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- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- use Modern::Perl '2009'; # Enable Perl 5.10 features
- use strict; # Included so that percritic does not complain
- use warnings; # ditto
- use 5.010; # Only works under Perl 5.10 and later
- use autodie qw( :all ); # Make system functions either succeed or die
- use strictures 2; # Turn on strict and make most carpings fatal
- use Carp;
- use Cwd;
- use English;
- use Getopt::Euclid;
- use POSIX;
- use Readonly;
- ##############################################################################
- # Usage : remove_old_tars( \%options_ref );
- # Purpose : Only keeps the newest archives that match the given pattern
- # if options_ref->{'remove'} is true
- # Returns : Nothing
- # Parameters : $options_ref - a reference to a hash table containing:
- # 'pattern': the glob pattern of preexisting tar files
- # 'keep': the number of existsing tars to keep
- # 'remove': whether or not to proceed with the removal of
- # obsolete tar files
- # 'verbose': whether or not to output text describing
- # non-fatal events
- sub remove_old_tars {
- my $options_ref = shift
- or croak 'No options hash reference supplied';
- foreach my $key (qw( pattern keep remove verbose )) {
- if ( !defined $options_ref->{$key} ) {
- croak "Required hash key '$key' not given";
- }
- }
- if ( $options_ref->{'remove'} ) {
- my $is_verbose = $options_ref->{'verbose'};
- my @files = glob $options_ref->{'pattern'};
- my $num_to_remove = @files - $options_ref->{'keep'};
- foreach my $file ( splice( @files, 0, $num_to_remove ) ) {
- eval {
- unlink $file;
- say "Removed: $file" if $is_verbose;
- };
- if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
- carp "Unable to remove: $file - $EVAL_ERROR";
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Usage : tar_src_dir( \%options );
- # Purpose : Archives the source directory to the destination tar
- # Returns : Nothing
- # Parameters : $options_ref - a reference to a hash table containing:
- # 'src_dir': the source directory to be tarred
- # 'dest_tar': the tar file to create
- # 'verbose': whether or not to output text describing
- # non-fatal events
- sub tar_src_dir {
- my $options_ref = shift
- or croak 'No options hash reference supplied';
- foreach my $key (qw( src_dir dest_tar verbose )) {
- if ( !defined $options_ref->{$key} ) {
- croak "Required hash key '$key' not given";
- }
- }
- my $src_dir = $options_ref->{ 'src_dir' };
- my $dest_tar = $options_ref->{ 'dest_tar' };
- my $is_verbose = $options_ref->{ 'verbose' };
- Readonly my $TAR_FLAGS => join(
- ' ', qw(
- --create
- --preserve-permissions
- --atime-preserve
- --use-compress-program='pigz'
- )
- );
- # Determine the home directory
- my $index = rindex($src_dir, '/');
- my $base_dir = substr( $src_dir, 0, $index);
- my $home_dir = substr( $src_dir, $index + 1);
- # Using cd instead of tar's -C (i.e., directory) flag because I was
- # getting the unexpected result of only the Desktop directory being
- # archived
- my $original_dir = getcwd;
- eval { Cwd::chdir($base_dir); };
- if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
- croak "Unable to chdir to: $base_dir: $EVAL_ERROR";
- exit 1;
- }
- # Tar the source dir to $dest_tar
- eval {
- if ($is_verbose) {
- my $tar_cmd = "sudo tar $TAR_FLAGS --verbose";
- system( qq{$tar_cmd --file = "$dest_tar" $home_dir} );
- }
- else {
- my $tar_cmd = "sudo tar $TAR_FLAGS";
- system( qq{$tar_cmd --file = "$dest_tar" $home_dir &>/dev/null} );
- }
- };
- if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
- croak "Unable to create: $dest_tar: $EVAL_ERROR";
- exit 2;
- }
- # And return to the original directory
- Cwd::chdir($original_dir);
- return;
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Usage : change_file_owner_group( \%options );
- # Purpose : Changes the owner and group of the named file
- # Returns : Nothing
- # Parameters : $options_ref - a reference to a hash table containing:
- # 'filename': the name of the file whose ownership is to
- # be changed
- # 'user': the name of the owner and group to assign to
- # filename
- # 'verbose': whether or not to output text describing
- # non-fatal events
- # 'group': name of the group to assign to filename;
- # same as user if not given
- sub change_file_owner_group {
- my $options_ref = shift
- or croak 'No options hash reference supplied';
- foreach my $key (qw( filename user verbose )) {
- if ( !defined $options_ref->{$key} ) {
- croak "Required hash key '$key' not given";
- }
- }
- my $filename = $options_ref->{ 'filename' };
- my $user = $options_ref->{ 'user' };
- my $is_verbose = $options_ref->{ 'verbose' };
- my $group = $options_ref->{ 'group' };
- if ( !defined $group ) {
- $group = $user;
- }
- eval {
- # Get the user id (uid) and group id (gid) of $user
- my $uid = getpwnam $user;
- my $gid = getgrnam $group;
- # Change the uid and gid of the given filename
- chown $uid, $gid, $filename;
- if ($is_verbose) {
- say "Changed ownership of '$filename' to $user:$group";
- }
- };
- if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
- croak "Unable to chown $filename to $user:$group - $EVAL_ERROR";
- exit 3;
- }
- return;
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Usage : my $fn = generate_tar_name( $dest_dir, $prefix, $suffix);
- # Purpose : Generates a unique fully qualified tar filename
- # Returns : Returns the generated tar name
- # Parameters : $dest_dir - directory name to store tar file
- # $prefix - prefix of the tar file name
- # $suffix - suffix of the tar file name
- sub generate_tar_name {
- my ( $dest_dir, $prefix, $suffix ) = @_;
- my $timestamp = POSIX::strftime( '%Y%m%d%H%M%S', localtime );
- return $dest_dir . '/' . $prefix . $timestamp . $suffix;
- }
- ##############################################################################
- # Usage : chomp_dir $directory;
- # Purpose : Removes any trailing slashes from the given directory
- # Returns :
- # Parameters : $dir - directory from which to chomp terminating slashes
- sub chomp_dir {
- my $dir = shift;
- $dir =~ s{ # substitute
- /+ # any number of slashes
- $ # that occur at the end of the string
- }
- {}xms; # replacing them with nothing
- return $dir;
- }
- # Retrieve the command-line arguments from %ARGV
- # (Getopt::Euclid has already parsed the command-line and placed the results
- # in %ARGV).
- my $user = $ARGV{ '--user' };
- my $src_dir = chomp_dir( $ARGV{'--srcdir'} );
- my $dest_dir = chomp_dir( $ARGV{'--destdir'} );
- my $prefix = $ARGV{ '--prefix' };
- my $suffix = $ARGV{ '--suffix' };
- my $keep = $ARGV{ '--keep' };
- my $is_remove = $ARGV{ '--remove' };
- my $is_verbose = $ARGV{ '--verbose' };
- # Keep only the last $option_of{'keep'}-1 archives if $is_remove is true
- remove_old_tars(
- { 'pattern' => "$dest_dir/$prefix*$suffix",
- 'keep' => $keep - 1, # subtract 1: we will create a new one
- 'remove' => $is_remove,
- 'verbose' => $is_verbose,
- }
- );
- # Archive the source directory to a tar in the destination dir
- my $dest_tar = generate_tar_name( $dest_dir, $prefix, $suffix );
- tar_src_dir(
- { 'src_dir' => $src_dir,
- 'dest_tar' => $dest_tar,
- 'verbose' => $is_verbose,
- }
- );
- # Change the owner and group of the generated archive file
- change_file_owner_group(
- { 'filename' => $dest_tar,
- 'user' => $user,
- 'verbose' => $is_verbose,
- }
- );
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- hometar - Archives (tars) the contents of a user's home directory
- =head1 VERSION
- This documentation refers to hometar version 1.0.0
- =head1 USAGE
- hometar [options]...
- =over
- =item -[-]u[ser] [=] <user>
- Specify the name of the owner of the archive file. The archive files user and
- group will be set to this value
- =item -[-]s[rcdir] [=] <srcdir>
- Specify the home directory to be archived
- =item -[-]d[estdir] [=] <destdir>
- Specify the directory into which the archive file is to be saved
- =back
- =head1 OPTIONS
- =over
- =item -[-]p[refix] [=] <prefix>
- Specify the prefix to use for the created archive file. The default is
- <prefix.default>
- =for Euclid:
- prefix.default: 'home_'
- =cut
- =item -x [=] <suffix> | --suffix [=] <suffix>
- Specify the suffix of the created archive file. The default is
- 'suffix.default'
- =for Euclid:
- suffix.default: <.tar.gz>
- =cut
- =item -[-]k[eep] [=] <keep>
- Specify the number of archives to keep, including the newly created archive.
- The default is <keep.default>
- =for Euclid:
- keep.type: +int
- keep.default: 5
- =cut
- =item -[-]r[emove] [=] [<remove>]
- Specify this to enable removal of obsolete archives
- =for Euclid:
- remove.type: int
- remove.default: 0
- remove.opt_default: 1
- =cut
- =item -[-]v[erbose] [=] [<verbose>]
- Specify this to get output of the archival process
- =for Euclid:
- verbose.type: int
- verbose.default: 0
- verbose.opt_default: 1
- =cut
- =back
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright (c) 2019 Justin Hanekom <>
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