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- 'clv003.bas
- 'Advanced freeBASIC Composite Layer Video Routines 0x003
- 'Created August 15th - May 6th 2010 by Timothy Robert Keal alias jargon
- 'Released under the Gnu Public License 2.0
- '
- '
- 'irc://
- '
- 'Please review the Gnu Public License, Thank you.
- 'The GPL can be located online at
- #include once ""
- #include once "inc\"
- #include once "inc\"
- declare sub clv_buffer_ini(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, Screen_Width as integer, Screen_Height as integer)
- declare sub clv_font_load (clv_font() as fb.image ptr, FontIndex as integer, Switch as integer, Filename as string)
- declare sub clv_draw_text (clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, clv_font() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, clv_glyph() as integer, X as integer, Y as integer, Value as string)
- declare sub clv_buffer_cls(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer)
- declare sub clv_buffer_copy(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, SrcIndex as integer, DestIndex as integer)
- declare sub clv_buffer_overlay(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, SrcIndex as integer, DestIndex as integer)
- declare sub clv_buffer_flip(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, Display_Width as integer, Display_Height as integer)
- declare sub clv_draw_line(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X1 as integer, Y1 as integer, X2 as integer, Y2 as integer, ColorMask as uinteger, TransparencyMask as uinteger, Gfx_Method as integer)
- declare sub clv_draw_pixel(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X as integer, Y as integer, ColorMask as uinteger, TransparencyMask as uinteger)
- declare sub clv_draw_image(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X as integer, Y as integer, ColorGraphic as fb.image ptr, TransparencyGraphic as fb.image ptr)
- declare function clv_filter_mask (SRC as uinteger, DST as uinteger, PARM as any ptr) as uinteger
- declare sub clv_draw_primitive_circle(Buffer as fb.image ptr, X1 as double, Y1 as double, X2 as double, Y2 as double, A1 as double, A2 as double, R1 as double, R2 as double, argb32_inner as uinteger, argb32_outer as uinteger, argb32_clockwise as uinteger, argb32_counterclockwise as uinteger)
- declare sub clv_draw_primitive_triangle(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X1 as double, Y1 as double, X2 as double, Y2 as double, X3 as double, Y3 as double, ColorMask as uinteger, TransparencyMask as uinteger, Center_X as double, Center_Y as double)
- declare function clv_math_vector2decimal (X1 as double, Y1 as double, X2 as double, Y2 as double) as double
- declare function clv_argb32_mix(argb32() as uinteger, weight() as double) as uinteger
- redim shared as integer clv_glyph(&H00 to &HFF, 0 to 1)
- redim shared as fb.image ptr clv_font(&H00 to &HFF), clv_buffer(0 to 15, 0 to 1)
- dim shared as integer clv_buffer_focus
- const clv_math_Pi = 3.141592653589793#
- const clv_flag_and=&HFFFFFFFF, clv_flag_or=&H00000000
- const clv_buffer_visible=0, clv_buffer_draw=1
- const clv_flag_default=0, clv_flag_b=1, clv_flag_bf=2
- const clv_font_default=0
- const clv_font_flag_load=1, clv_font_flag_destroy=2
- sub clv_buffer_ini(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, Screen_Width as integer, Screen_Height as integer)
- dim as integer PageIndex
- for PageIndex = lbound(clv_buffer, 1) to ubound(clv_buffer, 1)
- clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0) = imagecreate(Screen_Width, Screen_Height)
- clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1) = imagecreate(Screen_Width, Screen_Height)
- clv_buffer_cls clv_buffer(), PageIndex
- next
- end sub
- sub clv_font_load (clv_font() as fb.image ptr, FontIndex as integer, Switch as integer, Filename as string)
- if Switch and clv_font_flag_destroy then
- png_destroy clv_font(FontIndex)
- end if
- if Switch and clv_font_flag_load then
- clv_font(FontIndex) = png_load(Filename)
- end if
- end sub
- sub clv_draw_text (clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, clv_font() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, clv_glyph() as integer, X as integer, Y as integer, Value as string)
- dim as integer Glyph, Px, Py, Offset, Glyph_X, Glyph_Y
- dim as fb.image ptr ColorGraphic, TransparencyGraphic
- dim as uinteger Pc
- ColorGraphic = imagecreate(8, 8)
- TransparencyGraphic = imagecreate(8, 8)
- line ColorGraphic, (0, 0) - (7, 7), rgb(0, 0, 0), bf
- line TransparencyGraphic, (0, 0) - (7, 7), rgb(255, 255, 255), bf
- for Offset = 0 to len(Value)-1
- Glyph = clv_glyph(asc(mid(Value, Offset + 1, 1)), 1)
- Glyph_X = (Glyph and 15) shl 3
- Glyph_Y = (Glyph shr 4) shl 3
- put ColorGraphic, (0, 0), clv_font(clv_glyph(Glyph, 0)), (Glyph_X, Glyph_Y)-(Glyph_X + 7,Glyph_Y + 7), pset
- for Py = 0 to 7
- for Px = 0 to 7
- Pc = point(Px, Py, ColorGraphic)
- if (Pc and &HFFFFFF)=0 then
- pset TransparencyGraphic, (Px, Py), rgb(255, 255, 255)
- else
- pset TransparencyGraphic, (Px, Py), rgb(0, 0, 0)
- end if
- next
- next
- Px=X+(Offset shl 3)
- Py=Y
- clv_draw_image clv_buffer(), PageIndex, Px, Py, ColorGraphic, TransparencyGraphic
- next
- imagedestroy ColorGraphic
- imagedestroy TransparencyGraphic
- end sub
- sub clv_buffer_cls(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer)
- line clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0), (0, 0) - (clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0) -> width - 1, clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0) -> height - 1), rgb(255, 255, 255), bf
- line clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1), (0, 0) - (clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1) -> width - 1, clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1) -> height - 1), rgb(0, 0, 0), bf
- end sub
- sub clv_buffer_copy(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, SrcIndex as integer, DestIndex as integer)
- put clv_buffer(DestIndex, 0), (0, 0), clv_buffer(SrcIndex, 0), pset
- put clv_buffer(DestIndex, 1), (0, 0), clv_buffer(SrcIndex, 1), pset
- end sub
- sub clv_buffer_overlay(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, SrcIndex as integer, DestIndex as integer)
- 'transparency layer
- put clv_buffer(DestIndex, 0), (0, 0), clv_buffer(SrcIndex, 0), custom, @clv_filter_mask, clv_flag_and
- 'color layer
- put clv_buffer(DestIndex, 1), (0, 0), clv_buffer(SrcIndex, 0), custom, @clv_filter_mask, clv_flag_and
- put clv_buffer(DestIndex, 1), (0, 0), clv_buffer(SrcIndex, 1), custom, @clv_filter_mask, clv_flag_or
- end sub
- sub clv_buffer_flip(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, Display_Width as integer, Display_Height as integer)
- dim as integer X, Y, Px, Py
- dim as fb.image ptr Buffer
- Buffer = imagecreate(Display_Width, clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1) -> height)
- for Px = 0 to Buffer -> width - 1
- X = fix(Px * clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0) -> width / Buffer -> width)
- put Buffer, (Px, 0), clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1), (X, 0) - (X, clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1) -> height - 1), pset
- next
- for Py = 0 to Display_height - 1
- Y = fix(Py * clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0) -> height / Display_Height)
- put (0, Py), Buffer, (0,Y) - (Buffer -> width - 1, Y), pset
- next
- imagedestroy Buffer
- end sub
- sub clv_draw_line_thick(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X1 as integer, Y1 as integer, X2 as integer, Y2 as integer, W as double, TransparencyMask as uinteger, clv_flag_method as integer)
- dim as double X1d=X1, Y1d=Y1, X2d=X2, Y2d=Y2
- dim as double Angle=clv_math_vector2decimal(X1d, Y1d, X2d, Y2d)
- dim as double Xa=-W*cos(2*Pi*(Angle-.5)), Ya=W*sin(2*Pi*(Angle-.5))
- dim as double Xb=-W*cos(2*Pi*(Angle+.5)), Yb=W*sin(2*Pi*(Angle+.5))
- clv_draw_primitive_triangle clv_buffer(), PageIndex, X1d-Xa, Y1d-Ya, X1d+Xa, Y1d+Ya, X2d+Xa, Y2d+Ya, ColorMask, TransparencyMask, Center_X, Center_Y
- clv_draw_primitive_triangle clv_buffer(), PageIndex, X1d-Xa, Y1d-Ya, X2d+Xa, Y2d+Ya, X2d-Xa, Y2d-Ya, ColorMask, TransparencyMask, Center_X, Center_Y
- end sub
- sub clv_draw_line(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X1 as integer, Y1 as integer, X2 as integer, Y2 as integer, ColorMask as uinteger, TransparencyMask as uinteger, clv_flag_method as integer)
- select case clv_flag_method
- case clv_flag_default
- line clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0), (X1, Y1) - (X2, Y2), TransparencyMask
- line clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1), (X1, Y1) - (X2, Y2), ColorMask
- case clv_flag_b
- line clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0), (X1, Y1) - (X2, Y2), TransparencyMask, b
- line clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1), (X1, Y1) - (X2, Y2), ColorMask, b
- case clv_flag_bf
- line clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0), (X1, Y1) - (X2, Y2), TransparencyMask, bf
- line clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1), (X1, Y1) - (X2, Y2), ColorMask, bf
- end select
- end sub
- sub clv_draw_circle(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X1 as double, Y1 as double, X2 as double, Y2 as double, A1 as double, A2 as double, R1 as double, R2 as double, ColorMask_inner as uinteger, ColorMask_outer as uinteger, ColorMask_clockwise as uinteger, ColorMask_counterclockwise as uinteger, TransparencyMask as uinteger)
- dim as fb.image ptr ColorGraphic, TransparencyGraphic
- ColorGraphic = imagecreate(clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0) -> width, clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0) -> height)
- TransparencyGraphic = imagecreate(clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1) -> width, clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1) -> height)
- clv_draw_primitive_circle ColorGraphic, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, A1, A2, R1, R2, ColorMask_inner, ColorMask_outer, ColorMask_clockwise, ColorMask_counterclockwise
- clv_draw_primitive_circle TransparencyGraphic, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, A1, A2, R1, R2, TransparencyMask, TransparencyMask, TransparencyMask, TransparencyMask
- clv_draw_image clv_buffer(), PageIndex, X1, Y1, ColorGraphic, TransparencyGraphic
- imagedestroy(ColorGraphic)
- imagedestroy(TransparencyGraphic)
- end sub
- sub clv_draw_pixel(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X as integer, Y as integer, ColorMask as uinteger, TransparencyMask as uinteger)
- pset clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0), (X, Y), TransparencyMask
- pset clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1), (X, Y), ColorMask
- end sub
- sub clv_draw_image(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X as integer, Y as integer, ColorGraphic as fb.image ptr, TransparencyGraphic as fb.image ptr)
- 'transparency layer
- put clv_buffer(PageIndex, 0), (X, Y), TransparencyGraphic, custom, @clv_filter_mask, clv_flag_and
- 'color layer
- put clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1), (X, Y), TransparencyGraphic, custom, @clv_filter_mask, clv_flag_and
- put clv_buffer(PageIndex, 1), (X, Y), ColorGraphic, custom, @clv_filter_mask, clv_flag_or
- end sub
- function clv_filter_mask (SRC as uinteger, DST as uinteger, PARM as any ptr) as uinteger
- dim as uinteger parm32 = cast(uinteger, PARM)
- return ((SRC and DST) and not(parm32 xor clv_flag_and)) or ((SRC or DST) and not(parm32 xor clv_flag_or))
- end function
- sub clv_draw_primitive_circle(Buffer as fb.image ptr, X1 as double, Y1 as double, X2 as double, Y2 as double, A1 as double, A2 as double, R1 as double, R2 as double, argb32_inner as uinteger, argb32_outer as uinteger, argb32_clockwise as uinteger, argb32_counterclockwise as uinteger)
- dim as uinteger argb32(0 to 7), argb32mix(0 to 1)
- dim as double weight(0 to 7), weightmix(0 to 1)
- dim as double X, Y, RX, RY, CX, CY, X0, Y0, R, A
- argb32(0) = argb32_inner
- argb32(1) = argb32_outer
- argb32(2) = argb32_clockwise
- argb32(3) = argb32_counterclockwise
- if X1 > X2 then swap X1, X2
- if Y1 > Y2 then swap Y1, Y2
- CX = (X2 + X1) / 2
- CY = (Y2 + Y1) / 2
- RX = (X2 - X1) / 2
- RY = (Y2 - Y1) / 2
- X1 = fix(CX - RX) - 1
- X2 = fix(CX + RX) + 1
- Y1 = fix(CX - RY) - 1
- Y2 = fix(CX + RY) + 1
- if X1 < 0 then
- X1 = 0
- elseif X1 > Buffer -> width then
- X1 = Buffer -> width
- endif
- if X2 < 0 then
- X2 = -1
- elseif X2 > Buffer -> width then
- X2 = Buffer -> width - 1
- endif
- if Y1 < 0 then
- Y1 = 0
- elseif Y1 > Buffer -> height then
- Y1 = Buffer -> height
- endif
- if Y2<0 then
- Y2 = -1
- elseif Y2 > Buffer -> height then
- Y2 = Buffer -> height - 1
- endif
- for Y = Y1 to Y2
- for X = X1 to X2
- X0 = (X - CX) / RX
- Y0 = (Y - CY) / RY
- A = clv_math_vector2decimal(0, 0, X0, Y0)
- if (A1 < A2 and A >= A1 and A <= A2) or (A1 >= A2 and (A >= A1 or A <= A2)) then
- if abs(A2 - A1) > 0 then
- if (A1 < A2 and A >= A1 and A <= A2) then
- weight(0) = abs(A2 - A) / abs(A2 - A1)
- weight(1) = abs(A - A1) / abs(A2 - A1)
- elseif(A1 >= A2 and (A >= A1 or A <= A2)) then
- weight(0) = abs(A1 - A) / abs(A1 - A2)
- weight(1) = abs(A - A2) / abs(A1 - A2)
- endif
- else
- weight(0) = 1
- weight(1) = 1
- endif
- R = X0 * X0 + Y0 * Y0
- if R > 0 then R = sqr(R)
- if (R1 < R2 and R >= R1 and R <= R2) or (R1 >= R2 and (R >= R1 or R <= R2)) then
- if abs(R2 - R1) > 0 then
- if (R1 < R2 and R >= R1 and R <= R2) then
- weight(2) = abs(R2 - R) / abs(R2 - R1)
- weight(3) = abs(R - R1) / abs(R2 - R1)
- elseif(R1 >= R2 and (R >= R1 or R <= R2)) then
- weight(2) = abs(R1 - R) / abs(R1 - R2)
- weight(3) = abs(R - R2) / abs(R1 - R2)
- endif
- else
- weight(2) = 1
- weight(3) = 1
- endif
- argb32mix(0)=argb32(0)
- argb32mix(1)=argb32(1)
- weightmix(0)=weight(0)
- weightmix(1)=weight(1)
- argb32(4)=clv_argb32_mix(argb32mix(), weightmix())
- argb32mix(0)=argb32(2)
- argb32mix(1)=argb32(3)
- weightmix(0)=weight(2)
- weightmix(1)=weight(3)
- argb32(5)=clv_argb32_mix(argb32mix(), weightmix())
- argb32mix(0)=argb32(4)
- argb32mix(1)=argb32(5)
- weightmix(0)=.5
- weightmix(1)=.5
- argb32(6)=clv_argb32_mix(argb32mix(), weightmix())
- pset Buffer, (X, Y), argb32(6)
- endif
- endif
- next
- next
- end sub
- sub clv_draw_primitive_triangle(clv_buffer() as fb.image ptr, PageIndex as integer, X1 as double, Y1 as double, X2 as double, Y2 as double, X3 as double, Y3 as double, ColorMask as uinteger, TransparencyMask as uinteger, Center_X as double, Center_Y as double)
- dim as double Triv(0 to 3,0 to 1)
- Triv(0,0)=X1
- Triv(0,1)=Y1
- Triv(1,0)=X2
- Triv(1,1)=Y2
- Triv(2,0)=X3
- Triv(2,1)=Y3
- dim as uinteger temp=0
- dim as uinteger TrivCt=0
- dim as uinteger Triv1=0
- dim as uinteger Triv2=0
- dim as uinteger Triv3=0
- dim as double TrivX1=0.0
- dim as double TrivY1=0.0
- dim as double TrivX2=0.0
- dim as double TrivY2=0.0
- dim as double TriX=0.0
- dim as double TriY=0.0
- dim as double TrivX=0.0
- dim as double TrivY=0.0
- dim as double TriX1=0.0
- dim as double TriY1=0.0
- dim as double TriX2=0.0
- dim as double TriY2=0.0
- for TrivCt=0 to 2
- Triv1=TrivCt
- Triv2=(Triv1+1) mod 3
- Triv3=(Triv2+1) mod 3
- if((Triv(Triv1,1)<=Triv(Triv2,1)) and (Triv(Triv1,1)<=Triv(Triv3,1))) then
- if(Triv(Triv2,1)>Triv(Triv3,1)) then
- swap Triv2,Triv3
- endif
- if(Triv(Triv2,1)>Triv(Triv1,1)) then
- TrivX1=Triv(Triv2,1)-Triv(Triv1,1)
- TrivY1=Triv(Triv2,0)-Triv(Triv1,0)
- TrivX2=Triv(Triv3,1)-Triv(Triv1,1)
- TrivY2=Triv(Triv3,0)-Triv(Triv1,0)
- for TriY=Triv(Triv1,1) to Triv(Triv2,1)
- TriX1=TrivY1/TrivX1*(TriY-Triv(Triv1,1))+Triv(Triv1,0)
- TriX2=TrivY2/Trivx2*(TriY-Triv(Triv1,1))+Triv(Triv1,0)
- clv_draw_line clv_buffer(), PageIndex,Center_X+TriX1,Center_Y+TriY,Center_X+Trix2,Center_Y+TriY, ColorMask, TransparencyMask, clv_flag_bf
- next
- endif
- if(Triv(Triv3,1)>Triv(Triv2,1)) then
- TrivX1=Triv(Triv2,1)-Triv(Triv3,1)
- TrivY1=Triv(Triv2,0)-Triv(Triv3,0)
- TrivX2=Triv(Triv3,1)-Triv(Triv1,1)
- TrivY2=Triv(Triv3,0)-Triv(Triv1,0)
- for TriY=Triv(Triv2,1) to Triv(Triv3,1)
- TriX1=TrivY1/TrivX1*(TriY-Triv(Triv2,1))+Triv(Triv2,0)
- TriX2=TrivY2/Trivx2*(TriY-Triv(Triv1,1))+Triv(Triv1,0)
- clv_draw_line clv_buffer(), PageIndex,Center_X+TriX1,Center_Y+TriY,Center_X+Trix2,Center_Y+TriY, ColorMask, TransparencyMask, clv_flag_bf
- next
- endif
- endif
- next
- end sub
- function clv_math_vector2decimal (X1 as double, Y1 as double, X2 as double, Y2 as double) as double
- dim as double X3, Y3, R1a, R1b, R2a, R2b
- X3 = X2 - X1
- Y3 = Y2 - Y1
- if Y3 <> 0 then
- R1a = (X3 / Y3)
- if R1a > 0 then R1a = R1a ^ (-1)
- R1b = atn(R1a) / (clv_math_Pi / 2) * .25
- if R1b < 0 then R1b = abs(R1b) + .25
- if Y3 > 0 then R1b = R1b + .5
- endif
- select case X3
- case is < 0
- if Y3 = 0 then R1b = 0
- case 0
- select case Y3
- case is < 0
- R1b = .25
- case is > 0
- R1b = .75
- end select
- case is > 0
- if Y3 = 0 then R1b = .5
- end select
- if X3 <> 0 then
- R2a = (Y3 / X3)
- if R2a > 0 then R2a = R2a ^ (-1)
- R2b = atn(R2a) / (clv_math_Pi / 2) * .25
- select case Y3
- case is <0
- select case R2b
- case is < 0
- R2b = ABS(R2b)
- case is > 0
- R2b = R2b + .75
- end select
- case is > 0
- select case R2b
- case is < 0
- R2b = ABS(R2b) + .5
- case is > 0
- R2b = ABS(R2b) + .25
- end select
- end select
- endif
- select case X3
- case is < 0
- if Y3 = 0 then R2b = 1
- case 0
- select case Y3
- case is < 0
- R2b = .75
- case is > 0
- R2b = .25
- end select
- case is > 0
- if Y3 = 0 then R2b = .5
- end select
- R2b = 1 - R2b
- return (R1b + R2b) / 2
- end function
- function clv_argb32_mix(argb32() as uinteger, weight() as double) as uinteger
- dim as uinteger ret
- dim as double channel(0 to 1, 0 to 7)
- dim as integer n=0, c=0
- for n = lbound(argb32, 1) to ubound(argb32, 1)
- if n >= lbound(weight, 1) and n <= ubound(weight, 1) then
- channel(0, 4) = abs(weight(n))
- channel(1, 4) = channel(1, 4) + abs(weight(n))
- endif
- for c = 1 to 3
- channel(0, c) = (channel(0, c) + (argb32(n) shr (c shl 3)) and &hff) * channel(0, 4)
- next
- next
- if channel(1, 4) > 0 then
- for c = 1 to 3
- channel(1, c) = channel(0, c) / channel(1, 4)
- next
- endif
- for c = 1 to 3
- ret = ret or ((channel(1, c) and &hff) shl (c shl 3))
- next
- return ret
- end function
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