

Jun 18th, 2013
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  1. what is trolling?
  2. what lies at the root of "trolling" mentality?
  3. who would "troll" people
  4. rather than assulting ideas, they assult people
  5. counter-trolling in essence is bringing to light this notion in a clever way
  6. but sometimes people feel that they can only attack an idea by attacking the source
  7. when is trolling usually applied?
  8. when an idea is projected to the wrong audience
  9. when someone project's an idea to an unintended audience, said unintended audience may troll the individual
  10. for being out of context
  11. even if it is the unintended audience that is out of context
  12. right?
  13. generally when it is sensed that one is out of synch with their environment, they are vulnerable to being trolled
  14. they are also vulnerable to being labeled a troll
  15. how does this environmental out-of-synchness occur?
  16. through subjective stimulations?
  17. through isolated indulgences?
  18. but what prevents one from resonating with the average opinion of their environment?
  19. disorientation stimuli?
  20. scope intereferences?
  21. cultural deviations?
  22. it appears that the definition of a troll is intended to deviate from one group of people to the another
  23. and also, who is labeled a troll
  24. and although there is a direct correlation between the definition of a troll, and who is labeled a troll
  25. the correlation does not appear to carry meaning of it's own
  26. one group of people may define a troll as someone who exhibits "undesirable" behavior
  27. while another group of people may define a troll as someone who exhibits "desirable" behavior
  28. the reality is what's defined as "desirable" and what's defined as "undesirable" varies from one environment to another
  29. but people may be lured into associating how the term is defined in the environment with who the term applies to
  30. and the correlation between how it's defined and who it defines has no relevance
  31. someone might try to argue that people who define the term "troll" as "undesirability" may apply to people who deviate from an environmental norm
  32. but the same could be true for people who define the term "troll" as "desirability"
  33. trying to communicate these observations can result in being labeled a "troll"
  34. but i feel that it must be identified that there are two types of trolling
  35. intentional trolling
  36. and unintentional trolling
  37. intentional trolling can be said to be the act of intentionally creating the illusion of an environmental standard existing which infact does not
  38. but intentional trolling also has passive forms
  39. the environmental norm might be established to a point where this form of trolling is perceived as "sarcasm"
  40. and people might passively refuse to define the environmental standard because it is deemed unnecessary
  41. they may also passively refuse to define the environmental standard because they feel that one has not been presented
  42. how can the confusion be clarified when there are parties unwilling to communicate their insight (whether it be subjective or environmental, or both)?
  43. unintentional trolling can be said to be the act of presenting an opinion in a way which creates the illusion of your idea being represented by the environment it's being communicated to
  44. when it is usually one's intent to represent their own personal opinion
  45. these individuals usually feel as though their idea has environmental support although it may not have presented it self to the environment
  46. i feel that the concept of "trolling" discourages the idea of representing one's personal opinion
  47. and encourages the idea of representing the perceived environmental opinion, even if you do not harbor it
  48. why would you support an opinion that is not your own?
  49. in an attempt to avoid being labeled a troll?
  50. when it is deemed that how this idea is perceived from my perspective is irrelevant
  51. it makes it very difficult for you to realize the flaws of the whole "trolling" movement
  52. essentially any opinion that gets introduced to the environment that does not conform to the environmental standard, as defined by the outspoken, is subject to being labeled a "troll"
  53. rather than allowing you to present your opinion, they'd rather create the illusion that their opinion is the only opinion which is relevant
  54. you would imagine that the "trolling" movement is intended to opress opinions through the efforts of subtly implying that no one in the environment shares it
  55. they would essentially enable anyone who demonstrates "trolling" mentality the ability of being able to represent a subjective opinion as an objective opinion
  56. essentially rather than systematically refining the idea that the opinion is formulated on to free it of it's undesirable elements, they'd prefer to attack the person who harbors the idea in a refined format by subjecting them to ridicule
  57. the problem with that mentality is that a refined idea by definition is an idea purged of it's flaw and by never allowing them the opportunity of being able to defend their point, you may close your mind and the environment's minds of to enlightenment
  58. the people that harbor this mentality are often unwilling to allow people to have an opinion that competes for the same space as their own
  59. the idea of people weighing the same variables and coming to a different conclusion disturbs them
  60. it creates the illusion that their values are unvalued by the individual at hand which creates a prejudice twards them
  61. but often times the ideas that are being supported identify other values/ideals that the "troll" may not be aware of
  62. and often times the idea is purged of the elements that invalidate the value that the "troll" perceives the subject to not value
  63. this type of ignorance has many solutions, and "trolling" is not one of them
  64. "trolling" at best will identify this type of ignorance in an environment
  65. essentially "trolling" can be defined as the act of attacking an idea without addressing the concerns of the audience you are projecting your opinion to
  66. "trolling" can also be defined as defending an idea without addressing the concerns of the audience you're trying to project your opinion to
  67. but i feel that "trolling" in it's purest form can be defined as poorly arguing a point
  68. the fact that the definition of "trolling" varies from culture to culture creates alot of room for the flaws the movement is intended to address
  69. some people may defend the idea of "trolling" beacause they define the term as "defending your point successfully from the perspective of the intended audience"
  70. some people may attack the idea of "trolling" because they define the term as "unsuccessfully defending your point from the perspective of the intended audience"
  71. the fact that this term is capable of harboring definitions that contradict eachother brings to awareness to the fact that alot of stereotypes incorporate elements which allow them to be perceived ambiguously
  72. this ambiguous nature of ideas is generally the root cause of most unintentional trolling
  73. when an idea exists in this ambiguous state it can be said to be corrupt
  74. and the only way to salvage the idea is to refine it (eliminate the undesirable elements)
  75. i feel that anywhere the term "trolling" or "troll" is used there are words with more appropriate definition
  76. the term is most ofted used to imply some type of communicational vulnerability
  77. but i feel that the term was introduced in an attempt to corrupt people
  78. in the sense that without identifying all of the aformentioned elements of what encapsulates the essence of the "troll" you manifest a vulnerability that is difficult to address
  79. the fact that there are "successful trolls" and "unsuccssful trolls" is pretty scary
  80. considering the contradicting interpretations of the term
  81. essentially the idea was to lure people who defend their points into perceiving people who attack their points as trolls
  82. while also luring people who attack peoples points into perceiving people who defend their points as trolls
  83. essentially everyone who has experienced unresolvable conflict on the internet is a "troll" in some sense or another
  84. and both of these audiences attack eachother under the guise that the other are "trolls"
  85. it seems that the end-all scenario is manifesting "trolls"
  86. but in an attempt to resolve the fundemental flaw that causes "trolling" to be an issue
  87. the sad part is that this arguement may be invalid when presented with alternative definitions of what a "troll" is
  88. the problem is that the term is very loosly defined and prone to misintepretation
  89. the term in and of it self has no meaning without a context but the fact that people may be unaware of it's vagueness leads to potential issues
  90. simply defending a point without identifying it's vulnerabilities may be perceived as a "troll" if the vulnerabilities exist in the target audience's version of the point
  91. but you could also argue that abstraction from these elements is a form of refinement that renders the idea "free of undesireable elements"
  92. i feel that systematically identifiying potential vulnerabilities in an attempt to invalidate an idea is silly given the fact that these potential vulnerabilities can be eliminated from the idea entirely, rendering the idea unvulnerable
  93. i'm sure there is a defense to argue otherwise
  94. but by doing so you create the opportunity for you to brainwash your self into believing that other people share your vision and ignore these vulnerable elements, but they are not ignoring them, they are abstracting them selves from them
  95. and i feel that by presenting an idea in a corrupt format
  96. you make it more difficult for people to understand why the idea has natural support
  97. but by presenting an idea in it's corrupt form, you're essentially voicing your concern
  98. your concern being that this idea is cannot be uncorrupted in your mind
  99. which is alarming people to your vulnerability
  100. which may make you more or less vulnerable
  101. depending on which audience responds to you
  102. i feel that your techniques are designed to exploit people with these vulnerabilities
  103. which is also an attempt to voice your concern
  104. your concern being that these vulnerabilities have not been abstracted but have rather been ignored
  105. but it can also be argued that by trying to exploit said vulnerability
  106. you risk eliminating the abstraction that renders the idea "purged of undesirable elements"
  107. i feel that if you could prevent this sometimes critical abstraction from being breached, you could prevent alot of vulnerabilities from manifesting
  108. and generally this can be achived by raising the awareness of the people in a position to eliminate this abstraction to the potential issues in doing so, so they can try to avoid those collisions
  109. when your technique is manifesting the undesirable elements associated with an idea
  110. you are no longer voicing your concern about the issue at hand
  111. the fact is that if these vulnerabilities do not exist
  112. your concern no longer exists
  113. it becomes impossible to defend you as someone trying to voice their concern when you go out of your way to create the issue
  114. trying to formulate this into a logically verifiable model
  115. you can either patch the vulnerability or hope that it does not present it self
  116. what happens when you discover an unpatchable vulnerability?
  117. you can always try to abstract the person from the vulnerability
  118. without directly resolving the vulnerability
  119. prevent them from becoming part of interactions where the vulnerability presents it self
  120. but the idea is that every idea is comprised of many other ideas
  121. which carry their own unique sets of vulnerable ideas and unvulnerable ideas
  122. but every vulnerable idea can be backtraced to a pure ideal which renders the idea vulnerable because it is either neglected or is undesirable
  123. i feel that the problem
  124. is that ideas are not being broken down into their fundemental constituents
  125. and cannot be freed from their vulnerability
  126. the idea is that if an idea has natural support, it has components that are unvulnerable
  127. if the idea has support against it, it also has components that are vulnerable
  128. but you also have to consider the value systems of other cultures
  129. and value does deviate from culture to culture
  130. the value of an idea can be determined by the sum of the value of unvulnerable elements and the -value of the vulnerable elements (but scope is also relevant when comparing very complex ideas)
  131. generally the term "vulnerable" is intended to imply subject to ridicule in this context
  132. and essentially to "troll" someone is to "ridicule" someone
  133. some of these interactions may be rendered "taboo" in other cultures and the vulnerability never presents it self
  134. the idea of introducing controversy may be perceived as rude and unwelcome
  135. the culturual standard may be to present only elements which support the idea introduced
  136. or to not express an opinion when the vulnerabilities can be associated with a pure ideal that is critical to the idea (which is usually not the case)
  137. you could argue that value of an ideal is not real
  138. in the sense that it is ideals are only represented through ideas
  139. and when this is true, it could be argued that the value is not associated with the ideal, but rather the idea that constitutes it
  140. but i personally feel that if they are neglecting an ideal that they would align them selves with, the ideal may not be represented in a pure format and may require purification
  141. i'm pretty sure most humans want value to be real and the only way this can be achieved is by creating elemental ideals which are of a pure nature (pure in the sense of being liberated from their unecessities)
  142. so there is no reason not to stabilize it
  143. you don't want to force people into positions where they have to abandon their ideals in order to defend them selves or their ideas
  144. there may have been a time where neurotoxins were purported as drugs and people became enslaved because they could no longer defend their opinions when presented to force
  145. they were advertised as these substances with magical properties and were used to systematically retard and enslave people
  146. when presented with extreme oppresion, it is very easy to force someone into a position where they have to corrupt their value system in order to align them with ideas that they do not intially synergize with
  147. when this force is presented, you can assume that the responsible party is "molesting/killing/raping/submitting" their soul since your soul is essentially the list of ideals that define you
  148. and there may be chemicals out there which may assist in submission/rape/torture/death
  149. generally when this force presents it self it would have been more convenient to refine the idea rather than the ideals that constitute them
  150. and the people who distributed these chemicals could use the fact that the target was ignorant enough to believe their claims in an attempt to justify their opression & enslavement
  151. and could also try to use this element to guilt trip their slave into submission
  152. my point is that the use of opressive force is generally what creates these issues
  153. my point is that these issues are very easy to spot
  154. for people who have been exposed to them
  155. so to assume i'm being targeted for that reason is reasonable
  156. but it would also be reasonable to assume that i wasn't being targeted for that reason
  157. generally the idea is that ignoring this fact creates vulnerability for your self
  158. i would assume that your environment was being opressed in some way shape or form if you're being presented with "trolling" propaganda
  159. generally these people create vague terms which encapsulte a very broad spectrum of ideas (stereotypes if you will) and are often times used to represent the flaws of the pool
  160. a stereotype is essentialy a group of ideas conglomerated into a single definition
  161. a stereotype can only exist with at least more than one trait/idea
  162. a "troll" is an example of a stereotype
  163. maybe they feel that by presenting an opinion that deviates from an anticipated environmental standard
  164. they stimulate the refinement of ideas
  165. refinement being the elimination of undesireable elements
  166. unrefinement being the induction into the state of being unrefined (you can add a desireable element to a refined idea and it will still be unrefined although it is free of it's undesirable elements)
  167. eliminating elements that are non-vulnerabilities is the process of purification
  168. to refine something is to remove the elements that are deemed unwanted
  169. to purify something is to remove the elements that are deemed unnecessary
  170. there is a big difference
  171. when people set out to purify rather than refine, they may end up with unnecessary collisions
  172. generally what they want to achieve
  173. is refinement
  174. when you begin to eliminate "unnecessary" elements, you begin to ignore the other ideas that those elements affect
  175. some people may try to eliminate these unnecessary components before the unwanted components
  176. in an attempt to "purify" the idea
  177. the components deemed irrelevant
  178. to the idea
  179. but in doing so they may risk eliminating necessary components
  180. it depends on their goal
  181. they have 3 options
  182. when it comes to purification
  183. although it is implied that purification is the process of eliminating "unnecessary" and "unwanted" components
  184. purification can also be the process of eliminating "unnecessary" components
  185. in the sense that the "unwanted" components may be desirable
  186. it is still a form of purification
  187. because the "undesirable" elements are "desirable"
  188. you can create a purely undesirable idea
  189. or you can create a purely desirable idea
  190. or you can create an idea that is purely unaffected by desire
  191. there may be another one
  192. you can create an idea that is pure of elements that are unaffacted by desire
  193. where only desirable or undesirable elements are present
  194. so you can create a purely desirable idea
  195. you can create a purely undesirable idea
  196. you can create an idea that is purely affected by desire
  197. and you can create an idea that is purely unaffected by desire
  198. i feel that your environment is trying to purify the idea into a state in whcih it is purely affected by desire
  199. but it appears to then have the intent of refining it to remove the desirable elements
  200. or refining it to remove the undesirable elements
  201. it's hard to say which
  202. it's really a matter of definition
  203. they are trying to accurately define ideas
  204. to remove impurities
  205. but some of the ideas that they're addressing are being taken out of context
  206. i feel that they should take the elements that are purely undesirable
  207. and try to find a way to remove them without being forced to eliminate the desirable elements
  208. and bend them to a point where they are unvulnerable
  209. or bend them to a point where they are unvulnerable*
  210. sometimes an idea is fundementally flawed
  211. sometimes they are loosley associated with other fundementally flawed ideas
  212. it's a matter of value
  213. value is the determining factor when it comes to evaluating whether or not an idea is fundementally flawed
  214. essentially
  215. when you find the fundemental flaw
  216. you will find value
  217. a pure value
  218. i feel that by telling your environment that you're there to purify society you're introducing too much ambiguity
  219. same is said when you tell them that you are there to refine society
  220. although telling them that you are there to purify society is slightly more ambiguous
  221. refinement implies the elimination of flaw
  222. purification implies the elimination of unnecessary components
  223. by implying that you're there to purify society, you're implying that you're there to purify the IDEAS of society
  224. which is generally done in an environment where you do not interact with society
  225. because you are not there to strip people of their definition
  226. you're there to isolate ideas into their fundemental constituents
  227. where as refiners may be there to strip people of their flaw
  228. although refinement can also occur in an environment where you do not directly interact with society
  229. but refinement can also be misinterpreted as purification
  230. it is better to eliminate this confusion rather than letting it progress into something out of control
  231. the idea of purifying a person is nonsensical
  232. because technically, they are purely them selves
  233. they are pure in their natural state
  234. they are the definition of "pure them"
  235. but the idea of refining someone makes sense
  236. you can refine someone into the individual they want to be
  237. you can't purify them into that individual
  238. actually, you can
  239. it's weird
  240. too complicated of a concept to explain
  241. to "purify" someone is to free them of their "unnecessary" components
  242. to "refine" someone is to free them of their "unwanted" components
  243. can purification occur without refinement?
  244. it's a matter of what type of purity you're trying to achieve
  245. refinement can only occur when desire is the only trait addressed
  246. where as purification doesn't require desire to be an addressed trait*
  247. right?
  248. wrong?
  249. because by definition, refinement is the removal of undesirable components
  250. unrefinement is the process of introducing flaw to an environment
  251. or an idea
  252. but it is also accompanied by the notion of introducing potentially unflawed elements
  253. technically speaking
  254. impurification is the process of introducing elements regardless of their desirablity
  255. although unrefinement is often asserted as this
  256. to unrefine something is to create the state of being not-refined
  257. but it can be misinterpreted as
  258. to unrefine something is to introduce elements deeming the idea/entity unrefined
  259. refinement can occur without changing anything
  260. refinement is the process of eliminating flaw from an idea/entity
  261. you can refine something without eliminating flaw from an idea/entity
  262. or it is often asserted that this is the case
  263. if there is no flaw present
  264. and the idea was in the state of being unrefined
  265. you can be said to have refined it
  266. i hope this clarifys some confusion in your mind
  267. a "troll" is defined by their environment
  268. someone labeled a "troll" in one environment may not be labeled a "troll" in another environment
  269. for many reasons
  270. because the environments definition of the troll variaes
  271. AND because the environmental standard for what is considered trolling varies
  272. and these variables change with eachother
  273. which makes it very difficult
  274. it is impossible to eliminate the association between those two variables
  275. logically speaking
  276. that flaw may bring about alot of confusion
  277. the defintion of the "troll" and who is doing the "trolling"
  278. they are not directly correlated
  279. but there is a direct association between the two
  280. that cannot be eliminated
  281. although they both rely on the environment to obtain definition
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