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- -- These values are per 500mB, since a crystal takes 6000mB to make, we will need to divide everything by 12 later to get their actual increment in values.
- ---@type table<string, laser_item>
- local LASER_VALUES = {}
- do
- local function ilv(name, purity, strength, efficiency, max_purity, max_strength, max_efficiency)
- LASER_VALUES[name] = {
- purity = purity or 0,
- strength = strength or 0,
- efficiency = efficiency or 0,
- max_purity = max_purity or 100,
- max_strength = max_strength or 100,
- max_efficiency = max_efficiency or 100
- }
- end
- ilv("minecraft:ender_pearl", 2, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0)
- ilv("minecraft:quartz", -1, 0, 7, 0, 0, 80)
- ilv("minecraft:gunpowder", -5, 8, 4, 0, 70, 60)
- ilv("minecraft:diamond", 5, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0)
- ilv("minecraft:glowstone_dust", -2, 6, 3, 0, 50, 50)
- ilv("minecraft:iron_ingot", 0, -2, 1, 0, 0, 20)
- ilv("rftoolsbase:dimensionalshard", 1, 8, 8, 100, 80, 80)
- ilv("minecraft:prismarine_shard", 0, 3, 3, 0, 30, 30)
- ilv("minecraft:gold_ingot", 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 30)
- ilv("minecraft:prismarine_crystals", 0, 4, 4, 0, 35, 35)
- ilv("minecraft:coal", -1, -10, 0, 0, 0, 0) -- Not sure why you'd want to use coal.
- ilv("minecraft:nether_star", -60, 90, 90, 0, 100, 100) -- Very powerful, but also requires a repurification.
- ilv("minecraft:nether_wart", -3, 2, -2, 0, 35, 1)
- ilv("minecraft:redstone", -1, 5, 0, 0, 60, 0)
- ilv("minecraft:slime_ball", 0, 0, -10, 0, 0, 1) -- Not sure why you'd want to use slime balls.
- ilv("minecraft:emerald", 8, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0) -- May be used as a subsitute to repurification?
- ilv("minecraft:blaze_powder", -6, 5, 5, 0, 70, 70)
- ilv("minecraft:ghast_tear", -20, 25, 15, 0, 100, 100)
- ilv("minecraft:snowball", 1, 0, 1, 30, 0, 40)
- end
- --- This function will bruteforce the best combination of items to use in the lasers.
- --- It will return a table of items to use, and the amount of items to use, and in what order.
- --- This function only needs to care about strength and efficiency, though we must note purity CANNOT go below 1%
- --- This function will also take into account the amount of items we have in the storage chest.
- --- We will likely need to use some heavy recursion here.
- ---@param current laser_list? The current list of items we are using, along with the current strength, efficiency, and purity.
- ---@param item_list short_laser_item[]? The list of items we can use.
- ---@return table<integer, string> list The best list of items found.
- ---@return integer strength The strength of the best list of items found.
- ---@return integer efficiency The efficiency of the best list of items found.
- ---@return integer purity The purity of the best list of items found.
- local function best_item_combo(current, item_list)
- local x = not current
- -- Initial purity (after leaving the purifier) is 85%, initial strength is 10%, initial efficiency is 10%.
- current = current or { list = {}, used = {}, strength = 10, efficiency = 10, purity = 85 }
- if not item_list then
- -- We will need to initialize the list of items available, searching the storage chest and adding items as we see them.
- -- We should collapse all similar items so all we have are the item names and the amount of items.
- item_list = {}
- local storage =
- local list =, "list")
- for _, item in pairs(list) do
- local found = false
- for _, item2 in ipairs(item_list) do
- if == then
- item2.count = item2.count + item.count
- found = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not found then
- table.insert(item_list, { name =, count = item.count })
- end
- end
- end
- -- We will need to loop through the item list, and for each item, we will need to add it to the current list, then call this function again.
- -- We will need to keep track of the best item list, and the best strength and efficiency.
- local best_strength = current.strength
- local best_efficiency = current.efficiency
- local best_purity = current.purity
- local best_list = {}
- for _, item in ipairs(item_list) do
- if x then print( end
- -- Check how much of this item remains
- local remaining = item.count - (current.used[] or 0)
- -- If there's items remaining, and this is a laserable item...
- if remaining > 0 and LASER_VALUES[] then
- -- Add this item to both lists.
- table.insert(current.list,
- current.used[] = (current.used[] or 0) + 1
- -- Calculate the new strength, efficiency, and purity.
- local laser_value = LASER_VALUES[]
- local new_strength, new_efficiency, new_purity
- -- If the values are above zero, we cannot go above the maximum.
- -- If the values are below or equal to zero, we can go down essentially forever (to a minimum of zero)
- -- We will also hard-cap each side at 100 and 0, just to ensure nothing goes crazy anywhere.
- if laser_value.strength > 0 then
- new_strength = math.min(current.strength + LASER_VALUES[].strength / 12, laser_value.max_strength, 100)
- else
- new_strength = math.max(current.strength + LASER_VALUES[].strength / 12, laser_value.max_strength, 0)
- end
- if laser_value.efficiency > 0 then
- new_efficiency = math.min(current.efficiency + LASER_VALUES[].efficiency / 12, laser_value.max_efficiency, 100)
- else
- new_efficiency = math.max(current.efficiency + LASER_VALUES[].efficiency / 12, laser_value.max_efficiency, 0)
- end
- if laser_value.purity > 0 then
- new_purity = math.min(current.purity + LASER_VALUES[].purity / 12, laser_value.max_purity, 100)
- else
- new_purity = math.max(current.purity + LASER_VALUES[].purity / 12, laser_value.max_purity, 0)
- end
- -- If the new strength and efficiency are better than the best, we will need to update the best.
- -- However, if the purity is below or equal to 1%, we will discard this attempt.
- if new_purity > 1 and new_strength > best_strength and new_efficiency > best_efficiency then
- -- If the new strength and efficiency are better than the best, we will need to update the best.
- best_strength = new_strength
- best_efficiency = new_efficiency
- best_purity = new_purity
- best_list = deep_copy(current.list)
- end
- local new_current = deep_copy(current)
- new_current.strength = new_strength
- new_current.efficiency = new_efficiency
- new_current.purity = new_purity
- -- Now we will recurse, with the new values and list.
- local best_recursed_list, best_recursed_strength, best_recursed_efficiency, best_recursed_purity = best_item_combo(new_current, item_list)
- -- Then we will need to check if the recursed values are better than the current best.
- if best_recursed_purity > 1 and best_recursed_strength > best_strength and best_recursed_efficiency > best_efficiency then
- best_strength = best_recursed_strength
- best_efficiency = best_recursed_efficiency
- best_purity = best_recursed_purity
- best_list = best_recursed_list
- end
- -- Now we will need to remove the item from the current list.
- table.remove(current.list, #current.list)
- current.used[] = current.used[] - 1
- end -- else we go to the next item.
- end
- return best_list, best_strength, best_efficiency, best_purity
- end
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