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- on *:LOAD: {
- echo -a _____________________________________________________
- echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Loading Add-On...
- echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Add-on: 09 Secure Query 15Add-On
- echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 You are running mIRC $version on $os $+ .
- echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Coder: 15SaNCaK 0,1 E-Mail:
- echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Copyright © 200915
- echo -a ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- }
- ;[read write data/setting.ini]
- alias _vr {
- if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini }
- return $readini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
- }
- alias _vw {
- if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini }
- writeini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2 $$3-
- }
- alias _vrem {
- if ($exists(data\setting.ini) == $false) { mkdir data | write -c data\setting.ini }
- remini data\setting.ini $$1 $$2
- }
- menu query,menubar {
- secure query
- .config:secure.query
- .add access:.auser -a securequery $address($1,3) | $ae 12 user added » (12 $address($1,3) ) | if ($dialog(querycon) != $null) { did -r querycon 45 | s.levels }
- .on $sqo: _vw querycon switch on
- .off $sqf: _vw querycon switch off
- }
- menu status {
- secure query
- .config:secure.query
- .on $sqo: _vw querycon switch on
- .off $sqf: _vw querycon switch off
- }
- alias -l sqo {
- if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { return [x] }
- else { return }
- }
- alias -l sqf {
- if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == off) { return [x] }
- else { return }
- }
- alias secure.query {
- if ($version < 5.91) { echo -a 4This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , please upgrade to latest mIRC | beep | halt }
- if ($dialog(querycon) == $null) { dialog -m querycon querycon }
- }
- alias secure.query.nick {
- if ($version < 5.91) { echo -a 4This addon will not work properly with mIRC $version $+ , please upgrade to latest mIRC | beep | halt }
- dialog -m $_vr(querycon,query.nick) querycon1
- _vrem querycon lastmsg
- }
- dialog querycon1 {
- title "secure query"
- size -1 -1 160 81
- option dbu
- box "", 33, 7 14 146 42
- button "accept", 28, 9 62 25 10, disable default ok
- button "ignore", 26, 36 62 25 10, disable
- button "decline", 27, 63 62 25 10, disable
- edit "", 1, 32 21 119 10, read autohs
- edit "", 30, 32 31 119 10, read autohs
- edit "", 29, 32 41 119 10, read autohs
- check "enable secure query", 31, 10 6 70 7
- button "setup", 2, 92 63 21 8
- button "add access", 3, 114 63 37 8, disable
- box "", 4, 7 57 146 18
- text "nick", 5, 9 22 10 8
- text "address", 6, 9 32 19 8
- text "message", 7, 9 42 21 8
- text "", 8, 130 5 27 8, right
- text "", 9, 76 5 53 8, right
- }
- dialog querycon {
- title "Secure Query"
- size -1 -1 167 119
- option dbu notheme
- button "ok", 12, 70 104 25 10, default flat ok
- tab "config", 2, 2 1 163 115
- edit "", 3, 4 43 159 10, tab 2 autohs
- text "standby message", 13, 4 35 44 7, tab 2
- edit "", 4, 4 60 159 10, tab 2 autohs
- check "enable", 15, 11 83 32 10, tab 2 flat
- button "select sound", 16, 45 83 37 10, tab 2 flat
- box "audible alert on query request", 17, 8 75 80 22, tab 2
- edit "", 208, 107 79 17 9, tab 2
- button "-", 206, 99 81 6 6, tab 2 flat
- text "seconds", 210, 135 80 20 7, tab 2
- box "auto-close dialog", 209, 95 71 63 30, tab 2
- button "+", 207, 126 81 6 6, tab 2 flat
- text "decline message", 14, 4 53 44 7, tab 2
- check "enable secure query", 33, 11 20 66 10, tab 2 flat
- check "notify user has access", 49, 92 20 66 10, tab 2 flat
- check "enable auto-close", 50, 99 89 58 10, tab 2
- box "", 51, 7 15 154 18, tab 2
- tab "log", 11
- list 34, 7 20 42 50, tab 11 sort size hsbar
- button "remove", 35, 7 73 29 8, tab 11 flat
- button "copy", 39, 131 72 29 8, tab 11 flat
- check "log query requests", 43, 7 95 58 10, tab 11 flat
- edit "", 52, 86 84 74 10, tab 11 autohs
- button "add access", 53, 48 85 37 8, tab 11 flat
- edit "", 64, 54 21 106 50, tab 11 read multi vsbar
- button "remove all", 65, 7 83 29 8, tab 11 flat
- tab "protection", 32
- radio "universal mask *!*@*", 211, 15 42 62 12, tab 32 flat
- radio "host mask ignore", 212, 15 56 62 9, tab 32 flat
- box "query flood ignore type", 213, 11 34 70 34, tab 32
- edit "", 214, 87 54 10 10, tab 32
- check "enable", 219, 89 42 40 10, tab 32 flat
- box "query flood protection", 216, 85 34 70 34, tab 32
- edit "", 217, 125 54 15 10, tab 32
- text "queries in", 215, 99 56 24 7, tab 32
- text "secs", 218, 141 55 17 7, tab 32
- tab "access", 40
- list 41, 11 42 146 50, tab 40 sort size hsbar
- button "remove", 42, 12 96 37 8, disable tab 40 flat
- text "user access", 44, 12 34 29 8, tab 40
- edit "", 45, 26 19 106 10, tab 40 autohs
- button "add", 46, 134 20 29 8, disable tab 40 flat
- text "address", 47, 6 20 19 8, tab 40
- }
- on *:dialog:*:init:*:{
- if ($dialog(querycon) == $dname) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { did -c querycon 33 }
- elseif ($_vr(querycon,switch) == $null) { _vw querycon switch on | did -c querycon 33 }
- if ($_vr(querycon, == $null) { _vw querycon on | _vw querycon ignore.uni off }
- if ($_vr(querycon,decline) == $null) { _vw querycon decline Sorry, I have declined your query, please try a more convient time. }
- if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == on) && ($_vr(querycon, == off) { did -c querycon 211 1 }
- else did -c querycon 212 1
- did -o querycon 3 1 $_vr(querycon,standby)
- did -o querycon 4 1 $_vr(querycon,decline)
- if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) == on) { did -c querycon 15 }
- if ($_vr(querycon,timer) == $null) { _vw querycon timer 240 }
- did -o querycon 208 1 $_vr(querycon,timer)
- if ($_vr(querycon,max.query) == $null) { _vw querycon max.query 5 | did -o querycon 214 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query) }
- else did -o querycon 214 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query)
- if ($_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) == $null) { _vw querycon max.query.sec 20 | did -o querycon 217 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) }
- else did -o querycon 217 1 $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec)
- if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) == on) did -c querycon 219
- else did -b querycon 211,217,212,214
- if ($_vr(querycon,log) == on) { did -c querycon 43 }
- elseif ($_vr(querycon,log) == $null) { _vw querycon log on | did -c querycon 43 }
- if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == on) { did -c querycon 49 }
- elseif ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == $null) { _vw querycon notifyaccess on | did -c querycon 49 }
- if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) == on) { did -c querycon 50 }
- did -b querycon 46,42
- nick.list
- s.levels
- did -z querycon 34
- }
- if ($dialog($dname) == $_vr(querycon,query.nick)) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) == on) { %qs.nick = $_vr(querycon,query.nick) | .timer 1 $sq_t close.qw }
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:querycon:edit:*:{
- if ($did == 3) {
- if ($did(querycon,3).text != $null) {
- _vw querycon standby $did(querycon,3).text
- }
- }
- if ($did == 4) {
- if ($did(querycon,4).text != $null) {
- _vw querycon decline $did(querycon,4).text
- }
- }
- if ($did == 45) {
- if ($did(querycon,45).text != $null) { did -e querycon 46 }
- elseif ($did(querycon,45).text == $null) { did -b querycon 46 }
- }
- if ($did == 208) {
- if ($did(querycon,208).text != $null) {
- _vw querycon timer $did(querycon,208).text
- }
- }
- if ($did == 214) {
- if ($did(querycon,214).text != $null) {
- _vw querycon max.query $did(querycon,214).text
- }
- }
- if ($did == 217) {
- if ($did(querycon,217).text != $null) {
- _vw querycon max.query.sec $did(querycon,217).text
- }
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:*:sclick:*:{
- if (Query request $dname == $dialog($dname).title) {
- if ($did == 2) { secure.query }
- if ($did == 3) {
- auser -a securequery $address($did(1,$did(1)),3) $did(1,$did(1)) | did -b $did(1,$did(1)) 3
- if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) == on) { if ($server != $null) { .msg $did(1,$did(1)) [automated msg] You have free access to message me. } }
- }
- if ($did == 27) { .ignore -pu180 $did(30,$did(30)) | .msg $did(1,$did(1)) [automated msg] $_vr(querycon,decline) | dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) }
- if ($did == 28) {
- .ignore -r $address($did(1,$did(1)),2) | query $did(1,$did(1)) | .timer -m 1 1 echo $did(1,$did(1)) < $+ $did(1,$did(1)) $+ > $did(29,$did(29)) | _vrem querycon lastmsg
- if ($server != $null) { .msg $did(1,$did(1)) [automated msg] Query request accepted. }
- dialog -x $did(1,$did(1))
- }
- if ($did == 26) { .ignore -p $address($did(1,$did(1)),3) | dialog -x $did(1,$did(1)) }
- if ($did == 31) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,switch) != on) { _vw querycon switch on }
- else { _vw querycon switch off }
- }
- }
- if ($dialog(querycon) == $dname) {
- if ($did == 15) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) != on) { _vw querycon soundswitch on | did -c querycon 15 }
- else { _vw querycon soundswitch off | did -u querycon 15 }
- }
- if ($did == 16) { setquerysound }
- if ($did == 206) { if (%timer > 0) { dec %timer 1 | did -o querycon 208 1 %timer | _vw querycon timer %timer } }
- if ($did == 207) { inc %timer 1 | did -o querycon 208 1 %timer | _vw querycon timer %timer }
- if ($did == 39) { clipboard < $+ $did(34,$did(34).sel) $+ > $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),msg) }
- if ($did == 34) { did -r querycon 64 | did -a querycon 64 $chr(91) $+ $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),date) $+ $chr(93) | did -a querycon 64 $crlf $sr($did(34,$did(34).sel),msg) | did -o querycon 52 1 $_vr(securequery,$did(34,$did(34).sel))) }
- if ($did == 33) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,switch) != on) { _vw querycon switch on }
- else { _vw querycon switch off }
- }
- if ($did == 35) { write -ds $+ $did(34,$did(34).sel) securequery\names.txt | _vrem securequery $did(34,$did(34).sel)) | .timer -m 1 1 nick.list }
- if ($did == 41) { did -e querycon 42,46 | did -o querycon 45 1 $did(41,$did(41).sel)) }
- if ($did == 42) { ruser $did(41,$did(41).sel) | s.levels }
- if ($did == 43) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,log) != on) { _vw querycon log on | did -c querycon 43 }
- else { _vw querycon log off }
- }
- if ($did == 50) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,auto-close) != on) { _vw querycon auto-close on | did -c querycon 50 }
- else { _vw querycon auto-close off }
- }
- if ($did == 53) {
- if ($did(querycon,52).text != $null) {
- .auser -a securequery $did(querycon,52).text | did -r querycon 52
- }
- }
- if ($did == 49) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,notifyaccess) != on) { _vw querycon notifyaccess on | did -c querycon 49 }
- else { _vw querycon notifyaccess off }
- }
- if ($did == 46) {
- if ($did(querycon,45).text != $null) {
- .auser -a securequery $did(querycon,45).text | did -r querycon 45 | s.levels
- }
- }
- if ($did == 65) { .remove securequery\names.txt | .remove securequery\logs.ini | did -r querycon 64,34,52 }
- if ($did == 211) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == off) { _vw querycon ignore.uni on | _vw querycon off | did -c querycon 211 | did -u querycon 212 }
- else { _vw querycon ignore.uni off | _vw querycon on | did -u querycon 211 | did -c querycon 212 }
- }
- if ($did == 212) {
- if ($_vr(querycon, == off) { _vw querycon on | _vw querycon ignore.uni off | did -c querycon 212 | did -u querycon 211 }
- else { _vw querycon off | _vw querycon ignore.uni on | did -u querycon 212 | did -c querycon 211 }
- }
- if ($did == 219) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) == off) { _vw querycon netflood on | did -c querycon 219 | did -e querycon 211,217,212,214 }
- else { _vw querycon netflood off | did -u querycon 219 | did -b querycon 211,217,212,214 }
- }
- }
- }
- alias -l sr {
- if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini }
- return $readini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2
- }
- alias -l sw {
- if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini }
- writeini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2 $$3-
- }
- alias -l srem {
- if ($exists(securequery\logs.ini) == $false) { mkdir securequery | write -c securequery\logs.ini }
- remini securequery\logs.ini $$1 $$2
- }
- on ^*:open:?: {
- if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == $null) { _vw querycon switch on }
- if ($finddir($mircdir\,securequery*,1) == $null) { mkdir securequery }
- if ($_vr(querycon,netflood) != on) {
- inc %upflood15 1
- if (%upflood15 > $_vr(querycon,max.query)) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,ignore.uni) == on) { .ignore -pu $+ $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) *!*@* }
- else { .ignore -pu $+ $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) $wildsite }
- echo -a 4[ ALERT ] $nick is Query Flooding. User ( $+ $wildsite $+ ) now ignored for $_vr(querycon,max.query.sec) secs.
- }
- .timer 1 60 unset %upflood15
- }
- if ($_vr(querycon,standby) == $null) { _vw querycon standby Please standby for acknowledgement. I am using a secure query event. You will be notified if accepted. Until then your msgs will be ignored. }
- if ($level($address($nick,3)) == securequery) { goto end }
- if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Global) { goto end }
- if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Nickserv) { goto end }
- if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Chanserv) { goto end }
- if ($network == WonderNet) && ($nick == Memoserv) { goto end }
- if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) {
- if ($_vr(querycon,soundswitch) == on) { if ($_vr(querycon,sound) != $null) { splay $_vr(querycon,sound) } }
- echo -a $+ $colour(notice) $+ Query with $nick
- echo -a $+ $colour(notice) $+ Waiting for acknowledgement...
- if ($_vr(querycon,log) == on) {
- if ($read(securequery\names.txt, w, $nick) == $nick) { write -ds $+ $nick securequery\names.txt }
- sw $nick date $asctime(h:nn:sstt m/d) | sw $nick msg $strip($1-,burc) | write securequery/names.txt $nick | _vw securequery $nick $wildsite | nick.list
- }
- .msg $nick [automated msg] $_vr(querycon,standby)
- _vw querycon query.nick $nick
- if ($dialog($nick) == $null) { secure.query.nick }
- dialog -t $_vr(querycon,query.nick) Query request $nick
- did -o $nick 1 1 $_vr(querycon,query.nick)
- .ignore -pu120 $wildsite
- whosqial $nick
- did -o $nick 9 1 ( $+ $network $+ )
- did -o $nick 30 1 updating...
- did -o $nick 29 1 $strip($1-,burc)
- did -o $nick 8 1 $asctime(hh:nntt)
- if ($_vr(querycon,switch) == on) { did -c $nick 31 }
- haltdef
- :end
- }
- }
- #sqialud off
- raw 352:*: {
- if ($dialog($6) != $null) { did -o $6 30 1 *!* $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4 | did -e $6 26,28,3,27 | .timer 1 5 .disable #sqialud | haltdef }
- else { if ($dialog($6) != $null) { did -e $6 26,28,3,27 | .timer 1 5 .disable #sqialud | halt } }
- halt
- }
- raw 315:*: {
- halt
- }
- #sqialud end
- alias -l whosqial { .enable #sqialud | .who $$1 }
- alias -l secure.dir {
- mkdir " $+ $mircdirsecurequery $+ \ $+ "
- return securequery $+ \
- }
- alias -l sq_t {
- return $_vr(querycon,timer)
- }
- alias -l nick.list {
- if ($dialog(querycon) != $null) {
- did -r querycon 64,34,52
- var %fst = $lines(securequery\names.txt)
- var %f = 1
- while (%f <= %fst) { did -a querycon 34 $read(securequery\names.txt,%f) | inc %f 1 }
- }
- }
- alias -l s.levels {
- did -r querycon 41
- var %s.l = $ulist(*,securequery,0)
- if (%s.l == 0) { did -b querycon 42 | return }
- else did -e querycon 42
- var %s.w = 0
- :loop
- inc %s.w
- if (%s.w <= %s.l) { did -a querycon 41 $ulist(*,securequery,%s.w) | goto loop }
- else return
- }
- alias -l close.qw { if ($dialog(%qs.nick) != $null) dialog -x %qs.nick }
- alias -l setquerysound {
- _vw querycon sound $$dir="Choose a wav:" $mircdir*.wav;*mp3;*.mid
- }
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