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- //PR 85/2020 Dejan Dobrilovic, Termin vezbi: Pon 10:30. Radjeno: SOV-A. Komentari: ...
- //SOV pripremni zadatak, molim pogledajte detalje u priloženim uputstvima
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <thread>
- #include <mutex>
- #include <condition_variable>
- #include <vector>
- #include <list>
- #include <random>
- #include <chrono>
- #include <map>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <csignal>
- using namespace std;
- typedef chrono::high_resolution_clock hrc_t;//Radi seed-a PRNG-a.
- typedef uint32_t u32;//Radi kompaktnosti pisanja
- const size_t MEMORY_CAPACITY = (1 << 22); //4MiB
- const hrc_t::time_point start = hrc_t::now();
- const chrono::milliseconds stepInterval(100);
- const int PROCESSES = 4;
- const char* outputName = "stateFifo";
- const char* inputName = "commandFifo";
- const int EF_FIRSTFIT = 0;
- const int EF_LASTFIT = 1;
- const int EF_BESTFIT = 2;
- const int EF_WORSTFIT = 3;
- const int EF_LENGTH = 4;
- const int F_ALLOCATING = 1;
- const int F_COMPACTING = 2;
- const int F_CULLING = 4;
- bool allocationEnabled = true;
- bool compactingActive = false;
- bool lruActive = false;
- int type = EF_FIRSTFIT;
- void onAllocationChanged();
- void onCompactionChanged();
- void onLRUChanged();
- void onTypeChanged();
- void intHandler(int sig);
- mutex mCompaction;
- condition_variable cvCompaction;
- struct Fragment{ //Jedan fragment slobodne memorije
- u32 loc;
- u32 len;
- };
- class Diagnostics{ //Pomoćna klasa, slobodno je proširiti
- private:
- mutex m;
- int fdOutput;
- int fdInput;
- int waiting;
- char outBuffer[8192];
- bool visual;
- char unit;
- u32 pages;
- u32 size;
- u32 contiguous;
- public:
- Diagnostics(bool v) : waiting(0), visual(v) {
- if(visual){
- fdInput = open(inputName, O_RDONLY);
- fdOutput = open(outputName, O_WRONLY);
- *((int*)(outBuffer)) = 3072 + 16;
- outBuffer[4] = type;
- outBuffer[5] = waiting;
- outBuffer[6] = F_ALLOCATING;
- outBuffer[7] = unit;
- *((u32*)(outBuffer + 8)) = pages;
- *((u32*)(outBuffer + 12)) = size;
- *((u32*)(outBuffer + 16)) = contiguous;
- for(int i = 20; i < 3092;i++){
- outBuffer[i] = 0;
- }
- unit = 'b';
- pages = 0;
- size = 0;
- contiguous = 0;
- }
- }
- void reportFreeSpace(u32 newPages, u32 newSize, char newUnit, u32 newContiguous){
- pages = newPages;
- size = newSize;
- unit = newUnit;
- contiguous = newContiguous;
- }
- void incWaiting() {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- waiting++;
- }
- void decWaiting() {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- waiting--;
- }
- void allocateMessage(int pid, u32 loc, u32 len, u32 seg){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Process " << pid << " allocating from " << loc << " to " << loc + len << endl;
- if(visual){
- int x = loc / 4096;
- int ll = len / 4096;
- for(int i = 0;i < ll;i++){
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 0] = 1;
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 1] = (char)pid;
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 2] = (char)seg;
- }
- }
- }
- void deallocateMessage(int pid, u32 oLoc, u32 oLen, u32 loc, u32 len){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Process " << pid << " asked to deallocate from " << oLoc << " to " << oLoc + oLen << endl;
- cout << "Process " << pid << " deallocated from " << loc << " to " << loc + len << endl;
- if(visual){
- int x = loc / 4096;
- int ll = len / 4096;
- for(int i = 0;i < ll;i++){
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 0] = 0;
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 1] = 0;
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 2] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- void compactionDeallocateMessage(u32 oLoc, u32 oLen, u32 loc, u32 len){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "The compacter asked to deallocate from " << oLoc << " to " << oLoc + oLen << endl;
- cout << "The compacter deallocated from " << loc << " to " << loc + len << endl;
- if(visual){
- int x = loc / 4096;
- int ll = len / 4096;
- for(int i = 0;i < ll;i++){
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 0] = 0;
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 1] = 0;
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 2] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- void readMessage(int pid, u32 loc, int seg){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Process " << pid << " reading from location " << loc << " in segment " << seg << endl;
- }
- void writeMessage(int pid, u32 loc, int seg){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Process " << pid << " writing to location " << loc << " in segment " << seg << endl;
- }
- void processStatusMessage(int pid, int seg){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Process " << pid << " has " << seg << " segments." << endl;
- }
- void printFreeMemoryMap(int pid, u32 amount, list<Fragment>& fm){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Process " << pid << " is waiting for " << amount << " bytes, which is " << amount / 4096 << " 4K pages." << endl;
- }
- void compactionMessage(int pid, int seg, u32 oBase, u32 len, u32 nBase){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Process " << pid << " and segment " << seg << "of length " << len << " bytes is a compaction candidate. To be moved from " << oBase << " to " << nBase << endl;
- if(visual){
- int x = nBase / 4096;
- int ll = len / 4096;
- for(int i = 0;i < ll;i++){
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 0] = 1;
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 1] = (char)pid;
- outBuffer[20 + (x + i)*3 + 2] = (char)seg;
- }
- }
- }
- void runOutput(){
- while(1 && visual){
- this_thread::sleep_for(stepInterval / 2);
- outBuffer[4] = type;
- outBuffer[5] = waiting;
- outBuffer[6] = 0;
- outBuffer[7] = unit;
- *((u32*)(outBuffer + 8)) = pages;
- *((u32*)(outBuffer + 12)) = size;
- *((u32*)(outBuffer + 16)) = contiguous;
- if(allocationEnabled) outBuffer[6] |= F_ALLOCATING;
- if(compactingActive) outBuffer[6] |= F_COMPACTING;
- if(lruActive) outBuffer[6] |= F_CULLING;
- write(fdOutput, outBuffer, 3092);
- }
- }
- void runInput(){
- if(visual){
- while(1){
- char inbuf[2];
- read(fdInput, inbuf, 2);
- if(inbuf[0] == 'q' && inbuf[1] == 'q'){
- intHandler(0);
- return;
- }else if(inbuf[0] == 'c'){
- type = (int)inbuf[1];
- onTypeChanged();
- }else if(inbuf[0] == 'a'){
- if(inbuf[1] == 0){
- allocationEnabled = false;
- }else if(inbuf[2] == 1){
- allocationEnabled = true;
- }else{
- allocationEnabled = !allocationEnabled;
- }
- onAllocationChanged();
- }else if(inbuf[0] == 'd'){
- if(inbuf[1] == 0){
- compactingActive = false;
- }else if(inbuf[2] == 1){
- compactingActive = true;
- }else{
- compactingActive = !compactingActive;
- }
- onCompactionChanged();
- }else if(inbuf[0] == 'n'){
- if(inbuf[1] == 0){
- lruActive = false;
- }else if(inbuf[2] == 1){
- lruActive = true;
- }else{
- lruActive = !lruActive;
- }
- onLRUChanged();
- }
- }
- }else{
- //Rezervna ne-vizuelna tehnika kontrole
- while(1){
- char c;
- cin >> c;
- if(c == 'q'){
- intHandler(0);
- return;
- }else if(c == 'c'){
- type = (type + 1) % EF_LENGTH;
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Mod je sada: " << type << endl;
- }
- onTypeChanged();
- }else if(c == 'a'){
- allocationEnabled = !allocationEnabled;
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Alokacije je sada: " << ((allocationEnabled) ? "ON" : "OFF") << endl;
- }
- onAllocationChanged();
- }else if(c == 'd'){
- compactingActive = !compactingActive;
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "Kompakcija je sada: " << ((compactingActive) ? "ON" : "OFF") << endl;
- }
- onCompactionChanged();
- }else if(c == 'n'){
- lruActive = !lruActive;
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- cout << "LRU je sada: " << ((compactingActive) ? "ON" : "OFF") << endl;
- }
- onLRUChanged();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- struct TableEntry{ //Jedna stavka u tabeli segmenta
- u32 base = 0;
- u32 len = 0;
- int m = -1;
- };
- struct ReusableMutex{
- bool taken = false;
- mutex m;
- };
- class SegmentTable{ //Tabela segmenata za neki proces
- public:
- SegmentTable() {}
- int insertSegment(TableEntry tableEntry){
- int id = getNewID();
- table.insert(pair<int, TableEntry>(id, tableEntry));
- return id;
- }
- void deleteSegment(int id){
- table.erase(id);
- }
- TableEntry& getEntry(int id){
- return table[id];
- }
- /*
- Vraća nasumični validni ID iz date tabele. Nije ključno za rešenje
- ali čini programiranje procesa lakšim. Prosleđujemo random_engine zato
- što je njegovo generisanje jako sporo, i stoga ne treba da se pravi tokom
- izvršavanja programa. Naša arhitektura ovde ima poseban generator za
- svaki proces budući da generisanje slučajnih brojeva predstavlja operaciju
- pisanja (menja interno stanje) te stoga se mora ili sinhronizovati ili
- obezbediti jedan takav po niti. Mi smo uradili ovo drugo, zbog brzine.
- */
- int getRandomID(default_random_engine& gen){
- uniform_int_distribution<int> d(0, table.size() - 1);
- int x = d(gen);
- int i = 0;
- for(pair<int, TableEntry> p : table){
- if(i == x){
- return p.first;
- }
- i++;
- }
- cerr << "Random segment generation failed" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- private:
- map<int, TableEntry> table;
- /*
- Kod nađe najveći ID date tabele i vrati tu vrednost uvećanu za 1. To
- garantuje jedinstven ID.
- */
- int getNewID(){
- if(table.empty()) return 0;
- int id = 0;
- for(pair<int, TableEntry> p : table){
- if(p.first > id) id = p.first;
- }
- return ++id;
- }
- friend class SystemMemory;
- };
- typedef struct Podatak_struct{
- char jedinica;
- u32 velicina;
- u32 broj_stranica;
- u32 duzina;
- }Podatak;
- enum alocTip{ALOK, DEALOK};
- Podatak podatak;
- u32 slobodne_memorije = MEMORY_CAPACITY;
- //Klasa koja simulira OS
- class SystemMemory{
- public:
- SystemMemory(size_t capacity, Diagnostics& d) : terminal(false), cadh(d) {
- mem = (char*)malloc(capacity);
- if(mem == NULL){
- perror("Could not initialize memory.");
- exit(1);
- }
- //Na početku je sva memorija slobodna što znači da se naša evidencija
- //slobodne memorije od 1 odsečka koji počinje od 0 i veliki je
- //koliko uopšte ima memorije.
- freeMemory.push_back((Fragment) {.loc=0, .len=(u32)capacity});
- }
- ~SystemMemory(){
- free(mem);//Moramo osloboditi zauzeto
- }
- //Operacija čitanja. Primetite adresu koja je segment + logička adresa
- char read(int processID, int segmentID, u32 logicalAddress){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mSegments[segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).m].m);
- cadh.readMessage(processID, logicalAddress, segmentID);//Ispisuje na ekran
- int loc = segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).base;
- if(logicalAddress >= segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).len){ //Provera prava pristupa
- cerr << "Internal segmentation violation." << endl;
- exit(2);
- }
- return mem[loc + logicalAddress]; //Očitavanje vrednosti uz translaciju
- }
- void write(int processID, int segmentID, u32 logicalAddress, char value){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mSegments[segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).m].m);
- cadh.writeMessage(processID, logicalAddress, segmentID);
- int loc = segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).base;
- if(logicalAddress >= segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).len){
- cerr << "Internal segmentation violation." << endl;
- exit(2);
- }
- mem[loc + logicalAddress] = value;
- }
- int allocate(int processID, u32 amount){
- if(!segmentTables.count(processID)){ //U slučaju da ovo zovemo prvi put za dati proces, ubacujemo novu tabelu
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mAllocate);
- segmentTables.insert(pair<int, SegmentTable>(processID, SegmentTable()));
- }//Ubacivanje menja deljenu klasu te je stavljamo u isključiv region.
- int loc = -1;
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mAllocate);//I ovde zaključavamo: rad sa evidencijom slobodne memorije je takođe rad sa deljenim resursom
- while((loc = findFree(amount)) < 0){
- cadh.printFreeMemoryMap(processID, amount, freeMemory); //U slučaju čekanja pišemo kako trenutno izgleda memorija.
- cadh.incWaiting();
- cvFree.wait(l);
- cadh.decWaiting();
- if(terminal) return -1; //Proveravamo da li nas je probudio ne uspeh u alokaciji, no proces gašenja.
- }
- }
- //Sada kada imamo odakle počinje naša slobodna memorija (u loc) napravimo segment i stavimo ga u evidenciju
- int ret = segmentTables[processID].insertSegment((TableEntry) {.base = (u32)loc, .len = amount, .m = getFreeMutex()});
- cadh.allocateMessage(processID, (u32)loc, amount, ret);
- if(loc!= -1)
- oduzmi_memoriju(&slobodne_memorije, amount,&podatak, ALOK);
- return ret; //Vraćamo indeks segmenta koji smo alocirali
- }else{
- //Isto kao gore, ali bez potrebe da ubacijemo tabelu budući da već postoji
- int loc = -1;
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mAllocate);
- while((loc = findFree(amount)) < 0){
- cadh.printFreeMemoryMap(processID, amount, freeMemory);
- cadh.incWaiting();
- cvFree.wait(l);
- cadh.decWaiting();
- if(terminal) return -1;
- }
- }
- int ret = segmentTables[processID].insertSegment((TableEntry) {.base = (u32)loc, .len = amount, .m = getFreeMutex()});
- cadh.allocateMessage(processID, (u32)loc, amount, ret);
- if(loc!= -1)
- oduzmi_memoriju(&slobodne_memorije, amount,&podatak, ALOK);
- return ret;
- }
- }
- void deallocate(int processID, int segmentID){
- int loc = segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).base;
- int len = segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).len;
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mAllocate);
- unique_lock<mutex> ll(mSegments[segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).m].m);
- list<Fragment>::iterator it;
- /*
- Ovde se implementira algoritam koji smo diskutovali
- na času. Ako oslobađamo regione fizičke memorije
- bitno je detektovati situaciju gde imamo fizičke regione
- koji se dodiruju, budući da njih treba spojiti.
- Ako je novoslobođeni segment *, a stari slobodni segmenti
- #, dok su zauzeti delovi predstavljeni praznim prostorom
- naše opcije su
- ###### **** ######## prelazi u ###### **** ########
- ######**** ######## prelazi u ########## ########
- ###### ****######## prelazi u ###### ************
- ######******######## prelazi u ####################
- */
- for(it = freeMemory.begin(); it != freeMemory.end();it++){
- if(it->loc > loc) break;
- }
- if(it == freeMemory.begin()){
- freeMemory.push_front((Fragment) {.loc = (u32)loc, .len = (u32)len});
- it = freeMemory.begin();
- list<Fragment>::iterator next = it;
- next++;
- if(next != freeMemory.end()){
- if(it->loc + it->len == next->loc){
- it->len = it->len + next->len;
- freeMemory.erase(next);
- cadh.deallocateMessage(processID, (u32)loc, len, (u32)loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }else{
- cadh.deallocateMessage(processID, (u32)loc, len, (u32)loc, len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- cadh.deallocateMessage(processID, (u32)loc, len, (u32)loc, len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- it--;
- if((it->loc + it->len) == loc){
- it->len = it->len + len;
- list<Fragment>::iterator next = it;
- next++;
- if(next != freeMemory.end()){
- if(it->loc + it->len == next->loc){
- it->len = it->len + next->len;
- freeMemory.erase(next);
- cadh.deallocateMessage(processID, loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }else{
- cadh.deallocateMessage(processID, loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- cadh.deallocateMessage(processID, loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- it++;
- it = freeMemory.insert(it, (Fragment) {.loc = (u32)loc, .len = (u32)len});
- list<Fragment>::iterator next = it;
- next++;
- if(next != freeMemory.end()){
- if(it->loc + it->len == next->loc){
- it->len = it->len + next->len;
- freeMemory.erase(next);
- cadh.deallocateMessage(processID, loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }else{
- cadh.deallocateMessage(processID, loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- cadh.deallocateMessage(processID, loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }
- }
- mSegments[segmentTables[processID].getEntry(segmentID).m].taken = false;
- segmentTables[processID].deleteSegment(segmentID);
- oduzmi_memoriju(&slobodne_memorije, len, &podatak, DEALOK);
- }
- }
- //Ovo je ono što u stvari zove proces, ovo ga samo usmeri gde treba
- int getRandomID(int processID, default_random_engine& gen){
- return segmentTables[processID].getRandomID(gen);
- }
- //Ovim zaustavljamo niti koje čekaju u okviru OS.
- void terminate(){
- terminal = true;
- cvFree.notify_all();
- cvCompaction.notify_all();
- }
- void compactionProcess(){
- bool foundCandidate = false;
- int cProcess = -1;
- int cSegment = -1;
- int cSegmentM = -1;
- Fragment target;
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mAllocate);
- for(pair<int, SegmentTable> p : segmentTables){
- for(pair<int, TableEntry> pp : p.second.table){
- int inefficiency = 0;
- int gapBack = 0;
- int gapForward = 0;
- int targetInefficiency = MEMORY_CAPACITY;
- list<Fragment>::iterator it = freeMemory.begin();
- list<Fragment>::iterator targetFragment = freeMemory.begin();
- for(Fragment f : freeMemory){
- if(((int)f.len - (int)pp.second.len) < targetInefficiency && ((int)f.len - (int)pp.second.len) > 0){
- targetInefficiency = (int)f.len - (int)pp.second.len;
- targetFragment = it;
- }
- if(f.loc + f.len == pp.second.base){
- gapBack = f.len;
- }else if(f.loc + f.len == pp.second.base + pp.second.len){
- gapForward = f.len;
- }
- it++;
- }
- inefficiency = gapBack + gapForward;
- if(inefficiency > targetInefficiency + 8192){
- if(targetFragment->len == pp.second.len){
- target = *targetFragment;
- freeMemory.erase(targetFragment);
- foundCandidate = true;
- cProcess = p.first;
- cSegment = pp.first;
- cSegmentM = pp.second.m;
- mSegments[pp.second.m].m.lock();
- break;
- }else{
- target = *targetFragment;
- target.len = pp.second.len;
- targetFragment->len -= pp.second.len;
- targetFragment->loc += pp.second.len;
- foundCandidate = true;
- cProcess = p.first;
- cSegment = pp.first;
- cSegmentM = pp.second.m;
- mSegments[pp.second.m].m.lock();
- break;
- }
- }
- if(foundCandidate) break;
- }
- if(foundCandidate) break;
- }
- }
- if(foundCandidate){
- this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(50));
- TableEntry* te = &((segmentTables[cProcess]).table[cSegment]);
- cadh.compactionMessage(cProcess, cSegment, te->base, te->len, target.loc);
- for(int i = 0;i < te->len;i++){
- mem[target.loc + i] = mem[te->base + i];
- }
- int loc = te->base;
- int len = te->len;
- te->base = target.loc;
- mSegments[cSegmentM].m.unlock();
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mAllocate);
- list<Fragment>::iterator it;
- /*
- Ovde se implementira algoritam koji smo diskutovali
- na času. Ako oslobađamo regione fizičke memorije
- bitno je detektovati situaciju gde imamo fizičke regione
- koji se dodiruju, budući da njih treba spojiti.
- Ako je novoslobođeni segment *, a stari slobodni segmenti
- #, dok su zauzeti delovi predstavljeni praznim prostorom
- naše opcije su
- ###### **** ######## prelazi u ###### **** ########
- ######**** ######## prelazi u ########## ########
- ###### ****######## prelazi u ###### ************
- ######******######## prelazi u ####################
- */
- for(it = freeMemory.begin(); it != freeMemory.end();it++){
- if(it->loc > loc) break;
- }
- if(it == freeMemory.begin()){
- freeMemory.push_front((Fragment) {.loc = (u32)loc, .len = (u32)len});
- it = freeMemory.begin();
- list<Fragment>::iterator next = it;
- next++;
- if(next != freeMemory.end()){
- if(it->loc + it->len == next->loc){
- it->len = it->len + next->len;
- freeMemory.erase(next);
- cadh.compactionDeallocateMessage((u32)loc, len, (u32)loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }else{
- cadh.compactionDeallocateMessage((u32)loc, len, (u32)loc, len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- cadh.compactionDeallocateMessage((u32)loc, len, (u32)loc, len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- it--;
- if((it->loc + it->len) == loc){
- it->len = it->len + len;
- list<Fragment>::iterator next = it;
- next++;
- if(next != freeMemory.end()){
- if(it->loc + it->len == next->loc){
- it->len = it->len + next->len;
- freeMemory.erase(next);
- cadh.compactionDeallocateMessage(loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }else{
- cadh.compactionDeallocateMessage(loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- cadh.compactionDeallocateMessage(loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- it++;
- it = freeMemory.insert(it, (Fragment) {.loc = (u32)loc, .len = (u32)len});
- list<Fragment>::iterator next = it;
- next++;
- if(next != freeMemory.end()){
- if(it->loc + it->len == next->loc){
- it->len = it->len + next->len;
- freeMemory.erase(next);
- cadh.compactionDeallocateMessage(loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }else{
- cadh.compactionDeallocateMessage(loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }else{
- cadh.compactionDeallocateMessage(loc, len, it->loc, it->len);
- cvFree.notify_all();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void compactionRunner(){
- while(1){
- {
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mCompaction);
- while(!compactingActive){
- cvCompaction.wait(l);
- }
- if(terminal) return;
- }
- compactionProcess();
- this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(10));
- }
- }
- private:
- char *mem;
- bool terminal;
- Diagnostics& cadh;
- map<int, SegmentTable> segmentTables;
- list<Fragment> freeMemory;
- mutex mAllocate;
- condition_variable cvFree;
- ReusableMutex mSegments[1024];
- int getFreeMutex(){
- for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++){
- if(!mSegments[i].taken) return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- u32 najduzi(){
- auto iterator = freeMemory.begin();
- u32 dug = iterator->len;
- while(iterator != freeMemory.end()){
- ++iterator;
- if(iterator->len > dug)
- dug = iterator->len;
- }
- return dug/4096;
- }
- void oduzmi_memoriju(u32* slobodno, u32 amount, Podatak* pod, alocTip tip){
- u32 slobodno_safe = *slobodno;
- if(tip == ALOK){
- *slobodno -= amount;
- pod->broj_stranica = *slobodno / 4096;
- }
- if(tip == DEALOK){
- *slobodno += amount;
- pod->broj_stranica = *slobodno / 4096;
- }
- pod->jedinica = 'B';
- if((slobodno_safe / 1024) > 0){
- pod->jedinica = 'K';
- slobodno_safe /= 1024;
- if((slobodno_safe / 1024) > 0){
- pod->jedinica = 'M';
- slobodno_safe /= 1024;
- }
- }
- pod->velicina = slobodno_safe;
- pod->duzina = najduzi();
- }
- /*
- Implementacija first fit algoritma. Prvi odsečak koji je dovoljno veliki
- se odabira. Ako je taman veličine ceo se izvozi. Ako je veći, mrvi se
- tako što se početak odsečka pomera unapred za zauzet prostor i dužina
- se adekvatno smanjuje, a kao povratna vrednost se daje pređašnja adresa
- početka tog odsečka.
- */
- int findFree(u32 amount){
- if(type == EF_FIRSTFIT){
- for(list<Fragment>::iterator it = freeMemory.begin();it != freeMemory.end();it++){
- if(it->len == amount){
- int ret = (int)it->loc;
- freeMemory.erase(it);
- return ret;
- }else if(it->len > amount){
- int ret = (int)it->loc;
- it->loc = it->loc + amount;
- it->len = it->len - amount;
- return ret;
- }
- }
- }else if(type == EF_LASTFIT){
- for(list<Fragment>::reverse_iterator it = freeMemory.rbegin();it != freeMemory.rend();it++){
- if(it->len == amount){
- int ret = (int)it->loc;
- freeMemory.erase(std::next(it).base());
- return ret;
- }else if(it->len > amount){
- int ret = (int)it->loc;
- it->loc = it->loc + amount;
- it->len = it->len - amount;
- return ret;
- }
- }
- }else if(type == EF_BESTFIT){
- list<Fragment>::iterator best = freeMemory.begin();
- for(list<Fragment>::iterator it = freeMemory.begin();it != freeMemory.end();it++){
- long odiff = (long)best->len - (long)amount;
- long diff = (long)it->len - (long)amount;
- if((diff < odiff) && (diff >= 0)){
- best = it;
- }else if((odiff < 0) && (diff >= 0)){
- best = it;
- }
- }
- if(best->len == amount){
- int ret = (int)best->loc;
- freeMemory.erase(best);
- return ret;
- }else if(best->len > amount){
- int ret = (int)best->loc;
- best->loc = best->loc + amount;
- best->len = best->len - amount;
- return ret;
- }
- }else if(type == EF_WORSTFIT){
- list<Fragment>::iterator best = freeMemory.begin();
- for(list<Fragment>::iterator it = freeMemory.begin();it != freeMemory.end();it++){
- long odiff = (long)best->len - (long)amount;
- long diff = (long)it->len - (long)amount;
- if((diff > odiff) && (diff >= 0)){
- best = it;
- }
- }
- if(best->len == amount){
- int ret = (int)best->loc;
- freeMemory.erase(best);
- return ret;
- }else if(best->len > amount){
- int ret = (int)best->loc;
- best->loc = best->loc + amount;
- best->len = best->len - amount;
- return ret;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- };
- //Sinhronizovani brojač da bi procesi dobili ID brojeve koji su jedinstveni
- class IDManager{
- private:
- int process;
- mutex m;
- public:
- IDManager() : process(0) {}
- int getProcessID(){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(m);
- return process++;
- }
- };
- class Process{
- public:
- Process(IDManager& idm, SystemMemory& sm, Diagnostics& dd) : systemMemory(sm), segmentSizeDistribution(1,25), stepDistribution(1,100), terminate(false), cadh(dd){
- id = idm.getProcessID();
- hrc_t::duration d = hrc_t::now() - start;
- auto x = d.count();
- x = x ^ (id << 7);//Dozvoljavamo bitovima id-a da utiču na seed vrednost
- //generatora slučajnih brojeva ovog procesa. Ovo omogućava da slučajne
- //vrednosti budu maksimalno različite čak i ako su početna vremena veoma
- //bliska.
- generator.seed(x);
- }
- void run(){
- cout << "Running process with ID" << id << endl;
- //Pravljenje početnog, permanentnog segmenta.
- u32 amount = segmentSizeDistribution(generator) * 4096;
- int permanentSegment = systemMemory.allocate(id, amount);
- localTable.insert(pair<int, u32>(permanentSegment, amount));
- while(1){
- cadh.reportFreeSpace(podatak.broj_stranica, podatak.velicina, podatak.jedinica, podatak.duzina);
- if(terminate) return;
- int step = stepDistribution(generator);//Vrednost od 1 do 100
- //Što nam omogućava da precizno definišemo šanse za različite
- //korake simulacije.
- if(step < 7){
- if(!allocationEnabled) continue;
- //Veličina za alokaciju koja je umnožak 4096.
- u32 amount = segmentSizeDistribution(generator) * 4096;
- int seg = systemMemory.allocate(id, amount);
- if(seg < 0){ //Dobijamo -1 samo ako je neko pozvao terminate dok
- //smo mi čekali.
- terminate = true;
- continue;
- }
- localTable.insert(pair<int, u32>(seg, amount));
- }else if(step >= 7 && step < 10){
- int seg = systemMemory.getRandomID(id, generator);
- if(seg == permanentSegment) continue; //Ne dozvoljavamo
- //da se oslobodi permanentni segment
- systemMemory.deallocate(id, seg);
- localTable.erase(seg);
- }else if(step >= 10 && step < 80){
- int seg = systemMemory.getRandomID(id, generator);
- uniform_int_distribution<u32> sd(0, localTable[seg] - 1);
- u32 logicalAddress = sd(generator);
-, seg, logicalAddress);
- }else if(step >= 80 && step < 101){
- int seg = systemMemory.getRandomID(id, generator);
- uniform_int_distribution<u32> sd(0, localTable[seg] - 1);
- uniform_int_distribution<int> dd(-1000000, 1000000);
- u32 logicalAddress = sd(generator);
- int data = dd(generator);
- systemMemory.write(id, seg, logicalAddress, data);
- }
- else{
- cerr << "Impossible step value" << endl;
- exit(3);
- }
- cadh.processStatusMessage(id, localTable.size());
- this_thread::sleep_for(stepInterval);
- }
- }
- void doTerminate(){
- terminate = true;
- }
- private:
- int id;
- Diagnostics& cadh;
- default_random_engine generator;
- SystemMemory& systemMemory;
- map<int, u32> localTable;
- uniform_int_distribution<int> segmentSizeDistribution;
- uniform_int_distribution<int> stepDistribution;
- bool terminate;
- };
- //Nit koja omogućava da se proces izvršava
- void processRunner(Process& p){
- }
- void inputRunner(Diagnostics& d){
- d.runInput();
- }
- void outputRunner(Diagnostics& d){
- d.runOutput();
- }
- //Globalni pokazivači da bi mogli da pristupimo ključnim strukturama programa iz
- //Obrađivača signala.
- SystemMemory* pMem = NULL;
- Process* processes = NULL;
- //Obrađivač signala koji se poziva kada se pritisne CTRL+C
- void intHandler(int sig){
- cout << "Terminating all threads... " << endl;
- if(pMem == NULL) exit(10);
- if(processes == NULL) exit(11);
- pMem->terminate();
- for(int i = 0; i < PROCESSES;i++){
- processes[i].doTerminate();
- }
- }
- void onAllocationChanged(){
- }
- void onCompactionChanged(){
- unique_lock<mutex> l(mCompaction);
- cvCompaction.notify_one();
- }
- void onTypeChanged(){
- }
- void onLRUChanged(){
- }
- void compactionRunner(SystemMemory& sysmem){
- sysmem.compactionRunner();
- }
- int main(int argc, char** argv){
- bool visual = true;
- if(argc == 2){
- if(argv[1][0] == 't'){
- visual = false;
- }
- }
- Diagnostics d(visual);
- SystemMemory mem(MEMORY_CAPACITY, d);
- pMem = &mem;
- signal(SIGINT, intHandler);
- IDManager idm;
- thread inThread(inputRunner, ref(d));
- thread outThread(outputRunner, ref(d));
- thread compactionThread(compactionRunner, ref(mem));
- compactionThread.detach();
- inThread.detach();
- outThread.detach();
- Process processList[PROCESSES] {Process(idm, mem, d), Process(idm, mem, d), Process(idm, mem, d), Process(idm, mem, d)};
- thread threadList[PROCESSES];
- for(int i = 0; i < PROCESSES;i++){
- threadList[i] = thread(processRunner, ref(processList[i]));
- }
- processes = processList;
- for(int i = 0; i < PROCESSES;i++){
- threadList[i].join();
- }
- return 0;
- }
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