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- import javax.swing.*;
- import;
- import*;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.awt.*;
- import;
- import;
- class TwoPassAssemblerGUI extends JFrame {
- private final JTextField inputFileField;
- private final JTextField optabFileField;
- private final JButton assembleBtn;
- private final JTextArea intermediateFileOutput;
- private final JTextArea symbolTableOutput;
- private final JTextArea objectCodeOutput;
- public TwoPassAssemblerGUI() throws IOException {
- setTitle("Two-Pass Assembler");
- setSize(800, 650);
- setResizable(false);
- setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
- Font font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 16);
- Font font2 = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 14);
- // Input label and field
- JLabel inputFileLabel = new JLabel("Input File:");
- inputFileLabel.setFont(font);
- inputFileField = new JTextField(30);
- inputFileField.setFont(font);
- JButton browseBtn = new JButton("Browse");
- browseBtn.setFont(font);
- browseBtn.addActionListener(e -> browseFile(inputFileField));
- // Input panel
- JPanel inputPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(10, 0));
- inputPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 20, 10, 20));
- inputPanel.add(inputFileLabel, BorderLayout.WEST);
- inputPanel.add(inputFileField, BorderLayout.CENTER);
- inputPanel.add(browseBtn, BorderLayout.EAST);
- // Optab label and field
- JLabel optabFileLabel = new JLabel("Optab File:");
- optabFileLabel.setFont(font);
- optabFileField = new JTextField(30);
- optabFileField.setFont(font);
- JButton optabBrowseBtn = new JButton("Browse");
- optabBrowseBtn.setFont(font);
- optabBrowseBtn.addActionListener(e -> browseFile(optabFileField));
- // Optab panel
- JPanel optabPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(10, 0));
- optabPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 20, 10, 20));
- optabPanel.add(optabFileLabel, BorderLayout.WEST);
- optabPanel.add(optabFileField, BorderLayout.CENTER);
- optabPanel.add(optabBrowseBtn, BorderLayout.EAST);
- // Assemble button
- assembleBtn = new JButton("Assemble");
- assembleBtn.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 16));
- assembleBtn.setBackground(new Color(0, 153, 255));
- assembleBtn.setForeground(Color.WHITE);
- assembleBtn.setFocusPainted(false);
- assembleBtn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120, 35));
- assembleBtn.addActionListener(e -> runAssembler());
- // Button panel
- JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
- buttonPanel.add(assembleBtn);
- // Text areas
- intermediateFileOutput = new JTextArea(10, 30);
- intermediateFileOutput.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Intermediate File Output"));
- intermediateFileOutput.setFont(font2);
- intermediateFileOutput.setEditable(false);
- symbolTableOutput = new JTextArea(10, 30);
- symbolTableOutput.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Symbol Table Output"));
- symbolTableOutput.setFont(font2);
- symbolTableOutput.setEditable(false);
- objectCodeOutput = new JTextArea(8, 91);
- objectCodeOutput.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Object Code Output"));
- objectCodeOutput.setFont(font2);
- objectCodeOutput.setEditable(false);
- // Panel for text areas
- JPanel textAreaPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 2, 10, 10));
- textAreaPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 20, 10, 20));
- textAreaPanel.add(new JScrollPane(intermediateFileOutput));
- textAreaPanel.add(new JScrollPane(symbolTableOutput));
- // Bottom panel for object code
- JPanel bottomTextAreaPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
- bottomTextAreaPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 20, 10, 20));
- bottomTextAreaPanel.add(new JScrollPane(objectCodeOutput), BorderLayout.CENTER);
- // Main panel to hold all components
- JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
- mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
- mainPanel.add(inputPanel);
- mainPanel.add(optabPanel);
- mainPanel.add(buttonPanel);
- mainPanel.add(textAreaPanel);
- mainPanel.add(bottomTextAreaPanel);
- add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
- // Center the window on screen
- setLocationRelativeTo(null);
- }
- //Browse file
- private void browseFile(JTextField field) {
- JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
- int option = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(this);
- if (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
- File file = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
- field.setText(file.getPath());
- }
- }
- // Run the assembler when the "Assemble" button is clicked
- private void runAssembler() {
- String inputFile = inputFileField.getText();
- String optabFile = optabFileField.getText();
- if (inputFile.isEmpty()) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Please provide the input file!", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
- return;
- }
- // Disable the Assemble button to prevent multiple clicks
- assembleBtn.setEnabled(false);
- // Use a SwingWorker to handle the assembly process in the background
- SwingWorker<Void, Void> worker = new SwingWorker<>() {
- @Override
- protected Void doInBackground() {
- TwoPassAssembler assembler = new TwoPassAssembler(inputFile, optabFile);
- try {
- assembler.loadOptab(); // Load opcode table
- assembler.passOne(); // Run first pass
- assembler.passTwo(); // Run second pass
- // Display outputs from the HashMaps instead of files
- displayIntermediateCode(assembler.getIntermediate(), assembler.getIntermediateStart());
- displaySymbolTable(assembler.getSymtab());
- displayObjectCode(assembler.getObjectCode());
- } catch (IOException e) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(TwoPassAssemblerGUI.this, "Error running the assembler: " + e.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- protected void done() {
- // Re-enable the Assemble button once processing is complete
- assembleBtn.setEnabled(true);
- }
- };
- worker.execute();
- }
- // Method to display intermediate code from the HashMap
- private void displayIntermediateCode(Map<Integer, String> intermediate, Map<Integer, String> intermediateStart) {
- StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : intermediateStart.entrySet()) {
- content.append(String.format("%04X",entry.getKey())).append(entry.getValue()).append("\n");
- }
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : intermediate.entrySet()) {
- content.append(String.format("%04X",entry.getKey())).append(entry.getValue()).append("\n");
- }
- intermediateFileOutput.setText(content.toString()); // Display in the text area
- }
- // Method to display symbol table from the HashMap
- private void displaySymbolTable(Map<String, Integer> symtab) {
- StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
- for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : symtab.entrySet()) {
- content.append(entry.getKey()).append("\t").append(String.format("%04X",entry.getValue())).append("\n");
- }
- symbolTableOutput.setText(content.toString()); // Display in the text area
- }
- // Method to display object code from the HashMap
- private void displayObjectCode(Map<Integer, String> objectCode) {
- StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : objectCode.entrySet()) {
- content.append(entry.getValue()).append("\n");
- }
- objectCodeOutput.setText(content.toString()); // Display in the text area
- }
- public Icon getBrowseIcon() throws IOException {
- // Use ClassLoader to get the resource as an InputStream
- InputStream inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("browse-icon.png");
- if (inputStream == null) {
- System.out.println("Resource not found: browse-icon.png");
- return null;
- }
- // Create an ImageIcon from the InputStream
- return new ImageIcon(inputStream.readAllBytes());
- }
- }
- class TwoPassAssembler {
- private final String inputFile;
- private final String optabFile;
- private final Map<String, String> optab = new HashMap<>();
- private final Map<String, Integer> symtab = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- private final Map<Integer, String> intermediate = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- private final Map<Integer, String> intermediateStart = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- private final Map<Integer, String> objectCode = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- private int locctr = 0;
- private int start = 0;
- private int length = 0;
- public TwoPassAssembler(String inputFile, String optabFile) {
- this.inputFile = inputFile;
- this.optabFile = optabFile;
- }
- public void loadOptab() throws IOException {
- BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(optabFile));
- String line;
- while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
- String[] parts = line.split("\\s+");
- optab.put(parts[0], parts[1]);
- }
- reader.close();
- }
- public void passOne() throws IOException {
- BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
- String line = reader.readLine();
- String[] parts = line.split("\\s+");
- if (parts[1].equals("START")) {
- start = Integer.parseInt(parts[2], 16); // Parse start as hexadecimal
- locctr = start;
- intermediateStart.put(locctr, String.format("\t%s\t%s\t%s", parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]));
- line = reader.readLine();
- } else {
- locctr = 0;
- }
- // Process each line
- while (line != null) {
- parts = line.split("\\s+");
- if (parts[1].equals("END")) break;
- // Store intermediate with location counter in hex format
- intermediate.put(locctr, String.format("\t%s\t%s\t%s", parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]));
- // Insert into symbol table if label exists
- if (!parts[0].equals("-")) {
- symtab.put(parts[0], locctr);
- }
- // Update locctr based on the opcode
- if (optab.containsKey(parts[1])) {
- locctr += 3;
- } else if (parts[1].equals("WORD")) {
- locctr += 3;
- } else if (parts[1].equals("BYTE")) {
- locctr += parts[2].length() - 3;
- } else if (parts[1].equals("RESW")) {
- locctr += 3 * Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
- } else if (parts[1].equals("RESB")) {
- locctr += Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
- }
- line = reader.readLine();
- }
- // Store final line in intermediate and calculate program length
- intermediate.put(locctr, String.format("\t%s\t%s\t%s", parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]));
- length = locctr - start;
- reader.close();
- }
- public void passTwo() throws IOException {
- String line;
- String[] parts;
- String startLine = intermediateStart.get(start);
- String[] startParts = startLine.trim().split("\\s+");
- // Handle "START" directive
- if (startParts[1].equals("START")) {
- objectCode.put(0, "H^ " + startParts[0] + "^ " + String.format("%06X", start) + "^ " + String.format("%06X", length));
- //line = intermediate.get(start + 1);
- } else {
- objectCode.put(0, "H^ " + " " + "^ 0000^ " + String.format("%06X", length));
- }
- StringBuilder textRecord = new StringBuilder();
- int textStartAddr = 0;
- int textLength = 0;
- for (int loc : intermediate.keySet()) {
- line = intermediate.get(loc);
- parts = line.trim().split("\\s+");
- if (parts.length < 3) continue;
- if (parts[2].equals("END")) break;
- if (textLength == 0) {
- textStartAddr = loc;
- textRecord.append("T^ ").append(String.format("%06X", textStartAddr)).append("^ ");
- }
- // Generate object code for each line
- if (optab.containsKey(parts[1])) {
- String machineCode = optab.get(parts[1]);
- int address = symtab.getOrDefault(parts[2], 0);
- String code = machineCode + String.format("%04X", address);
- textRecord.append(code).append("^ ");
- textLength += code.length() / 2;
- } else if (parts[1].equals("WORD")) {
- String wordCode = String.format("%06X", Integer.parseInt(parts[2]));
- textRecord.append(wordCode).append("^ ");
- textLength += wordCode.length() / 2;
- } else if (parts[1].equals("BYTE")) {
- String byteCode = parts[2].substring(2, parts[2].length() - 1); // Extract value from BYTE literal
- textRecord.append(byteCode).append("^ ");
- textLength += byteCode.length() / 2;
- } else if (parts[1].equals("RESW") || parts[1].equals("RESB")) {
- // If we hit RESW/RESB, flush the current text record and start a new one after reserving memory
- if (textLength > 0) {
- objectCode.put(textStartAddr, textRecord.toString());
- textRecord = new StringBuilder();
- textLength = 0;
- }
- continue; // Do not generate object code for reserved space
- }
- if (textLength >= 30) { // Text records should not exceed 30 bytes (60 hex characters)
- objectCode.put(textStartAddr, textRecord.toString());
- textRecord = new StringBuilder();
- textLength = 0;
- }
- }
- // Write remaining text record if not empty
- if (textLength > 0) {
- objectCode.put(textStartAddr, textRecord.toString());
- }
- // Write End record
- objectCode.put(locctr, "E^ " + String.format("%06X", start));
- }
- public Map<Integer, String> getIntermediate() {
- return intermediate;
- }
- public Map<Integer, String> getIntermediateStart() {
- return intermediateStart;
- }
- public Map<String, Integer> getSymtab() {
- return symtab;
- }
- public Map<Integer, String> getObjectCode() {
- return objectCode;
- }
- }
- public class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
- TwoPassAssemblerGUI gui;
- try {
- gui = new TwoPassAssemblerGUI();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- gui.setVisible(true);
- });
- }
- }
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