

Jan 10th, 2015
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  1. thedarkfreak: I hope we get full dive tech in our lifetime
  2. thedarkfreak: just to try it once
  3. thedarkfreak: I'd try it with amanda
  4. Cygnus: doubt it, if we do ill probably be like 80 or 90 by then jaja
  5. thedarkfreak: still worth it
  6. Cygnus: at that age I wouldnt even care about it
  7. thedarkfreak: I might decide to have myself cryogenically frozen when I die
  8. thedarkfreak: I'd try it just to feel young again
  9. Cygnus: what does that do?
  10. thedarkfreak: preserves your body in a way that it could be brought back to life in the future
  11. thedarkfreak: once the tech advances enough
  12. thedarkfreak: if it works, fucking sweet
  13. Cygnus: ohh shit no way, I wouldnt want that
  14. thedarkfreak: if it doesn't, you don't care, cause you're already dead
  15. Cygnus: You cant be brought back to life once youre dead though
  16. thedarkfreak: you'd be surprised what people have survived.
  17. Cygnus: Well there have been some occasions were people are declared officially dead and then like one hour later come back to life
  18. thedarkfreak: hypothermia is used sometimes nowadays to preserve life
  19. thedarkfreak: because of that old saying
  20. thedarkfreak: "you're not dead until you're warm and dead"
  21. Cygnus: but that means they werent really "dead"
  22. thedarkfreak: people have frozen to the point they had no vital signs, heartbeat, brain activity, nothing anymore
  23. thedarkfreak: once they thawed, they began working again, and even regained conciousness
  24. Cygnus: Yea but they were alive before they froze
  25. thedarkfreak: it's actually why they won't make a call on being dead until the body is warm anymore
  26. Cygnus: you would be dead when they freeze you
  27. thedarkfreak: who knows what the future holds?
  28. thedarkfreak: again
  29. thedarkfreak: if it's impossible
  30. thedarkfreak: I'll just never live again, so I truly died when I died
  31. thedarkfreak: I'm already dead so what the fuck do I care?
  32. Cygnus: No one knows what the future holds, however there is for certain a very clear seperation of what makes a human and what makes a higher power. Humans have no ability to bring dead back to life in their original state and never will
  33. Cygnus: It has to do with balance, if humans could do that then the ironic thing is that everyone would die because of it
  34. Cygnus: So even, hypothetically speaking, if it did happen. It would be pointless
  35. thedarkfreak: everyone would die because of it?
  36. thedarkfreak: how does that follow?
  37. Cygnus: because there would be no balance maintained, if everyone lived forever and if they died they could be revived then imagine what would happen to this world, just imagine what people would try to do
  38. thedarkfreak: it's not just that technology that's going to advance though
  39. thedarkfreak: all technlogy will
  40. thedarkfreak: someday, we will be exploring space
  41. thedarkfreak: someday, we will have full-dive technology and may even have true conciousness in a digital world
  42. Cygnus: Yea that's why people need to learn about the stories in the bible or mythology or hell any religion cause it pretty much explains that what you are saying is actually going to be the downfall of mankind, that's what is going to kill everyone not save people
  43. Cygnus: Remember that fire can be used to create but eventually that same fire will be used to destroy
  44. thedarkfreak: exploring space and full-dive tech is going to bring about the apocalypse?
  45. thedarkfreak: fire can be used to destory, but without fire, we wouldn't be alive at all
  46. Cygnus: Technology in general is going to bring it upon us
  47. Cygnus: exactly
  48. thedarkfreak: so our very existence is a contradiction
  49. Cygnus: thats the balance im talking about
  50. Cygnus: Its not a contradiction its a balance
  51. Cygnus: Do you know about the chinese yin and yang symbol?
  52. thedarkfreak: I do
  53. thedarkfreak: but I also belive humanity should truly find and discover their own limits
  54. thedarkfreak: besides, none of that tech exists yet anyway
  55. thedarkfreak: those debates will be done when that tech does come to fruition
  56. Cygnus: Thats a perfect example of balance right there. People can discover their own limits and you dont even need a spaceship to do it. People seem to think that terchnology is what advances us as humans when that's not really true. Even if that is the case though and people want to keep evolving technology then every step of the way humans get closer and closer to absolute destruction because its all part of balance. People are playing with fire here
  57. thedarkfreak: people make technology.
  58. thedarkfreak: if humans make something, then that something is within the limits of a human.
  59. thedarkfreak: after all, if it was past the limits of the human race, it would be impossible
  60. thedarkfreak: and, I'm sorry, and /please/ don't take this as an insult
  61. Cygnus: Humans stole fire, fire was meant for a higher power and in return humans were punished for it so yea, it can be within human limitatyions however we would still be punished for it
  62. thedarkfreak: but I'm far too rational to not want to better my race, my species, because of words written down thousands of years ago
  63. thedarkfreak: written down by other humans
  64. thedarkfreak: I'll start believing in that when they start making sense
  65. thedarkfreak: but this is the same mythologies that were getting people killed for going around saying Earth wasn't the only thing that existed, that it wasn't the center of existence
  66. thedarkfreak: it's the center of /our/ existence, it's not the center of existence in general
  67. Cygnus: Well that's fine, most people think they way you do. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Regardless of how far technology advances just always remember that at the core of everything the balance has to be kept and the stories and myths written thousands of years ago is still very much relevant today and will always be relevant because behind these stories and myths are the unwritten laws and facts of life for mankind
  68. Cygnus: Im not even going to make this a religious argument, these are just things that make sense and its just a fact of life. Right now there is no balance in the world and people pay the price for it everyday
  69. Cygnus: Hell i'm not even saying that technology is bad cause that would make me a hypocrite since I use it everyday just like most people on this planet earth
  70. Cygnus: But theres shit thats going to come from it at some point
  71. Cygnus: and there is such a thing as taking it too far
  72. Cygnus: and getting involved in the realm of immortality is not meant for a human
  73. Cygnus is now Away.
  74. thedarkfreak: See, I suppose I disagree with that assertion for one reason:
  75. Cygnus is now Online.
  76. thedarkfreak: The universe doesn't care about us. It doesn't care about anyone or anything.
  77. thedarkfreak: Even in the face of existence itself, we are nothing but dust
  78. Cygnus: its not supposed to
  79. thedarkfreak: Less than dust
  80. Cygnus: all the universe is concerned with is balance
  81. thedarkfreak: That's what I'm saying
  82. thedarkfreak: The universe isn't concerned with anything
  83. thedarkfreak: It's layers of the calabi yau manifold that happened to intersect
  84. thedarkfreak: The universe just is
  85. Cygnus: The universe will always keep balance thats all I know, its just a fact. It may seem random but everything is there for a reason
  86. thedarkfreak: We, as humans, don't know what exactly the universe is
  87. thedarkfreak: But someday we will
  88. thedarkfreak: I'd find that easier to believe if we actually meant anything to the universe
  89. thedarkfreak: But we're just insignificant little molecules
  90. thedarkfreak: The universe couldn't care less about us
  91. thedarkfreak: That's why WE have to care
  92. Cygnus: not really, look at what humans are capable of. And the universe doesnt have to care about anything but maintaining balance because that is the universes job.
  93. Cygnus: What do we have to care about?
  94. thedarkfreak: About ourselves
  95. thedarkfreak: Even with what we're capable of we still mean nothing overall
  96. Cygnus: So you need a spaceship to go out and explore the universe to care about yourself? You need to make yourself immortal? These are things that dont really matter at all to humans. Humans are just curious and get bored easily so they play with fire, eventually the one who plays with fire is going to get burned that's just a fact
  97. Cygnus: Once you reach a certain age you are going to want to die, that's just natural.
  98. thedarkfreak: But that's how we learn
  99. thedarkfreak: We'll make mistakes, if course
  100. thedarkfreak: Of course *
  101. thedarkfreak: If you want to die, that's your choice
  102. thedarkfreak: It's your life, so off yourself
  103. thedarkfreak: Or just wait for your body to die, if immortality requires constant care
  104. Cygnus: Everyine makes mistakes all the time but what you are saying is totally different. You are talking about humans wielding higher powers and destroying the balance. If that happens everyone dies, thats why I said that it was ironic you would even mention that as a possibility in the first place because those are the things that will kill us
  105. Cygnus: No, thats not natural
  106. thedarkfreak: If that happens then our existence was just a plaything anyway
  107. thedarkfreak: Control of our fate is the only thing we have
  108. thedarkfreak: If we don't have even that
  109. thedarkfreak: Then what the duck
  110. thedarkfreak: Fuck
  111. thedarkfreak: Stupid phone
  112. Cygnus: We are no ones "plaything", why are people so concerned with some otherwordly discovery and trying to gain control over things they have no control of? I personally dont get it. No one controls their fate, you live life and depending on what you do throughout life that's what will affect the direction you take and then you die
  113. Cygnus: this is just natural
  114. Cygnus: why fight what's natural?
  115. thedarkfreak: If we're locked out of choices because of bullshit cosmic forces, then our fate is not in our hands
  116. Cygnus: Yea that's what i said, we dont control our fate
  117. Cygnus: since when has anything cosmi interfered with humans?
  118. thedarkfreak: Well, we'll realize our limits when we reach them
  119. Cygnus: When the hell was the last time you saw a meteor striking down and causing an apocalypse here on earth?
  120. thedarkfreak: But we've yet to do that
  121. Cygnus: humans were placed on this planet for a reason
  122. Cygnus: there is a reason for everythiong
  123. thedarkfreak: I was calling your idea of universal balance a bullshit cosmic force.
  124. thedarkfreak: Because, if we get that tech
  125. thedarkfreak: How exactly is the universe unbalanced?
  126. Cygnus: bullshit because it can end your life or perhaps all life here one arth at any moment? that's not bullshit, its just natural
  127. thedarkfreak: We're still insignificant dust
  128. Cygnus: You are asking me how the universe will be unbalanced and I think you already know the answer, if a human is immortal and cant die then that's no longer a human
  129. Cygnus: That means the balance would have been broken
  130. thedarkfreak: That's why I find the idea of some universal balance silly when it concerns humans
  131. thedarkfreak: Because, in the face of the universe, no matter what we do, we're nothing
  132. thedarkfreak: So is the other intelligent, sentient life that might be out there
  133. Cygnus: It concerns everything in the universe because we live inside of it. And why does it matter if we are nothing in the face of the universe, focus on being something to the people and realities around yourself then if that's the case. I think thats more of a mental state and not necessarily a fact that would interfere with anything relating to balance
  134. Cygnus: There probably is more life out there other than us. And they go through the same shit most likely
  135. thedarkfreak: dude, that's what I'm saying
  136. thedarkfreak: we are nothing in the universe, so why would the universe even bother with us?
  137. thedarkfreak: and hte funny thing is
  138. thedarkfreak: even with our different philosphies
  139. thedarkfreak: I agree with much of what you just said there
  140. thedarkfreak: that's what I mean by "WE have to care"
  141. thedarkfreak: care about teh world around you
  142. thedarkfreak: care about the existences, the worlds, the life around you
  143. thedarkfreak: the universe doesn't care, it could wipe us from existence at any moment without reason, because it has no reasons
  144. thedarkfreak: we have to be that reason to each other
  145. Cygnus: That's like saying that fish are worth nothing to water, so why would the water even bother sustaining aquatic life? The universe is there to sustain life and balance that's it, its that simple. We dont need a rocket scientist to figure that out
  146. thedarkfreak: water exists bceause of a chemical reaction, it has no purpose in existence
  147. thedarkfreak: we derive OUR existence from it
  148. thedarkfreak: but it has no purpose
  149. thedarkfreak: it's just a combination of elements and atoms, like we are
  150. Cygnus: everything has a purpose and reason, water is there to sustain life
  151. Cygnus: that is apurpose
  152. Cygnus: There is absolutely nothing, not one thing, not even a molecule that does not have a purpose
  153. thedarkfreak: we might be defining "purpose" differently
  154. thedarkfreak: I see purpose as "something created this to do this specific thing"
  155. thedarkfreak: but it's a lucky mix of math that wound up with Earth in the conditions it has to sustain our life
  156. thedarkfreak: and hoesntnly\
  157. thedarkfreak: considering how vast the universe is
  158. Cygnus: Purpose is just something with meaning, that's all it is.
  159. thedarkfreak: not even that lucky
  160. thedarkfreak: even a stopped clock is rigyht twice a day
  161. thedarkfreak: the probabilities would've lined up somewhere
  162. Cygnus: Nothing is there because of luck, and math or science doesnt even have a place in this argument. The universe is there because it has a purpose just like water is there because it has a purpose
  163. thedarkfreak: well, I don't think we're ever going to fully agree, but at least we agree on some things
  164. thedarkfreak: and who knows
  165. Cygnus: Well im not even trying to agree or disagree im just simply stating a fact
  166. thedarkfreak: maybe someday, the intersection membraes of the calabi yau manifold that makes up our universe will separate, and our universe itself will cease to exist
  167. Cygnus: it could happen
  168. thedarkfreak: you're stating something you believe it, but I personally do not see that as a fact
  169. thedarkfreak: I haven't seen it proven as a fact, so I will not accept it as one.
  170. thedarkfreak: it may influence my thinking in the future, but I will not stake everything on it.
  171. Cygnus: That's like saying gravity isnt real when clearly its right in front of you and you can see its effects
  172. thedarkfreak: fine
  173. thedarkfreak: what examples can you give of this universal balance that are "right in front of us", whose "effects we can see"?
  174. thedarkfreak: actually, you know what
  175. thedarkfreak: I'm late for going over to Amanda's
  176. Cygnus: I just told you quite a few
  177. thedarkfreak: I'll take a second read through and see if I'm convinced
  178. thedarkfreak: and I mean that honestly, too, I'm saving a copy of it so steam doesn't erase it
  179. Cygnus: Even if you aren't I would suggest reading up on philosophy, mythology and/or religion as it will all explain what I just said to you. I just simplified it
  180. Cygnus: And they all talk about the same things so feel free to choose which one you want to read up on because they all say what I just said
  181. thedarkfreak: that's what I meant by...actually no I said I'm done for now
  182. thedarkfreak: we can do this dance forever XD
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