
Hofstede Insights

Nov 19th, 2020
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  1. Long Term Orientation(Slide)
  2. -How every society has to maintain some links with its own past while dealing with the challenges of the present and future
  3. -Two types of approach
  4. 1. Normative Approach
  5. .Prefer to maintain time-honored traditions and norms while viewing societal change with suspicion
  6. 2. Pragmatic Approach
  7. . Encourage thrift and efforts in modern education as a way to prepare for the future
  9. Egypt's Long Term Orientation Score (Slide)
  10. -Very low score of 7
  11. -Its culture is very normative
  12. -People in such societies have a strong convern with establishing the absolute truth
  13. -Normative in their thinking
  14. -Exhibit great respect for traditions
  15. -A relatively small propensity to save the future, and focus on achieving quick results
  17. Indulgence (Slide)
  18. -The extent to which people try to control their desires and impulses, based on the way they were raised
  19. -Without socialization we don't become human
  20. -Two types of desire and impulses control
  21. 1. Relatively weak control "Indulgence"
  22. 2. Relatively strong control "Restraint"
  24. Egypt's Long Term Orientation Score (Slide)
  25. -Very low score of 4
  26. -A very restrained country
  27. -Socieities with a low score in this dimension have a tendency to cynicism and pessimism
  28. -Do not put much emphasis on leisure time and control the gratification of their desires
  29. -People with this orientation have the perception that their actions and restrained by social norms and feel that indulging themselves is somewhat wrong
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