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- # Original Author: paultwang - 2010-03-17
- # fixed and tweaked: Sebastien 2017-10-25
- # This is where pisg.cfg is stored
- set pp_confname "/home/jedi/pisg/pisg-0.73/pisg.cfg"
- # This is where your IRC logs are stored
- set pp_baselogdir "/home/jedi/eggdrop/logs"
- # This is the file extension of your logs
- set pp_logfilesuffix ".%Y%m%d"
- # This is where your output should be
- set pp_baseoutputdir "/var/www/html/chanstats"
- # This is the file extension of your output
- set pp_outputsuffix ".html"
- # Set IRC network name
- set pp_networkname "Undernet"
- # Set log file format
- set pp_format "eggdrop"
- # NOTE: When you add channel, it will make eggdrop start logging that channel
- bind pub m|m !pisgadd pub_pisgadd
- bind pub m|m !pisgdel pub_pisgdel
- bind pub m|m !pisgreaddall pub_pisgreaddall
- bind join - * join_autoaddbotselfjoin
- proc pub_pisgadd {n u h c a} {
- if {[string length $a] == 0} {
- set chan $c
- } else {
- set chan [lindex [split $a] 0]
- }
- pp_addchan $chan
- puthelp "privmsg $c :Added $chan"
- }
- proc pub_pisgdel {n u h c a} {
- if {[string length $a] == 0} {
- set chan $c
- } else {
- set chan [lindex [split $a] 0]
- }
- pp_delchan $chan
- puthelp "privmsg $c :Deleted $chan"
- }
- proc pub_pisgreaddall {n u h c a} {
- pp_readdallchans
- puthelp "privmsg $c :Re-added all channels"
- }
- proc pp_toASCII {char} {
- return [scan $char %c]
- }
- proc pp_toASCIIHEX {string} {
- set hexvalue [list]
- foreach char [split $string ""] {
- lappend hexvalue [format %x [scan $char %c]]
- }
- return $hexvalue
- }
- proc pp_sanitizechanname {chan} {
- # This makes it suitable for filename
- set chan [string tolower [string range $chan 1 end]]
- set newchan [list]
- foreach char [split $chan ""] {
- set ascii [pp_toASCII $char]
- if {$ascii >= 48 && $ascii <= 57} {lappend newchan $char; continue}
- if {$ascii >= 65 && $ascii <= 90} {lappend newchan $char; continue}
- if {$ascii >= 97 && $ascii <= 122} {lappend newchan $char; continue}
- lappend newchan "%[join [pp_toASCIIHEX $char]]"
- }
- set newchan [join $newchan ""]
- return $newchan
- }
- proc pp_addlog {chan} {
- global pp_baselogdir pp_logfilesuffix
- set logname [pp_sanitizechanname $chan]
- logfile "pjk" "$chan" "${pp_baselogdir}/${logname}${pp_logfilesuffix}"
- }
- proc pp_addlogfiles {} {
- foreach chan [channels] {
- pp_addlog $chan
- }
- }
- proc join_autoaddbotselfjoin {n u h chan} {
- if {[isbotnick $n]} {
- pp_addlog $chan
- }
- }
- proc pp_loadconf {} {
- global pp_confname
- set conflines [list]
- set fh [open $pp_confname "r"]
- for {set i 0} {![eof $fh]} {incr i} {
- lappend conflines [gets $fh]
- }
- close $fh
- return $conflines
- }
- proc pp_overwriteconf {conflines} {
- global pp_confname {temp-path}
- set fh [open "${pp_confname}.new" "w"]
- set lmax [llength $conflines]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $lmax} {incr i} {
- puts $fh [lindex $conflines $i]
- }
- close $fh
- file copy -force -- "${pp_confname}.new" $pp_confname
- file delete -- "${pp_confname}.new"
- return
- }
- proc pp_appendconf {addnewlines} {
- global pp_confname
- set fh [open $pp_confname "a"]
- set lmax [llength $addnewlines]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $lmax} {incr i} {
- puts $fh [lindex $addnewlines $i]
- }
- close $fh
- return
- }
- proc pp_findchaninconf {conflines} {
- set lmax [llength $conflines]
- set chanlines [list]
- set single [list]
- set begun 0
- for {set i 0} {$i < $lmax} {incr i} {
- set line [string trim [lindex $conflines $i]]
- if {!$begun && [string match "<channel=*>" $line]} {
- set channame [string tolower [join [lrange [split $line "\""] 1 end-1] "\""]]
- if {[string length $channame] == 0} {
- set channame "malform"
- }
- set single [list $channame]
- lappend single $i
- set begun 1
- } elseif {$begun && [string match "</channel>" $line]} {
- lappend single $i
- set begun 0
- lappend chanlines $single
- }
- }
- return $chanlines
- }
- proc pp_addchan {chan} {
- global pp_baselogdir pp_logfilesuffix pp_baseoutputdir pp_outputsuffix pp_networkname pp_format
- if {![string equal [string index $chan 0] "#"]} {
- putlog "autoadd err: Chan must begin with # sign"
- return
- }
- pp_addlog $chan
- set conflines [pp_loadconf]
- set chanlines [pp_findchaninconf $conflines]
- set lmax [llength $chanlines]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $lmax} {incr i} {
- if {[string equal -nocase $chan [lindex [lindex $chanlines $i] 0]]} {
- # Channel already exists. Ignore command.
- return
- }
- }
- set addnewlines [list]
- #puthelp "privmsg #ChanStats :debug 1"
- lappend addnewlines "<channel=\"${chan}\">"
- #lappend addnewlines " Logfile=\"${pp_baselogdir}/${chan}${pp_logfilesuffix}\""
- lappend addnewlines " LogDir=\"${pp_baselogdir}/\""
- lappend addnewlines " LogPrefix=\"[pp_sanitizechanname ${chan}].\""
- lappend addnewlines " Format=\"${pp_format}\""
- lappend addnewlines " Network=\"${pp_networkname}\""
- lappend addnewlines " OutputFile=\"${pp_baseoutputdir}/[pp_sanitizechanname ${chan}]${pp_outputsuffix}\""
- lappend addnewlines "</channel>"
- #puthelp "privmsg #ChanStats :debug 1.5"
- pp_appendconf $addnewlines
- #puthelp "privmsg #ChanStats :debug 2"
- }
- proc pp_delchan {chan} {
- global pp_logfilesuffix
- set conflines [pp_loadconf]
- set chanlines [pp_findchaninconf $conflines]
- set linestodelete [list]
- set lmax [llength $chanlines]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $lmax} {incr i} {
- if {[string equal -nocase $chan [lindex [lindex $chanlines $i] 0]]} {
- set linepair [lrange [lindex $chanlines $i] 1 2]
- lappend linestodelete $linepair
- }
- }
- set linestodelete [lsort -integer -index 0 -decreasing $linestodelete]
- set lmax [llength $linestodelete]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $lmax} {incr i} {
- set d [lindex $linestodelete $i]
- set conflines [lreplace $conflines [lindex $d 0] [lindex $d 1]]
- }
- pp_overwriteconf $conflines
- }
- proc pp_readdallchans {} {
- global pp_logfilesuffix
- set conflines [pp_loadconf]
- set chanlines [pp_findchaninconf $conflines]
- set linestodelete [list]
- set lmax [llength $chanlines]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $lmax} {incr i} {
- set linepair [lrange [lindex $chanlines $i] 1 2]
- lappend linestodelete $linepair
- }
- set linestodelete [lsort -integer -index 0 -decreasing $linestodelete]
- set lmax [llength $linestodelete]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $lmax} {incr i} {
- set d [lindex $linestodelete $i]
- set conflines [lreplace $conflines [lindex $d 0] [lindex $d 1]]
- }
- pp_overwriteconf $conflines
- foreach chan [channels] {
- pp_addchan $chan
- }
- }
- pp_addlogfiles
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