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- #!/bin/sh
- # OpenVAS
- # $Id$
- # Description: Script for checking completeness and readiness
- # of OpenVAS.
- #
- # Authors:
- # Jan-Oliver Wagner <>
- # Michael Wiegand <>
- #
- # Copyright:
- # Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Greenbone Networks GmbH
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
- # or at your option any later version, as published by the
- # Free Software Foundation
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
- LOG=/tmp/openvas-check-setup.log
- if [ "$1" = "--server" -o "$2" = "--server" ]
- then
- MODE="server"
- else
- MODE="desktop"
- fi
- # Current default is OpenVAS-8:
- VER="8"
- if [ "$1" = "--v9" -o "$2" = "--v9" ]
- then
- VER="9"
- elif [ "$1" = "--v8" -o "$2" = "--v8" ]
- then
- VER="8"
- elif [ "$1" = "--v7" -o "$2" = "--v7" ]
- then
- VER="7"
- elif [ "$1" = "--v6" -o "$2" = "--v6" ]
- then
- VER="6"
- fi
- echo "openvas-check-setup $CHECKVERSION"
- echo " Test completeness and readiness of OpenVAS-$VER"
- if [ "$VER" = "8" ]
- then
- echo " (add '--v6' or '--v7' or '--v9'"
- echo " if you want to check for another OpenVAS version)"
- fi
- echo ""
- echo " Please report us any non-detected problems and"
- echo " help us to improve this check routine:"
- echo ""
- echo ""
- echo " Send us the log-file ($LOG) to help analyze the problem."
- echo ""
- if [ "$MODE" = "desktop" ]
- then
- echo " Use the parameter --server to skip checks for client tools"
- echo " like GSD and OpenVAS-CLI."
- echo ""
- fi
- log_and_print ()
- {
- echo " " $1
- echo " " $1 >> $LOG
- }
- check_failed ()
- {
- echo ""
- echo " ERROR: Your OpenVAS-$VER installation is not yet complete!"
- echo ""
- echo "Please follow the instructions marked with FIX above and run this"
- echo "script again."
- echo ""
- echo "If you think this result is wrong, please report your observation"
- echo "and help us to improve this check routine:"
- echo ""
- echo "Please attach the log-file ($LOG) to help us analyze the problem."
- echo ""
- exit 1
- }
- # LOG start
- echo "openvas-check-setup $CHECKVERSION" > $LOG
- echo " Mode: $MODE" >> $LOG
- echo " Date: " `date -R` >> $LOG
- echo "" >> $LOG
- echo "Step 1: Checking OpenVAS Scanner ... "
- echo "Checking for old OpenVAS Scanner <= 2.0 ..." >> $LOG
- openvasd -V >> $LOG 2>&1
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: Old version of OpenVAS Scanner detected."
- log_and_print "FIX: Please remove the installation of the old OpenVAS Scanner (openvasd)."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- echo "Checking presence of OpenVAS Scanner ..." >> $LOG
- openvassd --version >> $LOG 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS Scanner (openvassd) found."
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Scanner."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- echo "Checking OpenVAS Scanner version ..." >> $LOG
- VERSION=`openvassd --version 2>>$LOG | head -1 | sed -e "s/OpenVAS Scanner //"`
- if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$SCANNER_MAJOR\.$SCANNER_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Scanner too old or too new: $VERSION"
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Scanner $SCANNER_MAJOR.$SCANNER_MINOR."
- log_and_print "HINT: Please see the --v6/7/8/9 command line options to check other major versions."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner is present in version $VERSION."
- openvassd -s >> $LOG 2>&1
- echo "Checking OpenVAS Scanner CA cert ..." >> $LOG
- CAFILE=`openvassd -s 2>>$LOG | grep ca_file | sed -e "s/^ca_file = //"`
- if [ ! -e $CAFILE ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No CA certificate file of OpenVAS Scanner found."
- if [ "$VER" -ge 9 ]
- then
- log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvas-manage-certs -a'."
- else
- log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvas-mkcert'."
- fi
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner CA Certificate is present as $CAFILE."
- if [ "$VER" -ge 8 ]
- then
- echo "Checking presence of redis ..." >> $LOG
- BINARY=`redis-server --version`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No redis-server installation found."
- log_and_print "FIX: You should install redis-server for improved scalability and ability to trace/debug the KB"
- check_failed
- else
- VERSION=`redis-server --version | awk '{ print $4 }'`
- if [ `echo $VERSION | grep sha` ]
- then
- VERSION=`redis-server --version | awk '{ print $3 }'`
- fi
- log_and_print "OK: redis-server is present in version $VERSION."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- if [ $HAVE_REDIS -eq 1 ]
- then
- echo "Checking if redis-server is configured properly to run with openVAS ..." >> $LOG
- REDISSOCKET=`openvassd -s 2>>$LOG | grep kb_location | sed -e "s/^kb_location = //"`
- if [ -z "$REDISSOCKET" ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: scanner is not configured to use a redis-server socket."
- log_and_print "FIX: Configure the kb_location setting of the scanner to the path of the redis-server socket."
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "OK: scanner (kb_location setting) is configured properly using the redis-server socket: $REDISSOCKET"
- echo "Checking if redis-server is running ..." >> $LOG
- if [ -e $REDISSOCKET ]
- then
- log_and_print "OK: redis-server is running and listening on socket: $REDISSOCKET."
- else
- log_and_print "ERROR: redis-server is not running or not listening on socket: $REDISSOCKET"
- log_and_print "FIX: You should start the redis-server or configure it to listen on socket: $REDISSOCKET"
- check_failed
- fi
- fi
- log_and_print "OK: redis-server configuration is OK and redis-server is running."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- fi
- echo "Checking NVT collection ..." >> $LOG
- PLUGINSFOLDER=`openvassd -s 2>>$LOG | grep plugins_folder | sed -e "s/^plugins_folder = //"`
- if [ ! -d $PLUGINSFOLDER ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: Directory containing the NVT collection not found."
- log_and_print "FIX: Run a NVT synchronization script like openvas-nvt-sync or greenbone-nvt-sync."
- check_failed
- fi
- OLDPLUGINSFOLDER=`echo "$PLUGINSFOLDER" | grep -q -v "/var/" 2>&1`
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- then
- CONFFILE=`openvassd -s 2>>$LOG | grep config_file | sed -e "s/^config_file = //"`
- log_and_print "ERROR: Your OpenVAS Scanner configuration seems to be from a pre-OpenVAS-4 installation and contains non-FHS compliant paths."
- log_and_print "FIX: Delete your OpenVAS Scanner Configuration file ($CONFFILE)."
- check_failed
- fi
- NVTCOUNT=`find $PLUGINSFOLDER -name "*nasl" | wc -l`
- if [ $NVTCOUNT -lt 10 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: The NVT collection is very small."
- log_and_print "FIX: Run a synchronization script like openvas-nvt-sync or greenbone-nvt-sync."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: NVT collection in $PLUGINSFOLDER contains $NVTCOUNT NVTs."
- echo "Checking status of signature checking in OpenVAS Scanner ..." >> $LOG
- NOSIGCHECK=`openvassd -s 2>>$LOG | grep nasl_no_signature_check | sed -e "s/^nasl_no_signature_check = //"`
- if [ $NOSIGCHECK != "no" ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Signature checking of NVTs is not enabled in OpenVAS Scanner."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Enable signature checking (see"
- else
- log_and_print "OK: Signature checking of NVTs is enabled in OpenVAS Scanner."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- CACHEFOLDER=`openvassd -s 2>>$LOG | grep cache_folder | sed -e "s/^cache_folder = //"`
- CACHECOUNT=`find $CACHEFOLDER -name "*nvti" | wc -l`
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: The initial NVT cache has not yet been generated."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Start OpenVAS Scanner for the first time to generate the cache."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: The NVT cache in $CACHEFOLDER contains $CACHECOUNT files for $NVTCOUNT NVTs."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- echo "Step 2: Checking OpenVAS Manager ... "
- echo "Checking presence of OpenVAS Manager ..." >> $LOG
- openvasmd --version >> $LOG 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS Manager (openvasmd) found."
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Manager."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- VERSION=`openvasmd --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/OpenVAS Manager //"`
- if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$MANAGER_MAJOR\.$MANAGER_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Manager too old or too new: $VERSION"
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Manager $MANAGER_MAJOR.$MANAGER_MINOR."
- log_and_print "HINT: Please see the --v6/7/8/9 command line options to check other major versions."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager is present in version $VERSION."
- echo "Checking OpenVAS Manager client certificate ..." >> $LOG
- CERTDIR=`dirname $CAFILE`
- CLIENTCERTFILE="$CERTDIR/clientcert.pem"
- if [ ! -e $CLIENTCERTFILE ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No client certificate file of OpenVAS Manager found."
- if [ $VER -ge 9 ]
- then
- log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvas-manage-certs -a'."
- elif [ $VER -ge 7 ]
- then
- log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvas-mkcert-client -n -i'"
- else
- log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvas-mkcert-client -n om -i'"
- fi
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager client certificate is present as $CLIENTCERTFILE."
- echo "Checking OpenVAS Manager database ..." >> $LOG
- # Guess openvas state dir from $PLUGINSFOLDER
- TASKSDB="$STATEDIR/mgr/tasks.db"
- if [ ! -e $TASKSDB ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS Manager database found. (Tried: $TASKSDB)"
- log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvasmd --rebuild' while OpenVAS Scanner is running."
- OPENVASSD_RUNNING=`ps -Af | grep "openvassd: [Ww]aiting for incoming connections" | grep -v grep | wc -l`
- if [ $OPENVASSD_RUNNING -eq 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Scanner is NOT running!" ;
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Start OpenVAS Scanner (openvassd)." ;
- fi
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager database found in $TASKSDB."
- echo "Checking access rights of OpenVAS Manager database ..." >> $LOG
- TASKSDBPERMS=`stat -c "%a" "$TASKSDB"`
- if [ "$TASKSDBPERMS" != "600" ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: The access rights of the OpenVAS Manager database are incorrect."
- log_and_print "FIX: Run 'chmod 600 $TASKSDB'."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: Access rights for the OpenVAS Manager database are correct."
- echo "Checking sqlite3 presence ..." >> $LOG
- SQLITE3=`type sqlite3 2> /dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find sqlite3 binary, extended manager checks of the OpenVAS Manager installation are disabled."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install sqlite3."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: sqlite3 found, extended checks of the OpenVAS Manager installation enabled."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- if [ $HAVE_SQLITE -eq 1 ]
- then
- echo "Checking OpenVAS Manager database revision ..." >> $LOG
- TASKSDBREV=`sqlite3 $TASKSDB "select value from meta where name='database_version';"`
- if [ -z $TASKSDBREV ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: Could not determine database revision, database corrupt or in invalid format."
- log_and_print "FIX: Delete database at $TASKSDB and rebuild it."
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager database is at revision $TASKSDBREV."
- fi
- echo "Checking database revision expected by OpenVAS Manager ..." >> $LOG
- MANAGERDBREV=`openvasmd --version | grep "Manager DB revision" | sed -e "s/.*\ //"`
- if [ -z $MANAGERDBREV ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: Could not determine database revision expected by OpenVAS Manager."
- log_and_print "FIX: Ensure OpenVAS Manager is installed correctly."
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager expects database at revision $MANAGERDBREV."
- fi
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: Database schema is out of date."
- log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvasmd --migrate'."
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "OK: Database schema is up to date."
- fi
- echo "Checking OpenVAS Manager database (NVT data) ..." >> $LOG
- DBNVTCOUNT=`sqlite3 $TASKSDB "select count(*) from nvts;"`
- if [ $DBNVTCOUNT -lt 20000 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: The number of NVTs in the OpenVAS Manager database is too low."
- log_and_print "FIX: Make sure OpenVAS Scanner is running with an up-to-date NVT collection and run 'openvasmd --rebuild'."
- OPENVASSD_RUNNING=`ps -Af | grep "openvassd: [Ww]aiting for incoming connections" | grep -v grep | wc -l`
- if [ $OPENVASSD_RUNNING -eq 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Scanner is NOT running!" ;
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Start OpenVAS Scanner (openvassd)." ;
- fi
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager database contains information about $DBNVTCOUNT NVTs."
- fi
- fi
- then
- echo "Checking if users exist ..." >> $LOG
- if [ $VER != "7" ]
- then
- USERCOUNT=`openvasmd --get-users | sed -e "/^$/d" | wc -l`
- else
- USERCOUNT=`openvasmd --list-users | sed -e "/^$/d" | wc -l`
- fi
- if [ $USERCOUNT -eq 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No users found. You need to create at least one user to log in."
- log_and_print " It is recommended to have at least one user with role Admin."
- log_and_print "FIX: create a user by running 'openvasmd --create-user=<name> --role=Admin && openvasmd --user=<name> --new-password=<password>'"
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "OK: At least one user exists."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- fi
- # TODO: Do a check for presence of at least one Admin user.
- echo "Checking OpenVAS SCAP database ..." >> $LOG
- # Guess openvas state dir from $PLUGINSFOLDER
- SCAPDB="$STATEDIR/scap-data/scap.db"
- if [ ! -e $SCAPDB ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS SCAP database found. (Tried: $SCAPDB)"
- log_and_print "FIX: Run a SCAP synchronization script like openvas-scapdata-sync or greenbone-scapdata-sync."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS SCAP database found in $SCAPDB."
- if [ "$VER" -ge 6 ]
- then
- echo "Checking OpenVAS CERT database ..." >> $LOG
- # Guess openvas state dir from $PLUGINSFOLDER
- CERTDB="$STATEDIR/cert-data/cert.db"
- if [ ! -e $CERTDB ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS CERT database found. (Tried: $CERTDB)"
- log_and_print "FIX: Run a CERT synchronization script like openvas-certdata-sync or greenbone-certdata-sync."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS CERT database found in $CERTDB."
- fi
- echo "Checking xsltproc presence ..." >> $LOG
- XSLTPROC=`type xsltproc 2> /dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find xsltproc binary, most report formats will not work."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install xsltproc."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: xsltproc found."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- if [ $ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR != "0" ]
- then
- echo "Step 3: Checking OpenVAS Administrator ... "
- echo "Checking presence of OpenVAS Administrator ..." >> $LOG
- openvasad --version >> $LOG 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS Administrator (openvasad) found."
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Administrator."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- VERSION=`openvasad --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/OpenVAS Administrator //"`
- if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR\.$ADMINISTRATOR_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Administrator too old or too new: $VERSION"
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Administrator $ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR.$ADMINISTRATOR_MINOR."
- log_and_print "HINT: Please see the --v6/7/8/9 command line options to check other major versions."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Administrator is present in version $VERSION."
- echo "Checking if users exist ..." >> $LOG
- USERCOUNT=`openvasad -c "list_users" | sed -e "/^$/d" | wc -l`
- if [ $USERCOUNT -eq 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No users found. You need to create at least one user to log in."
- log_and_print " It is recommended to have at least one user with role Admin."
- log_and_print "FIX: Create a user using 'openvasad -c 'add_user' -n <name> --role=Admin'"
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "OK: At least one user exists."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- echo "Checking if at least one admin user exists ..." >> $LOG
- ADMINEXISTS=`ls $STATEDIR/users/*/isadmin 2> /dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No admin user found. You need to create at least one admin user to log in."
- log_and_print "FIX: Create a user using 'openvasad -c 'add_user' -n <name> -r Admin'"
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "OK: At least one admin user exists."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- else
- echo "Step 3: Checking user configuration ... "
- # TODO: Here we need new tests for presense of user and admin. Possibly based
- # on sqlite3 calls (which in turn means to check for sqlite3 which isn't a runtime
- # requirement for OpenVAS).
- fi
- if [ $VER -ge 6 ]
- then
- echo "Checking status of password policy ..." >> $LOG
- CONFFILE=`openvassd -s 2>>$LOG | grep config_file | sed -e "s/^config_file = //"`
- grep -v "^[#]" $CONFDIR/pwpolicy.conf | grep -v "^$" > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Your password policy is empty."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Edit the $CONFDIR/pwpolicy.conf file to set a password policy."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: The password policy file at $CONFDIR/pwpolicy.conf contains entries."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- fi
- echo "Step 4: Checking Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) ... "
- echo "Checking presence of Greenbone Security Assistant ..." >> $LOG
- gsad --version >> $LOG 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No Greenbone Security Assistant (gsad) found."
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install Greenbone Security Assistant."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- VERSION=`gsad --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/Greenbone Security Assistant //"`
- if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$GSA_MAJOR\.$GSA_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: Greenbone Security Assistant too old or too new: $VERSION"
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install Greenbone Security Assistant $GSA_MAJOR.$GSA_MINOR."
- log_and_print "HINT: Please see the --v6/7/8/9 command line options to check other major versions."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is present in version $VERSION."
- echo "Step 5: Checking OpenVAS CLI ... "
- if [ "$MODE" != "server" ]
- then
- echo "Checking presence of OpenVAS CLI ..." >> $LOG
- omp --version >> $LOG 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS CLI (omp) found."
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS CLI."
- log_and_print "HINT: Please see the --server command line option to skip this check."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- VERSION=`omp --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/OMP Command Line Interface //"`
- if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$CLI_MAJOR\.$CLI_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS CLI too old or too new: $VERSION"
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS CLI $CLI_MAJOR.$CLI_MINOR."
- log_and_print "HINT: Please see the --v6/7/8/9 command line options to check other major versions."
- check_failed
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS CLI version $VERSION."
- else
- log_and_print "SKIP: Skipping check for OpenVAS CLI."
- fi
- echo "Step 6: Checking Greenbone Security Desktop (GSD) ... "
- if [ "$MODE" != "server" -a "$VER" -le 6 ]
- then
- echo "Checking presence of Greenbone Security Desktop ..." >> $LOG
- DISPLAY=fake gsd --version >> $LOG 2>&1
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- if [ "$VER" -ge 6 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: No Greenbone Security Desktop (gsd) found or too old."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Please install Greenbone Security Desktop $GSD_MAJOR.$GSD_MINOR."
- else
- log_and_print "ERROR: No Greenbone Security Desktop (gsd) found or too old."
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install Greenbone Security Desktop $GSD_MAJOR.$GSD_MINOR."
- check_failed
- fi
- log_and_print "SKIP: Skipping further check for Greenbone Security Desktop."
- else
- echo "" >> $LOG
- VERSION=`gsd --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/Greenbone Security Desktop //"`
- if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$GSD_MAJOR\.$GSD_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ]
- then
- if [ $VER -lt "6" ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: Greenbone Security Desktop too old or too new: $VERSION"
- log_and_print "FIX: Please install Greenbone Security Desktop $GSD_MAJOR.$GSD_MINOR."
- log_and_print "HINT: Please see the --v6/7/8/9 command line options to check other major versions."
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "WARNING: Greenbone Security Desktop too old or too new: $VERSION"
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Please install Greenbone Security Desktop $GSD_MAJOR.$GSD_MINOR."
- log_and_print "HINT: Please see the --v6/7/8/9 command line options to check other major versions."
- fi
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- log_and_print "OK: Greenbone Security Desktop is present in Version $VERSION."
- fi
- else
- log_and_print "SKIP: Skipping check for Greenbone Security Desktop."
- fi
- echo "Step 7: Checking if OpenVAS services are up and running ... "
- echo "Checking netstat presence ..." >> $LOG
- NETSTAT=`type netstat 2> /dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find netstat binary, checks of the OpenVAS services are disabled."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install netstat."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: netstat found, extended checks of the OpenVAS services enabled."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- if [ $HAVE_NETSTAT -eq 1 ]
- then
- netstat -A inet -A inet6 -ntlp 2> /dev/null >> $LOG
- OPENVASSD_HOST=`netstat -A inet -A inet6 -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvassd | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: 'sub(FS $NF,x)'`
- OPENVASSD_PORT=`netstat -A inet -A inet6 -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvassd | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $NF}'`
- OPENVASMD_HOST=`netstat -A inet -A inet6 -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvasmd | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: 'sub(FS $NF,x)'`
- OPENVASMD_PORT=`netstat -A inet -A inet6 -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvasmd | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $NF}'`
- OPENVASAD_HOST=`netstat -A inet -A inet6 -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvasad | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: 'sub(FS $NF,x)'`
- OPENVASAD_PORT=`netstat -A inet -A inet6 -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvasad | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $NF}'`
- GSAD_HOST=`netstat -A inet -A inet6 -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep gsad | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: 'sub(FS $NF,x)'`
- GSAD_PORT=`netstat -A inet -A inet6 -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep gsad | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | tail -1`
- case "$OPENVASSD_HOST" in
- ""|"::") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner is running and listening on all interfaces." ;;
- "") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner is running and listening only on the local interface." ;;
- "") OPENVASSD_PROC=`ps -Af | grep "openvassd: waiting for incoming connections" | grep -v grep | wc -l`
- if [ $OPENVASSD_PROC -eq 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Scanner is NOT running!" ;
- log_and_print "FIX: Start OpenVAS Scanner (openvassd)." ;
- else
- log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Scanner seems to be run by another user!" ;
- log_and_print "FIX: If intended this is OK (e.g. as root). But we can not determine the port." ;
- log_and_print "FIX: You might face subsequent problems if not intended." ;
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- -1) ;;
- 9391) log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner is listening on port 9391, which is the default port." ;;
- *) log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Scanner is listening on port $OPENVASSD_PORT, which is NOT the default port!"
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure OpenVAS Scanner is listening on port 9391." ;;
- esac
- case "$OPENVASMD_HOST" in
- ""|"::") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager is running and listening on all interfaces." ;;
- "") log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Manager is running and listening only on the local interface."
- log_and_print "This means that you will not be able to access the OpenVAS Manager from the"
- log_and_print "outside using GSD or OpenVAS CLI."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure that OpenVAS Manager listens on all interfaces unless you want"
- log_and_print "a local service only." ;;
- "") log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Manager is NOT running!"
- log_and_print "FIX: Start OpenVAS Manager (openvasmd)."
- esac
- -1) ;;
- 9390) log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager is listening on port 9390, which is the default port." ;;
- *) log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Manager is listening on port $OPENVASMD_PORT, which is NOT the default port!"
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure OpenVAS Manager is listening on port 9390." ;;
- esac
- if [ $ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR != "0" ]
- then
- case "$OPENVASAD_HOST" in
- "") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Administrator is running and listening on all interfaces." ;;
- "") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Administrator is running and listening only on the local interface." ;;
- "") log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Administrator is NOT running!"
- log_and_print "FIX: Start OpenVAS Administrator (openvasad)."
- esac
- -1) ;;
- 9393) log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Administrator is listening on port 9393, which is the default port." ;;
- *) log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Administrator is listening on port $OPENVASAD_PORT, which is NOT the default port!"
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure OpenVAS Administrator is listening on port 9393." ;;
- esac
- else
- OPENVASAD_PORT=1; # to make this not a failure because we do not need openvasad at all
- fi
- case "$GSAD_HOST" in
- ""|"::") log_and_print "OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is running and listening on all interfaces." ;;
- "") log_and_print "WARNING: Greenbone Security Assistant is running and listening only on the local interface."
- log_and_print "This means that you will not be able to access the Greenbone Security Assistant from the"
- log_and_print "outside using a web browser."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure that Greenbone Security Assistant listens on all interfaces." ;;
- "") log_and_print "ERROR: Greenbone Security Assistant is NOT running!"
- log_and_print "FIX: Start Greenbone Security Assistant (gsad)."
- GSAD_PORT=-1 ;;
- esac
- case $GSAD_PORT in
- -1) ;;
- 80|443|9392) log_and_print "OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is listening on port $GSAD_PORT, which is the default port." ;;
- *) log_and_print "WARNING: Greenbone Security Assistant is listening on port $GSAD_PORT, which is NOT the default port!"
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure Greenbone Security Assistant is listening on one of the following ports: 80, 443, 9392." ;;
- esac
- if [ $OPENVASSD_PORT -eq -1 ] || [ $OPENVASMD_PORT -eq -1 ] || [ $OPENVASAD_PORT -eq -1 ] || [ $GSAD_PORT -eq -1 ]
- then
- check_failed
- fi
- fi
- echo "Step 8: Checking nmap installation ..."
- echo "Checking presence of nmap ..." >> $LOG
- VERSION=`nmap --version | awk '/Nmap version/ { print $3 }'`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: No nmap installation found."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: You should install nmap for comprehensive network scanning (see"
- else
- if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "5\.51" | wc -l` -ne "1" ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Your version of nmap is not fully supported: $VERSION"
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: You should install nmap 5.51 if you plan to use the nmap NSE NVTs."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: nmap is present in version $VERSION."
- fi
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- echo "Step 10: Checking presence of optional tools ..."
- echo "Checking presence of pdflatex ..." >> $LOG
- PDFLATEX=`type pdflatex 2> /dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find pdflatex binary, the PDF report format will not work."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install pdflatex."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: pdflatex found."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- if [ $HAVE_PDFLATEX -eq 1 ]
- then
- echo "Checking presence of LaTeX packages required for PDF report generation ..." >> $LOG
- PDFTMPDIR=`mktemp -d -t openvas-check-setup-tmp.XXXXXXXXXX`
- cat <<EOT > $TEXFILE
- \documentclass{article}
- \pagestyle{empty}
- %\usepackage{color}
- \usepackage{tabularx}
- \usepackage{geometry}
- \usepackage{comment}
- \usepackage{longtable}
- \usepackage{titlesec}
- \usepackage{chngpage}
- \usepackage{calc}
- \usepackage{url}
- \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
- \DeclareUnicodeCharacter {135}{{\textascii ?}}
- \DeclareUnicodeCharacter {129}{{\textascii ?}}
- \DeclareUnicodeCharacter {128}{{\textascii ?}}
- \usepackage{colortbl}
- % must come last
- \usepackage{hyperref}
- \definecolor{linkblue}{rgb}{0.11,0.56,1}
- \definecolor{inactive}{rgb}{0.56,0.56,0.56}
- \definecolor{openvas_debug}{rgb}{0.78,0.78,0.78}
- \definecolor{openvas_false_positive}{rgb}{0.2275,0.2275,0.2275}
- \definecolor{openvas_log}{rgb}{0.2275,0.2275,0.2275}
- \definecolor{openvas_hole}{rgb}{0.7960,0.1137,0.0902}
- \definecolor{openvas_note}{rgb}{0.3255,0.6157,0.7961}
- \definecolor{openvas_report}{rgb}{0.68,0.74,0.88}
- \definecolor{openvas_user_note}{rgb}{1.0,1.0,0.5625}
- \definecolor{openvas_user_override}{rgb}{1.0,1.0,0.5625}
- \definecolor{openvas_warning}{rgb}{0.9764,0.6235,0.1922}
- \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,linkcolor=linkblue,urlcolor=blue,bookmarks=true,bookmarksopen=true}
- \usepackage[all]{hypcap}
- %\geometry{verbose,a4paper,tmargin=24mm,bottom=24mm}
- \geometry{verbose,a4paper}
- \setlength{\parskip}{\smallskipamount}
- \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
- \title{PDF Report Test}
- \pagestyle{headings}
- \pagenumbering{arabic}
- \begin{document}
- This is a test of the PDF generation capabilities of your OpenVAS installation. Please ignore.
- \end{document}
- pdflatex -interaction batchmode -output-directory $PDFTMPDIR $TEXFILE > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ ! -f "$PDFTMPDIR/test.pdf" ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: PDF generation failed, most likely due to missing LaTeX packages. The PDF report format will not work."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install required LaTeX packages."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: PDF generation successful. The PDF report format is likely to work."
- fi
- if [ -f "$PDFTMPDIR/test.log" ]
- then
- cat $PDFTMPDIR/test.log >> $LOG
- fi
- rm -rf $PDFTMPDIR
- fi
- echo "Checking presence of ssh-keygen ..." >> $LOG
- SSHKEYGEN=`type ssh-keygen 2> /dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find ssh-keygen binary, LSC credential generation for GNU/Linux targets will not work."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install ssh-keygen."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: ssh-keygen found, LSC credential generation for GNU/Linux targets is likely to work."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- if [ $HAVE_SSHKEYGEN -eq 1 ]
- then
- echo "Checking presence of rpm ..." >> $LOG
- RPM=`type rpm 2> /dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find rpm binary, LSC credential package generation for RPM and DEB based targets will not work."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install rpm."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: rpm found, LSC credential package generation for RPM based targets is likely to work."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- if [ $HAVE_RPM -eq 1 ]
- then
- echo "Checking presence of alien ..." >> $LOG
- ALIEN=`type alien 2> /dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find alien binary, LSC credential package generation for DEB based targets will not work."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install alien."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: alien found, LSC credential package generation for DEB based targets is likely to work."
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- fi
- fi
- echo "Checking presence of nsis ..." >> $LOG
- NSIS=`type makensis 2> /dev/null`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find makensis binary, LSC credential package generation for Microsoft Windows targets will not work."
- log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install nsis."
- else
- log_and_print "OK: nsis found, LSC credential package generation for Microsoft Windows targets is likely to work."
- fi
- echo "Checking for SELinux ..." >> $LOG
- selinux=`getenforce 2>/dev/null`
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- then
- if [ $selinux != "Disabled" ]
- then
- log_and_print "ERROR: SELinux is enabled. For a working OpenVAS installation you need to disable it."
- log_and_print "FIX: Please disable SELinux."
- check_failed
- else
- log_and_print "OK: SELinux is disabled."
- fi
- fi
- echo "" >> $LOG
- echo ""
- echo "It seems like your OpenVAS-$VER installation is OK."
- echo ""
- echo "If you think it is not OK, please report your observation"
- echo "and help us to improve this check routine:"
- echo ""
- echo "Please attach the log-file ($LOG) to help us analyze the problem."
- echo ""
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