

May 18th, 2017
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  1. Warning:BuildType(alpha): buildConfigField 'PRINT_LOGS_TO_LOGCAT' value is being replaced: false -> true
  2. Warning:BuildType(alpha): buildConfigField 'API_LOGING_LEVEL' value is being replaced: okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BASIC -> okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BASIC
  3. Warning:BuildType(alpha): buildConfigField 'APPSEE_API_KEY' value is being replaced: "ab6a77c315bc4eb7955ff95caf446f27" -> "215f562ba5eb401e9f47f8590f7ed648"
  4. Warning:BuildType(alphaDebug): buildConfigField 'ENABLE_ANALYTICS' value is being replaced: false -> true
  5. Warning:BuildType(alphaDebug): buildConfigField 'ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTINGS' value is being replaced: false -> true
  6. Warning:BuildType(alphaDebug): buildConfigField 'PRINT_LOGS_TO_LOGCAT' value is being replaced: true -> true
  7. Warning:BuildType(alphaDebug): buildConfigField 'API_LOGING_LEVEL' value is being replaced: okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY -> okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BASIC
  8. Warning:BuildType(beta): buildConfigField 'ENABLE_ANALYTICS' value is being replaced: true -> true
  9. Warning:BuildType(beta): buildConfigField 'ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTINGS' value is being replaced: true -> true
  10. Warning:BuildType(beta): buildConfigField 'PRINT_LOGS_TO_LOGCAT' value is being replaced: false -> true
  11. Warning:BuildType(beta): buildConfigField 'API_LOGING_LEVEL' value is being replaced: okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BASIC -> okhttp3.logging.HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BASIC
  12. Warning:android-apt plugin is incompatible with future version of Android Gradle plugin. Please use 'annotationProcessor' configuration instead.
  13. Warning:One of the plugins you are using supports Java 8 language features. To try the support built into the Android plugin, remove the following from your build.gradle:
  14. apply plugin: '<plugin_name>'
  15. or
  16. plugin {
  17. id '<plugin_name>' version '<version>'
  18. }
  20. To learn more, go to
  22. Warning:One of the plugins you are using supports Java 8 language features. To try the support built into the Android plugin, remove the following from your build.gradle:
  23. apply plugin: '<plugin_name>'
  24. or
  25. plugin {
  26. id '<plugin_name>' version '<version>'
  27. }
  29. To learn more, go to
  31. Warning:One of the plugins you are using supports Java 8 language features. To try the support built into the Android plugin, remove the following from your build.gradle:
  32. apply plugin: '<plugin_name>'
  33. or
  34. plugin {
  35. id '<plugin_name>' version '<version>'
  36. }
  38. To learn more, go to
  40. Warning:One of the plugins you are using supports Java 8 language features. To try the support built into the Android plugin, remove the following from your build.gradle:
  41. apply plugin: '<plugin_name>'
  42. or
  43. plugin {
  44. id '<plugin_name>' version '<version>'
  45. }
  47. To learn more, go to
  49. Warning:One of the plugins you are using supports Java 8 language features. To try the support built into the Android plugin, remove the following from your build.gradle:
  50. apply plugin: '<plugin_name>'
  51. or
  52. plugin {
  53. id '<plugin_name>' version '<version>'
  54. }
  56. To learn more, go to
  58. Warning:One of the plugins you are using supports Java 8 language features. To try the support built into the Android plugin, remove the following from your build.gradle:
  59. apply plugin: '<plugin_name>'
  60. or
  61. plugin {
  62. id '<plugin_name>' version '<version>'
  63. }
  65. To learn more, go to
  67. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\BraintreeDataCollector\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\BraintreeDataCollector\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  68. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\zip_file\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\zip_file\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  69. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\BraintreeDataCollector\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\BraintreeDataCollector\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  70. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\zip_file\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\zip_file\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  71. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\PayPalDataCollector\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\PayPalDataCollector\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  72. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\Core\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\Core\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  73. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\PayPalDataCollector\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\PayPalDataCollector\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  74. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\Core\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\Core\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  75. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\PayPalOneTouch\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\PayPalOneTouch\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  76. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\Braintree\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\Braintree\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  77. Error:Could not read C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\Drop-In\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt: C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\BraintreePayment\Drop-In\build\intermediates\typedefs.txt (?? ??????? ????? ????????? ????)
  78. Warning:unknown enum constant Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP
  79. Warning:@AutoValue classes cannot have abstract methods other than property getters and Builder converters
  80. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\main\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\db\entities\
  81. Warning:(21, 28) An @AutoValue property that is a primitive array returns the original array, which can therefore be modified by the caller. If this OK, you can suppress this warning with @SuppressWarnings("mutable"). Otherwise, you should replace the property with an immutable type, perhaps a simple wrapper around the original array.
  82. Warning:@AutoValue classes cannot have abstract methods other than property getters and Builder converters
  83. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\main\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\message\
  84. Warning:(9, 28) An @AutoValue property that is a primitive array returns the original array, which can therefore be modified by the caller. If this OK, you can suppress this warning with @SuppressWarnings("mutable"). Otherwise, you should replace the property with an immutable type, perhaps a simple wrapper around the original array.
  85. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\main\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\message\
  86. Warning:(9, 28) An @AutoValue property that is a primitive array returns the original array, which can therefore be modified by the caller. If this OK, you can suppress this warning with @SuppressWarnings("mutable"). Otherwise, you should replace the property with an immutable type, perhaps a simple wrapper around the original array.
  87. Warning:@AutoValue classes cannot have abstract methods other than property getters and Builder converters
  88. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\main\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\metadata\template\
  89. Warning:(16, 28) An @AutoValue property that is a primitive array returns the original array, which can therefore be modified by the caller. If this OK, you can suppress this warning with @SuppressWarnings("mutable"). Otherwise, you should replace the property with an immutable type, perhaps a simple wrapper around the original array.
  90. Warning:@AutoValue classes cannot have abstract methods other than property getters and Builder converters
  91. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\main\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\sync\msg\
  92. Warning:(9, 28) An @AutoValue property that is a primitive array returns the original array, which can therefore be modified by the caller. If this OK, you can suppress this warning with @SuppressWarnings("mutable"). Otherwise, you should replace the property with an immutable type, perhaps a simple wrapper around the original array.
  93. Warning:@AutoValue classes cannot have abstract methods other than property getters and Builder converters
  94. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\main\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\ui\home\alerts\msg\
  95. Warning:(16, 28) An @AutoValue property that is a primitive array returns the original array, which can therefore be modified by the caller. If this OK, you can suppress this warning with @SuppressWarnings("mutable"). Otherwise, you should replace the property with an immutable type, perhaps a simple wrapper around the original array.
  96. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\main\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\ui\home\alerts\widget\
  97. Warning:(38, 28) An @AutoValue property that is a primitive array returns the original array, which can therefore be modified by the caller. If this OK, you can suppress this warning with @SuppressWarnings("mutable"). Otherwise, you should replace the property with an immutable type, perhaps a simple wrapper around the original array.
  98. Warning:@AutoValue classes cannot have abstract methods other than property getters and Builder converters
  99. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\androidTest\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\api\
  100. Error:(6, 38) error: cannot find symbol class ItelApplication
  101. Error:(7, 54) error: package does not exist
  102. Error:(34, 20) error: cannot find symbol class ItelApi
  103. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\androidTest\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\
  104. Error:(3, 42) error: cannot find symbol class ItelApi
  105. Error:(4, 51) error: package does not exist
  106. Error:(5, 51) error: package does not exist
  107. Error:(6, 51) error: package does not exist
  108. Error:(7, 51) error: package does not exist
  109. Error:(8, 51) error: package does not exist
  110. Error:(9, 51) error: package does not exist
  111. Error:(10, 51) error: package does not exist
  112. Error:(11, 51) error: package does not exist
  113. Error:(12, 51) error: package does not exist
  114. Error:(13, 51) error: package does not exist
  115. Error:(14, 51) error: package does not exist
  116. Error:(15, 51) error: package does not exist
  117. Error:(16, 51) error: package does not exist
  118. Error:(17, 51) error: package does not exist
  119. Error:(18, 63) error: package does not exist
  120. Error:(19, 54) error: package does not exist
  121. Error:(20, 54) error: package does not exist
  122. Error:(21, 54) error: package does not exist
  123. Error:(22, 54) error: package does not exist
  124. Error:(23, 54) error: package does not exist
  125. Error:(24, 54) error: package does not exist
  126. Error:(25, 54) error: package does not exist
  127. Error:(26, 54) error: package does not exist
  128. Error:(27, 54) error: package does not exist
  129. Error:(28, 54) error: package does not exist
  130. Error:(29, 54) error: package does not exist
  131. Error:(30, 54) error: package does not exist
  132. Error:(31, 54) error: package does not exist
  133. Error:(32, 54) error: package does not exist
  134. Error:(33, 54) error: package does not exist
  135. Error:(34, 54) error: package does not exist
  136. Error:(52, 40) error: cannot find symbol class ItelApi
  137. Error:(55, 32) error: cannot find symbol class ItelApi
  138. Error:(95, 53) error: cannot find symbol class DetailTestParams
  139. Error:(95, 17) error: cannot find symbol class TestJsonEntity
  140. Error:(101, 68) error: cannot find symbol class MyTestsParamsUp
  141. Error:(101, 22) error: cannot find symbol class BaseClaimJsonModel
  142. Error:(107, 70) error: cannot find symbol class MyTestsParamsDown
  143. Error:(107, 22) error: cannot find symbol class BaseClaimJsonModel
  144. Error:(113, 47) error: cannot find symbol class DatetimeParam
  145. Error:(119, 49) error: cannot find symbol class TestParams
  146. Error:(125, 22) error: cannot find symbol class ApiCarrierJsonEntity
  147. Error:(131, 51) error: cannot find symbol class CarrierFilterParams
  148. Error:(137, 42) error: cannot find symbol class SubmitTestParams
  149. Error:(143, 60) error: cannot find symbol class CarrierFullInfoParams
  150. Error:(143, 17) error: cannot find symbol class ApiCarrierJsonEntity
  151. Error:(155, 22) error: cannot find symbol class ExclusionJsonEntity
  152. Error:(161, 46) error: cannot find symbol class CityQueryParams
  153. Error:(161, 17) error: cannot find symbol class Location
  154. Error:(167, 66) error: cannot find symbol class CompleteAnswerParams
  155. Error:(167, 17) error: cannot find symbol class QuestionResponse
  156. Error:(173, 63) error: cannot find symbol class ClaimFilterParams
  157. Error:(173, 22) error: cannot find symbol class BaseClaimJsonModel
  158. Error:(179, 17) error: cannot find symbol class BrainTreeToken
  159. Error:(185, 17) error: cannot find symbol class PhotoUploadResponse
  160. Error:(191, 17) error: cannot find symbol class QuestionResponse
  161. Error:(197, 17) error: cannot find symbol class PhotoUploadResponse
  162. Error:(203, 17) error: cannot find symbol class Image
  163. Error:(209, 58) error: cannot find symbol class DatetimeParam
  164. Error:(209, 22) error: cannot find symbol class ApiHelpTemplate
  165. Error:(215, 49) error: cannot find symbol class HelpFileParams
  166. Error:(221, 46) error: cannot find symbol class GcmRegisterParams
  167. Error:(227, 48) error: cannot find symbol class GcmUnregisterParams
  168. Error:(233, 17) error: cannot find symbol class ClaimInsertionEntity
  169. Error:(239, 17) error: cannot find symbol class TestInsertionEntity
  170. Error:(245, 67) error: cannot find symbol class DetailNotificationRequestJsonEntity
  171. Error:(245, 17) error: cannot find symbol class DetailQuestionJsonEntity
  172. Error:(251, 63) error: cannot find symbol class DetailNotificationRequestJsonEntity
  173. Error:(251, 17) error: cannot find symbol class DetailReportJsonEntity
  174. Error:(257, 55) error: cannot find symbol class DatetimeParam
  175. Error:(263, 51) error: cannot find symbol class ProfileParam
  176. Error:(269, 58) error: cannot find symbol class ClaimByIdParams
  177. Error:(269, 17) error: cannot find symbol class BaseClaimJsonModel
  178. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\androidTest\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\db\
  179. Error:(11, 51) error: package does not exist
  180. Error:(12, 47) error: package does not exist
  181. Error:(29, 13) error: cannot find symbol class BaseInfoLocalStorage
  182. Error:(128, 18) error: cannot find symbol class BaseClaimJsonModel
  183. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\androidTest\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\db\
  184. Error:(5, 50) error: package does not exist
  185. Error:(6, 50) error: package does not exist
  186. Error:(7, 52) error: cannot find symbol class ClaimLocalRepository
  187. Error:(8, 52) error: cannot find symbol class TestLocalRepository
  188. Error:(9, 46) error: package does not exist
  189. Error:(10, 46) error: package does not exist
  190. Error:(11, 44) error: cannot find symbol class RxBus
  191. Error:(45, 19) error: cannot find symbol class ItelOpenHelper
  192. Error:(73, 44) error: cannot find symbol class LocalDataStore
  193. Error:(84, 53) error: cannot find symbol class ClaimLocalRepository
  194. Error:(85, 53) error: cannot find symbol class TestLocalRepository
  195. Error:(106, 19) error: cannot find symbol class TestDbModel
  196. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\androidTest\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\db\
  197. Error:(5, 55) error: cannot find symbol class SecureStorage
  198. Error:(9, 33) error: cannot find symbol class SecureStorage
  199. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\androidTest\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\db\
  200. Error:(3, 46) error: cannot find symbol class OfflineLoginPolicy
  201. Error:(4, 46) error: cannot find symbol class SessionEntity
  202. Error:(13, 19) error: cannot find symbol class SessionEntity
  203. C:\AndroidStudioProjects\itel\AndroidApp\ITELMobile\src\androidTest\java\com\itelinc\android\itelmobile\db\
  204. Error:(7, 50) error: package does not exist
  205. Error:(8, 49) error: package does not exist
  206. Information:BUILD FAILED
  207. Information:Total time: 53.168 secs
  208. Information:111 errors
  209. Information:34 warnings
  210. Information:See complete output in console
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