
The Terminator P78

Nov 2nd, 2024
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  1. As Reese was dropping back behind the wall, he saw
  2. Ferro struggling to keep her balance, slipping on the loose
  3. concrete fragments in the shadow of the wall. She was still
  4. holding the mine, and its timer was running down. “Throw
  5. it!” Reese shouted. But she couldn’t unless she jumped on
  6. the wall, exposing herself, and the H-K was already swinging around.
  7. She had fucked up. Reese and Ferro stared into each
  8. other’s eyes. Then she jumped and threw. She was halfway
  9. back down when the searching power bolt punched into
  10. her torso. No scream. She went away in a cloud of pink mist.
  11. Some of her landed on Reese. He didn’t bother to wipe her
  12. off.
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