
Features to port from Prism to pokecrystal (incomplete-ish)

Sep 5th, 2018
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  1. visible/noticeable optimizations:
  2. - double speed
  3. - 60fps OW + running shoes + gen 5 bike
  4. - instant text (maybe 2+ chars per frame as option?)
  5. - extra options (hold to mash, turning speed, page options menu)
  6. - faster vcopies (2bpp, 1bpp)
  7. - tilemap in 2 frames (note: find places where hCGBPalUpdate is set and the game relies on WaitBGMap being 4 frames to update palettes)
  8. - better decompression
  9. - set hVBlank to 2 during performance-intensive functions, possibly need to call AnimateTileset
  10. - optimized scrolling menu
  11. - optimized party menu
  12. - general removal of WaitSFX after button clicks
  13. - enable LCD interrupt only when necessary
  14. - optimized bill's PC (less intentional delays)
  15. - optimized saving
  16. - gen 5 party menu item use?
  17. - better name lookup
  18. - CopyTilemapAtOnce optimizations/SafeCopyTilemapAtOnce (possibly too complex)
  19. - better LoadMapPart? would require loading block tiles to banked WRAM
  20. - smooth HP bars
  21. - don't reload font tiles when closing StartMenu
  22. - removal/fixing of slow HDMA functions and unnecessary HDMA function calls (ReanchorBGMap_NoOAMUpdate calling _OpenAndCloseMenu_HDMATransferTileMapAndAttrMap following another call to _OpenAndCloseMenu_HDMATransferTileMapAndAttrMap, start menu loading fonts on close)
  24. data optimizations
  25. - compresed maps, collision, block tiles, OW sprites, menu icons
  26. - implied TextCommand_START, STRBF, sdone
  27. - code: better control code jumptable
  28. - compressing text (consult ax6)
  29. - removing mobile and GBPrinter
  30. - optional: removing mail
  31. - better sectioning of banked WRAM, SRAM optimizations
  32. - compressing misc tilemaps
  34. code optimizations:
  35. - stack farcall (note: use pfero's implementation?)
  36. - removal of farcall2/callab, use farjp/jpba
  37. - stack predef, general rst vector use
  38. - tail call removal
  39. - using more AddNTimes?
  40. - better RTC (resetting RTC offset)
  41. - only use sScratch for pics
  42. - jp -> jr? general homebank savings with stack bank functions (maybe not RST packing)
  43. - better OAM DMA, maybe protect OAM DMA hax by copying the OAM DMA function each frame
  44. - single byte specials
  45. - better options menu?
  46. - 16bit mult/divisor/general accuracy calculation improvements (breaks compatibility lol)
  48. script features/optimizations
  49. - general dynamic script commands
  50. - script conditionals
  51. - hram script vars, script halfword
  52. - killsfx (slightly buggy), array support, cmdwitharrayargs, scrollingmenu, scriptstartasm
  53. - inverted flags for bg events
  54. - better signposts (w/ new sign types)
  55. - added object event types (e.g. text NPC)
  56. - remove end after jumpstd
  57. - general cleanup (removing redundant/unused commands)
  58. - scrolling menu
  60. features
  61. - smooth fadeouts/fadeins
  62. - VWF
  63. - customization menu? rather want it to be unique to prism
  64. - better pokeball animation
  65. - DED cries
  66. - expanded pic animation
  67. - tied with sectioning of banked WRAM/SRAM better
  68. - all the """minecraft""" items (meh)
  69. - bitbased reusable TMs
  70. - poke ball icons in menu
  71. - better poke ball formula
  72. - damage refactor (consult ax6)
  73. - graphics?
  74. - 300 step max repel
  75. - time HUD
  76. - trainer card
  77. - arbitrary starting landmark for non-default regions
  78. - field move pic + sprite anim
  79. - fixing RTC so that the base RTC offset updates on save and RTC itself is reset
  80. - calendar system?
  81. - metric units (consult ax6)
  82. - PP Ups on 40 PP go 48/56/63
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