

Oct 8th, 2019
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  1. Ok so I'm starting a diary of my joruney through life <3 I have gotten rid of my fetish of toe sucking so far and am going strong and going great! I'll try to not think of toe sucking for a bit but theres always that urge y'know.
  3. Day 1, So far I'm going about my day until I see something, On my daily fox news the caster is barefoot and its driving me crazy! I need to stop myself from licking my tv but I can try my best.
  5. Day 2, I rewatched the spy kids movie to see big toe man, I'm sorry god please forgive me, I won't do it again, I promise.
  7. Day 5, At work one of my coworkers but her shoe on my desk... So what did I do? took her shoe off and like her foot. What else was I supposed to do, let her put her foot on my desk?
  9. Day 8, Our president Donald B Glover just came out to have a toe sucking fetish... I'm not sure how I should react because Donald Glover just embraced it while I'm still trying to suppress it. Dear lord save me from this horrible psychological mess.
  11. Day 15, I've been not mentioning what I repeated in the past few days because lots of these events happen often and are second nature to me, like the licking of someones foot. Some people say it may be a bit odd but I think its perfectly natural to fulfill your urges.
  13. Day 17, Oh My Goodness. Donald Glover just released a tape of him sucking toes, I cannot believe it. This is amazing. I think it is time to embrace it. Say goodbye to trying to hide the fact that I'm a TOE SUCKER.
  15. Day 19, I just got back from walmart. Me and the manager sucked eachothers toes in tomato isle. I really feel bad for the young brother and sister watching us suck toes but I don't think they minded that much.
  17. Day 50, I'm going to Suck-a-thon a suck based fetish event. I'm so excited to meet Donald glover and Bill Cosby at Suck-a-thon. I will leave my journal home for the journey and write about it when I get back.
  19. Day 57, I was eager to write in my journal this time because I have very good news. I. GOT. TO. SUCK. BILL. COSBYS. TOES. greatest experience of my life 10/10 would suck again, and like we always say its a suck n suck life.
  21. Day 88, WOW I just got a notification from Bill Cosby on twitter. He said hes done Toe sucking and said his greatest experience toe sucking was at Suck-a-thon. What an amazing title to live up to! I will always strive to be better in the Toe sucking community but this is just an amazing feat of my toe sucking talent. I guess I really did grow up to be a toe sucker like my mommy told me to.
  23. Day 89, Bill Cosby died. I guess he couldn't handle not being a toe sucker anymore it's so sad to see the legends go like this.
  25. Day 100, It's my 100th day anniversary of my no toe sucking journey! Just kidding It's just my hundredth day on this journal. and my 83rd day of being an open TOE SUCKERcc
  27. Day 101, I mix and match toes if you know what I mean, I get all the toes now. 20% of gay adults are now toe suckers, and I am the best of the best of the toe sucking community.
  29. Day 200, 90% of all grown adults are toe suckers, it's a toe suck toe world out there. A new scientific discovery has been made so a women could get pregnant with only a sucked toe. I really enjoy my toe sucking life but I really think I should move on to foot sucking now. Goodbye Journal
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