

Sep 30th, 2017
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  1. command /tutorial:
  2. trigger:
  3. wait 3 ticks
  4. message "&7You have used /tutorial Lets Learn!"
  5. wait 50 ticks
  6. message "&a&lFIRST"
  7. message "&7Do you need to learn commands? Type /help. Custom made"
  8. wait 50 ticks
  9. message "&a&lSECOND"
  10. message "&7Want to make a amazing plot? Use /plot auto, /plot claim then use //wand and start"
  11. wait 50 ticks
  12. message "&a&lTHIRD"
  13. message "&7Want to make big Plot? /plot merge"
  14. wait 50 ticks
  15. message "&a&lFINALLY"
  16. message "&7GOOD LUCK"
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