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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Company:
- -- Engineer:
- --
- -- Create Date: 18:04:10 10/12/2018
- -- Design Name:
- -- Module Name: feu_final - Bhv
- -- Project Name:
- -- Target Devices:
- -- Tool versions:
- -- Description:
- --
- -- Dependencies:
- --
- -- Revision:
- -- Revision 0.01 - File Created
- -- Additional Comments:
- --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
- -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
- -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
- -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
- -- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
- --library UNISIM;
- --use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
- entity blinker is
- port(Clk100MHz, PB_0 : in bit;
- LED_0 : out bit);
- end blinker;
- architecture Behavioral of blinker is
- alias reset is PB_0; -- alias pour le signal de rinitialisation
- signal clk_out : bit := '0'; -- signal d'horloge aprs division
- -- Constante de division, ici pour une sortie 1Hz.
- constant clock_divisor : integer := 100000000;
- begin
- -- Diviseur de frquence : divise la frquence du signal Clk100MHz par clock_div.
- clock_divider : process(Clk100MHz, reset)
- variable c : integer range 0 to clock_divisor - 1 := 0;
- begin
- if reset = '1' then
- c := 0;
- clk_out <= '0';
- elsif (Clk100MHz'event and Clk100MHz = '1') then
- if c < (clock_divisor - 1) / 2 then
- c := c + 1;
- clk_out <= '0';
- elsif c = (clock_divisor - 1) then
- c := 0;
- clk_out <= '0';
- else
- c := c + 1;
- clk_out <= '1';
- end if;
- end if;
- end process;
- -- Sortie sur la LED
- LED_0 <= clk_out;
- end Behavioral;
- entity feux is
- port(clk, PB_0, PB_2, PB_3 : in bit;
- LED_3210, LED_7654 : out integer range 0 to 7);
- end feux;
- architecture rouge of feux is
- begin
- process(clk, PB_0)
- -- variables
- variable compteur : integer range 0 to 20;
- variable etat : integer range 0 to 3;
- begin
- if(PB_0 = '1') then
- case etat is
- when 0 => compteur := 0; etat := 0;
- when 1 => compteur := 0; etat := 0;
- when 2 => compteur := 18; etat := 3;
- when 3 => -- On ne fait rien
- when others => compteur := 0; etat := 0;
- end case;
- -- compteur := 0; etat := 0;
- elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then
- case etat is
- when 0 => if (compteur > 7 and PB_3 = '1') then
- etat := 1;
- compteur := 7;
- end if;
- when 1 => if (compteur > 9) then
- etat := 2;
- end if;
- when 2 => if (compteur > 17 and PB_2 = '1') then
- etat := 3;
- compteur := 17;
- end if;
- when 3 => if (compteur > 19) then
- etat := 0;
- compteur := 0;
- end if;
- when others => etat := 0; compteur := 0;
- end case;
- compteur := compteur + 1;
- end if;
- case etat is
- when 0 => LED_3210 <= 1; LED_7654 <= 4;
- when 1 => LED_3210 <= 2; LED_7654 <= 4;
- when 2 => LED_3210 <= 4; LED_7654 <= 1;
- when 3 => LED_3210 <= 4; LED_7654 <= 2;
- end case;
- end process;
- end rouge;
- entity feu_final is
- port(Clk100MHz, PB_0, PB_2, PB_3 : in bit;
- LED_3210, LED_7654 : out integer range 0 to 7);
- end feu_final;
- architecture Bhv of feu_final is
- component blinker is
- port(Clk100MHz, PB_0 : in bit;
- LED_0 : out bit);
- end component blinker;
- component feux is
- port(clk, PB_0, PB_2, PB_3 : in bit;
- LED_3210, LED_7654 : out integer range 0 to 7);
- end component feux;
- signal clock : bit;
- begin
- C1 : blinker port map(Clk100MHz, PB_0, clock);
- C2 : feux port map(clock, PB_0, PB_2, PB_3, LED_3210, LED_7654);
- end Bhv;
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