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- import pyparsing as pp
- command_name = pp.Word(pp.alphas)
- argument_name = pp.Word(pp.printables, exclude_chars=';,')
- arguments = pp.Optional(argument_name) + pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.Suppress(',') + argument_name)
- label = pp.Word(pp.alphas) + pp.Optional(pp.Suppress(' ')) + pp.Suppress(":")
- comment = pp.Suppress(';') + pp.Optional(pp.Suppress(' ')) + pp.restOfLine()
- rule = pp.Optional(label) + pp.Optional(command_name) + pp.Optional(arguments) + pp.Optional(comment)
- def parse(s):
- s = s.lower().rstrip().lstrip()
- if s[0] == '.':
- s = s.replace(" ", "")
- return ['start_from_address', s[2:]]
- return rule.parseString(s).asList()
- assembler_code = []
- filename = 'assembler_code.txt'
- #filename = 'pdp11_code.txt'
- with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
- for line in file:
- line = line.lower().rstrip().lstrip()
- assembler_code.append(parse(line))
- print("assembler_code", assembler_code)
- opcode = {
- 'mov': '0001',
- 'add': '0110'
- }
- def to3bit(x):
- res = str(bin(int(x))[2:])
- while len(res) < 3:
- res = '0' + res
- return res
- #print(to3bit('3'))
- def to_four_digit_hex_number(x):
- res = str(hex(int(x)))[2:]
- while len(res) < 4:
- res = '0' + res
- return res
- #print(to_four_digit_hex_number('10'))
- #для начала считаем, что сначала идёт команда. то есть без label
- #считаем, что у нас могут быть только 3 команды: move/add/halt
- #у этих 3х команд аргументы - это SSDD
- #вырианты: cmd R, R; cmd #, R;
- #на случай # у нас есть переменные additional...
- def to_raw_machine_code(command):
- if command[0] == 'halt':
- return ["00", "00"]
- if command[0] == 'start_from_address':
- return [to_four_digit_hex_number(int(command[1], 8)), 'number of bytes in the resulting file']
- command_code = opcode[command[0]]
- source = command[1]
- source_mode = ''
- source_R_num = ''
- if source[0] == 'r':
- source_mode = '000'
- source_R_num = to3bit(source[1])
- source_additional_word = ''
- if source[0] == '#':
- source_mode = '010'
- source_R_num = '111'
- source_additional_word = to_four_digit_hex_number(source[1:])
- destination = command[2]
- destination_mode = ''
- destination_R_num = ''
- if destination[0] == 'r':
- destination_mode = '000'
- destination_R_num = to3bit(destination[1])
- raw_machine_command = command_code + source_mode + source_R_num + destination_mode + destination_R_num
- return raw_machine_command, source_additional_word
- raw_machine_code = []
- for cmd in assembler_code:
- raw_machine_code.append(to_raw_machine_code(cmd))
- print("raw_machine_code", raw_machine_code)
- machine_code = []
- def to_machine_code(raw_machine_command):
- #print("raw_machine_command", raw_machine_command)
- if len(raw_machine_command[0]) != 16:
- return raw_machine_command
- raw_command_code = raw_machine_command[0]
- piece1 = raw_command_code[:4]
- piece2 = raw_command_code[4:8]
- piece3 = raw_command_code[8:12]
- piece4 = raw_command_code[12:]
- #print("pieces", piece1, piece2, piece3, piece4)
- num1 = hex(int(piece1, 2))[2:] + hex(int(piece2, 2))[2:]
- num2 = hex(int(piece3, 2))[2:] + hex(int(piece4, 2))[2:]
- machine_command = [num2, num1]
- additional_num1 = ''
- additional_num2 = ''
- if len(raw_machine_command[1]) == 4:
- additional_num1 = raw_machine_command[1][:2]
- additional_num2 = raw_machine_command[1][2:]
- machine_command.append(additional_num2)
- machine_command.append(additional_num1)
- return machine_command
- for cmd in raw_machine_code:
- cmd = to_machine_code(cmd)
- machine_code.append(cmd)
- print("machine_code", machine_code)
- with open("machine_code.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- for cmd in machine_code:
- for line in cmd:
- file.write(line + "\n")
- print("Файл успешно создан и записан.")
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