

Feb 12th, 2025
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  1. name: Ids
  2. game: Hollow Knight
  3. description: Generated by for Hollow Knight
  4. Hollow Knight:
  5. progression_balancing: '50'
  6. accessibility: full
  7. RandomizeDreamers: 'true'
  8. RandomizeSkills: 'true'
  9. RandomizeFocus: 'true'
  10. RandomizeSwim: 'true'
  11. RandomizeCharms: 'true'
  12. RandomizeKeys: 'true'
  13. RandomizeMaskShards: 'true'
  14. RandomizeVesselFragments: 'true'
  15. RandomizeCharmNotches: 'true'
  16. RandomizePaleOre: 'true'
  17. RandomizeGeoChests: 'true'
  18. RandomizeJunkPitChests: 'true'
  19. RandomizeRancidEggs: 'true'
  20. RandomizeRelics: 'true'
  21. RandomizeWhisperingRoots: 'true'
  22. RandomizeBossEssence: 'true'
  23. RandomizeGrubs: 'true'
  24. RandomizeMimics: 'true'
  25. RandomizeMaps: 'true'
  26. RandomizeStags: 'true'
  27. RandomizeLifebloodCocoons: 'true'
  28. RandomizeGrimmkinFlames: 'true'
  29. RandomizeJournalEntries: 'false'
  30. RandomizeNail: 'true'
  31. RandomizeGeoRocks: 'true'
  32. RandomizeBossGeo: 'true'
  33. RandomizeSoulTotems: 'true'
  34. RandomizeLoreTablets: 'false'
  35. RandomizeElevatorPass: 'true'
  36. PreciseMovement: 'false'
  37. ProficientCombat: 'false'
  38. BackgroundObjectPogos: 'false'
  39. EnemyPogos: 'false'
  40. ObscureSkips: 'false'
  41. ShadeSkips: 'false'
  42. InfectionSkips: 'false'
  43. FireballSkips: 'false'
  44. SpikeTunnels: 'false'
  45. AcidSkips: 'false'
  46. DamageBoosts: 'false'
  47. DangerousSkips: 'false'
  48. DarkRooms: 'false'
  49. ComplexSkips: 'false'
  50. DifficultSkips: 'false'
  51. RemoveSpellUpgrades: 'false'
  52. StartLocation: king's_pass
  53. Goal: radiance
  54. GrubHuntGoal: '-1'
  55. WhitePalace: nopathofpain
  56. ExtraPlatforms: 'true'
  57. AddUnshuffledLocations: 'false'
  58. StartingGeo: '0'
  59. DeathLink: 'false'
  60. DeathLinkShade: shade
  61. DeathLinkBreaksFragileCharms: 'false'
  62. MinimumGeoPrice: '1'
  63. MaximumGeoPrice: '750'
  64. MinimumGrubPrice: '1'
  65. MaximumGrubPrice: '30'
  66. MinimumEssencePrice: '1'
  67. MaximumEssencePrice: '2000'
  68. MinimumCharmPrice: '1'
  69. MaximumCharmPrice: '20'
  70. RandomCharmCosts: '90'
  71. MinimumEggPrice: '1'
  72. MaximumEggPrice: '15'
  73. EggShopSlots: '8'
  74. SlyShopSlots: '8'
  75. SlyKeyShopSlots: '6'
  76. IseldaShopSlots: '4'
  77. SalubraShopSlots: '5'
  78. SalubraCharmShopSlots: '5'
  79. LegEaterShopSlots: '3'
  80. GrubfatherRewardSlots: '7'
  81. SeerRewardSlots: '8'
  82. ExtraShopSlots: '6'
  83. SplitCrystalHeart: 'true'
  84. SplitMothwingCloak: 'true'
  85. SplitMantisClaw: 'true'
  86. CostSanity: 'off'
  87. CostSanityHybridChance: '20'
  88. CostSanityEggWeight: '1'
  89. CostSanityGrubWeight: '1'
  90. CostSanityEssenceWeight: '1'
  91. CostSanityCharmWeight: '1'
  92. CostSanityGeoWeight: '8'
  93. local_items:
  94. - LifebloodCocoons
  95. - Mimics
  96. - SoulTotems
  97. start_inventory: {}
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