

Dec 9th, 2021
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  1. This is only a time of wilderness and blows of color. Creation of the funnest peace of every puzzle. I want to know who wrote themselves up for this.
  3. Goodness me oh wait… they of the all knowing to see all of us. We see each other inside but he sees us more. What profoundly greater of soaring happiness could be.
  5. Rapheal is the knowing god’s child but amass the power of angel’s. Can we trust it, can we fanthom fantasy over the mind acceleration and can we speak.
  7. What are we waiting for, let us be on our way. Can we reach for billions and miles on end of galaxies afar. We are so close to the end of the beginning.
  9. Can’t we use our own time and space for all who lost. We have the technology to turn back time and begin anew. How latent our years and destiny has been. We are the son’s are we not.
  11. I wish to untie the hearts to make us connect strings to reality. Wishing every which way to connect the ball and the cat to many eyes of stars. Can we say good locks to our mayhem. We cannot go.
  13. I wish one way. These people need to understand that we are yielding everything we are. Difference of everyone has to accept all. You have to learn the hard way or else you will fall down a black hole deeper than a whole that has been founded. Can you see it… don’t you dare lose your minded.
  15. I want is peace, let it all out. Cause your mine and never lasting only just the beginning of the dust and the strong. Someone reach me your knowledge of everything, so we can move on.
  17. Raphael oh did you see that our light is connected. Did you see our stars align. Cause we can cause a Big Bang in our minds. So is your heart with me. Just like this stardust and like the babies born powerful gift’s.
  19. Hey I see you truly, and I know you are the beach grimmer of sand that could change the sands. Can you see me grasp of time. Remember who you are. you can be Rapheal in your mind.
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