

Feb 29th, 2020
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Prolog 49.75 KB | None | 0 0
  1. (base) root@gitlab:/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/NomicMU# git commit -am "plain old install"
  2. [master 024f25c] plain old install
  3.  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
  4. (base) root@gitlab:/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/NomicMU# git push
  5. Enumerating objects: 11, done.
  6. Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
  7. Delta compression using up to 4 threads
  8. Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
  9. Writing objects: 100% (9/9), 880 bytes | 880.00 KiB/s, done.
  10. Total 9 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0)
  11. remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), completed with 2 local objects.
  12. To
  13.    29e0fa8..024f25c  master -> master
  14. (base) root@gitlab:/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/NomicMU# ./
  15. % Contacting server at ... ok
  16. % Pack `logicmoo_nlu' is already installed @1.3.111
  17. % Contacting server at ... ok
  18. % Pack `logicmoo_base' is already installed @1.3.111
  19. % Contacting server at ... ok
  20. % Pack `wam_common_lisp' is already installed @1.3.111
  21. % Contacting server at ... ok
  22. % Pack `pfc' is already installed @1.3.111
  23. % Contacting server at ... ok
  24. % Pack `dictoo' is already installed @1.3.111
  25. % Contacting server at ... ok
  26. % Pack `gvar_syntax' is already installed @1.3.111
  27. % Contacting server at ... ok
  28. % Pack `predicate_streams' is already installed @1.2.111
  29. % Contacting server at ... ok
  30. % Pack `body_reordering' is already installed @1.3.111
  31. % Contacting server at ... ok
  32. % Pack `instant_prolog_docs' is already installed @1.2.111
  33. % Contacting server at ... ok
  34. % Pack `multimodal_dcg' is already installed @1.2.111
  35. % Contacting server at ... ok
  36. % Pack `logicmoo_utils' is already installed @1.2.111
  37. Installed packages (21):
  39. i aleph@5                   - Aleph Inductive Logic Programming system
  40. i body_reordering@1.3.111   - Clause expansion Utils for deciding which order to run Goals in a body
  41. i dictoo@1.3.111            - Dict-like OO Syntax
  42. i eggdrop@1.3.111           - Hook up to an existing IRC Client called an Eggdrop
  43. i flux@1.1.118              - FLUX: A logic programming method for reasoning agents and ALPprologis a Prolog implementation of an action programming language. With ALPprolog you can program strategies for autonomous agents in dynamic domains like e.g. the Wumpus world.
  44. i gvar_syntax@1.3.111       - Global Variable Syntax
  45. i instant_prolog_docs@1.2.111 - Magically document prolog source files based on predicate and variable naming conventions
  46. i logicmoo_base@1.3.111     - LogicMOO - Extends Prolog Programming to support Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) with Constraints
  47. i logicmoo_nlu@1.3.111      - Various English to Logic Converters - warning: HUGE amount of lexical and test data
  48. i logicmoo_utils@1.2.111    - Common predicates that are used throughout LogicMOO Software
  49. i multimodal_dcg@1.2.111    - Reduce floundering of DCGs by constraining and narrowing search
  50. i pfc@1.3.111               - Pfc -- a package for forward chaining in Prolog
  51. i planner_api@1.1.118       - planner_api -- A SWI-Prolog Pack that lets Prolog code seamlessly use planners speaking PDDLish and OCLh
  52. i predicate_streams@1.2.111 - Implement your own Abstract Predicate Streams
  53. i programk@1.2.111          - AIML 2.0 - Because an AIML Interpreter/Chatbot needed to exist in Prolog to!
  54. i prologmud@1.3.111         - Online text adventure game - MUD Server
  55. i prologmud_samples@1.2.111 - Online text adventure game - Sample
  56. i rdet@1.0.1                - Runtime determinacy checker
  57. i tabling_dra@1.2.111       - SWI-Prolog interface to Table-handling procedures for the "dra" interpreter. Written by Feliks Kluzniak at UTD (March 2009)
  58. i tauchain_prolog@1.2.111   - Tauchain implemented in Prolog - See Tauchain
  59. i wam_common_lisp@1.3.111   - ANSI Common Lisp implemented in Prolog
  60. % Contacting server at ... ok
  61. % Pack `dictoo' is already installed @1.3.111
  62. set_prolog_flag(argv,[--,'--nonet','--irc','--sumo','--planner'])
  63. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  64. % Loading loading language data (This may take 10-15 seconds)
  65. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  66. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_pldata, cm=user, m=clex_iface, clex_adj/3).
  67. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  68. % not_exists_source(library(el_holds/el_assertions)).
  69. Compiling Quickload tt0_00022_cycl.qlf (this may take 60-120 seconds the very first time) ...
  70. % 661 inferences, 0.003 CPU in 8.234 seconds (0% CPU, 244711 Lips)
  71. Made tt0_00022_cycl.qlf
  72. Done with tt0_00022_cycl.
  73. Compiling Quickload ac_xnl_7166.qlf (this may take 60-120 seconds the very first time) ...
  74. % 434 inferences, 0.004 CPU in 91.994 seconds (0% CPU, 104189 Lips)
  75. Made ac_xnl_7166.qlf
  76. Done with ac_xnl_7166.
  77. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/pldata/
  78. % retain(acnl(verbSemTrans, xAssumeTheWord, '$BORKED_ARG', xTransitiveThatClauseFrame, or(surmises('SUBJECT', 'CLAUSE'), hypothesizes('SUBJECT', 'CLAUSE')), a773959('$BORKED_ARG'))).
  79. % retain(acnl(verbSemTrans, xIndicateTheWord, '$BORKED_ARG', xTransitiveNPFrame, and(isa('ACTION', eventInformationTransferEvent), informationOrigin('ACTION', 'SUBJECT'), infoTransferred('ACTION', 'OBJECT')), a707787('$BORKED_ARG'))).
  80. % retain(acnl(verbSemTrans, xIndicateTheWord, '$BORKED_ARG', xTransitiveThatClauseFrame, and(isa('ACTION', eventInformationTransferEvent), informationOrigin('ACTION', 'SUBJECT'), infoTransferred('ACTION', 'CLAUSE')), a707784('$BORKED_ARG'))).
  81. % retain(acnl(verbSemTrans, xIndicateTheWord, '$BORKED_ARG', xTransitiveWhClauseFrame, and(isa('ACTION', eventInformationTransferEvent), informationOrigin('ACTION', 'SUBJECT'), infoTransferred('ACTION', 'CLAUSE')), a707786('$BORKED_ARG'))).
  82. % retain(acnl(verbSemTrans, xInviteTheWord, '$BORKED_ARG', xTransitiveNPFrame, and(isa('ACTION', actInvitingCommunicationAct), senderOfInfo('ACTION', 'SUBJECT'), recipientOfInfo('ACTION', 'OBJECT')), a707798('$BORKED_ARG'))).
  83. % retain(acnl(verbSemTrans, xRecognizeTheWord, '$BORKED_ARG', xTransitiveNPFrame, and(isa('ACTION', actIdentifying), performedBy('ACTION', 'SUBJECT'), identifiedThing('ACTION', 'SUBJECT')), a714754('$BORKED_ARG'))).
  84. % retain(acnl(verbSemTrans, xSuggestTheWord, '$BORKED_ARG', xTransitiveNPFrame, and(isa('ACTION', eventInformationTransferEvent), informationOrigin('ACTION', 'SUBJECT'), infoTransferred('ACTION', 'OBJECT')), a707792('$BORKED_ARG'))).
  85. % retain(acnl(verbSemTrans, xSuggestTheWord, '$BORKED_ARG', xTransitiveThatClauseFrame, and(isa('ACTION', eventInformationTransferEvent), informationOrigin('ACTION', 'SUBJECT'), infoTransferred('ACTION', 'CLAUSE')), a707789('$BORKED_ARG'))).
  86. % retain(acnl(verbSemTrans, xSuggestTheWord, '$BORKED_ARG', xTransitiveWhClauseFrame, and(isa('ACTION', eventInformationTransferEvent), informationOrigin('ACTION', 'SUBJECT'), infoTransferred('ACTION', 'CLAUSE')), a707790('$BORKED_ARG'))).
  87. % Including talk_db.nldata  talk_db/2=3   talk_db/3=7   talk_db/4=1   talk_db/5=1   talk_db/6=4
  88. % correcting...  talk_db/2=32273   talk_db/3=61010   talk_db/4=106   talk_db/5=1   talk_db/6=14982
  89. % Loaded  talk_db/2=32256   talk_db/3=61117   talk_db/4=4823   talk_db/5=1   talk_db/6=14980
  90. Compiling Quickload wn_frames.qlf (this may take 60-120 seconds the very first time) ...
  91. % 579 inferences, 0.032 CPU in 21.327 seconds (0% CPU, 18115 Lips)
  92. Made wn_frames.qlf
  93. Done with wn_frames.
  94. % Unknown message: "WARNING: PFC_NOAUTOLOAD"
  95. % Unknown message: "WARNING: NOT PFC_LEAN"
  96. Installed packages (21):
  98. i aleph@5                   - Aleph Inductive Logic Programming system
  99. i body_reordering@1.3.111   - Clause expansion Utils for deciding which order to run Goals in a body
  100. i dictoo@1.3.111            - Dict-like OO Syntax
  101. i eggdrop@1.3.111           - Hook up to an existing IRC Client called an Eggdrop
  102. i flux@1.1.118              - FLUX: A logic programming method for reasoning agents and ALPprologis a Prolog implementation of an action programming language. With ALPprolog you can program strategies for autonomous agents in dynamic domains like e.g. the Wumpus world.
  103. i gvar_syntax@1.3.111       - Global Variable Syntax
  104. i instant_prolog_docs@1.2.111 - Magically document prolog source files based on predicate and variable naming conventions
  105. i logicmoo_base@1.3.111     - LogicMOO - Extends Prolog Programming to support Dynamic Epistemic Logic (DEL) with Constraints
  106. i logicmoo_nlu@1.3.111      - Various English to Logic Converters - warning: HUGE amount of lexical and test data
  107. i logicmoo_utils@1.2.111    - Common predicates that are used throughout LogicMOO Software
  108. i multimodal_dcg@1.2.111    - Reduce floundering of DCGs by constraining and narrowing search
  109. i pfc@1.3.111               - Pfc -- a package for forward chaining in Prolog
  110. i planner_api@1.1.118       - planner_api -- A SWI-Prolog Pack that lets Prolog code seamlessly use planners speaking PDDLish and OCLh
  111. i predicate_streams@1.2.111 - Implement your own Abstract Predicate Streams
  112. i programk@1.2.111          - AIML 2.0 - Because an AIML Interpreter/Chatbot needed to exist in Prolog to!
  113. i prologmud@1.3.111         - Online text adventure game - MUD Server
  114. i prologmud_samples@1.2.111 - Online text adventure game - Sample
  115. i rdet@1.0.1                - Runtime determinacy checker
  116. i tabling_dra@1.2.111       - SWI-Prolog interface to Table-handling procedures for the "dra" interpreter. Written by Feliks Kluzniak at UTD (March 2009)
  117. i tauchain_prolog@1.2.111   - Tauchain implemented in Prolog - See Tauchain
  118. i wam_common_lisp@1.3.111   - ANSI Common Lisp implemented in Prolog
  119. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/pfc/prolog/
  121. % Updating index for library /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/predicate_streams/prolog/
  122. % Updating index for library /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_utils/prolog/
  123. % Updating index for library /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/body_reordering/prolog/
  125. % Updating index for library /usr/lib/swi-prolog/library/
  126. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/pfc/prolog/
  127. % created_library_index_for('/usr/lib/swi-prolog/library/').
  128. % created_library_index_for('/root/lib/swipl/pack/predicate_streams/prolog/').
  129. % created_library_index_for('/root/lib/swipl/pack/logicmoo_utils/prolog/').
  130. % created_library_index_for('/root/lib/swipl/pack/body_reordering/prolog/').
  131. % Updating index for library /usr/lib/swi-prolog/xpce/prolog/lib/
  132. % created_library_index_for('/usr/lib/swi-prolog/xpce/prolog/lib/').
  133. :- dynamic pfcSanityA/0.
  135. pfcSanityA.
  137. :- dynamic pfcSanityB/0.
  139. pfcSanityB.
  141. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  142. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=baseKB, installed_converter/1).
  143. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  144. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=baseKB, transitive_subclass/2).
  145. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  146. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=baseKB, tSet/1).
  147. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  148. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=baseKB, ttFormatType/1).
  149. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  150. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=baseKB, capitalized/5).
  151. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  152. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=baseKB, mpred_arity/2).
  153. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  154. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=baseKB, posName/1).
  155. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  156. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, longitude80/2).
  157. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  158. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, latitude80/2).
  159. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  160. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, contains0/2).
  161. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, country/8).
  162. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, city/3).
  163. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, borders/2).
  164. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, in_continent/2).
  165. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  166. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, contains/2).
  167. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  168. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, trans/9).
  169. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  170. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, det/7).
  171. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  172. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, sentence80/5).
  173. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  174. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, noun/6).
  175. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  176. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, chat80/1).
  177. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  178. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, chat80/2).
  179. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  180. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_chat80, cm=user, m=parser_chat80, chat80/3).
  183. ** Grammar from file /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/chat80/clone.xg: (+):149 words .. time 326 **
  187. ** Grammar from file /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/chat80/lex.xg: (+):228 words .. time 150 **
  189. :- dynamic is_nl_pred/3.
  192. city(C) :-
  193.     city(C, _, _).
  195. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/chat80/
  196. % city/1=[interpreted, visible, static, file('/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/chat80/'), line_count(426), number_of_clauses(1), number_of_rules(1), last_modified_generation(3586011), defined].
  197. :- dynamic is_nl_pred/3.
  199. is_nl_pred(parser_chat80, city, 3).
  201. :- dynamic city/3.
  202. :- multifile city/3.
  203. :- public city/3.
  204. :- module_transparent city/3.
  206. city(tehran, iran, 1010).
  208. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/chat80/
  209. % city/3=[interpreted, visible, exported, public, dynamic, multifile, transparent, file('/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/chat80/'), line_count(430), number_of_clauses(1), number_of_rules(0), last_modified_generation(3586065), defined].
  210. :- dynamic is_nl_pred/3.
  212. is_nl_pred(parser_chat80, trans_LF, 9).
  214. :- dynamic trans_LF/9.
  215. :- multifile trans_LF/9.
  216. :- public trans_LF/9.
  217. :- module_transparent trans_LF/9.
  219. trans_LF(govern, feature&_, X, feature&place&country, Y, capital(Y, X), [], _, _).
  221. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/chat80/
  222. % trans_LF/9=[interpreted, visible, exported, public, dynamic, multifile, transparent, file('/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/chat80/'), line_count(434), number_of_clauses(1), number_of_rules(0), last_modified_generation(3586106), defined].
  223. name_db([black, sea], black_sea).
  224. name_db([upper, volta], upper_volta).
  225. name_db([W1, W2], Name) :-
  226.     reorder_if_var(W2,
  227.                    atomic_list_concat([W1, '_', W2], Name),
  228.                    name_template_db(Name, _)).
  229. name_db([Name], Name) :-
  230.     (   call(name_template_db(Name, _)),
  231.         deterministic(yes)
  232.     ->  !
  233.     ;   true
  234.     ).
  235. name_db([A], A) :-
  236.     t_l:useAltPOS,
  237.     downcase_atom(A, B),
  238.     loop_check_term(not(cw_db(B, C)),
  239.                     info(not(cw_db(B, C)), '':569),
  240.                     fail).
  242. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  243. % warn_undefined(show_missing_renames).
  244. % on_f_log_fail(on_x_log_throw(if_defined(show_missing_renames))).
  245. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  247. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  249. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  250. % PACK LOADER
  251. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  253. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  255. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  257. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  259. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  261. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  263. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  264. % LOGICMOO/CYC Alignment util
  265. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/plarkc/
  266. % no need to makeRenames!?
  267. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  268. % [Required] Load the Logicmoo Type System
  269. % dot_cfg:using_dot_type(gvar_syntax,baseKB)
  270. % dot_cfg:using_dot_type(core,baseKB)
  271. :- dynamic pfcSanityA/0.
  272. :- multifile pfcSanityA/0.
  273. :- public pfcSanityA/0.
  274. :- module_transparent pfcSanityA/0.
  276. pfcSanityA.
  278. :- dynamic pfcSanityB/0.
  279. :- multifile pfcSanityB/0.
  280. :- public pfcSanityB/0.
  281. :- module_transparent pfcSanityB/0.
  283. pfcSanityB.
  285. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/pfc/
  286. % maplist(call, [iz(_6936, [weak1])]),
  287. % do_but_warn(put_attr(_6936, iz, [weak1])).
  288. % maplist(call, [iz(_10006, ["WeAK2"])]),
  289. % do_but_warn(put_attr(_10006, iz, ["WeAK2"])).
  290. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  291. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  293.  No justifications for weak_test(weak1,"WeAK2").
  295. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  296. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  298. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/pfc/
  299. % maplist(call, [iz(_6532, ["Weac1"])]),
  300. % do_but_warn(put_attr(_6532, iz, ["Weac1"])).
  301. % maplist(call, [iz(_9590, ["Weac2"])]),
  302. % do_but_warn(put_attr(_9590, iz, ["Weac2"])).
  303. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  304. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  306. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  308. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/pfc/
  310. Justifications for weac_test("Weac1","Weac2"):
  312.     1.1 mfl4(_,baseKB,/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/pfc/,128)
  313. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  314. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  316. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/pfc/
  317. % maplist(call, [iz(_20090, ["Weac1"])]),
  318. % do_but_warn(put_attr(_20090, iz, ["Weac1"])).
  319. % maplist(call, [iz(_23148, ["wEac2"])]),
  320. % do_but_warn(put_attr(_23148, iz, ["wEac2"])).
  321. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  322. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  324.  No justifications for weac_test("Weac1","wEac2").
  326. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  327. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  329. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/pfc/
  330. % maplist(call, [iz(_13150, [weac1])]),
  331. % do_but_warn(put_attr(_13150, iz, [weac1])).
  332. % maplist(call, [iz(_16220, ["WeAC2"])]),
  333. % do_but_warn(put_attr(_16220, iz, ["WeAC2"])).
  334. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  335. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  337.  No justifications for weac_test(weac1,"WeAC2").
  339. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  340. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  342. % 118,961,327 inferences, 25.050 CPU in 25.057 seconds (100% CPU, 4748997 Lips)
  343. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  344. % [Mostly Required] Load the Logicmoo Plan Generator System
  345. % The graphical front-end will be used for subsequent tracing
  347. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  348. % [Mostly Required] Load the Prolog LarKC System
  349. :- dynamic exactlyAssertedEL_first/5.
  351. exactlyAssertedEL_first(isa, xor, rtLogicalConnective, iUniversalVocabularyMt, vStrDef).
  352. exactlyAssertedEL_first(isa, xor, iELRelationOneWay, iUniversalVocabularyMt, vStrDef).
  353. exactlyAssertedEL_first(isa, xor, rtCommutativeRelation, iUniversalVocabularyMt, vStrDef).
  355. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/plarkc/
  356. % azzert_rename(implies, =>).
  357. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/plarkc/
  358. % azzert_rename(equiv, <=>).
  359. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  360. % [Mostly Required] logicmoo_clif
  361. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  363. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  365. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  366. % [Required] Load the CYC Network Client and Logicmoo CycServer Emulator (currently server is disabled)
  367. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  368. % [Optional] NOT YET Load the Logicmoo RDF/OWL Browser System
  369. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  370. % [Debugging] Normarily this set as 'true' can interfere with debugging
  371. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  372. % [Mostly Required] Load the Logicmoo Parser/Generator System
  373. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_base/prolog/
  375. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  376. % def_parser_data(sm=parser_all, cm=user, m=baseKB, installed_converter/2).
  377. :-(op(400,yfx,/))
  378. :-(op(600,xfy,:))
  379. :-(op(500,fx,-))
  380. :-(op(500,yfx,-))
  381. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  382. % parser_all_start.
  383. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  384. % Scanning for programatic definations (This may take 10-30 seconds)
  385. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  386. % Implementing programatic definations (This shoiuld take less than 2 seconds)
  387. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  388. % List of possible data transformations
  389. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  390. % installed_converter(parser_tokenize, into_acetext(+text80, -acetext)).
  391. % installed_converter(parser_tokenize, into_text80(+input, -text80)).
  392. % installed_converter(parser_tokenize, into_text80(+acetext, -text80)).
  393. % installed_converter(system, my_aceparagraph_to_drs(+acetext, -sentences_set, -syntaxTrees, -unresolvedDrs, -drs0, -messages)).
  394. % installed_converter(drs_fol_pnf, drs_pnf(+drs0, -fol)).
  395. % installed_converter(drs_fol_pnf, drs_fol(+drs0, -pnf)).
  396. % installed_converter(get_ape_results, fol_to_pkif(+pnf, -aceKif(p_kif))).
  397. % installed_converter(get_ape_results, fol_to_pkif(+fol, -aceKif(f_kif))).
  398. % installed_converter(get_ape_results, fol_to_pkif(+drs0, -aceKif(d_kif))).
  399. % installed_converter(get_ape_results, fol_to_pkif(+sdrs, -aceKif(s_kif))).
  400. % installed_converter(drs_to_ace, drs_to_ace(+drs0, -paraphrase_set)).
  401. % installed_converter(drs_to_ace, drslist_to_ace(+drs_set, -paraphrase_set)).
  402. % installed_converter(drs_to_drslist, drs_to_drslist(+drs0, -drs_set)).
  403. % installed_converter(drs_to_sdrs, drs_to_sdrs(+drs, -sdrs)).
  404. % installed_converter(parser_chat80, sent_to_parsed(+text80, -parsed80)).
  405. % installed_converter(parser_chat80, i_sentence(+parsed80, -sent80)).
  406. % installed_converter(parser_chat80, clausify80(+sent80, -clausify80)).
  407. % installed_converter(parser_chat80, simplify80(+clausify80, -simplify80)).
  408. % installed_converter(parser_chat80, qplan(+simplify80, -qplan80)).
  409. % installed_converter(parser_chat80, results80(+qplan80, -results80)).
  410. % installed_converter(parser_e2c, e2c_parse(+chat80, -lf_b)).
  411. % installed_converter(parser_e2c, e2c_clausify(+lf_b, -clause_b)).
  412. % installed_converter(parser_e2c, e2c_reply(+clause_b, -reply_b)).
  413. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/prolog/logicmoo_nlu/
  414. % parser_all_complete.
  415. :- dynamic baseKB:feature_test/0.
  416. :- multifile baseKB:feature_test/0.
  417. :- public baseKB:feature_test/0.
  418. :- module_transparent baseKB:feature_test/0.
  420. baseKB:feature_test :-
  421.     chat80_tests.
  422. baseKB:feature_test :-
  423.     run_pipeline("what countries are there in europe ?").
  424. baseKB:feature_test :-
  425.     run_pipeline("What countries are there in europe ?").
  426. baseKB:feature_test :-
  427.     run_pipeline("What countries are there in north_america ?").
  428. baseKB:feature_test :-
  429.     run_pipeline("What countries are there in north america ?").
  431. :- dynamic baseKB:feature_test/1.
  432. :- multifile baseKB:feature_test/1.
  433. :- public baseKB:feature_test/1.
  434. :- module_transparent baseKB:feature_test/1.
  436. baseKB:feature_test(nlu_riddle) :-
  437.     parser_e2c:riddle.
  438. baseKB:feature_test(must_test_80) :-
  439.     parser_all:forall(must_test_80(U, R, O),  (ignore(\+ \+process_run_diff(report, U, R, O)), ignore(\+ \+ (run_pipeline([input=U], [results80=_], OL), show_kvs(OL))))).
  441. :- dynamic baseKB:sanity_test/0.
  442. :- multifile baseKB:sanity_test/0.
  443. :- public baseKB:sanity_test/0.
  444. :- module_transparent baseKB:sanity_test/0.
  446. baseKB:sanity_test :-
  447.     parser_e2c:t33.
  448. baseKB:sanity_test :-
  449.     parser_chat80:test_chat80_sanity.
  450. baseKB:sanity_test :-
  451.     common_logic_sanity:kif_test(all(R, =>(room(R), exists(D, door(D)&has(R, D))))).
  452. baseKB:sanity_test :-
  453.     common_logic_sanity:
  454.     (   kif_to_boxlog(not((a, b, c, d)), A),
  455.         !,
  456.         disjuncts_to_list(A, B),
  457.         list_to_set(B, C),
  458.         \+ ( member(D, C),
  459.              \+ writeln(D)
  460.            ),
  461.         !
  462.     ).
  463. baseKB:sanity_test :-
  464.     parser_all:
  465.     (   run_pipeline(input='A person who loves all animals is loved by someone.',
  466.                      [aceKif(p)=_],
  467.                      O),
  468.         show_kvs(O)
  469.     ).
  470. baseKB:sanity_test :-
  471.     parser_all:
  472.     (   run_pipeline(input='All persons are happy.',
  473.                      [aceKif(p)=_],
  474.                      O),
  475.         wdmsg(O)
  476.     ).
  478. :- dynamic baseKB:sanity_test/1.
  479. :- multifile baseKB:sanity_test/1.
  480. :- public baseKB:sanity_test/1.
  481. :- module_transparent baseKB:sanity_test/1.
  484. :- dynamic baseKB:regression_test/1.
  485. :- multifile baseKB:regression_test/1.
  486. :- public baseKB:regression_test/1.
  487. :- module_transparent baseKB:regression_test/1.
  490. :- dynamic chat80/3.
  491. :- multifile chat80/3.
  492. :- public chat80/3.
  493. :- module_transparent chat80/3.
  495. chat80(A, B, C) :-
  496.     awc,
  497.     ground(A),
  498.     !,
  499.     chat80(A, B),
  500.     ignore(( nonvar(C),
  501.              dmsg(traitsShouldBe(C))
  502.            )).
  503. chat80(X, Ans, notraits) :-
  504.     var(X),
  505.     (   chat80(X, Ans)
  506.     ;   chat80(X)
  507.     ).
  508. chat80("How many countries have a population greater than 10 million?", 50, borked).
  509. chat80("What are the continents containing a country in which contains more than 3 cities?", [america, asia, europe], slow).
  511. :- dynamic chat80/1.
  512. :- multifile chat80/1.
  513. :- public chat80/1.
  514. :- module_transparent chat80/1.
  516. chat80(A) :-
  517.     awc,
  518.     ground(A),
  519.     !,
  520.     (   is_trait(A)
  521.     ->  with_traits(A)
  522.     ;   test_chat80(A)
  523.     ).
  524. chat80(A) :-
  525.     var(A),
  526.     must_test_80(B, _, _),
  527.     (   into_acetext(B, C),
  528.         any_to_string(C, A)
  529.     ->  true
  530.     ).
  531. chat80(A) :-
  532.     var(A),
  533.     clause(chat80([B|C]), true),
  534.     (   into_acetext([B|C], D),
  535.         any_to_string(D, A)
  536.     ->  true
  537.     ).
  538. chat80(X) :-
  539.     var(X),
  540.     clause(chat80(X, _, _), true).
  541. chat80(X) :-
  542.     var(X),
  543.     clause(chat80(X, _), true).
  544. chat80("Which countries have a population exceeding 10 million?").
  545. chat80("Which countries contain a city?").
  546. chat80("Which countries contain 2 cities?").
  547. chat80("Which countries contain 3 cities?").
  548. chat80("Which countries contain more than 3 cities?").
  549. chat80("Which countries contain more than 2 cities?").
  550. chat80("Which continents contain more than 4 cities?").
  551. chat80("Which asian countries have a population exceeding 10 million?").
  552. chat80("What is the average area of the countries in each continent?").
  553. chat80("What is a river?").
  554. chat80("What is a river that is in asia?").
  555. chat80("Which rivers are not in asia?").
  556. chat80("What is a river that is not happy?").
  557. chat80("does afghanistan border china?").
  558. chat80("what is the capital of upper_volta?").
  559. chat80("where is the largest country?").
  560. chat80("which countries are european?").
  561. chat80("which country's capital is london?").
  562. chat80("which is the largest african country?").
  563. chat80("how large is the smallest american country?").
  564. chat80("what is the ocean that borders african countries and that borders asian countries?").
  565. chat80("what are the capitals of the countries bordering the baltic?").
  566. chat80("how many countries does the danube flow through?").
  567. chat80("what is the total area of countries south of the equator and not in australasia?").
  568. chat80("what is the average area of the countries in each continent?").
  569. chat80("is there more than one country in each continent?").
  570. chat80("is there some ocean that does not border any country? ").
  571. chat80("what are the countries from which a river flows into the black_sea?").
  572. chat80("what are the continents no country in which contains more than two cities whose population exceeds 1 million? ").
  573. chat80("which country bordering the mediterranean borders a country that is bordered by a country whose population exceeds the population of india?").
  574. chat80("which countries have a population exceeding 10 million?").
  575. chat80("which countries with a population exceeding 10 million border the atlantic?").
  576. chat80("what percentage of countries border each ocean?").
  577. chat80("what countries are there in europe?").
  578. chat80([which, is, the, largest, african, country, ?]).
  580. :- dynamic chat80/2.
  581. :- multifile chat80/2.
  582. :- public chat80/2.
  583. :- module_transparent chat80/2.
  585. chat80(A, B) :-
  586.    awc,
  587.    ground(A),
  588.    !,
  589.    chat80(A),
  590.    ignore(( nonvar(B),
  591.             dmsg(answersShouldBe(B))
  592.           )).
  593. chat80(A, B) :-
  594.    var(A),
  595.    must_test_80(D, C, _),
  596.    (   member(answers(B), C),
  597.        into_acetext(D, E),
  598.        any_to_string(E, A)
  599.    ->  true
  600.    ).
  601. chat80("which countries are bordered by two seas?", [[egypt, iran, israel, saudi_arabia, turkey]]).
  602. chat80("How many rivers are not in asia?", 25).
  603. chat80("How many rivers are in asia?", 16).
  604. chat80("How many asian countries have a population exceeding 10 million?", 20).
  605. chat80("How many countries have a population exceeding 10 million?", 50).
  606. chat80("What are the continents in which no country contains more than 3 cities?", [africa, antarctica, australasia, europe]).
  607. chat80("What are the continents not containing a country?", [antarctica]).
  608. chat80("What are the continents no country in which contains more than two cities whose population exceeds 1 million ?", [africa, antarctica, australasia]).
  609. chat80("What are the continents in which no country contains more than two cities whose population exceeds 1 million?", [africa, antarctica, australasia]).
  610. chat80("What are the continents containing a country in which contains more than two cities whose population exceeds 1 million?", [america, asia, europe]).
  612. :- module_transparent test_e2c/1.
  614. test_e2c(String) :-
  615.    string(String),
  616.    !,
  617.    run_e2c_test(String, [requested]).
  618. test_e2c(C) :-
  619.    \+ ( test_e2c(A, B),
  620.         is_testing_e2c(A, B, C),
  621.         \+ ( flatten([B, C], D),
  622.              run_e2c_test(A, D)
  623.            )
  624.       ).
  626. :- dynamic test_e2c/2.
  627. :- multifile test_e2c/2.
  628. :- module_transparent test_e2c/2.
  630. test_e2c("His friends are liked by hers.", [bad_juju, sanity]).
  631. test_e2c("Her friends are not liked by his.", [bad_juju, sanity]).
  632. test_e2c("Do their friends like each other?", [bad_juju, feature]).
  633. test_e2c("If ?X is rearing ?Y then ?X has ?Y.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  634. test_e2c("If ?X keeps ?Y then ?X has ?Y.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  635. test_e2c("There are 5 houses with five different colors.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  636. test_e2c("There are 5 houses", [riddle_prep, sanity]).
  637. test_e2c("Each house has a different color", [riddle_prep, sanity]).
  638. test_e2c("In each house lives a person with a different nationality.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  639. test_e2c("These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar and keep a certain pet.", [riddle(3), sanity]).
  640. test_e2c("These five owners each drink a certain type of beverage.", [riddle(1), sanity]).
  641. test_e2c("These five owners each smoke a certain brand of cigar.", [riddle(1), regression]).
  642. test_e2c("These five owners each keep a certain pet.", [riddle(1), sanity, regression]).
  643. test_e2c("No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar or drink the same beverage.", [riddle(3), sanity]).
  644. test_e2c("No owners have the same pet.", [riddle(1), sanity, regression]).
  645. test_e2c("No owners smoke the same brand of cigar", [riddle(1), sanity, regression]).
  646. test_e2c("No two owners drink the same kind of beverage.", [riddle(1), sanity]).
  647. test_e2c("No two owners have the same pet.", [riddle(1), sanity, regression]).
  648. test_e2c("The brit lives in the red house.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  649. test_e2c("The swede keeps dogs as pets.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  650. test_e2c("A dane drinks tea.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  651. test_e2c("The green house is on the left of the white house.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  652. test_e2c("The green house's owner drinks coffee.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  653. test_e2c("The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.", [riddle(_), sanity, regression]).
  654. test_e2c("The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  655. test_e2c("The man living in the center house drinks milk.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  656. test_e2c("The Norwegian lives in the first house .", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  657. test_e2c("The man who smokes Blends lives next to the one who keeps cats   .", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  658. test_e2c("The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  659. test_e2c("The owner who smokes BlueMaster drinks beer.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  660. test_e2c("The German smokes Prince.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  661. test_e2c("The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  662. test_e2c("The man who smokes Blends has a neighbor who drinks water.", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  663. test_e2c("Who owns the fish?", [riddle(_), sanity]).
  664. test_e2c("The man who smokes Blends has a neighbor who drinks water.", [sanity]).
  665. test_e2c("no two owners eat pizza", [sanity]).
  666. test_e2c("no three owners eat pizza", [sanity]).
  667. test_e2c("no owners eat the same pizza", [sanity]).
  668. test_e2c("there are 5 houses", [sanity]).
  669. test_e2c("there are not 5 houses", [sanity]).
  670. test_e2c("there are not zero houses", [sanity]).
  671. test_e2c("terry writes a non-program.", [tell]).
  672. test_e2c("every nonhuman programmer writes a program.", [tell]).
  673. test_e2c("every human programmer writes a not a program.", [tell]).
  674. test_e2c("every human programmer happily writes a not a program.", [tell]).
  676. % Thread Status       Time    Stack use    allocated
  677. % --------------------------------------------------
  678. %   main running    84.134      118,520    1,029,984
  679. %     gc running     0.275        1,448      112,480
  680. %    pce running     0.371       25,832      309,088
  681. %         lists:(append/3): Not tracing
  682. %         lists:(list_to_set/2): Not tracing
  683. %         lists:(member_/3): Not tracing
  684. % Subsequent tracing uses the commandline tracer
  685. :- dynamic istate/1.
  687. istate([type_props(broken_videocam, [can(switch, f), powered=f, inherit(videocamera, t)]), type_props(videocamera, [inherit(memorize, t), inherit(perceptq, t), inherit(memorize_perceptq, t), can(switch, t), effect(switch(on), setprop($self, powered=t)), effect(switch(off), setprop($self, powered=f)), powered=t, has_sense(see), breaks_into=broken_videocam]), type_props(wrench, [inherit(shiny, t)]), type_props(table, [inherit(surface, t), adjs(physical), default_rel=on]), type_props(shelf, [inherit(surface, t), adjs(physical), inherit(furnature, t)]), type_props(surface, [has_rel(on, t), default_rel=on, adjs(physical), cleanliness=clean]), type_props(broken_lamp, [name='dented brass lamp', nouns(light), nominals(brass), adjs(dented), can(switch, t), effect(switch(on), true), effect(switch(off), true)]), type_props(lamp, [name='shiny brass lamp', powered=t, can(switch, t), nouns(light), nominals(brass), inherit(shiny, t), inherit(object, t), emitting(see, light), effect(switch(on), setprop($self, emitting(see, light))), effect(switch(off), delprop($self, emitting(see, light))), breaks_into=broken_lamp]), type_props(flour, [inherit(food, t), inherit(measurable, t)]), type_props(coins, [inherit(shiny, t), inherit(measurable, t)]), type_props(shiny, [adjs($class), inherit(object, t), inherit(fully_corporial, t)]), type_props(measurable, [adjs($class), ammount=some]), type_props(fountain, [volume_capacity=150, inherit(place, t), inherit(sink, t)]), type_props(cabinate, [inherit(container, t), inherit(furnature, t), volume_capacity=10]), type_props(uncloseable, [opened=t, can(close, f), can(open, f), inherit(container, t)]), type_props(sink, [cleanliness=dirty, inherit(uncloseable, t), inherit(flask, t), inherit(furnature, t), volume_capacity=5]), type_props(paper, [can(burn, t)]), type_props(cardboard, [inherit(paper, t)]), type_props(metal, [can(burn, f)]), type_props(wooden, [breaks_into=splinters, can(burn, t)]), type_props(locker, [inherit(container, t), inherit(object, t), volume_capacity=13, inherit(metal, t), opened=f]), type_props(crate, [inherit(container, t), inherit(object, t), volume_capacity=13, inherit(wooden, t), opened=t]), type_props(box, [opened=f, volume_capacity=11, inherit(container, t), inherit(object, t), inherit(cardboard, t)]), type_props(fireplace, [has_rel(on, f), has_rel(over, t), inherit(uncloseable, t), volume_capacity=20, inherit(furnature, t)]), type_props(plate, [inherit(surface, t), inherit(object, t), volume_capacity=2, breaks_into=shards, cleanliness=dirty, name= $class]), type_props(bowl, [inherit(uncloseable, t), inherit(flask, t), volume_capacity=2, breaks_into=shards, cleanliness=dirty, name='porcelain bowl', desc='This is a modest glass cooking bowl with a yellow flower motif glazed into the outside surface.']), type_props(flask, [adjs(physical), inherit(container, t), inherit(object, t)]), type_props(cup, [inherit(flask, t)]), type_props(bag, [volume_capacity=10, inherit(container, t), inherit(object, t)]), type_props(container, [default_rel=in, opened=f, can(open, t), has_rel(in, t)]), type_props(place, [volume_capacity=10000, default_rel=in, has_rel(in, t), nouns([here]), nouns($self), adjs(locally), can(move, f), can(take, f), has_rel(exit(_), t)]), type_props(natural_force, [knows_verbs(eat, f), can(touch, f), has_rel(held_by, f), has_rel(worn_by, f), has_sense(see), inherit(no_perceptq, t), inherit(noncorporial, t), inherit(actor, t)]), type_props(robot, [knows_verbs(eat, f), inherit(autonomous, t), emitting(see, light), volume=50, mass=200, nouns([robot]), adjs([metallic]), desc='Your classic robot: metallic with glowing red eyes, enthusiastic but not very clever.', can(switch, t), inherit(memorize, t), nouns($class), inherit(shiny, t), inherit(character, t), powered=t, effect(switch(on), setprop($self, powered=t)), effect(switch(off), setprop($self, powered=f))]), type_props(actor, [knows_verbs(examine, t), inherit(partly_noncorporial, t)]), type_props(character, [has_rel(worn_by, t), has_rel(held_by, t), model_depth=3, mass=50, volume=50, has_sense(see), inherit(no_perceptq, t), inherit(memorize, t), inherit(actor, t), inherit(autoscan, t), inherit(partly_noncorporial, t)]), type_props(autonomous, [inherit(autoscan, t)]), type_props(humanoid, [knows_verbs(eat, t), volume=50, mass=50, inherit(character, t), inherit(memorize, t), can(switch(off), f), powered=t]), type_props(console, [adjs(physical), nominals([console]), nouns([player])]), type_props(player, [name= $self, model_depth=3, inherit(autoscan, t), look_depth=2, user_mode=2, access_level=admin, inherit(console, t), inherit(humanoid, t)]), type_props(telnet, [adjs(remote), inherit(player, t), nouns([player])]), props(floyd, [name='Floyd the robot', powered=f, inherit(autonomous, t), inherit(robot, t)]), type_props(furnature, [can(examine, t), inherit(untakeable, t), inherit(fully_corporial, t), inherit(surface, t), inherit(thinkable, t), adjs(physical), class_desc(['kind is furnature'])]), type_props(untakeable, [adjs($class), can(take, f), class_desc(['kind is an Immobile Object'])]), type_props(object, [can(examine, t), adjs(physical), can(move, t), inherit(fully_corporial, t), inherit(thinkable, t), class_desc(['kind is an Movable Object'])]), type_props(fully_corporial, [can(touch, t), can(examine, t), inherit(thinkable, t), cleanliness=clean, adjs($class), class_desc(['kind is corporial'])]), type_props(partly_noncorporial, [inherit(fully_corporial, t), adjs($class), inherit(noncorporial, t), class_desc(['kind is both partly corporial and non-corporial'])]), type_props(only_conceptual, [adjs($class), inherit(noncorporial, t), inherit(thinkable, t), class_desc(['kind is only conceptual'])]), type_props(noncorporial, [can(examine)=f, can(touch, f), inherit(thinkable, t), adjs($class), inherit(fully_corporial, f), class_desc(['direct inheriters are completely noncorporial'])]), type_props(thinkable, [can(examine, t), nouns($self), adjs($class), class_desc(['kind is normally thinkable'])]), type_props(unthinkable, [can(examine, f), adjs($class), class_desc(['kind is normally unthinkable'])]), type_props(door, [can(take, f), can(open, t), can(close, t), opened=f, nouns($class), inherit(fully_corporial, t), can(take, f), can(open, t), can(close, t), opened=f, nouns(door), inherit(fully_corporial, t)]), type_props(mushroom, [name='speckled mushroom', inherit(food, t), nouns(eachOf([mushroom, fungus, toadstool])), adjs([speckled]), initial('A speckled mushroom grows out of the sodden earth, on a long stalk.'), desc='The mushroom is capped with blotches, and you aren\'t at all sure it\'s not a toadstool.', can(eat, t), before(eat,  (random100=<30, die('It was poisoned!');'yuck!')), after(take,  (initial, 'You pick the mushroom, neatly cleaving its thin stalk.'))]), type_props(broken, [name='definately broken', effect(switch(on), true), effect(switch(off), true), can(switch, t), adjs([dented]), adjs($class)]), props(screendoor, [door_to(kitchen), door_to(garden), opened=f, inherit(door, t)]), props(brklamp, [inherit(broken, t), name='possibly broken lamp', effect(switch(on), print_(_, "Switch is flipped")), effect(hit, [print_("Hit brklamp"), setprop($self, inherit(broken))]), inherit(lamp, t)]), props(pantry, [volume_capacity=1000, nouns(closet), nominals(kitchen), desc='You\'re in a dark kitchen pantry.', dark=t, inherit(place, t)]), props(living_room, [inherit(place, t)]), h(in, the(cup), the(cabinate)), h(in, the(cabinate), kitchen), h(in, the(plate), the(sink)), h(in, the(sink), kitchen), h(on, the(lamp), the(table)), h(in, the(table), kitchen), h(in, the(flour), the(bowl)), h(in, the(bowl), the(box)), h(on, the(box), the(table)), h(reverse(on), the(table), the(table_leg)), props(kitchen, [inherit(place, t), desc='cooking happens here']), props(garden, [inherit(place, t), cant_go($agent, up, 'You lack the ability to fly.'), cant_go($agent, _, 'The fence surrounding the garden is too tall and solid to pass.')]), props(dining_room, [inherit(place, t)]), props(basement, [inherit(place, t), desc='This is a very dark basement.', dark=t]), type_props(food, [can(eat, t), inherit(object, t), inherit(measurable, t)]), h(in, brklamp, garden), h(in, screendoor, garden), h(in, the(apple), the(crate)), h(in, the(crate), kitchen), h(in, screendoor, kitchen), h(in, the(fireplace), living_room), h(in, the(videocamera), living_room), h(in, the(shovel), basement), h(in, the(mushroom), garden), h(in, the(fountain), garden), h(in, a(rock), garden), h(in, the(rock), garden), h(in, the(locker), pantry), h(in, the(shelf), pantry), h(exit(west), kitchen, living_room), h(exit(south), living_room, kitchen), h(exit(east), living_room, dining_room), h(exit(north), dining_room, living_room), h(exit(west), dining_room, kitchen), h(exit(east), kitchen, dining_room), h(exit(north), garden, kitchen), h(exit(south), kitchen, garden), h(exit(up), basement, pantry), h(exit(down), pantry, basement), h(exit(north), kitchen, pantry), h(exit(south), pantry, kitchen), h(held_by, the(wrench), floyd), h(in, the(coins), the(bag)), h(held_by, the(bag), the(player)), h(worn_by, the(watch), the(player)), h(in, the(player), kitchen), h(in, floyd, pantry), structure_label(istate)]).
  690. You may start the server with:
  692. ?- mu:srv_mu(PortNum).
  695. Or serve default port 4004:
  697. ?- mu:srv_mu.
  700. For single-threaded debugging/devel
  701. or to run as single player use:
  703. ?- mu:run_mu.
  706. % /opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/logicmoo_nlu/ext/pldata/talk_db.nldata:109825
  707. % init_why(after('/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/NomicMU/')).
  708. % start_x_ide.
  709. % after_boot.
  710. % Dont forget to ?- logicmoo_i_cyc_xform.
  711. % init_why(after('/opt/logicmoo_workspace/packs_sys/NomicMU/')).
  712. % init_why(program).
  714. You may start the server with:
  716. ?- mu:srv_mu(PortNum).
  719. Or serve default port 4004:
  721. ?- mu:srv_mu.
  724. For single-threaded debugging/devel
  725. or to run as single player use:
  727. ?- mu:run_mu.
  731. % adv_server(4004)
  733. Server is starting on port 4004
  734. %  Thread Status       Time    Stack use    allocated
  735. % ---------------------------------------------------
  736. %    main running    87.858      938,680    1,816,416
  737. %      gc running     0.301          744      112,480
  738. %     pce running     0.377       25,832      309,088
  739. % mu_4004 running     0.000            0            0
  741. % 'ORDERING TEST:~n'
  742. %  unordered was [before(start,finish),before(start,x),before(start,y),before(y,finish),before(x,z),before(z,finish)]
  744. %  ordering is [before(z,finish),before(x,finish),before(x,z),before(start,z),before(y,finish),before(start,y),before(start,x),before(start,finish)]
  746. % ' END ORDERING TEST~n'
  747. % create_1obj('~1', [type_props(broken_videocam, [can(switch, f), powered=f, inherit(videocamera, t)]), type_props(videocamera, [inherit(memorize, t), inherit(perceptq, t), inherit(memorize_perceptq, t), can(switch, t), effect(switch(on), setprop($self, powered=t)), effect(switch(off), setprop($self, powered=f)), powered=t, has_sense(see), breaks_into=broken_videocam]), type_props(wrench, [inherit(shiny, t)]), ...(_8738)], the(cup), _8710).
  748. % create_1obj('~1', [type_props(broken_videocam, [can(switch, f), powered=f, inherit(videocamera, t)]), type_props(videocamera, [inherit(memorize, t), inherit(perceptq, t), inherit(memorize_perceptq, t), can(switch, t), effect(switch(on), setprop($self, powered=t)), effect(switch(off), setprop($self, powered=f)), powered=t, has_sense(see), breaks_into=broken_videocam]), type_props(wrench, [inherit(shiny, t)]), ...(_14550)], the(cabinate), _14522).
  749. % create_1obj('~1', [type_props(broken_videocam, [can(switch, f), powered=f, inherit(videocamera, t)]), type_props(videocamera, [inherit(memorize, t), inherit(perceptq, t), inherit(memorize_perceptq, t), can(switch, t),
  751. .... <SNIP> ................
  752. .... <SNIP> ................
  753. .... <SNIP> ................
  756. h(exit(east),living_room,dining_room),
  757.  h(exit(north),dining_room,living_room),
  758.  h(exit(west),dining_room,kitchen),
  759.  h(exit(east),kitchen,dining_room),
  760.  h(exit(north),garden,kitchen),
  761.  h(exit(south),kitchen,garden),
  762.  h(exit(up),basement,pantry),
  763.  h(exit(down),pantry,basement),
  764.  h(exit(north),kitchen,pantry),
  765.  h(exit(south),pantry,kitchen),
  766.  h(in,floyd,pantry),
  767.  structure_label(istate)
  768. ]
  769. =============================================
  770. Welcome to Marty's Prolog Adventure Prototype
  771. =============================================
  773. % player~1 @ kitchen: already about todo: look(player~1)
  775. % aXiom( look('player~1'))
  777. Player~1 sees in kitchen
  779. (...verbose...: player sees the kitchen is large, has an interior, can have exits and "cooking happens here". )
  780. Player~1 sees in kitchen: crate, table, sink, cabinate and screendoor.
  781. Exits in kitchen are: west, east, south and north.
  784. (...verbose...: player sees the crate ( Opened: f ) and has an interior. )
  785. (...verbose...: crate is closed from seeing In )
  787. (...verbose...: player sees the table has a surface. )
  788. Player~1 see on table: box and lamp.
  790. (...verbose...: player sees the sink opened, has an interior and has a surface. )
  791. Player~1 see in sink: plate.
  792. (...verbose...: nothing on sink )
  794. (...verbose...: player sees the cabinate ( Opened: f ), has an interior and has a surface. )
  795. (...verbose...: cabinate is closed from seeing In )
  796. (...verbose...: nothing on cabinate )
  798. (...verbose...: player sees the screendoor ( Opened: f ). )
  801. (...verbose...: box is closed from seeing In )
  806. Player~1 see on plate: <nothing>
  807. player~1@spatial>
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