROR)); then
- for port in ${webports//,/ }; do
- showstatus "trying list $wordlist on $target port $port... "
- local prefix="http://"
- [[ $sslports =~ $port ]] && prefix="--insecure https://"
- if [[ -s "$wordlist" ]]; then
- while read word; do
- setlogfilename "curl"
- curl -q -s -A "$NAME" -I -m 10 -o $logfile $prefix$target/$word </dev/null
- if [[ -s $logfile ]]; then
- status=$(awk 'NR==1 {print $2}' $logfile)
- (($status==200)) && showstatus "$target:$port/$word returns 200 OK" $RED
- fi
- purgelogs
- done < "$wordlist"
- else
- showstatus "could not open $wordlist" $RED
- fi
- done
- fi
- }
- execute_all() {
- portselection=$(mktemp -q $NAME.XXXXXXX --tmpdir=$workdir)
- if (($whois>=$BASIC)); then
- local nomatch=
- local ip=
- setlogfilename "whois"
- if [[ $target =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then
- ip=$target
- local reverse=$(host $target|awk '{print $5}'|sed s'/[.]$//')
- if [[ "$reverse" == "3(NXDOMAIN)" ]] ; then
- showstatus "$target does not resolve to a PTR record"
- else
- showstatus "$target resolves to " $NONEWLINE
- showstatus $reverse $BLUE
- fi
- else
- whois ${target#*.} > $logfile
- grep -q "No match for" $logfile && whois ${target%%*.} > $logfile
- # not all whois servers use the same formatting
- showstatus "$(grep -iE '^(registra|date|admin |tech|name server)(.*):(.*)[^ ]$' $logfile)"
- showstatus "$(awk '/Registrar( Technical Contacts)*:[ ]*$|(Domain )*[Nn]ameservers:[ ]*$|Technical:[ ]*$/{s=1}s; /^$/{s=0}' $logfile)"
- ip=$(host -c IN $target|awk '/address/{print $4}'|head -1)
- if [[ ! -n "$ip" ]]; then
- showstatus "$target does not resolve to an IP address - aborting scans" $RED
- purgelogs
- return
- else
- showstatus "$target resolves to $ip"
- fi
- fi
- whois -H $ip > $logfile
- showstatus "$(grep -iE '^(inetnum|netrange|netname|nettype|descr|orgname|orgid|originas|country|origin):(.*)[^ ]$' $logfile)"
- if [[ -n "$filter" ]]; then
- if grep -qiE "^(inetnum|netrange|netname|nettype|descr|orgname|orgid|originas|country|origin):.*($filter)" $logfile; then
- showstatus "WHOIS info matches $filter - continuing scans" $GREEN
- else
- showstatus "WHOIS info doesn't match $filter - aborting scans on $target" $RED
- purgelogs
- return
- fi
- fi
- (($whois&$ADVANCED)) && read -p "press any key to continue: " failsafe < stdin
- purgelogs
- fi
- (($portscan>=$BASIC)) && do_portscan
- (($dnstest>=$BASIC)) && do_dnstest
- (($fingerprint>=$BASIC)) && do_fingerprint
- (($nikto>=$BASIC)) && do_nikto
- (($sshscan>=$BASIC)) && do_sshscan
- (($sslscan>=$BASIC)) && do_sslscan
- (($trace>=$BASIC)) && do_trace
- (($webscan>=$BASIC)) && do_webscan
- [[ -e "$portselection" ]] && rm $portselection 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- }
- looptargets() {
- if [[ -s "$inputfile" ]]; then
- total=$(grep -c . $inputfile)
- local counter=1
- while read target; do
- if [[ ! -z "$target" ]]; then
- showstatus ""
- showstatus "working on " $NONEWLINE
- showstatus "$target" $BLUE $NONEWLINE
- showstatus " ($counter of $total)"
- let counter=$counter+1
- execute_all
- fi
- done < "$inputfile"
- else
- showstatus ""
- showstatus "working on " $NONEWLINE
- showstatus "$target" $BLUE
- execute_all
- fi
- }
- abortscan() {
- flag=$ERROR
- if (($tool!=$ERROR)); then
- showstatus ""
- showstatus "interrupted $tool while working on $target..." $RED
- purgelogs
- prettyprint "press Ctrl-C again to abort scan, or wait 10 seconds to resume" $BLUE
- sleep 10 && flag=$OPEN
- fi
- ((flag==$ERROR)) && exit 1
- }
- cleanup() {
- trap '' EXIT INT QUIT
- if [[ ! -z $tool ]] && (($ERROR!=$tool)); then
- showstatus "$tool interrupted..." $RED
- purgelogs
- fi
- showstatus "cleaning up temporary files..."
- [[ -e "$portselection" ]] && rm "$portselection"
- [[ -e "$tmpfile" ]] && rm "$tmpfile"
- [[ -n "$workdir" ]] && popd 1>/dev/null
- (($loglevel&$LOGFILE)) && showstatus "logged to $outputfile" $NOLOGFILE
- showstatus "ended on $(date +%d-%m-%Y' at '%R)"
- exit
- }
- if ! options=$(getopt -o ad:fhi:lno:pqstuvwWy -l dns,directory:,filter:,fingerprint,header,inputfile:,log,max,nikto,nocolor,output:,ports,quiet,ssh,ssl,sslports:,timeout:,trace,update,version,webports:,whois,wordlist: -- "$@") ; then
- usage
- exit 1
- fi
- eval set -- $options
- if [[ "$#" -le 1 ]]; then
- usage
- exit 1
- fi
- while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case $1 in
- -a|--all)
- dnstest=$BASIC
- fingerprint=$BASIC
- nikto=$BASIC
- portscan=$BASIC
- sshscan=$BASIC
- sslscan=$BASIC
- trace=$BASIC
- whois=$BASIC;;
- --allports) portscan=$ADVANCED;;
- --dns) dnstest=$ADVANCED;;
- -f) fingerprint=$BASIC;;
- --fingerprint) fingerprint=$ADVANCED;;
- -h|--header) fingerprint=$ALTERNATIVE;;
- -d|--directory) workdir=$2
- shift ;;
- --filter) filter="$2"
- whois=$ADVANCED
- shift ;;
- -i|--inputfile) inputfile="$2"
- [[ ! $inputfile =~ ^/ ]] && inputfile=$(pwd)/$inputfile
- if [[ ! -s "$inputfile" ]]; then
- echo "error: cannot find $inputfile"
- exit 1
- fi
- shift ;;
- -l) log="TRUE";;
- --max)
- dnstest=$ADVANCED
- fingerprint=$ADVANCED
- nikto=$ADVANCED
- portscan=$ADVANCED
- sshscan=$ADVANCED
- sslscan=$ADVANCED
- trace=$ADVANCED
- whois=$ADVANCED;;
- -n) nikto=$BASIC;;
- --nikto) nikto=$ADVANCED;;
- --nocolor) nocolor=TRUE;;
- -o|--output)
- let "loglevel=loglevel|$LOGFILE"
- outputfile=$2
- [[ ! $outputfile =~ ^/ ]] && outputfile=$(pwd)/$outputfile
- [[ -s $outputfile ]] && appendfile=1
- shift ;;
- -p) portscan=$BASIC;;
- --ports) portscan=$ADVANCED;;
- --webports) webports=$2
- shift ;;
- --sslports) sslports=$2
- shift ;;
- -q|--quiet) let "loglevel=loglevel|$QUIET";;
- -s) sslscan=$BASIC;;
- --ssh) sshscan=$BASIC;;
- --ssl) sslscan=$ADVANCED;;
- -t) trace=$BASIC;;
- --timeout) timeout=$2
- shift ;;
- --trace) trace=$ADVANCED;;
- -u) do_update && exit 0;;
- --update) do_update 1 && exit 0;;
- -v) let "loglevel=loglevel|$VERBOSE";;
- --version) version;
- exit 0;;
- -w|--whois) whois=$BASIC;;
- -W) let "whois=whois|$ADVANCED";;
- --wordlist) let "webscan=webscan|$BASIC"
- wordlist=$2
- [[ ! $wordlist =~ ^/ ]] && wordlist=$(pwd)/$wordlist
- shift ;;
- (--) shift;
- break;;
- (-*) echo "$0: unrecognized option $1" 1>&2; exit 1;;
- (*) break;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- if ! type nmap >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- prettyprint "ERROR: the program nmap is needed but could not be found" $RED
- exit
- fi
- if [[ ! -s "$inputfile" ]]; then
- if [[ ! -n "$1" ]]; then
- echo "Nothing to do... no target specified"
- exit
- fi
- umask 177
- if [[ -n "$workdir" ]]; then
- [[ -d $workdir ]] || mkdir $workdir 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- tmpfile=$(mktemp -q $NAME.XXXXXXX --tmpdir=$workdir)
- if [[ $1 =~ -.*[0-9]$ ]]; then
- nmap -nsL $1 2>/dev/null|awk '/scan report/{print $5}' >$tmpfile
- inputfile=$tmpfile
- fi
- if [[ $1 =~ , ]]; then
- for targets in ${1//,/ }; do
- echo $targets >> $tmpfile
- done
- inputfile=$tmpfile
- fi
- fi
- target=$1
- startup
- looptargets
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