

Nov 16th, 2017
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  1. Variables:
  2. {PickaxeLevel.%player%} = 1
  3. # Start Level
  4. {PickaxeCounter.%player%} = 0
  5. # Start Mine Counter
  6. {UpgradePoints.%player%} = 0
  7. # Start Points
  8. Options:
  9. ToolName: &fStarter Pickaxe &3| &fLevel &3: &b%{PickaxeLevel.%player%}% &fExp &3: &b%{PickaxeCounter.%player%}%&3/
  10. # Pick Name
  11. UPoint: 1
  12. # LvL up Points
  13. BlocksBroken: 100
  14. # LvL up Blocks
  15. Header: &8&m--&7&m--&b&m--&3&m--&b( &f&lSkyDistrict &b)&3&m--&b&m--&7&m--&8&m--
  16. Footer: &8&m--&7&m--&b&m--&3&m--&b( &f&lSkyDistrict &b)&3&m--&b&m--&7&m--&8&m--
  17. Upgrade: &3(&bCurrent Level&3) &3» &f%{PickaxeLevel.%player%}% &3(&bUpgrade Points&3) &3» &f%{UpgradePoints.%player%}%
  18. # Header, Footer and upgrade message
  19. EffUP: 1
  20. ForUP: 1
  21. UnbUP: 1
  22. # These are how much the enchantment upgrades costs per points - Can change the amount
  23. UpgradeSuccess: &3(&bYou have enchanted your tool&3)
  24. MissingPoints: &3(&bYou need upgrade points to purchase this enchantment &3)
  25. # Success / Not Enough
  27. on mine:
  28. if player is holding a pickaxe:
  29. add 1 to {PickaxeCounter.%player%}
  30. set name of tool of player to "{@ToolName}&b{@BlocksBroken}"
  31. if {PickaxeCounter.%player%} is greater than or equal to 100:
  32. add 1 to {PickaxeLevel.%player%}
  33. add {@UPoint} to {UpgradePoints.%player%}
  34. set {PickaxeCounter.%player%} to 0
  35. launch ball firework colored white and ball firework colored blue at targeted block timed 1
  37. command /upgrades:
  38. trigger:
  39. send ""
  40. send " {@Header}"
  41. send " &7&oClick on enchantments to upgrade your tool"
  42. send ""
  43. send " {@Upgrade}"
  44. send ""
  45. send ""
  46. json("%player%"," &7&oEfficiency||cmd:/eff||ttp:&3» &b&l{@EffUP} Upgrade Point%newline%&fIncrease your%newline%&f&lEfficiency&fon your tool|| &7&oFortune||cmd:/for||ttp:&3» &b&l{@ForUP} Upgrade Point%newline%&fIncrease your%newline%&f&oFortune &fon your tool|| &7&oUnbreaking||cmd:/unb||ttp:&3» &b&l{@UnbUP} Upgrade Point%newline%&fIncrease your%newline%&f&oUnbreaking &fon your tool")
  47. send ""
  48. send " {@Footer}"
  50. command /eff:
  51. trigger:
  52. if {UpgradePoints.%player%} is greater than or equal to {@EffUP}:
  53. send ""
  54. send " {@UpgradeSuccess}"
  55. send ""
  56. remove 1 from {UpgradePoints.%player%}
  57. evaluate "enchant player's tool with efficiency %level of efficiency of player's tool + 1%"
  58. else:
  59. send ""
  60. send " {@MissingPoints}"
  61. send ""
  63. command /for:
  64. trigger:
  65. if {UpgradePoints.%player%} is greater than or equal to {@ForUP}:
  66. send ""
  67. send " {@UpgradeSuccess}"
  68. send ""
  69. remove 1 from {UpgradePoints.%player%}
  70. evaluate "enchant player's tool with fortune %level of fortune of player's tool + 1%"
  71. else:
  72. send ""
  73. send " {@MissingPoints}"
  74. send ""
  76. command /unb:
  77. trigger:
  78. if {UpgradePoints.%player%} is greater than or equal to {@UnbUP}:
  79. send ""
  80. send " {@UpgradeSuccess}"
  81. send ""
  82. remove 1 from {UpgradePoints.%player%}
  83. evaluate "enchant player's tool with unbreaking %level of unbreaking of player's tool + 1%"
  84. else:
  85. send ""
  86. send " {@MissingPoints}"
  87. send ""
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