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- repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded()
- wait(3) -- Put this for make sure script will execute
- _G.Webhook = {['WebhookLink'] = 'Link', ['SendWebhookReward'] = true} -- Notify when end match
- _G.SettingsAD = {
- ["LeaveAtWave"] = 31,
- ["DelayStartLobby"] = 20,
- ["MethodLeave"] = "Sell", -- Sell, Leave,
- ["ReplayInStoryMode"] = false, -- Use when u want to play only story mode ( next time will go to next chapter too when disconnect )
- ["BlackScreen"] = true,
- ["EquipBest"] = true,
- ["SpeedModifier"] = 1
- }
- getgenv().Key = "MARU-FOGK-DI9I6-XL34-6Z51N-BTMZ"
- getgenv().id = "655665822416764949"
- getgenv().Script_Mode = "Kaitun_Script"
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() break
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