

Jan 14th, 2013
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  1. [1/6/2013 5:54:32 AM | Edited 5:54:37 AM] Milo: There was no reason for anyone to be bothering him at any given time, yet he could hear /someone/ plain as night stalking around outside his hive. They weren't footsteps he found familiar, but.. well, the 'new' folk (Porrim preferred to call them 'guests') seemed to be more curious when they thought no one was around. Or looking. Or awake. Just because the sun was about to come up didn't mean a damned thing to anyone anymore - the sun didn't burn here, didn't hurt anyone's eyes to be around. Sure, a lot of them found an odd comfort in sleeping during the day and stalking around at night as they'd done in life, but there was still absolutely no excuse for one of their 'guests' to be way out here by /his/ hive. Unless, of course, it was Gamzee, which it wasn't. Kurloz frowned, though remained still and silent in his blanket pile, arms pulling a dozing Mituna closer to his chest. It seemed they were about to have an unwelcome visitor, and he wouldn't let Mituna freak the fuck out upon being walked in on.
  2. [1/6/2013 6:12:03 AM] insomniacMercury: Aimless fucking wandering. It's what he did best, what he was used to - and he'd be fucked if anyone was gonna stop him. It wasn't as if he was even doing anything wrong - just thinking, mostly, about everything that was going on. He was tired. Hard to imagine being tired when you were in a goddamn dream bubble, but Karkat was always tired. It never fucking ended. He missed his moirail. That was a lot of the problem. After Gamzee's freakout Karkat had vowed to keep a better eye on him, be a better moirail. A better friend. So he was mostly just lonely. Story of his pathetic life. He was nearing a hive, and vaguely wondered if the occupant would be up for keeping him company. "Is anyone fucking in?" It was more exhausted than it was angry. Karkat didn't have a lot of anger in him lately. He was just too fucking tired. -- Mituna stayed asleep, curling closer when he was tugged. It was warm and nice here, no reason to spoil that.
  3. [1/6/2013 6:19:28 AM] Milo: If Mituna woke up and had his 'warm and nice' feelings spoiled, Kurloz was probably going to have to crack someone's head through a wall. Smoothing his matesprit's hair over his face, the Capricorn didn't make a sound aside from subtle shifts within their pile. If he could have shushed loud enough, he certainly would have. Who the fuck did this 'guest' think he was, wandering into others' hives?
  4. [1/6/2013 6:26:28 AM] insomniacMercury: He rounded a corner and stopped, spotting the two strangers across the room. For a moment, he was incredulous - was it really him? "G-Gamzee?" he whispered, unsure of whether or not he wanted to get his hopes up, or let himself believe that this was just the dream bubbles playing stupid tricks on him. Wouldn't have been the first time. And who was the other troll...? -- Mituna smiled and mumbled something in his sleep, the sentiment littered with quiet vulgarities.
  5. [1/6/2013 6:36:19 AM] Milo: Those little curses were met with a kiss, Kurloz leaning down to trail a soft line of stitched affection against Mituna's lips, all while keeping dead-white eyes on the stranger who now stood in what had become their most intimate of rooms. Who was /this/, why was he referring to him as his young bloodmatch, the walking proof of the Messiahs' existence? Kurloz was most certainly not Gamzee, but he gave no indication of that, each movement slow and calculated with eyes remaining on Karkat. He looked like a wary animal, moving slightly in front of Mituna as though the sleeping form might need to be protected and fought over.
  6. [1/6/2013 6:43:29 AM] insomniacMercury: The white eyes caught him off-guard, and for a single moment Karkat felt the colour drain from his face, his stomach bottom out, and his knees weaken. D-dead...? No, he couldn't - Karkat felt dizzy, leaning against the closest wall. He was officially the worst moirail in the history of the world. "I'm s-sorry," he mumbled, trying to wrack his brain to think of when this could have happened, and what he could have done to stop it. He still couldn't tell it wasn't actually his moirail, but he was too afraid to get any closer to find out. -- Mituna's arms wound around Kurloz's middle, completely oblivious to the unfolding drama around him.
  7. [1/6/2013 7:02:08 AM] Milo: Kurloz narrowed his eyes - from Karkat's view, this could easily be interpreted as a 'how could you' look. Sure, it had all the right emotion for it, though he was actually just wondering why the other was being so strange, why they'd been interrupted. The mute was /offended/. As Mituna brought his hands about his midsection, Kurloz gave a low purr, little clicks of comfort making sure the Gemini remained sleeping. He signed a frustrated 'what do you want?' then waited. Everyone generally understood his hands by now, even though he hadn't seen Karkat before, they all knew. A little. Kind of.
  8. [1/6/2013 7:10:45 AM] insomniacMercury: Karkat took in a breath, swallowing. H-he didn't know what to do. Instead of running away he took a few nervous steps forward, wringing his hands. The sign language caught him way the fuck off guard - no way in hell Gamzee ever had the time or the patience or the mental capacity to learn something like that. The revelation made him laugh breathily, hand slapping his forehead. "Sweet fuck," he murmured, feeling colour return to his features again. "You're not him." Then, that had to mean... "You're his dancestor. Sorry, I'm -" His mood fell a little again, remembering why he had been wandering so aimlessly. "Just a little lost I guess." In more ways than one. He didn't want to admit to a perfect stranger that he was lonely or directionless or some other fucking pathetic thing like that. Eyes caught the sleeping - judging from the horns and colour of his shirt - Captor, and he shifted uncomfortably. It reminded him of Sollux. Understandably. "Sorry. Fuck. I'll just fucking go." -- Mituna stirred a little at the voice, fingers gripping a bit at the Capricorn's side. His veil of sleep was fading, but he was trying to keep it pulled comfortably over his face and pan.
  9. [1/6/2013 3:25:56 PM] Milo: He gave an obviously worried little noise as Mituna began shifting out of his slumber, something Kurloz most certainly didn't want. Quietly, he comforted Mituna down from the rise of nearly-waking, trying to keep him into as deep of a sleep as possible - he didn't need the confusion of a dazed Gemini to add to whatever the fuck else was going on. Eyes narrowed further; he was getting pretty upset, like an animal that had had its den wandered too close to. Carefully, he manipulated Mituna's arms off of himself, scooted out of his reach, and replaced his own bony form with a large pillow, just to keep him sleeping safely. Then he looked up to Karkat again. Very slowly, he stood, and stood, and stood, towering over the mutant as he tended to do to so many others. This was, after all, the troll that would have become the Grand Highblood. One last look at Mituna, then he tugged Karkat by the sleeve of his shirt out of the room where it would at least be quiet enough for Mituna to have a smaller chance of even hearing this loud stranger. Again, he signed, 'What do you want,' and this close, Karkat could see why he didn't say a word, the tight strings that kept his mouth quite shut. Perhaps someday he'd get to see the lack of tongue, too.
  10. [1/6/2013 3:40:29 PM] bangarang: Mituna hugged the pillow, burying his face in it and making another sleepy sound, but ultimately fell still again. -- Karkat glanced up at the taller troll, swallowing nervously; heart fluttering in his chest a little in a very mild fear. But - oh - he was being guided now, out of the room, watching the signing hands again. It was the same as before, and Karkat could only surmise that it was the same question; he'd bet anything it was about his intrusion. For a moment he didn't respond, studying the Capricorn's face. This definitely wasn't his moirail, but he didn't feel as stupid for getting them mixed up. An honest mistake to make at a distance. "I just got lost," he defended quietly, folding his arms across his chest and lowering his chin a little. "I'm sorry. I was looking for my moirail." An exercise in futility as he'd learned. He hadn't really seen him since... the whole incident thing. "Should have known I wouldn't fucking find him. Just wish he'd tell me if..." He didn't want to finish that sentence; it ended in a very upsetting thought. "Never-fucking-mind. It's not important."
  11. [1/6/2013 4:39:46 PM] Milo: Moirail? Gamzee? Kurloz quirked a brow, but that didn't stop the little smile that pulled at the corners of his mouth. A slow 'O-K' sign was made, then he gave a thumbs-up. Gamzee was fine, a little mean if one asked Kurloz outside of the Messiahs in his head, but he wouldn't let them know he held that particular opinion. Then he squinted. Karkat looked terribly familiar himself. Eyes widening, the Capricorn pointed to Karkat's chest, made a '6lah 6lah 6lah' motion with his hands - you're Kankri's young copy, aren't you? Kid seemed more tolerable than Kankri himself, at least, and if he was 'lost', there wasn't much of a reason why he couldn't hang around for a while. He supposed. The guy looked pretty worn out. At least Mituna was still sleeping, so any anger he had for potentially waking him was pretty much gone.
  12. [1/6/2013 4:50:56 PM] bangarang: Watching the hands again he breathed a sigh. If Kurloz had seen Gamzee... Well, first and foremost he was jealous and hurt that some dead past-troll saw his moirail before he did. But secondly - which was very closely tieing with firstly - he was glad he was okay. "I'm glad he's okay." He missed him, and could have used his own papping sometimes - but above all he wanted him safe. When Kurloz was eying him he gave a skeptical look, tilting his head. Wha- oh! "Kankri, yeah. He's my dancestor. Fucking annoying as hell. Glad I got away from that. I was afraid I'd punch him in the goddamn face." Karkat sighed again, fidgeting once more. "Really though, I'll go if you want me to. I didn't mean to uh..." He glanced past Kurloz, towards the room the other Gemini was sleeping in. "...interrupt anything."
  13. [1/7/2013 4:39:26 AM] Milo: He nodded - of course Gamzee was okay, why wouldn't he be? Then again, he supposed no one else really knew the younger subjuggulator was even around at all. Kurloz only gave Karkat an almost pitying look upon verifying that yes, he was a little Vantas the Insufferable copy. Luckily for the Cancer who now stood in his hive, Karkat seemed to be terribly different from Kankri, and by terribly he definitely meant /wonderfully/. Kid didn't seem like he was about to go off on a multi-paragraph narration on being unoffending and privelege-checking. He shook his head at that last bit - really, Karkat was welcome to stay, especially now that he'd proved to be so different from his dancestor - then actually turned to grab a piece of chalk, writing right onto his wall, "DO YOU WISH TO SEE HIM", obviously doing this often when guests who didn't understand signing were visiting. Kurloz turned to Karkat again, waited.
  14. [1/7/2013 4:49:28 AM] bangarang: His brows knitted a little at the writing, looking from it back to Kurloz. The look he had was... hopeful, and a little worried. Did... he want to see Gamzee? It'd been almost a sweep, hadn't it? Or... a year. Some human form of time that he wasn't familiar with. "Is it okay?" he murmured, quieter than he intended. He didn't mean to seem scared. He missed Gamzee more than he would admit to himself. And sometimes his thoughts tended to wander throughout the quadrants, and that was something he wanted to keep out of his thinkpan. Mostly because he knew that his moirail would proooobably have none of it. Especially now, being so busy and... absent. ((i ship gamkar red too fite me)) "...does he want to see me?" He felt his cheeks redden and he watched his feet. Maybe Gamzee didn't care. Maybe that's why he'd stayed away for so long...
  15. [1/7/2013 5:10:11 AM] Milo: Kurloz gave a bit of a rueful smile at that. Nodded again, sure, it's okay to see him. But.. well, things would certainly be different, given how the other young guests talked on 'how Gamzee used to be'. That was not the Gamzee that the taller Capricorn now knew. "yes" He wants to see you, of course he wants to see you, Karkat. It was just that, well, "KEEPS YOU SAFER WITHOUT." As long as Karkat didn't know what was going on, he was safe, so Gamzee had simply disappeared, knowing it would affect the mutant badly but continuing onwards anyhow. Kurloz made a gesture, began signing, then apparently forgot the Cancer couldn't understand and went back to his chalk. "stay." And he was gone after one last check-up on Mituna.
  17. He was gone for about an hour, returning with a Gamzee that looked as though he'd been put through the wringer. Over and over and over again. Half-lidded eyes settled upon Karkat the moment Kurloz opened the door for him, taking a couple hazy steps inside, remained staring. Gamzee didn't blink. He didn't betray any emotion, show anything but a mostly blank, lazy expression. "hey, best friend." It wasn't the voice he'd left with. He wasn't the size he'd been a sweep ago. A lot of things had changed.
  18. [1/7/2013 5:41:10 AM] bangarang: Karkat didn't really understand what he meant by the 'safer without' part, but he tried not to dwell on it. Nervous excitement fluttered into him and almost made hm nauseas, Karkat nodding at the command to stay. He waited patiently, looking around the hive. It was a different sort-of setup than anything he'd seen on Alternia, but he kept in mind that these trolls were from someplace entirely different. It was, to put it simply, a little alien to him. Tiny little nuances that caught his eye and made him think. He resorted to pacing back and forth, wringing his hands nervously while he waited for Kurloz to return. ...And when the door opened he held his breath. He didn't think that he'd get this broken up over it, or be this emotional. Which was sort-of a lie because he was always emotional when it came to Gamzee. He stayed where he was, jittery hands trying to find a place to rest - hips, arms, shoulders - they eventually curled against him, and a shaky response left him. "H-hi... Gamzee." A hundred things to say spiraled through his head but none of them quite made it to his mouth, most manifesting into the sting he felt at the corners of his eyes. Oh for fuck's sake. He really didn't need to act like a wiggler right now.
  19. [1/7/2013 6:14:40 AM] Milo: The clown, after a long staring match with Karkat, finally let a slow (however emotionless) smile pull his mouth, teeth gleaming. Karkat didn't look any motherfucking different at all, small and tired and worried, and for some reason it was almost a relief to the Bard. A /look/ was given towards Kurloz, who in return gave a half-bow and obediently left, practically scurrying as if in a rush to do as silently told, leaving the two alone to go curl back up with his Mituna. "what's good, my only motherfucking palebro." His voice was flat, monotone, no hint of actual curiosity or question, like he was just talking because he wanted to listen to Karkat talk back to him. Guy probably had a lot to get off his chest, he never could stop rattling off to Gamzee back on the meteor and all that. "look like you been all up and missing a brother pretty hard. me too."
  20. [1/7/2013 6:35:45 AM] bangarang: Karkat's eyes darted to the elder Capricorn as he scuttled away, not thinking much of it before returning his gaze to his moirail. He opened his mouth to reply but nothing came out; nothing was good. It'd all been pretty shitty; Terezi eloping with Dave, Kanaya and Rose doing their own thing. He'd... been mostly alone, save for the infrequent conversations with Kankri. He took a nervous step closer, hands once again at each other, knuckles cracking with how anxious he was. Nodding, he took another step - slowly making his way towards Gamzee. He did. He'd missed him so fucking much. He'd lost sleep. Actually cried a lot. Karkat had lost a lot of caring about what people thought of him. He'd stopped - mostly - being an aggressive, mean douche to people. Mainly because there weren't a lot of people left he had to defend himself from. It'd been so fucking long. "Is it really you?" Hell, he'd hallucinated before. The sting of his own tears was getting worse, and he attempted to hide them by burying his face in the crook of his arm for a moment.
  21. also i might have mituna wake up soon and be like voices D8 ??
  22. [1/7/2013 7:36:17 AM] Milo 2: Gamzee practically glared at the retreating subjuggulator, watching until he was satisfied. When his eyes returned to Karkat, the purpleblood may as well have been dead. "as me as i can motherfuckin' be." There was nothing there, a complete absence of the character he used to be. At the same time, however, one could tell the Bard was calculating every move made, something dark in the way he stared his moirail down. "ain't no reason to get your motherfuckin' cry on, karbro." Gamzee let Karkat come to him rather than moving forward himself, "my most wicked of miracles are in the making." And that was all he'd say on the subject for now, cold, bony hands coming up to touch either side of the mutant's face. "shoosh, brother."
  23. [1/7/2013 7:49:02 AM] bangarang: Nodding, he inched forward more, really trying to get himself together. What kind of moirail cried like this? What kind of moirail acted like a damn wiggler? ...what kind of moirail waited this long to see his other half? He couldn't help but cry, as much as he wanted to stop; the stupid red, watery tears finally too heavy for his eyelids to hold as they trickled patheticay down his face. "S-sorry," was all he managed in response to the comment about his crying, wiping his eyes and trying once more to keep them at bay. It wasn't working very well; especially not when he was right in front of Gamzee, not when he felt his hands and realized it'd been years - For a moment he forgot how scared he was, forgot whatever etiquette he was supposed to have and bypassed the waltzing re-acquaintances to hug him, tightly, face buried againt him as his form trembled with how hard he was trying not to be an ugly gush of wigglerish emotion.
  24. [1/7/2013 7:55:04 AM] bangarang: The Gemini felt the pile shift a bit and his eyes threatened to open, reaching across the pillow he'd held (and drooled on) to attempt to touch what he could safely assume was Kurloz. He could just barely hear the voices but in this state they didn't make sense to him; mostly background noise to the colours and swirls he saw behind his eyelids.
  25. [1/7/2013 8:25:09 AM] Milo 2: The moment Karkat pressed up against him, Gamzee responded in kind, letting his arms come around the candyblood's shoulders, pulling him in. The Capricorn was so much taller now, always had been, and now he could press Karkat into his chest, rest his chin atop the other's head. A low, throaty purr started as his moirail cried against him, fingers reaching up to stroke at his hair in a most comforting gesture regardless of his placid features. "no motherfucker ever done himself any good apologising." Gamzee was full of wisdom anymore, it seemed. The taller male took a few liberties with having his moirail so close, however, taking a heavy breath in his hair, /smelling/ him like he was reacquainting himself with Karkat's scent, running his free hand up and down his back to familiarise himself with how, if at all, his body had changed under those baggy clothes. Not much. Carefully, when he felt he could pull away a bit, Gamzee led the crying troll to yet another of Kurloz's piles. Somewhere within, a few horns honked. Perfect. "know you're all waiting to get your wicked jam on, karbro." And hands were on Karkat again, all comforting claws and bones.
  26. [1/7/2013 8:33:59 AM] Milo 2: Kurloz kept an attentive vigil, however, whilst Mituna cuddled up. He was listening closely to their conversation, hushed though it was. Mituna was moving, making noise, but.. there was no way he was going to do a damned thing about asking them to quiet down. A hand stroked the yellowblood's hair and played gently around his horns, trying to lull him back into deeper slumber.
  27. [1/7/2013 12:20:01 PM] bangarang: As soon as he was hugged back was when he lost his composure, unable to fight back the emotion any longer. It was Gamzee. It was him. Hugging him, stroking his hair. Here for real after so long. Had he ever even been gone? Moments before Gamzee pulled away Karkat hugged tighter, fingertips almost angrily digging into what they were able, and the Cancer rubbing his face into him a little more. 'don't ever leave again', the gesture childishly said. 'i don't know what to do with myself when you're gone'. Shivering a little when they sat, he almost curled in on himself - sitting like he always did, trying to make himself small enough to disappear. But after a moment of that he took to leaning against him, hugging him where he sat; very nearly cuddling up to him like a scared infant. He let an uncomfortable silence pass before he spoke. "I was scared I wasn't good enough for you anymore." For as silly as it may have seemed, it was a real fear to Karkat. His heart did nervous tumbles in his chest, and gripped his 'rail tighter. -- This time, Mituna didn't really seem to want to be pacified (as great as the fingers near his horns felt), and he stretched a little. making a tired sound before mumbling a couple things that really could only be described as 'sleep talk'. As infrequent as the voices were they kept filtering in, and when they stopped fitting in with his dream shapes and colours, then it was a problem.
  28. [1/9/2013 12:51:11 AM] Milo: The Bard let a lazy smile drag across his features again, settling his chin atop little Karkat's head. He tried not to wince when Karkat squeezed him a bit too hard, really dug his nails in, but though for some reason some part of him truly wanted to /backhand/ the worthless mutantblood for even /daring/ to hurt him even a bit--- Gamzee had to stop the thoughts, tell the voices to remember that this was his moirail, his best motherfucking friend. He didn't want his Messiahs telling him what an enormous piece of cullbait Karkat was. The purpleblood gave a soft grin, "ain't this motherfucker goin' no where what a brother can't see he's up to." Fucked up as that answer was put together, he almost sounded like the Gamzee everyone remembered. Unfortunately, it only took a quick glance up at the Capricorn's dull eyes to crush the thought of him being just like himself ever again.
  29. Kurloz was upset. The voices were waking his matesprit, but seeing as he wasn't about to go say 'hey, shut the fuck up, honk honk,' the mute simply sat and frowned, dragging fingers gently through Mituna's hair. Better to give the kid time to wake up before freaking him out with a stranger.Eventually, they'd have to get up.
  30. [1/9/2013 1:02:10 AM] bangarang: Nodding faintly, Karkat relaxed his grip and sighed. He previously had a million questions for his moirail, a milion things he wanted to say and tell him and do but - none of them seemed worth it anymore. He still felt alone. "I'm glad you're back," he managed to mumble softly. He was, there was no doubt whatsoever that he was glad he was back - but he didn't feel better, it didn't help anything. "I th-thought about you a lot." Maybe trying to talk about it /would/ actually help him. Should he talk about how worthless he felt? Should he talk about how sometimes he wish he'd just die so he didn't have to put up with this shit anymore? Should he talk about how he felt like their quadrant, at least to him, was vacillating? Should he talk about how big of a wiggler he felt like for crying? -- He didn't open his eyes but he did sit up a little, clumsily crawling into Kurloz's lap, curling up and pulling the blanket around himself tightly. "Noooooo," he mumbled quietly, rubbing jerkily at one of his ears. While infrequent, the voices were still filtering into his head. Stoooooop.
  31. [1/9/2013 1:37:14 AM] Milo: He frowned at the emotions he could practically /taste/ radiating off of Karkat. "brother, ain't a thing would ever be your fault so bad i'd up and motherfucking drop you. already told you," Gamzee leaned closer now, giving a comforting brush of his lips against the mutant's forehead, "wicked motherfuckin' miracles in the works, all up out the starstuff like the most mind-blowing thing you ever got your seeing on." For a moment, his eyes lit up like he was suddenly discussing something positively delightful, but it passed just as quickly. Fuck, /he'd/ been the worst moirail, not Karkat. The Capricorn looked down, really and truly more like himself than he'd been since coming here. "this clown's got a lot of apologising to do, karbro." Emotion didn't seem to stay very long, flitting glances of thought that seemed to be strangled in favour of getting whatever it was he'd been doing, well, done. -- Kurloz was still wide awake, hugging the sleepy-cuddling Mituna around his waist, hand stroking at his horns and rubbing his neck. Poor thing, interrupted from sleep.. Unfortunately, the purpleblood could tell that trying to get back to favourable sleep would be more frustrating for his matesprit than just waking up at this point, poor thing.
  32. [1/9/2013 1:53:09 AM] bangarang: "I know, I know, I know IknowIknow." He felt stupid, in that moment, for doubting him - but Karkat had grown up feeling inferior, and almost no amount of shooshpapping could convince him otherwise. He glanced up at him from the position he had on the Capricorn's chest, eyes still wet - but he wasn't crying anymore. Not as hard. Frowning up at him, he carefully reached up, touching his cheek delicately, almost like he didn't deserve to anymore. He really just wanted things to go back to how they were, but he knew that was impossible. The urge to tell Gamzee about his feelings kept nagging at him, and it was giving him a pan-ache with how badly he felt he needed to. But he didn't... want to burden the troll with any more. It just didn't seem like a good idea. -- Grunting and shifting around a lot, he whined in Kurloz's lap, trying to get comfortable enough to try and sleep again. It wasn't working. The voices had woken him up and he was very cross about it - picking his head up he looked briefly into Kurloz's eyes with his own tired, stressed ones before pecking his mouth and squirming off his lap and shuffling out towards the other room, aiming to give the chatty trolls a piece of his mind. "Th-thtop," he grumbled as he reached the threshold, rubbing one of his eyes under his mop of hair. Karkat hadn't heard him, too deep in his own thoughts.
  33. [1/9/2013 5:11:14 PM] Milo: Gamzee had assumed a postion and emotion about himself that said everything - he wasn't going anywhere, there was no reason for Karkat to get upset that he would leave, no reason to think he couldn't /talk/. As it was, the Bard watched his moirail closely, let his cheek be caressed, and in a slow movement leaned forward to peck his lips. "you don't gotta act like we're strangers." Because that was exactly what Karkat was doing, treading carefully like he wasn't sure if Gamzee was really, well.. Gamzee. "been too long for you to be so motherfuckin' shy about what's jumping right on the tip of your candy tongue." The purpleblood was interrupted, however, at the sound of Mituna's mumbled voice, turning with a wide, wicked grin to look at the Gemini. "well, shit, if it ain't a wicked motherfuckin' tired bee all up and hiding in my fellow subjug's hive." He pat the pile, inviting Mituna closer, and quietly wondered if Karkat had really and truly /met/ Mituna and Kurloz yet. It was never too late or inopportune to do so, apparently. "take a plop-down, brother, got somethin' all sorts of sweet for you." Kurloz appeared behind Mituna moments later, watching his descendant suspiciously. Though he was a pawn in whatever Gamzee and the Messiahs were up to, some part of him just didn't want all that around his matesprit.
  34. [1/10/2013 11:52:10 PM] bangarang: The kiss caught him off-guard and he sighed quietly, feeling bad for feeling... bad. He didn't have to act like they were strangers, as much as he felt like they were. Hn. "I just feel stupid, that's all." Being alone for so long left his thoughts to drift to various things, left him to think about how he felt. "I guess, I just -" Oh. He was interrupted by the elder Captor that he hadn't noticed before, turning to look as Gamzee was. Well. He guessed it could wait. He hadn't been formally introduced to the kid but he seemed alright, and from what Karkat could tell... he was... a little 'different'. -- Mituna smiled stupidly at the attention, shuffing a little in place before sleepily wandering over. "I l-like... thweet..." Twitch, jerk, curse - but he sat down at their feet, looking up at them. All his irritation had instantly melted away, and now he was excited. Something for him? "F-fuck! Hi. I wath th-thleeping and... and... thoundth, w-woke me, thleep, I -" He paused, looking at Karkat. As if putting him in his place ((and evidently thinking he was Kankri)), he pointed at him jerkily. "Th-thit, ch-check your... thleep priv- fuck - privilege." -- Karkat blinked at him. "....what?"
  35. [1/11/2013 1:54:15 AM] Milo: "don't have any reason to let your feelings be out for anything but good things, best friend." He practically purred back, comforting and friendly and like he wasn't the one who culled most of their friends or that he hadn't collected the heads of all of the dead. It was just easier for both of them if he acted like nothing had changed. Creepy, but easier. The clown moved closer to Karkat, making room for Mituna to join them, only for the yellowblood to sit... in front of them. That was fine, too. "check this other solbro out, brother. he's all kinds of his own miracles." Gamzee wasn't shy about reaching right for Mituna, petting the other's hair and gently rubbing at those horns with the tips of his fingers, comforting and affectionate. "sweetest shit i got, brother." A pie tin of offcoloured sopor was produced, set in front of Mituna. "take your fill, it's the best nectar a clown can whip up for a hungry motherfuckin' bee." --- Kurloz stayed where he was in the doorway, watching his matesprit very obviously be given /something/ to eat. And not liking it at all. He wouldn't do a damn thing, but he couldn't keep his face from adopting a worried expression. Don't hurt him, little Makara.
  36. [1/11/2013 2:07:25 AM] bangarang: Gamzee was right, but Karkat really wasn't feeling too comfortable talking about anything with the littler Captor here. Just sort-of cuddling up to Gamzee again he sighed quietly, deciding to mull it over to himself some more before saying anything else on the issue. "Yeah... hey." Karkat picked up on Mituna's (at the very least) disability with the mention of 'his own kinds' of miracles. He wondered what had happened. He also wondered... where Gamzee got that not-okay looking sopor from. He thought he'd kicked the stuff. -- Leaning up into the pets like a happy little woofbeast he stuck his tongue out a little, wiggling happily. Being woken up was okay if it was for a surprise! A sweet surprise. "Oooh, whathith?" he chirped, leaning down and sniffing the pie. It smelled... different; unlike anything he'd had before. So his hesitance was understood. But he still leaned in and scooped a mouthful onto his tongue, smacking his lips at the taste. It WAS sweet, but... He looked over, spotting Kurloz and waving. "Th-thweeth!!" he informed excitedly, waving at him and almost looking like he was trying to beckon him closer.
  37. [1/11/2013 6:56:06 AM | Edited 6:57:34 AM] Milo: his response to karkat's cuddling was to drape an arm over the smaller male and pull him closer, taking deep breaths against his hair, pulling in his scent; gamzee had missed him just as much, he simply hadn't realised the fact until now. fuck, he'd been so busy, so /ignorant/ of making sure his moirail was faring well enough, there just wasn't an apology that would make this better. he saw the look karkat gave the pie he'd given to mituna, discoloration due to a small helping of mind honey and a much thicker helping than usual of sugar - he knew just how to make the little yellowblood feel better. truth be told, gamzee was still quite content to keep sopor out of his life, but he tended to hold onto various batches for friends in need. "this is the good stuff, brother, get your eat on." he gave a toothy grin as he spoke, then noticed kurloz. standing and staring. as always. "purpleblooded prince all slinking like this ain't his hive WHILE HIS PET BEE BUZZES AROUND ACTING LIKE HE'S GETTING READY TO MOTHERFUCKIN' STING? i don't think so, brother, have a sit-down." --- kurloz couldn't help but soften upon watching his matesprit partake in one of his descendant's 'pies', though he stiffened, looking quite startled, as he was called out. he bowed his head as though embarrassed, stepped his way over, and sat on the ground next to the yellowblood. karkat would be able to notice just now uncomfortable the mute looked, as though he was actually more /scared/ of gamzee than anything. he kept his hands to himself, trying to make his eyes remain on mituna, refusing to look at karkat or the mutant's psychotic moirail.
  38. [1/11/2013 7:14:46 AM] bangarang: Sighing for now, Karkat would be okay with the closeness and re-acquainting himself with how it felt to have someone be this close with him again. As soon as he let it not bother him, it didn't matter - it would, sometime soon again, but right now all he wanted to do was cling to Gamzee and hope that his moirail could feel how much he meant to him. And maybe, selfishly, he could somehow communicate in his grip, in his neediness, that he was having feelings that weren't quite what they used to be; they were way more red. Whoops. Flinching at the raise in his voice he looked over at Kurloz, not saying a word as the other Capricorn came over to sit next to the other Gemini. He didn't look right, Karkat decided, but then again - he had no room to talk. Even with adding sleep to his schedule he had those permanent bags etched under his eyes; he was downtrodden and weary and looked like he'd wandered aimlessly his entire life. -- Mituna chirped again as he ate, happily scooting closer to Kurloz as he sat next to him. He'd since stopped eating like a woofbeast - he hadn't even heard the 'pet' remark - and held the pie in one hand, scooping it into his mouth messily with the other. He pulled his knees to his chest to balance it after having nearly dropped it three or four times with his intense jerks. "Th-thith good," he managed through a mouthful. He'd had his fill a minute or so later and put the tin down, licking his fingers clean. Following, he looked over at Kurloz with a happy little smile, climbing into his lap again to rub his.... dirty face into his chest lovingly. Wonderful. He was feeling affectionate, it seemed. Shame he couldn't have cleaned himself up first. He looked up at his matesprit adoringly. "Hi."
  39. [1/13/2013 6:00:35 AM] Milo: Gamzee glared meanly as Kurloz came closer, not moving his sight until the other Capricorn was settled. He gave a small snort of satisfaction (yeah, you'd better be listening to me), then shifted his focus onto Karkat again. Some part of him /could/ feel it, the way which he curled so needily into his shirt feeling so much more red than it used to. He couldn't say he disliked it. While Mituna became more occupied with cuddling all over the mute, Gamzee focussed his attentions onto his moirail, holding his face and crooning nonsense, spilling all sorts of secrets if his sentences were properly put together. As it stood, it'd all sound like gibberish to Karkat. He wasn't worried. A quick glance was given to see that the pair of dancestors were paying at least little to no attention, then the Cancer was being pulled closer, a hand resting quite obviously against the other's backside while his free palm rubbed soothing circles up and down his back. It was easy to tell from the way he touched that, well, he knew. --- The mute gave disapproving looks to the sopor mixture he knew Gamzee was feeding his matesprit. Still, he didn't complain (what would he 'say' anyhow, especially with the descendant he was so subordinate towards being the one at fault-), just let Mituna rub his face all over him, held him still to wipe the rest of his cheeks and chin off with his sleeve. He didn't mind the mess and he never would. He was, however, nervous about just how much sopor the little yellowblood would be able to handle, how much he'd already ingested. Who knew how it would affect him? A stitched smile and a wave followed the Gemini's 'greeting'. Yes, Mituna, he's here and listening, don't worry.
  40. [1/13/2013 6:30:30 AM] bangarang: Brows knitted as he gazed up at Gamzee, feeling stupid and worthless and pathetic and needy and selfish all at the same time. Why had he been gone for so long? Why had he left him? Why didn't he tell him what was going on? Why didn't he let Karkat be a moirail? When he was pulled closer he held his breath, closing his eyes and nestling his face into him again. He didn't want to cry anymore, but his eyes were stinging and he was glad his face was hidden. The rubbing on his back caused a shuddery sort-of sigh, Karkat's fingers tightening a little bit more. He felt a chill run through him - it was different, the way he was being petted ((nearly papped, huh? so this is what it felt like)) it was... almost like he understood. "I'm sorry." He honestly hadn't meant for it to escalate; just being alone for so long and finally having a quadrant to confide in he... let it get out of hand. The sappy romcoms didn't help. -- Mituna blew a lispy raspberry like a child as he was cleaned up, mind barely even thinking about the consequences to such a delicious treat. He'd probably end up getting a tummyache, but for now the pastry was making him a little overly affectionate, and he wrapped his arms around his neck to rub their noses together. It seemed to be helping a little, at least, with his fine motor skills - he wasn't jerking uncontrollably as often as he tended to, and his speech was a little clearer. "Th-thnack," he murmured quietly, shifting slightly to instead rub his cheek against his matesprit's. "Thweet, g-good - glad you're, fuck - here, out h-here... couldn't th-thleep..." But he was really happy to be sitting in his lap, rubbing all over him, smothering him with love and affection. He was a little too dim to pick up on the tension, but if his matesprit felt any reason to be upset by anything Mituna would be there to kiss and snuggle it away without question.
  41. He was still whispering and muttering little nothings into Karkat's ear while Mituna and his dancestor got their own set of cuddlings on. Stretching out, he decided to subtly assert his dominance, so to speak, over the Prince, letting his heels rest on Kurloz's back and having no qualms with treating him like a living footstool. Just because he could, just because he didn't want the other to forget. Even so, he could feel the heat coming off of Karkat, the tense, strange /need/ radiating from his tired, worried-out little frame. "know what you've got all drowning in your thinkpan, brother. let it get its swim on." It caught his attention more than anything else, and he shooshed the mutant before almost tenderly holding his chin, drawing forward to give him a slow kiss, careful and with the freedom of pulling away, should Karkat choose to. --- The mute tensed when feet came to rest on his back but he didn't dare move much, staying in place as well as he could with Mituna squirming all over him. Though it /was/ technically poison, Kurloz couldn't complain that his bloodmatch had fed the Gemini sopor; it seemed to be doing /good/ things, calming and comforting that, combined with his own touch, looked to be better than anything he could manage alone. He gave a relaxed smile, fingers playing with Mituna's hair, horns, petting at his face. Claiming him was the best thing he'd ever done.
  42. Karkat felt himself blush; the heat creeping across his cheeks as he swallowed and tried to hide his face more. H-he did know... and he felt incredibly silly. He gripped at the shirt again, whining a little bit softly. And when his face was angled towards Gamzee's he... was at a loss. Good thing he didn't need to say anything - because he was kissing his moirail then, Karkat having no intention of pulling away or stopping him. Hand lifted just a bit, resting first on Gamzee's chest, then up his collarbone, then weakly gripping the neck of his shirt. H-help. Now that he knew what he wanted, getting it felt incredibly awkward. -- Mituna frowned a little as Kurloz stiffened like that, trying to figure out what caused the tension. Nothing should make his matesprit uncomfortable! Nothing. Mituna would try his best to stop it, because Kurloz was the best thing that'd ever happened to him, and he had to try his hardest to make sure he knew that. He shook his head a little as his face was pet, his own hands lifting to pet /his/ face, 'thooth'-ing him gently and pecking his mouth. Kisses made everything better, right?
  44. [1/21/2013 11:36:41 PM] Milo: Gamzee didn't let that kiss last very long, giving a low rumble at the reciprocation before slowly pulling away. He sent a glance towards his dancestor and Mituna, studying them with half-lidded eyes before tugging Karkat's hand - it was high time they got out of here, went some place a little more, ah.. private. "c'mon, brother, get your walkin' shoes on." Standing and pulling Karkat up with him, the subjuggulator waved dismissively at Kurloz, ruffled the Gemini's hair, and tugged the mutant off with him. "we'll be seeing you motherfuckers around, i'm sure." With that, they were gone. -- Some part of Kurloz worried that perhaps his young bloodmatch was off to do something ridiculous, eat Karkat and bring him into undeath, but it wasn't like the older Capricorn to try to stop anything like that anyhow. Instead, he focussed on Mituna's shooshing, relieved enough with the pair having gone to give low purrs, fingers playing around the other's horns. Good moirail, best matesprit.
  46. [12:26:58 AM] bangarang: Watching them leave, Mituna's gaze followed them until they were out of sight. Who... were they? Why were they here? Most importantly, why did they make his matesprit look so uncomfortable? "Who... th-thothe guyth... who...?" He'd been pointing after them over Kurloz's shoulder, but he sighed and looked back at the Capricorn, concern evident on his face. His voice lowered and he swallowed. "A-are they... bad...?" Why else would they upset him? "Pleathe don't.. be upthet p..pleathe..." Was it Gam...zee? Gamzee? That made him upset? Or was it the littler Kankri look-alike? Mituna knew almost nothing about them. He'd encountered Gamzee at least once, but aside that.... nothing. Maybe sometime he'd have to give whoever it was that upset his matesprit a piece of his mind. Huff! Hands twitched a little, a quiet whine escaping him. Now he was just worried. "Th-thorry..."
  48. [1:33:35 AM] Milo: Kurloz shook his head, waving away those concerns. 'Little Me runs the show.' What show he was talking about, Mituna would probably never know or understand, but hopefully it was enough of a hint even for the yellowblood's damaged and sopor-addled brain that the mute was forced to be on the more submissive side of things where Gamzee was concerned. A small smile crept across his face, 'Little Kankri is his worried moirail. Thought I was Little Me. Motherfucker's all sorts of pale.' There would be no more worrying about Gamzee's presence for now, Kurloz ready to focus the entirety of his attention on his matesprit. He displayed this immediately, leaning in to give Mituna tiny kisses from one side of his face to the other, pushing him gently against the pile and climbing atop him. 'Do you feel good?'
  50. [1:59:44 AM] bangarang: He frowned again with a sigh, nodding in what he hoped came across as understanding. He had a hundred questions still, most of them pertaining to just... why. Why Kurloz had to act like that. It didn't sit right with him but he guessed... there wasn't a lot he could do. Right now, anyway. He nodded again. "H-he wathn't thcary." The little moirail. "I'm g-glad he..." Jerk, twitch. "Nnnff. Thit. F-found him." From what he'd seen it didn't look very pale. Maybe a little more. But that was okay. Surprised sort-of sound left him at the sudden shift in demeanor, the concern he had melting away in the unfortunately short attention span he had. Hands warily gripped at the front of his bee-striped pj shirt, gazing up at his matesprit and nodding once again faintly. "Better," he admitted. He felt better knowing that Kurloz was okay, at least okay now that Gamzee was gone. The sopor was still making him feel a little fuzzy, and since the worry was gone he was once again flooded with the desire to give and get affection. "Y-you're the betht." The tiniest amount of yellow came to his cheeks. "R-red, y-you, I-" He cut himself off, shaking his head. His words were getting silly again.
  52. [2:36:56 AM] Milo: The mute's smile widened. 'He's nice.' Little Kankri. 'I'd like to have him around more.' With Mituna's consent, of course. Kurloz always had and always would try to make sure his matesprit was comfortable with whatever was going on, no matter what.. Unless, for any reason, it was out-of-place for him to be uncomfortable. Breaking up with his now-ex-matesprit, for example. He waved his hand, however, when the yellowblood stopped speaking - no, keep going, you're doing so well - and planted another kiss, this time on his lips, then trailed away to trace his jawline. Arms came around his neck, holding himself close to the smaller male, happy to have and give such attentions to the best troll in all of space. Hell, he hadn't been this truly /affectionate/ for, well, an immeasurable amount of time now, filled to the brim with nothing but warmth and a desire to be as close as possible.
  53. [3:00:48 AM] bangarang: Mituna could probably tolerate having the younger Kankri around a little more. He seemed very nice, and quiet. Quieter than Kankri. Not about to go off on a tirade and make Mituna feel bad about himself like Kankri so often did. Nodding in agreement to the statement, he forgot the topic again - a frustrated grunt leaving him. He wanted to keep going, but his words weren't - he couldn't talk right. The kiss was nice and he sighed, hugging Kurloz tightly. "I j-jutht - you're g-good to m-me and? I don't... kn-know - fuck! - how... nnm, t-to be good too. F-for you, t-too red, can't..." In frustration, he chewed on the collar of Kurloz's shirt, rubbing his cheek against him at the same time. He just... He really wished he didn't face such a struggle trying to get the most basic of his goddamn emotions out. Especially when he felt them so strongly. He really wished he hadn't changed so much. And a small part of him wished he hadn't even survived. Kurloz never would have put up with shit like this from Meulin. He didn't want to think about that. Whining, he gripped harder. Stupid, stupid, stupid, frustrating, broken thinkpan. "G-good, I jutht, w-want to be ffffucking good..."
  55. [4:20:39 AM] Milo: He shook his head, held his matesprit by the shoulders, carefully peeled him away from his chewing and looked at him as though he could peer into the yellowblood's very soul. Then he was sitting up straight again, hands coming away. 'You are good. Better. You're the best.' No matter what, Kurloz always had a positive thing to 'say' to his Mituna. Always. He was there, after all, to chase all that bad away. 'I couldn't ever explain how red I am for you, either. It's okay. We don't have to be able to explain. Better to just feel.' It was always so comforting to Mituna when he knew the mute told him it was okay to not know. Another kiss, then he settled himself atop the other even further, laying over him and just letting him feel the weight of the skin-and-bones troll. Steady hands grabbed shaking ones, then settled them on his bony hips. 'Touch and be calm.'
  57. [4:45:19 AM] bangarang: Pulling a hand back to wipe some of his own drool off himself he pouted up at him, looking like a punished child for a moment. The best. Was he really? He guessed if Kurloz thought it, he felt okay with the title. Settled down about it for now, at least. He watched the signing fingers, nodding once more. He wanted to explain it, more than anything. Better than his jittery signing, scrambled words, or stupid doodles could convey, anyway. Sighing in a more content way under his weight he let his hands be guided, fingers gently gripping into the fabric. "Thorry." He was bad at being calm, his mind always such a mess of useless activity and noisy jumbles. But his matesprit helped; he always did. "Y-you make... fuck - me h-happy." It was almost an apologetic tone, like he was just so goddamn sorry he ever got upset about anything. It was hard to control himself; what he thought and said and did. One hand, fingers pressing a bit harder, slid up his back; touching every rib he could feel. That was calming in and of itself, in a small way, and he sighed again quietly.
  59. [5:22:59 AM] Milo: Once hands pressed almost a little too hard against his ribs, feeling with only the right amount of pressure it took him to do so, the mute started up with that vibrating purr, curling his back into the seeking fingers. A small grind signified that he wanted to go just a little bit further, but he held back on doing much more than that, just letting Mituna have whatever control he could grasp, letting him make /decisions of his own/, something Latula never, ever gave him the time of night to do. He, on the other hand, would suggest quietly with small movements, then give the Gemini a chance to come to his own conclusions, even if they weren't the ones Kurloz was suggesting. All that mattered was that Mituna had made a decision, had done something on his own. And that meant more to the Prince than anything else. He didn't need to feel that he was broken and couldn't do things by himself.
  60. [5:55:24 AM] bangarang: Motions stopped for an instant upon hearing the purr, absorbed for a brief moment in the trance calming himself down had caused. He hadn't been expecting the purr. Or the grind that followed, making his breath catch in his throat a little. He blushed further, always a little too shy to admit that he liked it. He made sexual puns all the time, cursed like there was no tomorrow - but he was much like a kid in that aspect, just finding it something to grin and giggle and feel devious about. Especially with how he'd changed since the incident. Fingers rubbed up and down again, counting the ribs in a mutter under his breath, infrequently sprinkled with foul language. But he couldn't focus anymore, not on that task - other hand nervously came to his face, chewing on his nails. Bits and pieces were clinging together in his mind, the Gemini piecing things together little by little. Fingers fell from his mouth to once again grip and pull at his bee-striped shirt, little whimper sounding. H-he was pretty sure he knew what was going on, and almost more certain he was okay with it. Now he just had to communicate this. Squirming a little under him, he nipped the air, swearing before grinding his palm into his eye. Other hand jerked, gripping harder into the fabric and muscle and pulling his matesprit a little closer. "F-fuck," he whispered. This wasn't working well at all. But he was trying. "C-can...?"
  61. He stiffened the moment Mituna stopped, purr cutting off for just a moment - he was mildly afraid he may have possibly just /scared/ his matesprit, but in moments he'd checked himself, reminded himself not to ill the other's ease. And fingers were moving again, up and down that far-too-prominent ribcage. 'Keep going,' came the slow reply, knowing they were most certainly entirely alone at this point and wouldn't be interrupted. Kurloz just wished, perhaps, that he could stop putting this idea into Mituna's head, scared he'd get his matesprit into the habit of doing 'this' /too much/, but.. The Gemini had spent a near-eternity having all of his decisions made for him, so if his body wanted to pail and he himself was willing, who was Kurloz to deny him or make him calm down about it? His Tunabee deserved as much as his little body wanted at this point, especially with the two of them having finally gotten what they had quietly and practically shyly always wanted. Careful hands made sure Mituna didn't bite his fingers too hard, didn't rub his eye too much, softly guiding away when he needed to and just generally keeping the other safe without any thought put into it; it was just something he naturally /did/ at this point. Another grind was given in response, a wide smile now pulling at his stitches as Kurloz gave a simple nod. Of course we can, anything for you.
  62. [6:50:38 AM] bangarang: Sometimes the yellowblood just needed that little push. Sometimes he was too shy to ask, or even felt like maybe he didn't deserve it. Which was stupid, it was a stupid thought - but Kurloz hit the nail on the head with Mituna having his pan-damaged life dictacted for him. Latula would give him sly looks or tug him off somewhere, and he knew what it was for. And he liked it. He had enjoyed their time together. But this was different, and exciting, and it just felt much more right this way. He'd had those deeply red feelings for Kurloz for a while, but telling him just always seemed like a bad idea. He'd beaten himself up more than once for it, too - he just hadn't known how to deal with it. Even now it was difficult. Evident in how much of a struggle it was to indeed 'keep going', mind tripping over itself trying to recall anything he'd ever done to Latula in their pailing. Nothing was coming up. But the grind made him grunt a little, and his grip on Kurloz's side kept constant; fingers sliding to his spine now to stroke there. Oher hand gently pet his matesprit's face, whimper slipping out as he nipped the air between them again. Fingers slid from cheek into hair, a twitch making both hands grip a little harder. An apology was offered in the form of a kiss, Mituna squirming again as he cautiously held it. Even with permission given, he was always nervous to tread the waters at first.
  63. [7:16:21 AM] Milo: And he just kept needing pushes, and pushes, and pushes until he understood that most things were okay. Almost everything he did with Kurloz was okay, if not absolutely everything. That purr rose and rose until his voice was beginning to cut through, breaking severely. He'd done a number on those now-nearly-nothing vocal chords back in the night so very long ago, using them at all afterwards actually proving to be a painful chore. Sometimes, even the mute was surprised how much his body remained the way it had been, how much he /let/ his body remain the way it had been, but just as everyone else would agree, there was something about keeping everything about oneself they'd left the living with that made one feel so much better about still somehow existing. That kiss had the Prince pressing into it, strings nearly cutting into Mituna's lips as his hips began to move suggestively against the Gemini's own, encouraging, opening his mouth as much as he could. For very likely the very first time, this was Mituna's show to run. Kurloz would just nudge the process along.
  64. [7:32:30 AM] bangarang: It was similar to his own loss, then. When no one was around, sometimes, he'd try to use them, still. His psionics. More than one attempt had left him with a migraine and in a fit of angry tears. He'd never told anyone about these tries, and probably never would. It was embarrassing, and really just made him feel worse about himself. Too much about Mituna had changed, but he'd long since gotten used to being treated the way he was now. It was a far cry from okay, but he dealt with it. What else could he do? For right now, he was preoccupied - carefully exploring the depths of his matesprit's mouth((which was something he really liked to do)), hands fisting in hair and fabric alike as he tried to quell his spasms enough to seem at least a little competent. He just wanted to do a good job. Be something to be proud of. Little body jerked again, but eventually he was moving in gentle, if somewhat twitchy tandem with Kurloz. He was getting warm, and he could feel the Capricorn getting warm, too. Mituna wasn't yet aware that he was put in charge, but the kissing was a little too nice to interrupt just yet anyway. His own tiny purr had been growing, the sound a little clunky. He didn't ever recall making it in regards to his now ex-matesprit.
  65. [8:00:34 AM] Milo: As Mituna moved into the rhythm the mute slowly tried to set for him, their groins gently pressing together, sliding past each other, pressing again. Yes, this was good. He knew the smaller troll liked to feel the seam where his tongue used to be, liked to feel the gnarled scar where it'd been cut free and liked to just /taste/ him, the difference between them, and Kurloz all-too-happy to grant him that simple pleasure. There was no reason a pair couldn't kiss. The Prince wished they'd chosen to kiss so deeply before. His purr only grew harder, the sound breaking more and more until it was just a thick rumble of air rolling against Mituna's tongue, the moment a vibrating noise came out of the yellowblood's own mouth. Holy shit. Holy shit, he'd done it. Mituna was straight-up purring, and the Capricorn encouraged it as well as he could. Keep going, little man, you're doing perfectly.
  66. [8:28:19 AM] bangarang: He only broke the kiss to turn his head and bite his lip, brows knitting a little as a quiet 'nnn' interrupted his purr for a moment. His chest was heaving a little, and the hand in Kurloz's hair had fell to grip at his own shirt again. Shit. This was almost going a little fast for him; with him in charge he had a hard time telling what needed to go when, or how long it should take to get there. Head a little dizzied he caught another little moan in his throat, his bulge already responding quite well to the onslaught of attention. Fingers on his matesprit's back gripped almost possessively, and he slid them along the fabric. Mituna was so warm. How was Kurloz not warm? He was, to the touch, Mituna could feel it - but he was so much better at keeping his composure than the Gemini. It wasn't fair. Hand swept down his back, curving a little over the moving hip, fingertips twitchily gripping the hem of Kurloz's purple shorts. He didn't know if he wanted those off more, or his own little black boyshorts. When he looked back into Kurloz's eyes, his panting breaths were reflected back at him. "I t-trutht.../ nnn.../ trutht you," he whispered against his lips. It wasn't a warning or any sort-of permission, it was just Mituna expressing his affection and utter, undying infatuation in a way he knew his matesprit would understand.
  67. [8:58:40 AM] Milo: That was what made this matespritship such a great idea for Mituna to actually act on, to decide on his own with a bit of prompting from Kurloz himself - as long as it took, the Capricorn would be right there to hold his hand through whatever he chose to do. The mute couldn't help but sigh the moment his partner pulled away, his own panting having already started up, face just about as flushed as he felt. Mituna's touch lowered to his shorts and he gave a quiet nod, an affirmation that yes, this was generally what one did next when they wanted, well.. that. 'I trust you too.' Gently, Kurloz pulled back to help the yellowblood wiggle out of his black shorts, slipping them off of him with utmost care should he decide to say no, if anything in his brain or behaviour suggestd he didn't actually want this. The highblood went next, though /he/ exposed himself completely, from his ridged frame to his quite-awake bulge. There was something playful in the look on his face now. His groin shoved itself against Mituna's again. 'Do what you want to do, little bee. I want you to.'
  69. [1/22/2013 6:25:14 PM] bangarang: Smiling at the admission of mutual trust he cooed softly, sound cut off by the quiet groan that made itself heard as his shorts were taken off. It felt good, even if his comfort was compounded slightly by his shirt still being on - he liked it this way, it was so much easier than his normal bodysuit, he didn't know why he didn't run around in a tshirt and underwear more often. Face was a deep yellow flush, Kurloz moving against him once more, the feeling of flesh on flesh maddening. "D-don't, I don't, kn-know, thit, w-want-" frustrated words were cut off by another little whine-moan, boy shuddering. Hands! He had hands. They should be doing something, he didn't know where to put them. Eventually one settled on the bare chest before him, while the other nervously went between them, fingertips brushing his matesprit's bulge. "Ffffffuck, y-you're - I want, y-you, again, p-pleathe-" He never had to ask to be... pailed before, never had to coax it out of his partner. Largely because he'd really only ever asked if he could plow Latula, because that... was how ladytrolls worked. Hand moved from chest to face, touching his cheek, his stitches - before kissing him again. "Pleathe, I w-want it, you."
  71. [1/22/2013 11:11:39 PM] Milo: To be fair, Mituna would probably be stopped by just about anyone if he chose to run about in his unders, trying to catch him before Kankri got to him. Nobody, whether they liked the little Gemini or not, would be so cruel as to leave him as Insufferable bait. He just replied with those broken words with the calmest of expressions, running strings across Mituna's lips. 'You're doing fine. You know what you want. Let yourself have it.' An odd thing to say, but the moment a hand touched his bulge, the Capricorn hissed, lowered his head and pressed his forehead against Mitunas shoulder. The only thing Mituna needed to do was voice what he needed, and when he did, Kurloz was reacting immediately. 'You can have whatever you want.' Fingers trailed downwards once he finished 'speaking', played against his nook, spreading material before they curled inwards. He'd get the shock of 'sudden' penetration as always since his body and mind never matched up, but his movements were slow. There was no reason to scare him, after all.
  73. [1/22/2013 11:48:51 PM] bangarang: "Fffffff- ah! F-fuck!" Nearly squirming away from the sudden feeling of Kurloz's strong fingers in him, his yelp surprised him as much as the intrusion did. He was never ready for it, but it was always such a good shock, such a good feeling. His back arched a little and he whimpered, making a grabbyhand for his matesprit's free hand while he panted, his body trembling unevenly. This is what he wanted. Intimate time with Kurloz. It was all he ever wanted. Even if he was shy, even if he didn't quite work right most of the time... "Nnnh... f-fuck... Y-you... good... ffffhhhnn.." Other hand went to his mouth like it usually did, nursing his fingers through whines, grunts, curses, and little moans. His matesprit always knew how to make him feel so good, and Mituna always felt incredibly inadequate. He wanted to make Kurloz feel good too. It was only fair, and he just cared for him so fucking much. "M-more? C-can... good, feelth... t-touch, you... - /aah.../ - I w-wanna help..." He wanted to sort his thoughts and actions out enough to make this worth it for the Capricorn. Nnnf. Stupid thinkpan.
  75. [12:02:02 AM] Milo: It would have been worth it even if the yellowblood had simply laid there and taken it, really, but Kurloz would certainly entertain his matesprit if he wanted to do something too. A little nod, then the hand Mituna had taken was guided downwards, held by the back of his hand so his palm could be run over the Capricorn's bones, along his stomach, and lower. Carefully, Kurloz assisted the other with curling his hand around the needy bulge, thick with the mute's blood and already working on dribbling its material onto Mituna's groin. And then he let his matesprit feel lower, a nook easily just as slick as Mituna's prompting a low huff upon being touched. Kurloz released the Gemini's hand at that point, giving him complete freedom to do as he pleased; really, he shouldn't trust the other so much as to let jerky hands touch and grab at his sensitive bits, but this was the troll who had sewn his own mouth shut. Slip-ups wouldn't do a damned thing to him. Fingers moved, slowly working until another could join them, his free hand now holding Mituna's shoulder to keep them both steady. This would make for an interesting experience.
  76. [12:23:05 AM] bangarang: Blushing deeper as his hand was guided, he smiled a bit as he was allowed to touch. It was hot and it felt nice in his hand, but just as soon as he'd gotten used to the feel of it he was moving again, fingertips brushing his nook gingerly. He tried really hard, focusing as much as he could on concentration so he didn't mess up, didn't hurt his matesprit. That's not... what he wanted to do. His fingers were shaking, rubbing a little before his hand moved to touch his bulge again; hand closing around it again like he'd been shown, wanting to do his best. The only time his hands jerked were when Kurloz added another finger or moved them in just the right way, his spasms accentuated by little gasps or moans. Wet fingers left his mouth to touch Kurloz's face again, an open-mouthed smile panting up at him. "G-good... y-you're... tho good... th-thank you..." Hips twitched needily, whine leaving him. If he could just stay in this buzz of pleasure and closeness and intimacy forever.
  78. [1:12:49 AM] Milo: Kurloz wouldn't have been able to agree more about wanting to stay this way forever, not so deeply on the brink of pleasure that he'd go mad being stuck there, but just the right amount of enjoyment throughout his entire frame to keep him both relaxed and attentive, just feeling good. He noticed how Mituna immediately moved away the moment he was introduced to his matesprit's nook - that was fine, there was no rush or press for him to touch one thing or the other, but he couldn't stop his hips from jerking as that warm hand grasped his bulge. Oh-- That was--- It'd been terribly long since the Capricorn had had anyone willingly, almost /hesitantly/ touching him, it sent a surge of electricity through his entire frame. It only prompted his fingers within Mituna to move faster, hips grinding against that hot palm, trying to prompt Mituna to stimulate him /more/. One wouldn't believe that Kurloz actually planned on getting his bulge /into/ the yellowblood at this point, seeming to be preoccupied with the feel of a hand he'd never had really groping on his junk like this before. They'd get around to it.
  79. Gasp left him as the fingers moved faster, whimper hitting the air as his back arched further. It made his hand still awkwardly for a second; both the one on Kurloz's face and his bulge. But he let out a shuddering breath and continued on, still-trembling fingers moving up and down the slick length. It felt good to help. He liked it. He liked the reaction he got; it made him smile privately and gave him a swell of pride to know that he did something good. Fingers traced the stitches again, breathing still labored as he made brief eye contact. It was pitiful and needy, but helplessly enamored. It broke as Kurloz hit just shy of the sweet little spot in him again, toes curling as the boy's head tipped back to moan; the wandering hand fell to his mouth once more. He had such an oral fixation, which was normal for people with his condition - sometimes he imagined more intimate things taking place with the use of his mouth, and he wondered if he could control himself long enough to do that. But for right now he was perfectly content with the idea of it being /inside/, and he'd work hard to earn it. "G-good," he whispered again hoarsely, stroking the best he could. "T-truth you..."
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