

Dec 2nd, 2022
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  1. for i,v in next, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:GetDescendants() do
  2. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Name ~="HumanoidRootPart" then
  3. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function()
  4. v.Velocity =, 25, 1)
  5. end)
  6. end
  7. end
  9. wait(3)
  10. local Frame = (60)
  11. local chr = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
  12. Service =
  13. setmetatable(
  14. {
  15. Get = function(Self, Serv)
  16. if Service[Serv] then
  17. return Service[Serv]
  18. end
  19. local S = game:GetService(Serv)
  20. if S then
  21. Service[Serv] = S
  22. end
  23. return S
  24. end
  25. },
  26. {
  27. __index = function(Self, Index)
  28. local S = game:GetService(Index)
  29. if S then
  30. Service[Index] = S
  31. end
  32. return S
  33. end
  34. }
  35. )
  37. local LP = Service["Players"].LocalPlayer
  38. local Char = LP["Character"]
  39. local Torso, Root, Humanoid = Char["UpperTorso"], Char["HumanoidRootPart"], Char["Humanoid"]
  40. local TService, UIS = Service["TweenService"], Service["UserInputService"]
  42. coroutine.wrap(
  43. function()
  44. Root["Anchored"] = true
  45. wait(.8)
  46. Root["Anchored"] = false
  47. end
  48. )()
  50. local Create = function(Obj, Parent)
  51. local I =
  52. I["Parent"] = Parent
  53. return I
  54. end
  56. local Contains = function(Table, KV)
  57. for K, V in next, Table do
  58. if rawequal(KV, K) or rawequal(KV, V) then
  59. return true
  60. end
  61. end
  62. return false
  63. end
  65. local PoseToCF = function(Pose, Motor)
  66. return (Motor["Part0"].CFrame * Motor["C0"] * Pose["CFrame"] * Motor["C1"]:Inverse()):ToObjectSpace(
  67. Motor["Part0"].CFrame
  68. )
  69. end
  71. local Joints = {
  72. ["LeftHand"] = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.LeftHand["LeftWrist"],
  73. ["LeftLowerArm"] = chr.LeftLowerArm["LeftElbow"],
  74. ["LeftUpperArm"] = chr.LeftUpperArm["LeftShoulder"],
  75. ["RightHand"] = chr.RightHand["RightWrist"],
  76. ["RightLowerArm"] = chr.RightLowerArm["RightElbow"],
  77. ["RightUpperArm"] = chr.RightUpperArm["RightShoulder"],
  78. ["UpperTorso"] = chr.UpperTorso["Waist"],
  79. ["LeftFoot"] = chr.LeftFoot["LeftAnkle"],
  80. ["LeftLowerLeg"] = chr.LeftLowerLeg["LeftKnee"],
  81. ["LeftUpperLeg"] = chr.LeftUpperLeg["LeftHip"],
  82. ["RightFoot"] = chr.RightFoot["RightAnkle"],
  83. ["RightLowerLeg"] = chr.RightLowerLeg["RightKnee"],
  84. ["RightUpperLeg"] = chr.RightUpperLeg["RightHip"],
  85. ["LowerTorso"] = chr.LowerTorso["Root"]
  86. }
  88. for K, V in next, Char:GetChildren() do
  89. if V:IsA("BasePart") then
  90. coroutine.wrap(
  91. function()
  92. repeat
  93. V["CanCollide"] = false
  94. Service["RunService"].Stepped:Wait()
  95. until Humanoid["Health"] < 1 xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed>= (1 / Frame) then
  96. for I = 1, math.floor(A / (1 / Frame)) do
  97. Service["RunService"].Delta:Fire()
  98. end
  99. B = tick()
  100. A = A - (1 / Frame) * math.floor(A / (1 / Frame))
  101. end
  102. end
  103. )
  104. end
  106. coroutine.wrap(
  107. function()
  108. Humanoid["Died"]:Wait()
  109. for K, V in next, Char:GetDescendants() do
  110. if V["Name"]:match("Align") then
  111. V:Destroy()
  112. end
  113. end
  114. end
  115. )()
  117. local PreloadAnimation = function(AssetId)
  118. local Sequence = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. AssetId)[1]
  119. assert(Sequence:IsA("KeyframeSequence"), "Instance is not a KeyframeSequence.")
  120. wait(.06)
  121. local Class = {}
  122. Class["Speed"] = 1
  123. local Yield = function(Seconds)
  124. local Time = Seconds * (Frame + Sequence:GetKeyframes()[#Sequence:GetKeyframes()].Time)
  125. for I = 1, Time, Class["Speed"] do
  126. Service["RunService"].Delta["Event"]:Wait()
  127. end
  128. end
  129. Class["Stopped"] = false
  130. Class["Complete"] ="BindableEvent")
  131. Class["Play"] = function()
  132. Class["Stopped"] = false
  133. coroutine.wrap(
  134. function()
  135. repeat
  136. for K = 1, #Sequence:GetKeyframes() do
  137. local K0, K1, K2 =
  138. Sequence:GetKeyframes()[K - 1],
  139. Sequence:GetKeyframes()[K],
  140. Sequence:GetKeyframes()[K + 1]
  141. if Class["Stopped"] ~= true and Humanoid["Health"] > 0 then
  142. if K0 ~= nil then
  143. Yield(K1["Time"] - K0["Time"])
  144. end
  145. coroutine.wrap(
  146. function()
  147. for I = 1, #K1:GetDescendants() do
  148. local Pose = K1:GetDescendants()[I]
  149. if Contains(Joints, Pose["Name"]) then
  150. local Duration =
  151. K2 ~= nil and (K2["Time"] - K1["Time"]) / Class["Speed"] or .5
  152. Edit(
  153. Char[Pose["Name"]],
  154. PoseToCF(Pose, Joints[Pose["Name"]]),
  155. Duration,
  156. Pose["EasingStyle"],
  157. Pose["EasingDirection"]
  158. )
  159. end
  160. end
  161. end
  162. )()
  163. end
  164. end
  165. Class["Complete"]:Fire()
  166. until Sequence["Loop"] ~= true or Class["Stopped"] ~= false or Humanoid["Health"] < 1 xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed xss=removed> 6 and Dancing ~= true and Anims["Walk"].Stopped ~= false and runnning ~= true then
  167. Anims["Idle"]:Stop()
  168. Anims["Jump"]:Stop()
  169. Anims["Fall"]:Stop()
  170. Anims["Run"]:Stop()
  171. Anims["Walk"]:Play()
  172. elseif Speed < 5 and Dancing ~= true and Anims["Walk"].Stopped ~= true and runnning ~= true then
  173. Anims["Walk"]:Stop()
  174. Anims["Jump"]:Stop()
  175. Anims["Fall"]:Stop()
  176. Anims["Run"]:Stop()
  177. Anims["Idle"]:Play()
  178. elseif Speed < 5 and Dancing ~= true and Anims["Jump"].Stopped ~= true or Anims["Fall"].Stopped ~= true then
  179. Anims["Walk"]:Stop()
  180. Anims["Jump"]:Stop()
  181. Anims["Fall"]:Stop()
  182. Anims["Run"]:Stop()
  183. Anims["Idle"]:Play()
  184. end
  185. end
  186. )
  187. Connections["Jumping"] =
  188. Humanoid["Jumping"]:Connect(
  189. function(active)
  190. if active and Dancing ~= true and Anims["Jump"].Stopped ~= false then
  191. Anims["Idle"]:Stop()
  192. Anims["Walk"]:Stop()
  193. Anims["Fall"]:Stop()
  194. Anims["Run"]:Stop()
  195. Anims["Jump"]:Play()
  196. end
  197. end
  198. )
  199. Connections["FreeFalling"] =
  200. Humanoid["FreeFalling"]:Connect(
  201. function(active)
  202. if active and Dancing ~= true and Anims["Jump"].Stopped ~= false then
  203. Anims["Idle"]:Stop()
  204. Anims["Walk"]:Stop()
  205. Anims["Jump"]:Stop()
  206. Anims["Run"]:Stop()
  207. Anims["Fall"]:Play()
  208. end
  209. end
  210. )
  212. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(
  213. function(key)
  214. if key:lower() == string.char(48) then --string.char(48) is just shift
  215. if Humanoid and Anims["Walk"].Stopped ~= true then
  216. Anims["Walk"]:Stop()
  217. Anims["Jump"]:Stop()
  218. Anims["Fall"]:Stop()
  219. Anims["Idle"]:Stop()
  220. Anims["Run"]:Play()
  221. runnning = true
  222. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 26
  223. end
  224. end
  225. end
  226. )
  228. --When button is lifted
  229. Mouse.KeyUp:connect(
  230. function(key)
  231. if key:lower() == string.char(48) then --string.char(48) is just shift
  232. if Humanoid then
  233. runnning = false
  234. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  235. end
  236. end
  237. end
  238. )
  240. wait(1)
  241. local Bind = function(Id, Key, Speed)
  242. Speed = Speed or 1
  243. local Animation = PreloadAnimation(Id)
  244. table.insert(Anims, Animation)
  245. local V =
  246. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(
  247. function(Input, P)
  248. if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[Key] and P ~= true then
  249. if Dancing ~= true then
  250. Dancing = true
  251. StopAll()
  252. wait(.1)
  253. Animation:Play()
  254. Animation["Speed"] = Speed
  255. else
  256. Dancing = false
  257. StopAll()
  258. wait(.1)
  259. Anims["Idle"]:Play()
  260. end
  261. end
  262. end
  263. )
  264. end
  266. Bind(10507080897, "Q", 1)
  267. wait(0.1)
  268. Bind(10731649737, "Y", 1)
  269. wait(0.1)
  270. Bind(10724052169 , "E", 1)
  271. wait(0.1)
  272. Bind(10722615238 , "R", 1)
  273. wait(0.1)
  274. Bind(5927871610, "T", 1)
  275. wait(0.1)
  276. Bind(5927871610, "U", 2)
  277. wait(0.1)
  278. Bind(5641878449, "F", 1)
  279. wait(0.1)
  280. Bind(5943669474, "O", 1)
  281. wait(0.1)
  282. Bind(6024896974, "G", 1)
  283. wait(0.1)
  284. Bind(10881761394, "H", 1)
  285. wait(0.1)
  286. Bind(1574383214, "J", 1)
  287. wait(0.1)
  288. Bind(10881753261, "K", 1)
  289. wait(0.1)
  290. Bind(5927871610, "L", 1)
  291. wait(0.1)
  292. Bind(10881645631, "Z", 1)
  293. wait(0.1)
  294. Bind(10881661040, "X", 1)
  295. wait(0.1)
  296. Bind(10881685708, "C", 1)
  297. wait(0.1)
  298. Bind(5943658900, "V", 1)
  299. wait(0.1)
  300. Bind(10881733560, "B", 1)
  301. wait(0.1)
  302. Bind(10881694331, "N", 1)
  303. wait(0.1)
  304. Bind(5927871610, "M", 1)
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