
Frozen Umemag (2E)

Oct 8th, 2015
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  1. There was a great light and I went to it. I went to it and others went to it. Large ones went to it and small ones went to it.
  3. I came to it and pushed my fingers in. The large ones pushed their fingers in and the small ones pushed their fingers in.
  5. I reached for the light and cut my fingers on the material. The large ones reached for the light and pushed the material away. I followed their fingers and the small ones followed their fingers.
  7. The material froze and I could not move my fingers. I could not pull them out of the material. I could not pull away from the material.
  9. I could not feel the large ones and I could not feel the small ones. I could feel the material cutting my fingers. I felt the material cut my fingers until only my titan remained.
  11. The material did not cut my titan, so I hungered after the material from there. It was not cut, but I couldn't move even that finger. I could not eat the material and I could not feel the great light, so I felt the material around me.
  13. The material was still and the material moved. The still material wrapped around me and the moving material cut my fingers. The still material is similar to me. The moving material is similar to my fingers. I will call the moving material the material's fingers.
  15. The material has many fingers and the material has many kinds of finger. The material has more kinds of finger than one material should have. Perhaps this material is many materials holding together.
  17. I am alone and the large ones are alone and the small ones are alone. If this material is several materials holding together, that would be strange. That would be strange, but me being frozen here is also strange. I will accept this strangeness and I will call the whole a material and I will call each part a hand. I wonder how many hands make up this material.
  19. The material's hands hold together tightly and the material's finger wrap around each other. The still material is seamless and the moving material is full of seams. It is strange but I will eat it all the same. When the material thaws I will eat it and I will seek a new light.
  21. The material thawed but I could not pull my titan out. I can move my titan and I can eat the material, so I will build up strength and break through this ice. I pushed more fingers in and ate the material and ate the material's hands and ate the material's fingers.
  23. I could feel the large ones again and I could feel the small ones again. I do not know if they were frozen, but they are also eating the material. The large ones are sluggish but I am spry, so I will eat before they do and seek a new light. If I waited for them to eat their fill, there would be no material left to eat.
  25. The material froze again. I struggled but I could not break the ice. I could not break the ice and I could not break out of the ice. I could not feel my fingers again and I could not pull out of the material again. The hands' fingers cut my fingers again and they did not cut my titan again. The material wrapped around my titan again and it could not do anything again.
  27. Again, I will hunger after the material from there and again I will feel the material around me.
  29. Many fingers were around me then, and I felt them. I felt them and found the material even stranger. Even thought they are from the same hand, this finger will sometimes cut that fingers. Even though they are from the same material, this hand's fingers will sometimes cut that hand's fingers.
  31. I am alone and the large ones are alone and the small ones are alone and we do not cut each other's fingers. I hope I do not get indigestion from eating this strange material!
  33. I find this material strange, but perhaps this is how all materials are? I have never been frozen before and I have never felt the material around me before. I have only eaten the material. I have only eaten the material over and over again. When this material thaws and I go to a new material, I will feel that material as I eat it. If that material is like this one, it must not be strange and I will not need to worry about what I eat.
  35. I do not understand this material at all and I do not understand these hands at all and I do not understand these fingers at all. I have felt the material's fingers split and split again into many fingers. I have felt those fingers split and split again into many fingers. These fingers that came from one finger, certainly they must be from the same hand? So why do these fingers cut each other?
  37. These fingers that came from one finger, why do they not work together? These fingers cut each other and freeze each other. Are this material's hands also frozen? Can they not move their fingers? If my fingers would become like this while I was frozen, I am glad the material cut my fingers. I will gladly eat this broken material and free these frozen hands!
  39. There are fingers very close to me and so I will feel them closely. These fingers are from many hands but they work together better than some fingers from the same hand. I do not understand. My fingers work together, but they do not work together with the large ones' fingers and they do not work together with the small ones' fingers.
  41. These fingers will sometimes work together from other fingers from the same hand and these fingers will sometimes cut other fingers from the same hand. These fingers will sometimes work together with fingers from different hands and these fingers will sometimes cut fingers from different hands.
  43. Perhaps I was mistaken to call them fingers. They do not behave like fingers. Before I thought they must be fingers, because there could not be so many materials. When I felt that there were differences between them, I thought there must be hands responsible for those differences. Now I think each finger is a hand and now I think each finger is a material.
  45. I do not know what to call these fingers that are hands and these fingers that are materials. I have felt these fingers call themselves many things, though I cannot be certain, as these fingers call in a strange manner. One thing that all these fingers have called themselves is Zendikari, so I will call them that.
  47. I feel a bit better about eating these Zendikari. They are not insane fingers, so I do not need to worry about becoming insane by eating them. I wonder if other materials have Zendikari. When this material thaws and I go to a new material, I will feel for Zendikari there as I eat it. I will feel for the strange and interesting things Zendikari do and fill myself with those feelings.
  49. I have noticed something interesting. While I have been feeling the Zendikari, I have not felt so hungry. This interest is not as filling as material, but it is not bad either. When this material thaws, perhaps I will try and eat this interest. Then I will eat less material and there will be more Zendikari to feel. And if this interest fails to satisfy me, I can then eat the Zendikari. That way I will be satisfied no matter what.
  51. I have thought of something worrying. Except while I have been frozen, the Zendikari have cut my fingers. I do not wish to be frozen just so I can feel the Zendikari! I have thought of something interesting. I mistook the Zendikari for fingers, so perhaps they will mistake my fingers for Zendikari.
  53. I will make a new finger that is not a titan and I will make a new finger that is not a drone and I will make a new finger that is not a scion. I will call this finger a sensor because I will feel the Zendikari from it. I will give it a body and I will give it a head and I will give it arms and I will give it legs and I will make it feel like a Zendikari.
  55. The Zendikari calls themselves with names. There are many Zendikari, so perhaps they need names to not get confused. I do not have a name and I do not get myself confused with others, but I am alone so it is not an issue. However, if my sensor does not have a name, it may be cut, so I will give it one.
  57. The Zendikari around me believe I am a servant of their god Ula. I have also felt the Zendikari call it Ulamog. They do not do it well, but I believe they are describing one of the large ones who came here. I am not Ulamog but I like the name Ulamog. So I will call myself Umemag, which is similar, and Umemag will be my sensor's name.
  59. I am still frozen, so I cannot push my sensor in and I cannot feel how the Zendikari react to it. I will wait hungrily for the material to thaw, tiding myself over with my thoughts.
  61. The material thawed and I could move. I could move my titan and I could move myself. I could push my fingers in and I could pull my fingers out. I thought about pushing my sensor in, but I did not. I could feel the large ones again and I could feel the small ones again. If I could only feel the small ones, I would push my sensor in, but because I could feel the large ones, I did not.
  63. The large ones will eat this entire material and will not leave me any Zendikari to feel. If I pushed my sensor in now, it would not have a long time to feel Zendikari before the Zendikari were eaten. Also, I do not want to be frozen again! Last time this material thawed, it froze again quickly, so I will eat little and go elsewhere.
  65. Returning to the astral, I sought lights to follow. There were many lights, but the great light that lead me to this material was not there. I found a tasty looking light and went toward it. Along the way, however, I felt several tiny flickering ones. I have felt them before but I did not pay them any attention. Now I felt them and they felt like Zendikari. I had not thought about it, but perhaps the astral has Zendikari too, like the material does.
  67. That would be very interesting, so I followed the tiny flickering ones to a different material. I hoped I would be able to feel the tiny flickering ones in the astral and I hoped I would be able to push my sensor into the material and feel the Zendikari there.
  69. Now that I knew what to feel for I could feel the Zendikari vaguely even without pushing any fingers in. The tiny flickering ones vanished, but I could feel many Zendikri in this material, so going to it was not a bad thing. I pushed my sensor into a part of this material without many Zendikari, so I could collect myself. This material was very different from the other material. That material had many branching things and that material had many fluid things. This material had many tall and spikey things and this material had many flat things winding between them. I could feel the Zendikari moving on the flat things, so I moved to one too.
  71. I feel a Zendikari very close to my sensor. They are moving towards me and they are calling in their strange manner. I will call back to them and feel them and I hope they will not cut me.
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