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- -- A station object.
- Station = {
- -- type = mine, farm, smeltery, warehouse, etc.
- type = "",
- -- sub_type = "minecraft:oak_wood", "minecraft:sugar_cane", etc.
- sub_type = "",
- -- position of the output chest ( if any ).
- output_pos = 0, 0, 0 ),
- -- position of the input chest ( if any ).
- input_pos = 0, 0, 0 ),
- -- position of the fuel chest ( if any ).
- fuel_pos = 0, 0, 0 ),
- -- the number of turtle currently working there.
- workers = 0,
- -- max number of turtle that can work there.
- max_worker = 1,
- -- if the station has been built and is ready to operate.
- is_set_up = false,
- -- A list of erssources needed to build the station.
- res_to_build = {},
- }
- function Station:new( o )
- o = o or {}
- setmetatable( o, self )
- self.__index = self
- return o
- end
- function Station:build()
- end
- function Station:start_work()
- if workers >= max_worker then
- print( "can't work there. It's full.")
- return false
- end
- workers = workers + 1
- return true
- end
- return Station
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