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- import hashlib
- import struct
- import random
- def Log2(n):
- """Log2(n) - how many times n can be be divided by2 before it is zero.
- >>> Log2(0)
- 0
- >>> Log2(5)
- 3
- """
- for i in xrange(32):
- # mask is i ones in binary
- # i==0 => mask==0b0
- # i==1 => mask==0b1
- # i==2 => mask==0b11
- mask = (1L << i) - 1
- if (n & mask) == n:
- return i
- return 99
- g_puzzle_bits0 = 20 # put in a variable so we can make it lower for testing
- def NumberOfZerosForPuzzle(block_serial_number):
- """Given a block serial number - how many zeros should be at the end of its signature
- >>> NumberOfZerosForPuzzle(1000)
- 30
- """
- return g_puzzle_bits0 + Log2(block_serial_number)
- def WalletCode(member_names_list):
- """Given list of the names of wallet owners - return a 32 bit number - wallet number.
- >>> WalletCode(["Foo Bar", "Bar Vaz"])
- 3622990312
- """
- member_names_str = ",".join(sorted(member_names_list))
- m = hashlib.md5()
- m.update(member_names_str.lower())
- data = m.digest()
- # take lower 32 bit of member's name digest
- # Note - unpack returns a tuple of size 1 - we use [0] to get the number
- return struct.unpack(">L", data[:4])[0]
- # Block is 32 byte/256bit long.
- # record/block format:
- # 32 bit serial number
- # 32 bit wallet number
- # 64 bit prev_sig[:8]highest bits (first half ) of previous block's signature (including all the block)
- # 32 bit puzzle answer
- # 96 bit sig[:12] - md5 - the first 12 bytes of md5 of above fields. need to make last N bits zero
- def CreateBlock0_TestStage():
- block0 = [0, 0, "BLOCKNUM", 2016330331, ""]
- m = hashlib.md5()
- block0_bin = struct.pack(">LL8sL", *block0[:4])
- m.update(block0_bin)
- block0_bin += m.digest()[:12]
- return block0_bin
- def CheckSignature(sig, n_zeros):
- # check tha last n_zeros bits of signature.
- # look at them byte by bye (8 bits together)
- sig_index = 15 # look at last byte
- while n_zeros >= 8:
- b = ord(sig[sig_index])
- if b != 0:
- return False # bad signature
- sig_index -= 1
- n_zeros -= 8 # we checked one byte
- if n_zeros == 0:
- return True # this happens when n_zeros was divisible by 8
- mask = (1L << n_zeros) - 1
- b = ord(sig[sig_index])
- return (b & mask) == 0
- def CheckBlockSignature(serial, wallet, prev_sig, puzzle, block_sig):
- """Given a block fields - check that signature is valid and puzzle is solved.
- return 0 if OK, reason for erro if not.
- """
- block_data = struct.pack(">LL8sL", serial, wallet, prev_sig, puzzle)
- m = hashlib.md5()
- m.update(block_data)
- sig = m.digest()
- # check sig has right number of zeros at the end
- n_zeros = NumberOfZerosForPuzzle(serial)
- if not CheckSignature(sig, n_zeros):
- return 4
- # check that the signature is part of the block
- if block_sig != sig[:12]:
- return 5
- return 0
- def unpack_clock_to_tuple(block_bin):
- return struct.unpack(">LL8sL12s", block_bin)
- def IsValidBlock(prev_block_bin, block_bin):
- """Check if block_bin is valid given the previous block.
- return 0 if Block ok, a reason number if not.
- """
- prev_block = unpack_clock_to_tuple(prev_block_bin)
- block = unpack_clock_to_tuple(block_bin)
- return IsValidBlockUnpacked(prev_block, block)
- def IsValidBlockUnpacked(prev_block_tuple, block_tuple):
- # check serial number
- if block_tuple[0] != prev_block_tuple[0] + 1:
- return 1
- # check that not same wallet number
- if block_tuple[1] == prev_block_tuple[1]:
- return 2
- # check that new block contins part of prev block signature
- if block_tuple[2] != prev_block_tuple[4][:8]:
- return 3
- #calculate the signature for the block
- return CheckBlockSignature(*block_tuple)
- def MineCoinAttempts(my_wallet, prev_block_bin, attempts_count):
- prev_block = struct.unpack(">LL8sL12s", prev_block_bin)
- serial, w, prev_prev_sig, prev_puzzle, prev_sig = prev_block
- new_serial = serial + 1
- prev_half = prev_sig[:8]
- n_zeros = NumberOfZerosForPuzzle(new_serial)
- for _ in xrange(attempts_count):
- puzzle = random.randint(0, 1<<32 - 1)
- #print new_serial, my_wallet, prev_half, puzzle
- block_bin = struct.pack(">LL8sL", new_serial, my_wallet, prev_half, puzzle)
- m = hashlib.md5()
- m.update(block_bin)
- sig = m.digest()
- if CheckSignature(sig, n_zeros):
- block_bin += sig[:12]
- return block_bin # new block
- return None # could not find block in attempts_count
- def MineCoin(my_wallet, prev_block_bin):
- new_block = None
- while not new_block:
- new_block = MineCoinAttempts(my_wallet, prev_block_bin, 10000)
- return new_block
- def TestMining():
- prev_block = CreateBlock0_TestStage()
- wallet1 = WalletCode(["Tal Franji"])
- wallet2 = WalletCode(["Foo Bar"])
- for _ in xrange(1000):
- new_block = MineCoin(wallet1, prev_block)
- if IsValidBlock(prev_block, new_block) != 0:
- print "BAD"
- break
- print repr(prev_block)
- prev_block = new_block
- wallet1, wallet2 = wallet2, wallet1
- #To test this module:
- #TestMining()
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