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- #ifndef __DYNAMICAR_H__
- #define __DYNAMICAR_H__
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "SdiObject.h"
- #include "TypeInfo.h"
- #include "MemAlloc.h"
- namespace SDICW
- {
- // Base Dynamic array
- class CDynamicAr : CSdiObject
- {
- public:
- // constructors
- CDynamicAr(void);
- virtual ~CDynamicAr(void);
- // methods
- sdVoid *GetData();
- const sdVoid *GetData() const;
- sdBool IsValidIndex(sdInt i) const;
- sdInt Count() const;
- sdVoid Insert(sdInt index, sdInt count, sdInt elementSize);
- sdVoid InsertZeroed(sdInt index, sdInt count, sdInt elementSize);
- sdInt Add(sdInt count, sdInt elementSize);
- sdInt AddZeroed(sdInt elementSize, sdInt count = 1);
- sdBool Shrink(sdInt elementSize);
- sdVoid Empty(sdInt elementSize, sdInt slack = 0);
- sdVoid Swap(sdInt elemA, sdInt elemB, sdInt elementSize);
- sdBool Remove(sdInt index, sdInt count, sdInt elementSize);
- protected:
- // reallocates the memory space on m_data
- sdVoid ReAllocate(sdInt elementSize);
- CDynamicAr(sdInt inNum, sdInt elementSize);
- // vars
- sdVoid *m_data; // memory space where we store the elements
- sdInt m_arrayNum; // number of elements in array
- sdInt m_arrayMax; // array capacity
- };
- typedef CDynamicAr ParentClass;
- // Dynamic array with template
- template<class _T> class TDynamicAr : public CDynamicAr
- {
- public:
- typedef _T ElementType;
- TDynamicAr() : ParentClass()
- {
- }
- TDynamicAr(sdInt num) : ParentClass(num, sizeof(ElementType)), m_iterator(NULL)
- {
- }
- TDynamicAr(const TDynamicAr &another)
- : ParentClass(another.m_arrayNum, sizeof(ElementType)), m_iterator(NULL)
- {
- // if its class type
- if(TTypeInfo<ElementType>::IsDestructorNeeded())
- {
- m_arrayNum = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < another.Count(); i++)
- {
- new(*this)ElementType(another[i]);
- }
- }
- else if(sizeof(ElementType) != 1) // if its not class type
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < m_arrayNum; i++)
- {
- (*this)[i] = another[i];
- }
- }
- else // in another case copy the whole thing, we don't care
- {
- memcpy(&(*this)[0], &another[0], m_arrayNum * sizeof(ElementType));
- }
- }
- ~TDynamicAr()
- {
- Remove(0, m_arrayNum);
- }
- // operator overloads
- ElementType& operator[](sdInt i)
- {
- return ((ElementType *)m_data)[i];
- }
- const ElementType& operator[](sdInt i) const
- {
- return ((ElementType *)m_data)[i];
- }
- // concatenate with another dynamic array. e.g arrayVar1 + arrayVar2
- TDynamicAr& operator+(const TDynamicAr& another)
- {
- if(this != &another)
- {
- for(sdInt i = 0; i < another.Count(); i++)
- {
- new(*this)ElementType(another[i]);
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- TDynamicAr& operator+=(const TDynamicAr& another)
- {
- if(this != &another)
- {
- *this = *this + another;
- }
- return *this;
- }
- TDynamicAr& operator=(const TDynamicAr& another)
- {
- if(this != &another)
- {
- Empty(another.Count());
- for(sdInt i = 0; i < another.Count(); i++)
- {
- new(*this)ElementType(another[i]);
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- // methods
- sdInt AddItem(const ElementType& element)
- {
- new(*this) ElementType(element);
- return Count() - 1; // return the index of the element
- }
- sdInt AddZeroed(sdInt count = 1)
- {
- return ParentClass::AddZeroed(sizeof(ElementType), count);
- }
- sdInt Add(sdInt count = 1)
- {
- return ParentClass::Add(count, sizeof(ElementType));
- }
- sdInt AddUnique(const ElementType& element)
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < m_arrayNum; i++)
- {
- // if its already in the array, return its index
- if((*this)[i] == element)
- {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return AddItem(element);
- }
- sdVoid InsertItem(const ElementType& element, sdInt index)
- {
- sdInt idx = Insert(index);
- (*this)[idx] = element; // todo: debug this
- }
- sdVoid Insert(sdInt index, sdInt count = 1)
- {
- return ParentClass::Insert(index, count, sizeof(ElementType));
- }
- sdVoid InsertZeroed(sdInt index, sdInt count = 1)
- {
- return ParentClass::InsertZeroed(index, count, sizeof(ElementType));
- }
- ElementType Pop()
- {
- ElementType result = ((ElementType *)m_data)[m_arrayNum - 1];
- Remove(m_arrayNum - 1);
- return result;
- }
- ElementType& Last(sdInt c = 0)
- {
- return ((ElementType *)m_data)[m_arrayNum - count - 1];
- }
- const ElementType& Last(sdInt c = 0) const
- {
- return ((ElementType *)m_data)[m_arrayNum - count - 1];
- }
- sdVoid Shrink()
- {
- ParentClass::Shrink(sizeof(ElementType));
- }
- sdBool FindItem(const ElementType& item, __out sdInt& index) const
- {
- for(index = 0; index < m_arrayNum; index++)
- {
- if((*this)[index] == item)
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- sdInt FindItemIndex(const ElementType& item) const
- {
- for(sdInt index = 0; index < m_arrayNum; index++)
- {
- if((*this)[index] == item)
- return index;
- }
- return INDEX_NONE;
- }
- sdBool Contains(const ElementType& item) const
- {
- return (FindItemIndex(item) != INDEX_NONE);
- }
- sdBool Remove(sdInt index, sdInt count = 1)
- {
- // if its class type, then we need to call its destructor
- if(TTypeInfo<ElementType>::IsDestructorNeeded())
- {
- for(sdInt i = index; i < index + count; i++ )
- {
- (&(*this)[i])->~ElementType();
- }
- }
- return ParentClass::Remove(index, count, sizeof(ElementType));
- }
- sdBool Remove(const ElementType& element)
- {
- sdInt idx = FindItemIndex(element);
- return Remove(idx);
- }
- sdBool Empty(sdInt slack = 0)
- {
- if(TTypeInfo<ElementType>::IsDestructorNeeded())
- {
- for(sdInt i = 0; i < m_arrayNum; i++ )
- {
- (&(*this)[i])->~ElementType();
- }
- }
- return ParentClass::Empty(sizeof(ElementType), slack);
- }
- sdVoid SwapItems(sdInt indexA, sdInt indexB)
- {
- ParentClass::Swap(indexA, indexB, sizeof(ElementType));
- }
- class Iterator
- {
- public:
- // constructor
- Iterator(TDynamicAr<ElementType>& inArray)
- {
- ++*this;
- }
- // operator overloads
- sdVoid operator++()
- {
- return m_array[m_index];
- }
- ElementType& operator*()
- {
- return m_array[m_index];
- }
- ElementType* operator->()
- {
- return &m_array[m_index];
- }
- operator sdBool() const
- {
- return m_index < m_array.Count();
- }
- sdVoid RemoveCurrent()
- {
- m_array.Remove(--m_index);
- }
- ElementType& GetCurrent() const
- {
- return m_index;
- }
- sdInt GetIndex() const
- {
- return m_array[m_index];
- }
- ElementType& GetNext() const
- {
- return m_array[m_index < m_array.Count() - 1 ? m_index + 1 : 0];
- }
- ElementType& GetPrev() const
- {
- return m_array[m_index ? m_index - 1 : m_array.Count() - 1];
- }
- private:
- TDynamicAr<ElementType>& m_array;
- sdInt m_index;
- };
- Iterator& GetIterator() const
- {
- if(m_iterator == NULL || !m_iterator)
- {
- m_iterator = new Iterator(this);
- }
- return m_iterator;
- }
- private:
- Iterator *m_iterator;
- };
- template<class T> sdVoid* operator new(size_t size, TDynamicAr<T>& ar)
- {
- int index = ar.CDynamicAr::Add(1, sizeof(T));
- return &ar[index];
- }
- template<class T> sdVoid* operator new(size_t size, TDynamicAr<T>& ar, sdInt index)
- {
- ar.CDynamicAr::Insert(index, 1, sizeof(T));
- return &ar[index];
- }
- // array exchanger
- template<class T> sdVoid ExchangeArray(TDynamicAr<T>& elemA, TDynamicAr<T>& elemB)
- {
- appMemorySwap(&elemA, &elemB, sizeof(CDynamicAr));
- }
- }
- #endif
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