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- -- Author: Ported from Angel Arena Black Star's Github
- --
- -- and then from IMBA
- --
- LinkLuaModifier("modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_heal", "components/items/item_bottle.lua", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE)
- LinkLuaModifier("modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller", "components/items/item_bottle.lua", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE)
- LinkLuaModifier("modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2", "components/items/item_bottle.lua", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE)
- item_r1v1r_bottle = class({})
- function item_r1v1r_bottle:GetIntrinsicModifierName() return "modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller" end
- function item_r1v1r_bottle:SetCurrentCharges(charges)
- return self.BaseClass.SetCurrentCharges(self, charges)
- end
- function item_r1v1r_bottle:OnSpellStart()
- local caster = self:GetCaster()
- if self.RuneStorage then
- -- Safe env. so the rune still gets consumed even if it errors
- --pcall(PickupRune, self.RuneStorage, caster, true)
- RuneManager:PickupRune(self.RuneStorage, caster, true)
- self:SetCurrentCharges(3)
- self.RuneStorage = nil
- else
- local charges = self:GetCurrentCharges()
- if charges > 0 then
- caster:AddNewModifier(caster, self, "modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_heal", {duration = self:GetSpecialValueFor("restore_time")})
- self:SetCurrentCharges(charges - 1)
- caster:EmitSound("Bottle.Drink")
- end
- end
- end
- function item_r1v1r_bottle:SetStorageRune(type)
- --if self.RuneStorage then return end
- if self:GetCaster().GetPlayerID then
- CustomGameEventManager:Send_ServerToTeam(self:GetCaster():GetTeam(), "create_custom_toast", {
- type = "generic",
- text = "#custom_toast_BottledRune",
- player = self:GetCaster():GetPlayerID(),
- runeType = type
- })
- end
- Timers:CreateTimer(121, function()
- if self.RuneStorage and GameRules:GetGameTime() - self.PickupRuneTime > 120 then
- RuneManager:PickupRune(self.RuneStorage, self:GetCaster(), true)
- self:SetCurrentCharges(3)
- self.RuneStorage = nil
- end
- end)
- self.RuneStorage = type
- self.PickupRuneTime = GameRules:GetGameTime()
- self:SetCurrentCharges(3)
- self:GetCaster():EmitSound("Bottle.Cork")
- end
- function item_r1v1r_bottle:GetAbilityTextureName()
- local texture = "custom/bottle_0_3"
- texture = self.texture_name or texture
- return texture
- end
- modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller = modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller or class({})
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller:IsHidden() return true end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller:IsPurgable() return false end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller:IsDebuff() return false end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller:GetAttributes() return MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPLE end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller:OnCreated()
- if IsServer() then
- self:GetParent():AddNewModifier(self:GetParent(), self:GetAbility(), "modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2", {})
- end
- self:StartIntervalThink(0.1)
- end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller:OnIntervalThink()
- local rune_table = {
- tostring(self:GetAbility().bottle_icon).."_0",--1
- tostring(self:GetAbility().bottle_icon).."_1",--2
- tostring(self:GetAbility().bottle_icon).."_2",--3
- tostring(self:GetAbility().bottle_icon).."_3",--4
- "arcane", --5
- "double_damage", --6
- "haste", --7
- "regeneration", --8
- "illusion", --9
- "invisibility", --10
- "bounty", --11
- "frost" --12
- }
- if IsServer() then
- if self:GetAbility():IsCooldownReady() and self:GetParent():HasModifier("modifier_fountain_aura_buff") then
- self:GetAbility():SetCurrentCharges(3)
- end
- local stack = self:GetAbility():GetCurrentCharges() + 1
- for i = 5, 12 do
- if self:GetAbility().RuneStorage == rune_table[i] then
- stack = i
- break
- end
- end
- self:SetStackCount(stack)
- end
- if self:GetStackCount() >= 1 and self:GetStackCount() <= 4 then
- self:GetAbility().texture_name = "custom/bottle_"..rune_table[self:GetStackCount()]
- elseif self:GetStackCount() >= 5 then
- --print("Stack count: " .. self:GetStackCount())
- self:GetAbility().texture_name = "custom/bottle_rune_"..rune_table[self:GetStackCount()]
- end
- end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller:OnDestroy()
- --print("Destroying modifier texture... parent classname: " .. self:GetParent():GetClassname())
- if self:GetParent():HasModifier("modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2") then
- --print("Destroying modifier texture 2... parent classname: " .. self:GetParent():GetClassname())
- if self:GetParent().RemoveModifierByName then
- self:GetParent():RemoveModifierByName("modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2")
- end
- end
- end
- modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2 = modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2 or class({})
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2:IsHidden() return true end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2:IsPurgable() return false end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2:IsDebuff() return false end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2:GetAttributes() return MODIFIER_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPLE end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_texture_controller_2:OnCreated()
- if IsServer() then
- if not self:GetAbility() then self:Destroy() end
- end
- if self:GetParent().bottle_icon then
- self:SetStackCount(self:GetParent().bottle_icon)
- self:GetAbility().bottle_icon = self:GetStackCount()
- end
- if IsClient() then
- self:GetAbility().bottle_icon = self:GetStackCount()
- end
- end
- modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_heal = class({
- GetTexture = function() return "custom/bottle_0_3" end,
- IsPurgable = function() return false end,
- GetEffectAttachType = function() return PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW end,
- })
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_heal:DeclareFunctions()
- return {
- }
- end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_heal:OnTakeDamage(params)
- local victim = params.unit
- local attacker = params.attacker
- local current_stacks = self:GetStackCount()
- if not (self:GetCaster() == victim and (attacker:IsHero() or attacker:IsTower())) then
- return
- end
- print("Decreasing stack... ")
- self:Destroy()
- end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_heal:GetModifierConstantHealthRegen()
- if self:GetAbility() ~= nil then
- return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("health_restore") / self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("restore_time")
- end
- end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_heal:GetModifierConstantManaRegen()
- if self:GetAbility() ~= nil then
- return self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("mana_restore") / self:GetAbility():GetSpecialValueFor("restore_time")
- end
- end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_heal:OnCreated()
- if IsServer() then
- if not self:GetAbility() then self:Destroy() end
- end
- if not IsServer() then return end
- self.pfx = ParticleManager:CreateParticle(self:GetCaster().bottle_effect, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW, self:GetCaster())
- end
- function modifier_item_r1v1r_bottle_heal:OnDestroy()
- if not IsServer() then return end
- ParticleManager:DestroyParticle(self.pfx, false)
- ParticleManager:ReleaseParticleIndex(self.pfx)
- end
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