
Heimskringla Ynglinga Saga Sources

Mar 18th, 2023
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  1. Þjóðólfr inn fróði (the Learned) from Hvinir was a poet of King Haraldr
  2. inn hárfagri (the Fine-Haired). He composed a poem in honour of King
  3. Rǫgnvaldr heiðumhæri (Nobly Grey), which is called Ynglingatal. Rǫgnvaldr
  4. was the son of Óláfr Geirstaðaálfr, brother of Hálfdan svarti (the Black).
  5. In that poem are named thirty of his paternal ancestors, and the death and
  6. burial place of each of them is related. The one called Fjǫlnir was son of
  7. Yngvi-Freyr, whom the Svíar worshipped for a long time afterwards. The
  8. Ynglingar are named after him. Eyvindr skáldaspillir (Poet-Spoiler) also
  9. enumerated the paternal ancestors of Jarl Hákon inn ríki (the Great) in the
  10. poem that is called Háleygjatal, which was composed in honour of Hákon.
  11. In that poem Sæmingr is named as a son of Yngvi-Freyr. There also the death
  12. and burial place of each of them is related. The history of the Ynglingar is
  13. written first according to Þjóðólfr’s account, and augmented according to
  14. the account of learned men.
  17. - Heimskringla, Prologue
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