
low light mode

Nov 22nd, 2023
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  1. Saxon looked up and shifted the optics to low-light, instantly painting the
  2. whole sky in shades of dark green and glittering white. He caught
  3. movement as something ungainly and fast wheeled and turned above them.
  4. The wings of the drone changed aspect and folded close to the
  5. spindly fuselage as it dove at them. Saxon glimpsed a ball festooned with
  6. glassy lenses tucked underneath the nose of the robot aircraft as it
  7. turned to single him out.
  9. He broke into a run and vaulted away over fallen tree trunks just as the
  10. clattering hammer of heavy-caliber bullets ripped into the place where
  11. he had been standing. Saxon rolled, hearing the deep report of the
  12. Diamondback as Duarte fired after the drone. The aircraft's engine note
  13. throbbed and changed as it went up into a stall turn and came about.
  15. - Deus Ex: Icarus Effect, Chapter 2 pg. 46
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