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- --peripheral config
- local sideGateOut = "top"
- local sideGateIn = "networked_name"
- --output multiplier: set by modpack (default = 1.0), change this to the value of draconic evolution config (!!!not tested yet!!!)
- local outputMultiplier = 1.0
- local reactornumber = "1"
- local tempPinpoint = 0
- --Do not change anything below
- --originally made by electronx3
- --modified by jona23 to work in 1.16+
- --constants
- local val_1div3 = 1.0/3.0
- --config
- --emergency shutdown parameters
- local maxOvershoot = 200.0 --reactor will shutdown when temperature gets hotter than defaultTemp+maxOvershoot
- local minFuel = 0.05
- --default parameters
- local defaultTemp = 8000.0
- local defaultField = 0.09
- local restartFix = 100
- local maxTempInc = 400.0 --max. temperature increase per computer tick
- local maxOutflow = 30000000.0
- local chargeInflow = 20000000
- local shutDownField = 0.1 --field strength while shutdown
- local safeMode = true --when set to false, the automatic emergency shutdown function is disabled
- --peripherals
- local reactor
- local gateIn
- local gateOut
- local mon
- --info
- local info
- local currentEmergency = false
- local currentField
- local currentFuel
- local stableTicks = 0
- local screenPage = 0
- local openConfirmDialog = false
- local manualStart = false
- local manualCharge = false
- local manualStop = false
- --the program
- function updateInfo()
- info = reactor.getReactorInfo()
- if info == nil or info == null then
- gClear()
- gWrite("System Crash!", 1, 1, colors.white,
- gWrite("CODE: invalid_core_setup", 1, 2, colors.white,
- error("Reactor has an invalid setup")
- end
- currentField = info.fieldStrength / info.maxFieldStrength
- currentFuel = 1.0 - (info.fuelConversion / info.maxFuelConversion)
- end
- function isEmergency()
- currentEmergency = safeMode and not (info.temperature < 2000.0) and (info.status == "running" or info.status == "online" or info.status == "stopping") and (info.temperature > defaultTemp + maxOvershoot or currentField < 0.004 or currentFuel < minFuel)
- return currentEmergency
- end
- function calcInflow(targetStrength, fieldDrainRate)
- return fieldDrainRate / (1.0 - targetStrength)
- end
- --creators of the setupPeripherals function:
- function setupPeripherals()
- local tmpMon = periphSearch("monitor")
- if tmpMon == null then
- mon = null
- print("WARN: No valid monitor was found!")
- else
- monX, monY = tmpMon.getSize()
- mon = {}
- mon.monitor, mon.x, mon.y = tmpMon, monX, monY
- end
- print("Setup peripherals...")
- reactor = periphSearch("draconic_reactor")
- gateIn = peripheral.wrap(sideGateIn)
- gateOut = peripheral.wrap(sideGateOut)
- if reactor == null then
- gClear()
- gWrite("System Crash!", 1, 1, colors.white,
- gWrite("CODE: no_valid_core_found", 1, 2, colors.white,
- error("No valid reactor was found!")
- end
- if gateIn == null then
- gClear()
- gWrite("System Crash!", 1, 1, colors.white,
- gWrite("CODE: no_valid_input_gate", 1, 2, colors.white,
- error("No valid input fluxgate was found!")
- end
- if gateOut == null then
- gClear()
- gWrite("System Crash!", 1, 1, colors.white,
- gWrite("CODE: no_valid_output_gate", 1, 2, colors.white,
- error("No valid output fluxgate was found!")
- end
- gateIn.setOverrideEnabled(true)
- gateIn.setFlowOverride(0)
- gateOut.setOverrideEnabled(true)
- gateOut.setFlowOverride(0)
- print("Done!")
- end
- function periphSearch(type)
- local names = peripheral.getNames()
- local i, name
- for i, name in pairs(names) do
- if peripheral.getType(name) == type then
- return peripheral.wrap(name)
- end
- end
- return null
- end
- function clickListener()
- if mon == null then
- return
- end
- while true do
- event, side, xPos, yPos = os.pullEvent("monitor_touch")
- local cFlow = 0 --remove local later
- if yPos == mon.y and xPos >= 1 and xPos <= 4 then
- openConfirmDialog = false
- screenPage = (screenPage + 1) % 2
- elseif screenPage == 1 then
- if yPos == 8 then
- local tmpTemp = defaultTemp
- if xPos >= 2 and xPos <= 3 then
- tmpTemp = tmpTemp - 1.0
- elseif xPos >= 5 and xPos <= 6 then
- tmpTemp = tmpTemp - 10.0
- elseif xPos >= 9 and xPos <= 11 then
- tmpTemp = tmpTemp - 100.0
- elseif xPos >= 14 and xPos <= 16 then
- tmpTemp = 8000.0
- elseif xPos >= 19 and xPos <= 21 then
- tmpTemp = tmpTemp + 100.0
- elseif xPos >= 24 and xPos <= 25 then
- tmpTemp = tmpTemp + 10.0
- elseif xPos >= 27 and xPos <= 28 then
- tmpTemp = tmpTemp + 1.0
- end
- if tmpTemp < 20.0 then
- tmpTemp = 20.0
- elseif tmpTemp > 20000.0 then
- tmpTemp = 20000.0
- end
- defaultTemp = tmpTemp
- --print("new default temperature: " .. math.floor(defaultTemp) .. "°C")
- elseif yPos == 12 then
- local tmpField = defaultField
- if xPos >= 2 and xPos <= 3 then
- tmpField = tmpField - 0.001
- elseif xPos >= 5 and xPos <= 6 then
- tmpField = tmpField - 0.01
- elseif xPos >= 9 and xPos <= 11 then
- tmpField = tmpField - 0.1
- elseif xPos >= 14 and xPos <= 16 then
- tmpField = 0.01
- elseif xPos >= 19 and xPos <= 21 then
- tmpField = tmpField + 0.1
- elseif xPos >= 24 and xPos <= 25 then
- tmpField = tmpField + 0.01
- elseif xPos >= 27 and xPos <= 28 then
- tmpField = tmpField + 0.001
- end
- if safeMode then
- if tmpField < 0.005 then
- tmpField = 0.005
- elseif tmpField > 0.6 then
- tmpField = 0.6
- end
- else
- if tmpField < 0.0001 then
- tmpField = 0.0001
- elseif tmpField > 0.6 then
- tmpField = 0.6
- end
- end
- defaultField = tmpField
- --print("new default field strength: " .. math.floor(defaultField*1000.0)/10.0 .. "%")
- elseif yPos == 15 then
- if openConfirmDialog then
- if xPos >= 25 and xPos <= 28 then
- openConfirmDialog = false
- elseif xPos >= 16 and xPos <= 22 then
- openConfirmDialog = false
- safeMode = false
- --print("WARN: Safe mode deactivated!")
- end
- elseif xPos >= 26 and xPos <= 28 then
- if safeMode then
- openConfirmDialog = true
- else
- safeMode = true
- --print("Safe mode activated!")
- end
- end
- elseif yPos == 17 and info ~= null then
- if not currentEmergency then
- if (info.status == "running" or info.status == "online") and xPos >= 2 and xPos <= 5 then
- manualStop = true
- elseif (info.status == "cold" or info.status == "offline" or info.status == "cooling") and xPos >= 2 and xPos <= 7 then
- manualCharge = true
- elseif (info.status == "stopping" or info.status == "warming_up" or info.status == "charged") and xPos >= 2 and xPos <= 6 then
- manualStart = true
- elseif info.status == "warming_up" and xPos >= 9 and xPos <= 12 then
- manualStop = true
- end
- end
- if info.temperature < 2000.0 and xPos >= 26 and xPos <= 28 then
- print("Program stopped!")
- return
- end
- end
- end
- saveConfig()
- end
- end
- --graphic stuff: inspired by
- function gClear()
- mon.monitor.setBackgroundColor(
- mon.monitor.clear()
- mon.monitor.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- function gWrite(text, x, y, cl, clBg)
- mon.monitor.setCursorPos(x, y)
- mon.monitor.setTextColor(cl)
- mon.monitor.setBackgroundColor(clBg)
- mon.monitor.write(text)
- end
- function gWriteR(text, x, y, cl, clBg)
- gWrite(text, mon.x - string.len(tostring(text)) - x, y, cl, clBg)
- end
- function gWriteLR(textL, textR, xL, xR, y, clL, clR, clBg)
- gWrite(textL, xL, y, clL, clBg)
- gWriteR(textR, xR, y, clR, clBg)
- end
- function gDrawLine(x, y, length, cl)
- if length < 0 then
- return
- end
- mon.monitor.setCursorPos(x, y)
- mon.monitor.setBackgroundColor(cl)
- mon.monitor.write(string.rep(" ", length))
- end
- function gDrawProgressBar(x, y, length, proportion, cl, clBg)
- if proportion < 0.0 or proportion > 1.0 then
- gDrawLine(x, y, length, cl)
- else
- gDrawLine(x, y, length, clBg)
- gDrawLine(x, y, math.floor(proportion*length), cl)
- end
- end
- function gDrawStandardProgressBar(y, proportion, cl)
- gDrawProgressBar(2, y, mon.x-2, proportion, cl, colors.gray)
- end
- function update()
- local newInflow = 0.0
- local newOutflow = 0.0
- while true do
- updateInfo()
- local isStable = true
- local tmpShutDownField = math.max(shutDownField, defaultField)
- if peripheral.wrap(sideGateOut) == null then
- reactor.stopReactor()
- newInflow = calcInflow(tmpShutDownField, info.fieldDrainRate)
- gClear()
- gWrite("System Crash!", 1, 1, colors.white,
- gWrite("CODE: output_gate_missing", 1, 2, colors.white,
- error("Output gate missing!")
- end
- if manualStop then
- manualStart = false
- manualStop = false
- manualCharge = false
- reactor.stopReactor()
- end
- if isEmergency() == true then
- reactor.stopReactor()
- newInflow = calcInflow(0.8, info.fieldDrainRate)
- newOutflow = 0.0
- manualStart = false
- manualCharge = false
- elseif info.status == "cold" or info.status == "offline" or info.status == "cooling" then
- newInflow = 0.0
- newOutflow = 0.0
- if manualCharge then
- manualStart = false
- manualCharge = false
- reactor.chargeReactor()
- end
- elseif info.status == "charging" then
- newInflow = chargeInflow
- newOutflow = 0.0
- manualStart = false
- manualCharge = false
- elseif info.status == "warming_up" or info.status == "charged" then
- newInflow = chargeInflow
- newOutflow = 0.0
- if manualStart then
- manualStart = false
- manualCharge = false
- reactor.activateReactor()
- end
- elseif info.status == "running" or info.status == "online" then
- manualStart = false
- manualCharge = false
- local temp = info.temperature
- if defaultTemp < info.temperature then
- if tempPinpoint < 10 then
- tempPinpoint = tempPinpoint - 0.01
- end
- end
- if defaultTemp > info.temperature then
- if tempPinpoint > -10 then
- tempPinpoint = tempPinpoint + 0.01
- end
- end
- defaultTemp = defaultTemp + tempPinpoint
- if temp > defaultTemp - 6.0 and temp < defaultTemp + 5.0 then
- stableTicks = stableTicks + 1
- if stableTicks > 100 then
- isStable = true
- end
- else
- stableTicks = 0
- end
- if temp < defaultTemp then
- local tempInc
- if temp < defaultTemp - 50.0 then
- tempInc = math.sqrt(defaultTemp - temp)
- elseif temp < defaultTemp - 0.5 then
- tempInc = math.sqrt(defaultTemp - temp)/2.0
- end
- if tempInc == nil or tempInc < 0.0 then
- tempInc = 0
- elseif tempInc > maxTempInc then
- tempInc = maxTempInc
- end
- local t50 = temp/200.0
- local convLvl = (info.fuelConversion / info.maxFuelConversion)*1.3 - 0.3
- local y = (t50^4)/(100.0-t50)*(1-convLvl) + 1000.0*(tempInc-convLvl) - 444.7
- local dSqrt = math.sqrt((50.0*y)^2 + (y/3.0)^3)
- local x
- local tmpValRoot = dSqrt - 50.0*y
- if tmpValRoot > 0.0 then
- x = math.pow(dSqrt + 50.0*y, val_1div3) - math.pow(tmpValRoot, val_1div3)
- else
- x = math.pow(dSqrt + 50.0*y, val_1div3) + math.pow(0.0-tmpValRoot, val_1div3)
- end
- newOutflow = info.maxEnergySaturation*x/99.0 + info.energySaturation - info.maxEnergySaturation
- if newOutflow > maxOutflow then
- newOutflow = maxOutflow
- end
- else
- newOutflow = 0.0
- end
- if isStable == true then
- if currentField > defaultField + 0.05 then
- newInflow = 0.0
- elseif currentField > defaultField*1.2 then
- newInflow = calcInflow(defaultField*0.98, info.fieldDrainRate)
- elseif currentField > defaultField*0.97 then
- newInflow = calcInflow(defaultField, info.fieldDrainRate)
- else
- newInflow = calcInflow(defaultField*1.5, info.fieldDrainRate)
- end
- else
- if currentField > tmpShutDownField then
- newInflow = calcInflow(tmpShutDownField, info.fieldDrainRate)
- else
- newInflow = calcInflow(tmpShutDownField*1.2, info.fieldDrainRate)
- end
- end
- defaultTemp = defaultTemp - tempPinpoint
- elseif info.status == "stopping" then
- if currentField > tmpShutDownField then
- newInflow = calcInflow(tmpShutDownField, info.fieldDrainRate)
- else
- newInflow = calcInflow(tmpShutDownField*1.2, info.fieldDrainRate)
- end
- newOutflow = 0.0
- if manualStart then
- manualStart = false
- manualCharge = false
- reactor.activateReactor()
- end
- end
- if newInflow < 0.0 then
- newInflow = 0.0
- end
- if newOutflow < 0.0 then
- newOutflow = 0.0
- end
- if newInflow > 0.0 then
- newInflow = math.floor(newInflow)
- else
- newInflow = 0
- end
- local outflowMultiplied = 0
- if newOutflow > 0.0 then
- outflowMultiplied = math.floor(newOutflow*outputMultiplier)
- else
- newOutflow = 0.0
- end
- if restartFix > 0 then
- outflowMultiplied = 0.0
- newInflow = 10000000.0
- restartFix = restartFix - 1.0
- end
- gateIn.setFlowOverride(newInflow)
- gateOut.setFlowOverride(outflowMultiplied)
- if mon ~= null then
- gClear()
- if screenPage == 0 then
- local clTemp
- if info.temperature < defaultTemp*0.95 then
- clTemp =
- elseif info.temperature < defaultTemp + 1.0 then
- clTemp = colors.yellow
- elseif info.temperature < defaultTemp + maxOvershoot then
- clTemp =
- else
- clTemp =
- end
- gWriteLR("temperature:", math.floor(info.temperature*10.0)/10.0 .. "°C", 2, 0, 7, colors.white, clTemp,
- gWriteLR("set: " .. math.floor(defaultTemp) .. "°C", "max: " .. math.floor(defaultTemp + maxOvershoot) .. "°C", 2, 0, 8, colors.white, colors.white,
- gDrawStandardProgressBar(9, info.temperature/16000.0, clTemp)
- local clField
- if currentField > defaultField*1.05 then
- clField =
- elseif currentField > defaultField*0.95 then
- clField = colors.yellow
- else
- clField =
- end
- gWriteLR("field strength:", math.floor(currentField*10000.0)/100.0 .. "%", 2, 0, 11, colors.white, clField,
- gWriteLR("set: " .. math.floor(defaultField*1000)/10.0 .. "%", "min: 0.4%", 2, 0, 12, colors.white, colors.white,
- gDrawStandardProgressBar(13, currentField, clField)
- gWriteLR("status", info.status:upper(), 2, 0, 15, colors.white, colors.white,
- local clFuel
- if currentFuel > 0.15 then
- clFuel =
- elseif currentFuel > 0.05 then
- clFuel = colors.yellow
- elseif currentFuel > 0.01 then
- clFuel =
- else
- clFuel =
- end
- gWriteLR("fuel:", math.floor(currentFuel*10000.0)/100.0 .. "%", 2, 0, 16, colors.white, clFuel,
- elseif screenPage == 1 then
- local clTemp
- if info.temperature < defaultTemp*0.95 then
- clTemp =
- elseif info.temperature < defaultTemp + 1.0 then
- clTemp = colors.yellow
- elseif info.temperature < defaultTemp + maxOvershoot then
- clTemp =
- else
- clTemp =
- end
- gWriteLR("temp: " .. math.floor(defaultTemp) .. " (" .. math.floor(defaultTemp + maxOvershoot) .. ")", math.floor(info.temperature*10.0)/10.0 .. "°C", 2, 0, 7, colors.white, clTemp,
- gDrawStandardProgressBar(9, info.temperature/16000.0, clTemp)
- gWrite("<", 2, 8, colors.white,
- gWrite("<<", 5, 8, colors.white,
- gWrite("<<<", 9, 8, colors.white,
- gWrite("res", 14, 8, colors.white,
- gWrite(">>>", 19, 8, colors.white,
- gWrite(">>", 24, 8, colors.white,
- gWrite(">", 28, 8, colors.white,
- local clField
- if currentField > defaultField*1.05 then
- clField =
- elseif currentField > defaultField*0.95 then
- clField = colors.yellow
- else
- clField =
- end
- gWriteLR("field: " .. math.floor(defaultField*1000)/10.0 .. "% (0.4%)", math.floor(currentField*10000.0)/100.0 .. "%", 2, 0, 11, colors.white, clField,
- gDrawStandardProgressBar(13, currentField, clField)
- gWrite("<", 2, 12, colors.white,
- gWrite("<<", 5, 12, colors.white,
- gWrite("<<<", 9, 12, colors.white,
- gWrite("res", 14, 12, colors.white,
- gWrite(">>>", 19, 12, colors.white,
- gWrite(">>", 24, 12, colors.white,
- gWrite(">", 28, 12, colors.white,
- if safeMode then
- if openConfirmDialog then
- gWrite("DISABLE?", 2, 15, colors.white,
- gWrite("CONFIRM", 16, 15, colors.white,
- gWrite("EXIT", 25, 15, colors.white,
- else
- gWrite("safe mode:", 2, 15, colors.white,
- gWrite("ON", 27, 15,,
- end
- else
- gWrite("safe mode:", 2, 15, colors.white,
- gWrite("OFF", 26, 15,,
- end
- if not currentEmergency then
- if info.status == "running" or info.status == "online" then
- gWrite("STOP", 2, 17, colors.white,
- elseif info.status == "cold" or info.status == "offline" or info.status == "cooling" then
- gWrite("CHARGE", 2, 17, colors.white,
- elseif info.status == "stopping" or info.status == "charged" then
- gWrite("START", 2, 17, colors.white,
- elseif info.status == "warming_up" then
- gWrite("START", 2, 17, colors.white,
- gWrite("STOP", 9, 17, colors.white,
- end
- end
- if info.temperature < 2000.0 then
- gWrite("END", 26, 17, colors.white,
- end
- end
- gWriteLR("Draconic Reactor Number", reactornumber, 2, 0, 1, colors.white, colors.white,
- gWriteLR("inflow:", newInflow .. " RF/t", 2, 0, 3, colors.white, colors.white,
- gWriteLR("outflow:", outflowMultiplied .. " RF/t", 2, 0, 4, colors.white, colors.white,
- local gain = outflowMultiplied - newInflow
- if gain > 0.0 then
- gWriteLR("-> gain:", gain .. " RF/t", 2, 0, 5, colors.white,,
- elseif gain < 0.0 then
- gWriteLR("-> gain:", gain .. " RF/t", 2, 0, 5, colors.white,,
- elseif gain == 0.0 then
- gWriteLR("-> gain:", "0 RF/t", 2, 0, 5, colors.white, colors.white,
- end
- gDrawLine(1, mon.y, 4, colors.gray)
- end
- sleep(0.02)
- end
- end
- function setup()
- term.clear()
- print("Starting program...")
- if fs.exists("config.txt") then
- print("Loading config...")
- loadConfig()
- print("Done!")
- else
- print("Creating config...")
- saveConfig()
- print("Done!")
- end
- if chargeInflow < 0 then
- chargeInflow = 0
- end
- stableTicks = 0
- setupPeripherals()
- print("Started!")
- end
- function loadConfig()
- local config ="config.txt", "r")
- outputMultiplier = tonumber(config.readLine())/1000000.0
- maxOvershoot = tonumber(config.readLine())
- minFuel = tonumber(config.readLine())/100.0
- defaultTemp = tonumber(config.readLine())
- defaultField = tonumber(config.readLine())/1000.0
- maxTempInc = tonumber(config.readLine())
- maxOutflow = tonumber(config.readLine())
- chargeInflow = tonumber(config.readLine())
- shutDownField = tonumber(config.readLine())/1000.0
- config.close()
- end
- function saveConfig()
- local config ="config.txt", "w")
- config.writeLine(outputMultiplier*1000000.0)
- config.writeLine(maxOvershoot)
- config.writeLine(minFuel*100.0)
- config.writeLine(defaultTemp)
- config.writeLine(defaultField*1000.0)
- config.writeLine(maxTempInc)
- config.writeLine(maxOutflow)
- config.writeLine(chargeInflow)
- config.writeLine(shutDownField*1000.0)
- config.close()
- end
- function main()
- setup()
- if mon == null then
- update()
- else
- parallel.waitForAny(update, clickListener)
- gClear()
- gWrite("Program stopped!", 1, 1, colors.white,
- end
- end
- main()
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