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- open System
- open System.Diagnostics
- type complex = C of float*float
- let check (n: int) = true
- let sum (a: complex) (b: complex) =
- match a, b with
- | C(x1, y1), C(x2, y2) -> C(x1+x2, y1+y2)
- let mult (a: complex) (b: complex) =
- match a, b with
- | C(x1, y1), C(x2, y2) -> C(x1*x2-y1*y2, x1*y2+x2*y1)
- let exp (e: float) =
- C(cos e, -sin e)
- let opp (c: complex) =
- match c with
- | C(a, b) -> C(-a, -b)
- let rec transform (x: complex array) =
- if not (check x.Length) then failwith "Error, input size invalid"
- if x.Length = 1 then x
- else
- let even = Array.init (x.Length/2) (fun i -> x.[2*i])
- let odd = Array.init (x.Length/2) (fun i -> x.[2*i+1])
- let es: complex array = transform even
- let os: complex array = transform odd
- let ret: complex array = Array.zeroCreate x.Length
- for i in 0..(x.Length/2)-1 do
- let e = 2. * Math.PI * float i / float x.Length
- ret.[i] <- sum (es.[i]) (mult (exp e) (os.[i]))
- ret.[i+(x.Length/2)] <- sum (es.[i]) (mult (opp (exp e)) (os.[i]))
- ret
- let t = new Stopwatch()
- t.Start()
- let x = transform [|C(1., 0.); C(1., 0.); C(1., 0.); C(1., 0.) |]
- printfn "tempo di esecuzione: %i" t.ElapsedMilliseconds
- printfn "%A" x
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