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- private void AddSkinnedMesh(Assimp.Node node, GameObject parent, Material[] mats, CombineInstance[] combine)
- {
- SkinnedMeshRenderer meshRenderer = parent.AddComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
- List<List<Assimp.Bone>> meshBones = new List<List<Assimp.Bone>>();
- Dictionary<int, List<BoneWeight1>> VertexBonesWeights = new Dictionary<int, List<BoneWeight1>>();
- List<Transform[]> bonesArray = new List<Transform[]>();
- List<Matrix4x4[]> bindPoses = new List<Matrix4x4[]>();
- List<Assimp.MeshAnimationAttachment> blendMeshes = new List<Assimp.MeshAnimationAttachment>();
- //Debug.Log(node.Name + " / " +;
- int previousVertexCount = 0;
- for (int iMesh = 0; iMesh < node.MeshIndices.Count; iMesh++)
- {
- Assimp.Mesh currentMesh = scene.Meshes[node.MeshIndices[iMesh]];
- meshBones.Add(currentMesh.Bones);
- bonesArray.Add(new Transform[currentMesh.BoneCount]);
- bindPoses.Add(new Matrix4x4[currentMesh.BoneCount]);
- for (int iBone = 0; iBone < bonesArray[iMesh].Length; iBone++)
- {
- Assimp.Bone currentBones = meshBones[iMesh][iBone];
- if (!bones.ContainsKey(currentBones.Name))
- {
- Debug.Log("missing bone " + currentBones.Name);
- continue;
- }
- bonesArray[iMesh][iBone] = bones[currentBones.Name];
- bindPoses[iMesh][iBone] = bonesArray[iMesh][iBone].worldToLocalMatrix;
- for (int iVertex = 0; iVertex < currentBones.VertexWeightCount; iVertex++)
- {
- int vertexIndex = currentBones.VertexWeights[iVertex].VertexID + previousVertexCount;
- float weight = currentBones.VertexWeights[iVertex].Weight;
- BoneWeight1 boneWeight = new BoneWeight1() { boneIndex = iBone, weight = weight };
- if (!VertexBonesWeights.ContainsKey(vertexIndex)) VertexBonesWeights.Add(vertexIndex, new List<BoneWeight1>());
- VertexBonesWeights[vertexIndex].Add(boneWeight);
- }
- }
- previousVertexCount += currentMesh.VertexCount;
- if (currentMesh.HasMeshAnimationAttachments)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < currentMesh.MeshAnimationAttachmentCount; i++)
- {
- blendMeshes.Add(currentMesh.MeshAnimationAttachments[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- List<Assimp.Bone> meshBonesFlat = new List<Assimp.Bone>();
- meshBones.ForEach(x => meshBonesFlat.AddRange(x));
- List<Transform> bonesArrayFlat = new List<Transform>();
- bonesArray.ForEach(x => bonesArrayFlat.AddRange(x));
- List<Matrix4x4> bindPosesFlat = new List<Matrix4x4>();
- bindPoses.ForEach(x => bindPosesFlat.AddRange(x));
- List<BoneWeight> bonesWeightsFlat = new List<BoneWeight>();
- byte[] bonesPerVertes = new byte[VertexBonesWeights.Count];
- List<BoneWeight1> bw = new List<BoneWeight1>();
- for (int i = 0; i < VertexBonesWeights.Count; i++)
- {
- bonesPerVertes[i] = (byte)VertexBonesWeights[i].Count;
- VertexBonesWeights[i].Sort((x, y) =>
- {
- if (x == null)
- {
- if (y == null) return 0;
- else return -1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (y == null) return 1;
- else return -x.weight.CompareTo(y.weight);
- }
- });
- bw.AddRange(VertexBonesWeights[i]);
- }
- Transform root = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < bonesArrayFlat.Count; i++)
- {
- if (bonesArrayFlat.Contains(bonesArrayFlat[i].parent)) continue;
- root = bonesArrayFlat[i];
- break;
- }
- meshRenderer.bones = bonesArrayFlat.ToArray();
- meshRenderer.sharedMesh = new Mesh();
- meshRenderer.sharedMesh.bindposes = bindPosesFlat.ToArray();
- meshRenderer.sharedMesh.CombineMeshes(combine, false);
- meshRenderer.sharedMesh.SetBoneWeights(new NativeArray<byte>(bonesPerVertes, Allocator.Temp), new NativeArray<BoneWeight1>(bw.ToArray(), Allocator.Temp));
- = meshes[node.MeshIndices[0]].name;
- meshRenderer.sharedMaterials = mats;
- meshRenderer.rootBone = root;
- if (meshRenderer.sharedMesh.bounds.size.magnitude > meshSize.magnitude)
- {
- meshCenter =;
- meshSize = meshRenderer.bounds.size;
- bodyMesh = meshRenderer;
- }
- foreach (Assimp.MeshAnimationAttachment blendShape in blendMeshes)
- {
- string name = blendShape.Name;
- float frameWeight = blendShape.Weight;
- Vector3[] deltaVerts = new Vector3[meshRenderer.sharedMesh.vertexCount];
- if (blendShape.HasVertices)
- {
- Assimp.Vector3D thisVector = new Assimp.Vector3D();
- Vector3 unityVector = new Vector3();
- for (int iVert = 0; iVert < blendShape.VertexCount; iVert++)
- {
- thisVector = blendShape.Vertices[iVert];
- unityVector = new Vector3(thisVector.X, thisVector.Y, thisVector.Z);
- deltaVerts[iVert] = unityVector - meshRenderer.sharedMesh.vertices[iVert];
- }
- }
- Vector3[] deltaNormals = new Vector3[meshRenderer.sharedMesh.normals.Length];
- if (blendShape.HasNormals)
- {
- Assimp.Vector3D thisVector = new Assimp.Vector3D();
- Vector3 unityVector = new Vector3();
- for (int iNormals = 0; iNormals < blendShape.Normals.Count; iNormals++)
- {
- thisVector = blendShape.Normals[iNormals];
- unityVector = new Vector3(thisVector.X, thisVector.Y, thisVector.Z);
- deltaNormals[iNormals] = meshRenderer.sharedMesh.normals[iNormals] - unityVector;
- }
- }
- meshRenderer.sharedMesh.AddBlendShapeFrame(name, frameWeight, deltaVerts, deltaNormals, null);
- }
- }
- private void AddSimpleMesh(Assimp.Node node, GameObject parent, Material[] mats, CombineInstance[] combine)
- {
- MeshFilter meshFilter = parent.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
- MeshRenderer meshRenderer = parent.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
- meshFilter.mesh = new Mesh();
- meshFilter.mesh.CombineMeshes(combine, false);
- = meshes[node.MeshIndices[0]].name;
- =;
- meshRenderer.sharedMaterials = mats;
- MeshCollider collider = parent.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
- }
- Matrix4x4 invers = Matrix4x4.identity;
- private IEnumerator ImportHierarchy(Assimp.Node node, Transform parent, GameObject go, Matrix4x4 cumulMatrix, Quaternion preRotation)
- {
- if (parent != null && parent != go.transform)
- go.transform.parent = parent;
- GlobalState.Instance.messageBox.ShowMessage("Importing Hierarchy : " + importCount);
- // Do not use Assimp Decompose function, it does not work properly
- // use unity decomposition instead
- Matrix4x4 nodeMatrix = new Matrix4x4(
- new Vector4(node.Transform.A1, node.Transform.B1, node.Transform.C1, node.Transform.D1),
- new Vector4(node.Transform.A2, node.Transform.B2, node.Transform.C2, node.Transform.D2),
- new Vector4(node.Transform.A3, node.Transform.B3, node.Transform.C3, node.Transform.D3),
- new Vector4(node.Transform.A4, node.Transform.B4, node.Transform.C4, node.Transform.D4)
- );
- Maths.DecomposeMatrix(nodeMatrix, out Vector3 np, out Quaternion nr, out Vector3 ns);
- //Debug.Log(node.Name + " " + np + " " + nr + " " + ns);
- int metadataCount = node.Metadata.Count;
- if ((node.Name.Contains("ctrl") || node.Name.Contains("grp")) && node.Name.Contains("ScalingPivotInverse"))
- {
- invers = /*invers **/ nodeMatrix;
- //Debug.Log(node.Name);
- }
- cumulMatrix = cumulMatrix * nodeMatrix;
- //if (node.Metadata.TryGetValue("ScalingMax", out Assimp.Metadata.Entry val)) Debug.Log(val.DataAs<Assimp.Vector3D>().Value.X);
- if (metadataCount == 0)
- {
- if (blocking)
- ImportHierarchy(node.Children[0], parent, go, cumulMatrix, preRotation).MoveNext();
- else
- yield return StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(node.Children[0], parent, go, cumulMatrix, preRotation));
- }
- else
- {
- string nodeInfo = node.Name + '\n';
- foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Assimp.Metadata.Entry> pair in node.Metadata)
- {
- nodeInfo += pair.Key + " " + pair.Value.ToString() + " " + pair.Value.GetType() + " " + pair.Value.Data + '\n';
- }
- //Debug.Log(nodeInfo);
- Maths.DecomposeMatrix(cumulMatrix /** invers.inverse*/, out Vector3 cumulPosition, out Quaternion cumulRotation, out Vector3 cumulScale);
- if (isHuman && node.Name.Contains("grp"))
- //&& node.Metadata.TryGetValue(" IsNull", out Assimp.Metadata.Entry isNull) && !(bool)isNull.DataAs<bool>())
- {
- cumulPosition *= 0.2f;
- }
- if (node.Metadata.TryGetValue("IsNull", out Assimp.Metadata.Entry isNull2) && (bool)isNull2.DataAs<bool>())
- {
- invers = Matrix4x4.identity;
- //Debug.Log("isNullBone " + node.Name);
- }
- AssignMeshes(node, go, invers);
- if (node.Parent != null)
- {
- go.transform.localPosition = cumulPosition; // new Vector3(cumulPosition.x * inversp.x, cumulPosition.y * inversp.y, cumulPosition.z * inversp.z);
- go.transform.localRotation = cumulRotation;
- go.transform.localScale = cumulScale;
- = isHuman ? node.Name : Utils.CreateUniqueName(node.Name);
- if (isHuman)
- {
- if (bones.ContainsKey(node.Name))
- {
- bones[node.Name] = go.transform;
- }
- if (node.Name.Contains("Root")) rootBone = go.transform;
- if (rootBone == null && node.Name.Contains("Hips")) rootBone = go.transform;
- }
- }
- if (scene.HasAnimations)
- {
- ImportAnimation(node, go, cumulRotation);
- }
- nodeMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity,;
- //if (invers != Matrix4x4.identity) nodeMatrix = invers;
- importCount++;
- foreach (Assimp.Node assimpChild in node.Children)
- {
- GameObject child = new GameObject();
- child.gameObject.tag = "PhysicObject";
- if (blocking)
- ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child, nodeMatrix, Quaternion.identity).MoveNext();
- else
- yield return StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child, nodeMatrix, Quaternion.identity));
- }
- //}
- }
- }
- private IEnumerator ImportHierarchy(Assimp.Node node, Transform parent, GameObject go)
- {
- if (parent != null && parent != go.transform)
- go.transform.parent = parent;
- GlobalState.Instance.messageBox.ShowMessage("Importing Hierarchy : " + importCount);
- // Do not use Assimp Decompose function, it does not work properly
- // use unity decomposition instead
- Matrix4x4 mat = new Matrix4x4(
- new Vector4(node.Transform.A1, node.Transform.B1, node.Transform.C1, node.Transform.D1),
- new Vector4(node.Transform.A2, node.Transform.B2, node.Transform.C2, node.Transform.D2),
- new Vector4(node.Transform.A3, node.Transform.B3, node.Transform.C3, node.Transform.D3),
- new Vector4(node.Transform.A4, node.Transform.B4, node.Transform.C4, node.Transform.D4)
- );
- Vector3 position, scale;
- Quaternion rotation;
- Maths.DecomposeMatrix(mat, out position, out rotation, out scale);
- node.Transform.Decompose(out Assimp.Vector3D scale1, out Assimp.Quaternion rot, out Assimp.Vector3D trans);
- AssignMeshes(node, go, Matrix4x4.identity);
- if (node.Parent != null)
- {
- go.transform.localPosition = position;
- go.transform.localRotation = rotation;
- go.transform.localScale = scale;
- = isHuman ? node.Name : Utils.CreateUniqueName(node.Name);
- if (isHuman)
- {
- if (bones.ContainsKey(node.Name))
- {
- bones[node.Name] = go.transform;
- }
- if (node.Name.Contains("Hips")) rootBone = go.transform;
- }
- }
- if (scene.HasAnimations)
- {
- ImportAnimation(node, go, Quaternion.identity);
- }
- importCount++;
- foreach (Assimp.Node assimpChild in node.Children)
- {
- GameObject child = new GameObject();
- if (blocking)
- ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child).MoveNext();
- else
- yield return StartCoroutine(ImportHierarchy(assimpChild, go.transform, child));
- }
- }
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