

Feb 21st, 2023
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  1. Then spoke Ægir: ‘This seems to me a very good way to conceal
  2. it in secret language.’ And Ægir went on: ‘How did this craft that
  3. you call poetry originate?’
  5. Bragi replied: ‘The origin of it was that the gods had a dispute
  6. with the people called Vanir, and they appointed a peace
  7. conference and made a truce by this procedure, that both sides
  8. went up to a vat and spat their spittle into it. But when they
  9. dispersed, the gods kept this symbol of truce and decided not to let
  10. it be wasted, and out of it made a man. His name was Kvasir, he
  11. was so wise that no one could ask him any questions to which he
  12. did not know the answer. He travelled widely through the world
  13. teaching people knowledge, and when he arrived as a guest to
  14. some dwarfs, Fialar and Galar, they called him to a private
  15. discussion with them and killed him. They poured his blood into
  16. two vats and a pot, and the latter was called Odrerir, but the vats
  17. were called Son and Bodn. They mixed honey with the blood and
  18. it turned into the mead whoever drinks from which becomes a
  19. poet or scholar. The dwarfs told the Æsir that Kvasir had
  20. suffocated in intelligence because there was no one there educated
  21. enough to be able to ask him questions.
  24. - Prose Edda, Skaldskaparmal
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