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- 1 # /usr/bin/zsh
- 2
- 3 Sun Sep 2 03:25:16 EDT 2018
- 4 NOTE:
- 5
- 6 #!/bin/bash
- 7 ####################################
- 8 # #
- 9 # START #
- 10 # g0ne_@p0stal #
- 11 # #
- 12 # #
- 13 ####################################
- 14
- 15 #+ ITS_ URL Video DL: batch version 1.0
- 16 #* Batch list part of program
- 17
- 18 # Dimensions
- 19 height=200
- 20 width=500
- 21
- 22 # Numerical batch list's
- 23 yad --height=$height --width=$width --title "Numerical Answer batch#.list" --entry > /tmp/batch#.$$
- 24 _number=`cat /tmp/batch#.$$`
- 25
- 26 # Batch list
- 27 batch_list=batch$_number.list
- 28
- 29 # Main CMD Variables
- 30 cmd_1=$(zenity --width=$width --height=$height --title "Add URL's To Batch List" --text "v1ral_ITS Download, batch verson" --forms --add-entry "URL:" --forms --add-entry "URL:" --add-entry "URL:" --add-entry "URL:" --add-entry "URL:" --add-entry "URL:" --add-entry "URL:" --add-entry "URL:" --separator='|')
- 31
- 32 # Start Main Dialog Program
- 33 #+ ITS_
- 34 echo "$cmd_1" | sed -e "s/|/\n/g" \
- 35 | tee -a /home/v1ral/$batch_list
- 36
- 37 # Finish
- 38 /home/v1ral/bin/ITS && sign
- 39
- 40 # Clean and exit
- 41 exit $?
- 42
- 43 _________________________________________________
- 44
- 45
- 46 #!/bin/bash
- 47 ####################################
- 48 # #
- 49 # START #
- 50 # g0ne_@p0stal #
- 51 # #
- 52 # #
- 53 ####################################
- 54
- 55 #+ ITS_ URL Video DL: batch version 1.0
- 56 #* Batch download part of program
- 57
- 58 needed_tool='youtube-dl yad kdialog ffmpeg'
- 59 require_tools ()
- 60 {
- 61 local NOT_AVAIL=""
- 62 for TOOL in $needed_tool; do
- 63 if [ "`which $TOOL 2> /dev/null`" == "" ]; then NOT_AVAIL="$NOT_AVAIL $TOOL"; fi
- 64 done
- 65 if [[ "$NOT_AVAIL" != "" ]]; then
- 66 echo "ERROR: The following required tool(s) cannot be found: $NOT_AVAIL"
- 67 exit 3
- 68 fi
- 69 }
- 70
- 71 # Check If Package Downloaded
- 72 require_tools
- 73
- 74 # Dimensions
- 75 height=200
- 76 width=500
- 77
- 78 # Numerical batch list's
- 79 yad --height=$height --width=$width --title "Numerical Answer batch#.list" --entry > /tmp/batch#.$$
- 80 _number=`cat /tmp/batch#.$$`
- 81
- 82 # Download Of Files Location
- 83 cd "$(yad --title "Change Directory To Download Destination" --file-selection --directory)"
- 84
- 85 # Batch list
- 86 batch_list=batch$_number.list
- 87
- 88 # Start Program Here
- 89 time youtube-dl --ignore-config --hls-prefer-native --add-metadata -i -c --yes-playlist --external-downloader aria2c -a $HOME/$batch_list | pv -tpeba -s 100M
- 90 ding
- 91
- 92 # Cleanup
- 93 rm $HOME/$batch_list
- 94
- 95 # Exit
- 96 exit $?
- 97
- 98
- 99 ---------------------------------------------
- 100
- 101
- 102 Sun Sep 2 06:38:02 EDT 2018
- 103 NOTE:
- 104
- 106 [ Workshops ] [ R_&_BioC ] [ BioC-Seq ] [ R_Programming ] [ EMBOSS ] [ Linux ] [ Cluster ]
- 107 Author: Thomas Girke, UC Riverside
- 108 New version of this manual
- 109
- 110 Index
- 112 BASICS
- 130 Why UNIX?
- 131 Multitasking
- 132 Remote tasking ("real networking")
- 133 Multiuser
- 134 Access to shell, programming languages, databases, open-source projects
- 135 Better performance, less expensive (free), more up-to-date
- 136 Many more reasons
- 137 How to get access
- 138 Installation on local machine (not required!!!)
- 139 Get account on server:
- 140 email
- 141 requirements for Windows and Mac OS X:
- 142 UNIX variants
- 143 UNIX: Solaris, IRIX, HP-UX, Tru64-UNIX, Free's, LINUX, ...
- 144 LINUX distributions
- 145 RedHat, Debian, Mandrake, Caldera, Slackware, SuSE, ...
- 146
- 147 BASICS
- 148 Syntax for this manual
- 149 Remember the UNIX/LINUX command line is case sensitive!
- 150 "$" indicates start of command
- 151 "#" indicates end of command and start of comment
- 152 The text in green or red monospace font represents the actual command. The "$" and "#" symbols are not part of it. The commands in red emphasize essential information for beginners.
- 153 "<...>" or "my_..." refers to variables and file names that need to be specified by the user. The arrows "<...>" need to be excluded, because they are generic UNIX redirection functions!
- 154 Login from Windows:
- 155 open PuTTY and select ssh
- 156 provide host name (IP) and session name
- 157
- 158 $ user name: ...
- 159 $ password: ...
- 160 Setup for graphics emulation
- 161 WinSCP for file exchange
- 162 Login from Mac OS-X or LINUX
- 163 open terminal and type:
- 164
- 165 $ ssh <user_name>@<host name(IP)>
- 166 $ user name: ...
- 167 $ password: ...
- 168 Changing password:
- 169 $ passwd # follow instructions
- 170 Orientation
- 171 $ pwd # present working directory
- 172 $ ls # content of pwd
- 173 $ ll # similar as ls, but provides additional info on files and directories
- 174 $ ll -a # includes hidden files (.name) as well
- 175 $ ll -R # lists subdirectories recursively
- 176 $ ll -t # lists files in chronological order
- 177 $ stat <file_name> # provides all attributes of a file
- 178 $ whoami # shows as who you are logged in
- 179 $ hostname # shows on which machine you are
- 180 Files and directories
- 181 $ mkdir <dir_name> # creates specified directory
- 182 $ cd <dir_name> # switches into specified directory
- 183 $ cd .. # moves one directory up
- 184 $ cd ../../ # moves two directories up (and so on)
- 185 $ cd # brings you to highest level of your home directory
- 186 $ rmdir <dir_name> # removes empty directory
- 187 $ rm <file_name> # removes file name
- 188 $ rm -r <dir_name> # removes directory including its content, but asks for confirmation, 'f' argument turns confirmation off
- 189 $ mv <name1> <name2> # renames directories or files
- 190 $ mv <name> <path> # moves file/directory as specified in path
- 191 $ cp <name> <path> # copy file/directory as specified in path (-r to include content in directories)
- 192 Copy and paste
- 193 Depends on local environment. Usually one of the following methods works:
- 194
- 195 Copy: Ctrl&Shift&c or right/middle mouse click
- 196 Paste: Ctrl&Shift&p or right/middle mouse click
- 197 Handy shortcuts
- 198 $ . # refers to pwd
- 199 $ ~/ # refers to user's home directory
- 200 $ history # shows all commands you have used recently
- 201 $ !<number> # starts an old command by providing its ID number
- 202 $ up(down)_key # scrolls through command history
- 203 $ <incomplete path/file_name> TAB # completes path/file_name
- 204 $ <incomplete command> SHIFT&TAB # completes command
- 205 $ Ctrl a # cursor to beginning of command line
- 206 $ Ctrl e # cursor to end of command line
- 207 $ Ctrl d # delete character under cursor
- 208 $ Ctrl k # delete line from cursor, content goes into kill buffer
- 209 $ Ctrl y # paste content from Ctrl k
- 210
- 212 $ man # general help
- 213 $ man wc # manual on program 'word count' wc
- 214 $ wc --help # short help on wc
- 215 $ info wc # more detailed information system (GNU)
- 216 $ apropos wc # retrieves pages where wc appears
- 217 Online help: SuperMan Pages, Linux Documentation Project (LDP)
- 218
- 220 Finding files, directories and applications
- 221 $ find -name "*pattern*" # searches for *pattern* in and below current directory
- 222 $ find /usr/local -name "*blast*" # finds file names *blast* in specfied directory
- 223 $ find /usr/local -iname "*blast*" # same as above, but case insensitive
- 224 additional useful arguments: -user <user name>, -group <group name>, -ctime <number of days ago changed>
- 225 $ find ~ -type f -mtime -2 # finds all files you have modified in the last two days
- 226 $ locate <pattern> # finds files and dirs that are written into update file
- 227 $ which <application_name> # location of application
- 228 $ whereis <application_name> # searches for executeables in set of directories
- 229 $ dpkg -l | grep mypattern # find Debian packages and refine search with grep pattern
- 230 Finding things in files
- 231 $ grep pattern file # provides lines in 'file' where pattern 'appears', if pattern is shell function use single-quotes: '>'
- 232 $ grep -H pattern # -H prints out file name in front of pattern
- 233 $ grep 'pattern' file | wc # pipes lines with pattern into word count wc (see chapter 8); wc arguments: -c: show only bytes, -w: show only words, -l: show only lines; help on regular expressions: $ man 7 regex or man perlre
- 234 $ find /home/my_dir -name '*.txt' | xargs grep -c ^.* # counts line numbers on many files and records each count along with individual file name; find and xargs are used to circumvent the Linux wildcard limit to apply this function on thousands of files.
- 235
- 237 How does it work
- 238 $ ls -al # shows something like this for each file/dir: drwxrwxrwx
- 239 d: directory
- 240 rwx: read write execute
- 241 first triplet: user permissions (u)
- 242 second triplet: group permissions (g)
- 243 third triplet: world permissions (o)
- 244 To assign write and execute permissions to user and group:
- 245 $ chmod ug+rx my_file
- 246 To remove all permissions from all three user groups:
- 247 $ chmod ugo-rwx my_file
- 248 '+' causes the permissions selected to be added
- 249 '-' causes them to be removed
- 250 '=' causes them to be the only permissions that the file has.
- 251 Example for number system:
- 252 $ chmod +rx public_html/ or $ chmod 755 public_html/
- 253 Change ownership
- 254 $ chown <user> <file or dir> # changes user ownership
- 255 $ chgrp <group> <file or dir> # changes group ownership
- 256 $ chown <user>:<group> <file or dir> # changes user & group ownership
- 257
- 259 $ df # disk space
- 260 $ free # memory info
- 261 $ uname -a # shows tech info about machine
- 262 $ bc # command-line calculator (to exit type 'quit')
- 263 $ wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.... # file download from web
- 264 $ /sbin/ifconfig # give IP and other network info
- 265 $ ln -s original_filename new_filename # creates symbolic link to file or directory
- 266 $ du -sh # displays disk space usage of current directory
- 267 $ du -sh * # displays disk space usage of individual files/directories
- 268 $ du -s * | sort -nr # shows disk space used by different directories/files sorted by size
- 269
- 271 $ who # shows who is logged into system
- 272 $ w # shows which users are logged into system and what they are doing
- 273 $ ps # shows processes running by user
- 274 $ ps -e # shows all processes on system; try also '-a' and '-x' arguments
- 275 $ ps aux | grep <user_name> # shows all processes of one user
- 276 $ top # view top consumers of memory and CPU
- 277 $ mtop # displays multicomputer/CPU processes
- 278 $ Ctrl z <enter> bg or fg <enter> # suspends a process to bring into back- or foreground
- 279 $ Ctrl c # stops an initiated process
- 280 $ kill <ps_ID> # Kills specified job; if this doesn't do it, add -9 as argument. Also, type <%1> then <CTRL C>.
- 281 $ renice -n <priority_value> # change priority value, which range from 1-19, the higher the value the lower the priority, default is 10
- 282
- 284 $ less <my_file> # more versatile text viewer than 'more', 'G' moves to end of text, 'g' to beginning, '/' find forward, '?' find backwards
- 285 $ more <my_file> # views text, use space bar to browse, hit 'q' to exit
- 286 $ cat <my_file> # concatenates files and prints content to standard output
- 287
- 289 VI and VIM
- 290 Non-graphical (terminal-based) editor. Vi is guaranteed to be available on any system. Vim is the improved version of vi.
- 291 EMACS
- 292 Window-based editor. You still need to know keystroke commands to use it. Installed on all Linux distributions and on most other Unix systems.
- 293 XEMACS
- 294 More sophisticated version of emacs, but usually not installed by default. All common commands are available from menus. Very powerful editor, with built-in syntax checking, Web-browsing, news-reading, manual-page browsing, etc.
- 295 PICO
- 296 Simple terminal-based editor available on most versions of Unix. Uses keystroke commands, but they are listed in logical fashion at bottom of screen.
- 297 VIM MANUAL (essentials marked in red)
- 298 BASICS
- 299 $ vim my_file_name # open/create file with vim
- 300 $ i # INSERT MODE
- 302 $ : # commands start with ':'
- 303 $ :w # save command; if you are in editing mode you have to hit ESC first!!
- 304 $ :q # quit file, don't save
- 305 $ :q! # exits WITHOUT saving any changes you have made
- 306 $ :wq # save and quit
- 307 $ R # replace MODE
- 308 $ r # replace only one character under cursor
- 309 $ q: # history of commands (from NORMAL MODE!), to reexecute one of them, select and hit enter!
- 310 $ :w new_filename # saves into new file
- 311 $ :#,#w new_filename # saves specific lines (#,#) to new file
- 312 $ :# go to specified line number
- 313 HELP
- 314 $ Useful list of vim commands: Vim Commands Cheat Sheet, VimCard, Vim Basics
- 315 $ vimtutor # open vim tutorial from shell
- 316 $ :help # opens help within vim, hit :q to get back to your file
- 317 $ :help <topic> # opens help on specified topic
- 318 $ |help_topic| CTRL-] # when you are in help this command opens help topic specified between |...|, CTRL-t brings you back to last topic
- 319 $ :help <topic> CTRL-D # gives list of help topics that contain key word
- 320 $ : <up-down keys> # like in shell you get recent commands!!!!
- 322 $ $ # moves cursor to end of line
- 323 $ A # same as $, but switches to insert mode
- 324 $ 0 (zero) # moves cursor to beginning of line
- 325 $ CTRL-g # shows at status line filename and the line you are on
- 326 $ SHIFT-G # brings you to bottom of file, type line number (isn't displayed) then SHIFT-G # brings you to specified line#
- 329 $ :set nowrap # no word wrapping, :set wrap # back to wrapping
- 330 $ :set number # shows line numbers, :set nonumber # back to no-number mode
- 332 $ vim *.txt # opens many files at once; ':n' switches between files
- 333 $ :wall or :qall # write or quit all open files
- 334 $ vim -o *.txt # opens many files at once and displays them with horizontal split, '-O' does vertical split
- 335 $ :args *.txt # places all the relevant files in the argument list $ :all # splits all files in the argument list (buffer) horizontally $ CTRL-w # switch between windows
- 336 $ :split # shows same file in two windows
- 337 $ :split <file-to-open> # opens second file in new window
- 338 $ :vsplit # splits windows vertically, very useful for tables, ":set scrollbind" let's you scroll all open windows symultaneously
- 339 $ :close # closes current window
- 340 $ :only # closes all windows except current one
- 341 SPELL CHECKING & Dictionary
- 342 $ aspell -c <file> # shell command
- 343 $ aspell -l <my_file> # shell command
- 344 $ :! dict <word> # meaning of word
- 345 $ :! wn 'word' -over # synonyms of word
- 347 $ :ha # prints entire file
- 348 $ :#,#ha # prints specified lines: #,#
- 350 $ :r <filename> # inserts content of specified file after cursor
- 352 $ u # undo last command
- 353 $ U # undo all changes on current line
- 354 $ CTRL-R # redo one change which was undone
- 355 DELETION/CUT (switch to NORMAL mode)
- 356 $ x # deletes what is under cursor
- 357 $ dw # deletes from curser to end of word including the space
- 358 $ de # deletes from curser to end of word NOT including the space
- 359 $ cw # deletes rest of word and lets you then insert, hit ESC to continue with NORMAL mode
- 360 $ c$ # deletes rest of line and lets you then insert, hit ESC to continue with with NORMAL mode
- 361 $ d$ # deletes from cursor to the end of the line
- 362 $ dd # deletes entire line
- 363 $ 2dd # deletes next two lines, continues: 3dd, 4dd and so on.
- 364 PUT (PASTE)
- 365 $ p # uses what was deleted/cut and pastes it behind cursor
- 366 COPY & PASTE
- 367 $ yy # copies line, for copying several lines do 2yy, 3yy and so on
- 368 $ p # pastes clipboard behind cursor
- 369 SEARCH IN FILE (most regular expressions work)
- 370 $ /my_pattern # searches for my_pattern downwards, type n for next match
- 371 $ ?my_pattern # seraches for my_pattern upwards, type n for next match
- 372 $ :set ic # switches to ignore case search (case insensitive)
- 373 $ :set hls # switches to highlight search (highlights search hits)
- 374 REPLACE WITH REGULAR EXPRESSIONS (great intro: A Tao of Regular Expressions)
- 375 $ :s/old_pat/new_pat/ # replaces first occurence in a line
- 376 $ :s/old_pat/new_pat/g # replaces all occurence in a line
- 377 $ :s/old_pat/new_pat/gc # add 'c' to ask for confirmation
- 378 $ :#,#s/old_pat/new_pat/g # replaces all occurence between line numbers: #,#
- 379 $ :%s/old_pat/new_pat/g # replaces all occurence in file
- 380 $ :%s/\(pattern1\)\(pattern2\)/\1test\2/g # regular expression to insert, you need here '\' in front of parentheses (<# Perl)
- 381 $ :%s/\(pattern.*\)/\1 my_tag/g # appends something to line containing pattern (<# .+ from Perl is .* in VIM)
- 382 $ :%s/\(pattern\)\(.*\)/\1/g # removes everything in lines after pattern
- 383 $ :%s/\(At\dg\d\d\d\d\d\.\d\)\(.*\)/\1\t\2/g # inserts tabs between At1g12345.1 and Description
- 384 $ :%s/\n/new_pattern/g #Replaces return signs
- 385 $ :%s/pattern/\r/g #Replace pattern with return signs!!
- 386 $ :%s/\(\n\)/\1\1/g # insert additional return signs
- 387 $ :%s/\(^At\dg\d\d\d\d\d.\d\t.\{-}\t.\{-}\t.\{-}\t.\{-}\t\).\{-}\t/\1/g # replaces content between 5th and 6th tab (5th column), '{-}' turns off 'greedy' behavior
- 388 $ :#,#s/\( \{-} \|\.\|\n\)/\1/g # performs simple word count in specified range of text
- 389 $ :%s/\(E\{6,\}\)/<font color="green">\1<\/font>/g # highlight pattern in html colors, here highlighting of >= 6 occurences of Es
- 390 $ :%s/\([A-Z]\)/\l\1/g # change uppercase to lowercase, '%s/\([A-Z]\)/\u\1/g' does the opposite
- 391 $ :g/my_pattern/ s/\([A-Z]\)/\l\1/g | copy $ # uses 'global' command to apply replace function only on those lines that match a certain pattern. The 'copy $' command after the pipe '|' prints all matching lines at the end of the file.
- 392 $ :args *.txt | all | argdo %s/\old_pat/new_pat/ge | update # Command 'args' places all relevant files in the argument list (buffer); 'all' displays each file in separate split window; command 'argdo' applies replacement to all files in argument list (buffer); flag 'e' is necessary to avoid stop at error messages for files with no matches; command 'update' saves all changes to files that were updated.
- 394 - place curser on (, [ or { and type % # curser moves to matching parentheses
- 396 -Convert text file to html format:
- 397 $ :runtime! syntax/2html.vim # run this command with open file in Vim
- 399 $ :!<SHELL_COMMAND> <ENTER> # executes any shell command, hit <enter> to return
- 400 $ :sh # switches window to shell, 'exit' switches back to vim
- 402 $ v # starts visual mode for selecting characters
- 403 $ V # starts visual mode for selecting lines
- 404 $ CTRL-V # starts visual mode for selecting blocks (use CTRL-q in gVim under Windows). This allows column-wise selections and operations like inserting and deleting columns. To restrict substitude commands to a column, one can select it and switch to the command-line by typing ':'. After this the substitution sytax for a selected block looks like this: '<,'>s///.
- 405 $ :set scrollbind # starts simultaneous scrolling of 'vsplitted' files. To set to horizontal binding of files, use command ':set scrollopt=hor' (after first one). Run all these commands before the ':split' command.
- 406 $ :AlignCtrl I= \t then :%Align # This allows to align tables by column separators (here '\t') when the Align utility from Charles Campbell's is installed.
- 407 To sort table rows by selected lines or block, perform the visual select and then hit F3 key. The rest is interactive. To enable this function one has to include in the .vimrc file from Gerald Lai the Vim sort script.
- 408 MODIFY VIM SETTINGS (in file .vimrc)
- 409 - see last chapter of vimtutor (start from shell)
- 410 - useful .vimrc sample
- 411 - when vim starts to respond very slowly then one may need to delete the .viminf* files in home directory
- 412
- 414 When you log into UNIX/LINUX the system starts a program called SHELL. It provides you with a working environment and interface to the operating system. Usually there are many different shell programs installed.
- 415 $ finger <user_name> # shows which shell you are using
- 416 $ chsh -l # gives list of shell programs available on your system (does not work on all UNIX variants)
- 417 $ <shell_name> # switches to different shell
- 419 By default, many UNIX commands read from standard input (STDIN) and send their output to standard out (STDOUT). You can redirect them by using the following commands:
- 420 $ file* # * is wildcard to specify many files
- 421 $ ls > file # prints ls output into specified file
- 422 $ command < my_file # uses file after '<' as STDIN
- 423 $ command >> my_file # appends output of one command to file
- 424 $ command | tee my_file # writes STDOUT to file and prints it to screen; alternative way to do this:
- 425 $ command > my_file; cat my_file
- 426 $ command > /dev/null # turns off progress info of applications by redirecting their output to /dev/null
- 427 $ grep my_pattern my_file | wc # Pipes (|) output of 'grep' into 'wc'
- 428 $ grep my_pattern my_non_existing_file 2 > my_stderr # prints STDERR to file
- 429 Useful shell commands
- 430 $ cat <file1> <file2> > <cat.out> # concatenate files in output file 'cat.out'
- 431 $ paste <file1> <file2> > <paste.out> # merges lines of files and separates them by tabs (useful for tables)
- 432 $ cmp <file1> <file2> # tells you whether two files are identical
- 433 $ diff <fileA> <fileB> # finds differences between two files
- 434 $ head -<number> <file> # prints first lines of a file
- 435 $ tail -<number> <file> # prints last lines of a file
- 436 $ split -l <number> <file> # splits lines of file into many smaller ones
- 437 $ csplit -f out fasta_batch "%^>%" "/^>/" "{*}" # splits fasta batch file into many files at '>'
- 438 $ sort <file> # sorts single file, many files and can merge (-m) them, -b ignores leading white space, ...
- 439 $ sort -k 2,2 -k 3,3n input_file > output_file # sorts in table column 2 alphabetically and column 3 numerically, '-k' for column, '-n' for numeric
- 440 $ sort input_file | uniq > output_file # uniq command removes duplicates and creates file/table with unique lines/fields
- 441 $ join -1 1 -2 1 <table1> <table2> # joins two tables based on specified column numbers (-1 file1, 1: col1; -2: file2, col2). It assumes that join fields are sorted. If that is not the case, use the next command:
- 442 $ sort table1 > table1a; sort table2 > table2a; join -a 1 -t "`echo -e '\t'`" table1a table2a > table3 # '-a <table>' prints all lines of specified table! Default prints only all lines the two tables have in common. '-t "`echo -e '\t'`" ->' forces join to use tabs as field separator in its output. Default is space(s)!!!
- 443 $ cat my_table | cut -d , -f1-3 # cut command prints only specified sections of a table, -d specifies here comma as column separator (tab is default), -f specifies column numbers.
- 444 $ grep and egrep # see chapter 4
- 445
- 447 Useful One-Liners (script download)
- 448 $ for i in *.input; do mv $i ${i/name\.old/name\.new}; done # renames file name.old to
- 449 - To test things first, insert 'echo' between 'do mv' (above).
- 450 $ for i in *.input; do ./application $i; done # runs application in loops on many input files
- 451 $ for i in *.input; do fastacmd -d /data/../database_name -i $i > $i.out; done # runs fastacmd in loops on many *.input files and creates *.out files
- 452 $ for i in *.pep; do target99 -db /usr/../database_name -seed $i -out $i; done # runs SAM's target99 on many input files
- 453 $ for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do grep -iH <my_pattern> *$j.seq; done # searches in > 10,000 files for pattern and prints occurences together with file names.
- 454 $ for i in *.pep; do echo -e "$i\n\n17\n33\n\n\n" | ./tmpred $i > $i.out; done # example of how to run an interactive application (tmpred) that asks for file name input/output
- 455 $ for i in *.fasta1; do blast2 -p blastp -i $i -j ${i/_*fasta1/_*fasta2} >> my_out_file; done # runs BLAST2 for all *.fasa1/*.fasta2 file pairs in the order specified by file names and writes results into one file. This example uses two variables in a for loop. The content of the second variable gets specified in each loop by a replace function.
- 456 $ for i in *.fasta; do for j in *.fasta; do blast2 -p blastp -F F -i $i -j $j >> my_out_file; done; done; # runs BLAST2 in all-against-all mode and writes results into one file; '-F F' turns low-complexity filter off
- 457 How to write a script
- 458 - create file which contains in first line:
- 459 #!/bin/bash
- 460 - place shell commands in file
- 461 - run <chmod +x my_shell_script> to make it executable
- 462 - run shell script like this: ./my_shell_script
- 463 - when you place it into /usr/local/bin you only type its name from any user account
- 464
- 466 Useful One-Liners
- 467 $ perl -p -i -w -e 's/pattern1/pattern2/g' input_file # replace something (e.g. return signs) in file using regular expressions; use $1 to backreference to pattern placed in parentheses
- 468 '-p' lets perl know to write program; '-i.bak' creates backup file *.bak, only -i doesn't; '-w' turns on warnings; '-e' executeable code follows
- 469 $ perl -ne 'print if (/my_pattern1/ ? ($c=1) : (--$c > 0)) ; print if (/my_pattern2/ ? ($d = 1) : (--$d > 0))' my_infile > my_outfile # parses lines that contain pattern1 and pattern2
- 470 following lines after pattern can be specified in '$c=1' and '$d=1'; for OR function use this syntax: '/(pattern1|pattern2)/'
- 471
- 473 WGET (file download from the www)
- 474 $ wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.... # file download from www; add option '-r' to download entire directories
- 475 SCP (secure copy between machines)
- 476 General syntax
- 477 $ scp source target # Use form 'userid@machine_name' if your local and remote user ids are differnt. If they are the same you can use only 'machine_name'.
- 478
- 479 Examples
- 480 Copy file from Server to Local Machine (type from local machine prompt):
- 481 $ scp . # '.' copies to pwd, you can specify here any directory, use wildcards to copy many files at once.
- 482 Copy file from Local Machine to Server:
- 483 $ scp user@remote_host:~/dir/
- 484 Copy entire directory from Server to Local Machine (type from local machine prompt):
- 485 $ scp -r user@remote_host:directory/ ~/dir
- 486 Copy entire directory from Local Machine to Server (type from local machine prompt):
- 487 $ scp -r directory/ user@remote_host:directory/
- 488 Copy between two remote hosts (e.g. from bioinfo to cache):
- 489 similar as above, just be logged in one of the remote hosts:
- 490 $ scp -r directory/ user@remote_host:directory/
- 491 NICE FTP
- 492 $ open ncftp
- 493 $ ncftp> open
- 494 $ ncftp> cd /blast/executables
- 495 $ ncftp> get blast.linux.tar.Z (skip extension: @)
- 496 $ ncftp> bye
- 497
- 499 Archiving and compressing
- 500 $ tar -cvf my_file.tar mydir/ # Builds tar archive of files or directories. For directories, execute command in parent directory. Don't use absolute path.
- 501 $ tar -czvf my_file.tgz mydir/ # Builds tar archive with compression of files or directories. For directories, execute command in parent directory. Don't use absolute path.
- 502 Viewing Archives
- 503 $ tar -tvf my_file.tar
- 504 $ tar -tzvf my_file.tgz
- 505 Extracting
- 506 $ tar -xvf my_file.tar
- 507 $ tar -xzvf my_file.tgz
- 508 $ gunzip my_file.tar.gz # or unzip, uncompress my_file.Z, or bunzip2 for file.tar.bz2
- 509 $ find -name '*.zip' | xargs -n 1 unzip # this command usually works for unziping many files that were compressed under Windows
- 510 try also:
- 511 $ tar zxf blast.linux.tar.Z
- 512 $ tar xvzf file.tgz
- 513 options:
- 514 f: use archive file
- 515 p: preserve permissions
- 516 v: list files processed
- 517 x: exclude files listed in FILE
- 518 z: filter the archive through gzip
- 519
- 521 Systems-wide installations
- 522 Installations for systems-wide usage are the responsibility of system administrator
- 523 To find out if an application is installed, type:
- 524 $ which <application_name>
- 525 $ whereis <application_name> # searches for executeables in set of directories, doesn't depend on your path
- 526 Most applications are installed in /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin. You need root permissions to write to these directories.
- 527 Perl scripts go into /usr/local/bin, Perl modules (*.pm) into /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.0/. To copy executables in one batch, use command: cp `find -perm -111 -type f` /usr/local/bin
- 528 Applications in user accounts
- 529 Create a new directory, download application into this directory, unpack it (see chapter 13) and follow package-specific installation instructions.
- 530 Usually you can then already run this application when you specify its location e.g.: /home/user/my_app/blastall.
- 531 If you want you can add this directory to your PATH by typing from this directory:
- 532 $ PATH=.:$PATH; export PATH # this allows you to run application by providing only its name; when you do echo $PATH you will see .: added to PATH.
- 533 Intstallation of RPMs
- 534 $ rpm -i application_name.rpm
- 535 To check which version of RPM package is installed, type:
- 536 $ rpm --query <package_name>
- 537 Help and upgrade files for RPMs can be found at
- 538 Installation of Debian packages
- 539 Check whether your application is available at:, then you type (no download):
- 540 $ apt-cache search phylip #searches for application "phylip" from command line
- 541 $ apt-cache show phylip #provides description of program
- 542 $ apt-get install phylip # example for phylip install, manuals can be found in /usr/doc/phylip/, use zless or lynx to read documentation (don't unzip).
- 543 $ apt-get update # do once a month do update Debian packages
- 544 $ apt-get upgrade -u # to upgrade after update from above
- 545 $ dpkg -i # install data package from local package file (e.g. after download)
- 546 $ aptitude # Debian package manageing interface (Ctrl-t opens menues)
- 547 $ aptitude search vim # search for packages on system and in Debian depositories
- 548
- 550 Mount/unmount usb/floppy/cdrom
- 551 $ mount /media/usb
- 552 $ umount /media/usb
- 553 $ mount /media/cdrom
- 554 $ eject /media/cdrom
- 555 $ mount /media/floppy
- 556
- 558 $ xhost user@host # adds X permissions for user on server.
- 559 $ echo DISPLAY # shows current display settings
- 560 $ export (setenv) DISPLAY=<local_IP>:0 # change environment variable
- 561 $ unsetenv DISPLAY # removes display variable
- 562 $ printenv # prints all environment variables
- 563 $ $PATH # list of directories that the shell will search when you type a command
- 564 - You can edit your default DISPLAY setting for your account by adding it to file .bash_profile.
- 565
- 567 Exercise 1
- 568 Download proteome of Halobacterium spec. from (use wget or web browser for download)
- 569 How many predicted proteins are there?
- 570 $ grep '>' AE004437.faa | wc
- 571 How many proteins contain the pattern "WxHxxH[1-2]"?
- 572 $ egrep 'W.H..H{1,2}' AE004437.faa | wc
- 573 Use the find function (/) in 'less' to fish out the proteins containing this pattern or more elegantly do it with awk:
- 574 $ awk --posix -v RS='>' '/W.H..(H){1,2}/ { print ">" $0;}' AE004437.faa | less
- 575 Create a BLASTable database with formatdb
- 576 $ formatdb -i AE004437.faa -p T -o T
- 577 '-p F' for nucleotide and '-p T' for protein databases
- 578 Generate list of sequence IDs for above pattern match result and retrieve its sequences with fastacmd from formatted database
- 579 $ fastacmd -d AE004437.faa -i my_IDs > seq
- 580 Generate several lists of sequence IDs from various pattern match results and retrieve their sequences in one step using the fastacmd in for loop
- 581 $ for i in *.my_ids; do fastacmd -d AE004437.faa -i $i > $i.out; done
- 582 Run blastall with a few proteins against newly created database or against Halobacterium or UniProt database (/data/UNIPROT/blast/uniprot)
- 583 $ blastall -p blastp -i input.file -d AE004437.faa -o blastp.out -e 1e-6 -v 10 -b 10 &
- 584 Parse blastall output into Excel spread sheet:
- 585 a) using biocore parser
- 586 $ blastParse -c <hits> -i <blast.out> -o <blast.parse>
- 587 b) using BioPerl parser
- 588 $ blast.out
- 589 Run HMMPFAM search with above proteins against Pfam database
- 590 $ hmmpfam -E 0.1 --acc -A0 /data/PFAM/Pfam_ls input.file > output.pfam
- 591 Parse result with BioPerl parser
- 592 $ hmmSummary output.pfam > hmm.summary
- 593 Exercise 2
- 594 Split sample fasta batch file with csplit (use sequence file from exercise 1).
- 595 Concatenate single fasta files from (1) to one batch file.
- 596 BLAST two related sequences, retrieve the result in table format and use join to identify common hit IDs in the two tables.
- 597 Exercise 3
- 598 write a shell script that executes several BLAST searches at once:
- 599 #!/bin/sh
- 600 blastall -p blastp -d /.../my_database -i /.../my_input -o my_out -e 1e-6 -v 10 -b 10 &
- 601 blastall -p blastp -d /.../my_database -i /.../my_input -o my_out -e 1e-6 -v 10 -b 10 &
- 602 Exercise 4
- 603 Create multiple alignment with ClustalW (e.g. use sequences with 'W.H..HH' pattern)
- 604 $ clustalw my_fasta_batch
- 605 Exercise 5
- 606 Reformat alignment into PHYILIP format using 'seqret' from EMBOSS
- 607 $ seqret clustal::my_align.aln phylip::my_align.phylip
- 608 Exercise 6
- 609 Create neighbor-joining tree with PHYLIP
- 610 $ cp my_align.phylip infile
- 611 $ phylip protdist # creates distance matrix
- 612 $ cp outfile infile
- 613 $ phylip neighbor # use default settings
- 614 $ cp outtree intree
- 615 $ phylip retree # displays tree and can use midpoint method for defining root of tree, my typical command sequence is: 'N' 'Y' 'M' 'W' 'R' 'R' 'X'
- 616 $ cp outtree my_tree.dnd
- 617 View your tree in TreeBrowse or open it in TreeView
- 618
- 619 ---------------------------------------------
- 620
- 621 prompt () {
- 622 local -a prompt_opts theme_active
- 623 zstyle -g theme_active :prompt-theme cleanup || {
- 624 [[ -o promptbang ]] && prompt_opts+=(bang)
- 625 [[ -o promptcr ]] && prompt_opts+=(cr)
- 626 [[ -o promptpercent ]] && prompt_opts+=(percent)
- 627 [[ -o promptsp ]] && prompt_opts+=(sp)
- 628 [[ -o promptsubst ]] && prompt_opts+=(subst)
- 629 zstyle -e :prompt-theme cleanup 'zstyle -d :prompt-theme cleanup;' 'prompt_default_setup;' ${PS1+PS1="${(q)PS1}"} ${PS2+PS2="${(q)PS2}"} ${PS3+PS3="${(q)PS3}"} ${PS4+PS4="${(q)PS4}"} ${RPS1+RPS1="${(q)RPS1}"} ${RPS2+RPS2="${(q)RPS2}"} ${RPROMPT+RPROMPT="${(q)RPROMPT}"} ${RPROMPT2+RPROMPT2="${(q)RPROMPT2}"} ${PSVAR+PSVAR="${(q)PSVAR}"} "precmd_functions=(${(q)precmd_functions[@]})" "preexec_functions=(${(q)preexec_functions[@]})" "prompt_opts=( ${prompt_opts[*]} )" 'reply=(yes)'
- 630 }
- 631 set_prompt "$@"
- 632 (( ${#prompt_opts} )) && setopt noprompt{bang,cr,percent,sp,subst} "prompt${^prompt_opts[@]}"
- 633 true
- 634 }
- 635 clippaste () {
- 636 emulate -L zsh
- 637 if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]
- 638 then
- 639 pbpaste
- 640 elif [[ $OSTYPE == cygwin* ]]
- 641 then
- 642 cat /dev/clipboard
- 643 else
- 644 if (( $+commands[xclip] ))
- 645 then
- 646 xclip -out -selection clipboard
- 647 elif (( $+commands[xsel] ))
- 648 then
- 649 xsel --clipboard --output
- 650 else
- 651 print "clipcopy: Platform $OSTYPE not supported or xclip/xsel not installed" >&2
- 652 return 1
- 653 fi
- 654 fi
- 655 }
- 656
- 657 Sun Sep 2 12:50:36 EDT 2018
- 658 NOTE:
- 659
- 660 In the example below we will print the numbers 1 through to 10:
- 661
- 662
- 663 #!/bin/bash
- 664 # Basic while loop
- 665 counter=1
- 666 while [ $counter -le 10 ]
- 667 do
- 668 echo $counter
- 669 ((counter++))
- 670 done
- 671 echo All done
- 672
- 673
- 674 Let's break it down:
- 675
- 676
- 677
- 678 ---------------------------------------------
- 679
- 680
- 681 For Loops
- 682 The for loop is a little bit different to the previous two loops. What it does is say for each of the items in a given list, perform the given set of commands. It has the following syntax.
- 683
- 684 for var in <list>
- 685 do
- 686 <commands>
- 687 done
- 688
- 689 The for loop will take each item in the list (in order, one after the other), assign that item as the value of the variable var, execute the commands between do and done then go back to the top, grab the next item in the list and repeat over.
- 690
- 691 The list is defined as a series of strings, separated by spaces.
- 692
- 693 Here is a simple example to illustrate:
- 694
- 695
- 696 #!/bin/bash
- 697 # Basic for loop
- 698 names='Stan Kyle Cartman'
- 699 for name in $names
- 700 do
- 701 echo $name
- 702 done
- 703 echo All done
- 704 Let's break it down:
- 705
- 706 Line 4 - Create a simple list which is a series of names.
- 707 Line 6 - For each of the items in the list $names assign the item to the variable $name and do the following commands.
- 708 Line 8 - echo the name to the screen just to show that the mechanism works. We can have as many commands here as we like.
- 709 Line 11 - echo another command to show that the bash script continued execution as normal after all the items in the list were processed.
- 710 ./
- 711 Stan
- 712 Kyle
- 713 Cartman
- 714 All done
- 715 Ranges
- 716 We can also process a series of numbers
- 717
- 718
- 719 #!/bin/bash
- 720 # Basic range in for loop
- 721 for value in {1..5}
- 722 do
- 723 echo $value
- 724 done
- 725 echo All done
- 726 Line 4 - It's important when specifying a range like this that there are no spaces present between the curly brackts { }. If there are then it will not be seen as a range but as a list of items.
- 727 ./
- 728 1
- 729 2
- 730 3
- 731 4
- 732 5
- 733 All done
- 734 When specifying a range you may specify any number you like for both the starting value and ending value. The first value may also be larger than the second in which case it will count down.
- 735
- 736 It is also possible to specify a value to increase or decrease by each time. You do this by adding another two dots ( .. ) and the value to step by.
- 737
- 738
- 739 #!/bin/bash
- 740 # Basic range with steps for loop
- 741 for value in {10..0..2}
- 742 do
- 743 echo $value
- 744 done
- 745 echo All done
- 746 ./
- 747 10
- 748 8
- 749 6
- 750 4
- 751 2
- 752 0
- 753 All done
- 754 One of the more useful applications of for loops is in the processing of a set of files. To do this we may use wildcards. Let's say we want to convert a series of .html files over to .php files.
- 755
- 756
- 757 #!/bin/bash
- 758 # Make a php copy of any html files
- 759 for value in $1/*.html
- 760 do
- 761 cp $value $1/$( basename -s .html $value ).php
- 762 done
- 763 Controlling Loops: Break and Continue
- 764 Most of the time your loops are going to through in a smooth and ordely manner. Sometimes however we may need to intervene and alter their running slightly. There are two statements we may issue to do this.
- 765
- 766 Break
- 767 The break statement tells Bash to leave the loop straight away. It may be that there is a normal situation that should cause the loop to end but there are also exceptional situations in which it should end as well. For instance, maybe we are copying files but if the free disk space get's below a certain level we should stop copying.
- 768
- 769
- 770 #!/bin/bash
- 771 # Make a backup set of files
- 772 for value in $1/*
- 773 do
- 774 used=$( df $1 | tail -1 | awk '{ print $5 }' | sed 's/%//' )
- 775 if [ $used -gt 90 ]
- 776 then
- 777 echo Low disk space 1>&2
- 778 break
- 779 fi
- 780 cp $value $1/backup/
- 781 done
- 782 Continue
- 783 The continue statement tells Bash to stop running through this iteration of the loop and begin the next iteration. Sometimes there are circumstances that stop us from going any further. For instance, maybe we are using the loop to process a series of files but if we happen upon a file which we don't have the read permission for we should not try to process it.
- 784
- 785
- 786 #!/bin/bash
- 787 # Make a backup set of files
- 788 for value in $1/*
- 789 do
- 790 if [ ! -r $value ]
- 791 then
- 792 echo $value not readable 1>&2
- 793 continue
- 794 fi
- 795 cp $value $1/backup/
- 796 done
- 797 Select
- 798 The select mechanism allows you to create a simple menu system. It has the following format:
- 799
- 800 select var in <list>
- 801 do
- 802 <commands>
- 803 done
- 804
- 805 When invoked it will take all the items in list (similar to other loops this is a space separated set of items) and present them on the screen with a number before each item. A prompt will be printed after this allowing the user to select a number. When they select a number and hit enter the corresponding item will be assigned to the variable var and the commands between do and done are run. Once finished a prompt will be displayed again so the user may select another option.
- 806
- 807 A few points to note:
- 808
- 809 No error checking is done. If the user enters something other than a number or a number not corresponding to an item then var becomes null (empty)
- 810 If the user hits enter without entering any data then the list of options will be displayed again.
- 811 The loop will end when an EOF signal is entered or the break statement is issued.
- 812 You may change the system variable PS3 to change the prompt that is displayed.
- 813 Here is a simple example to illustrate it's usage:
- 814
- 815
- 816 #!/bin/bash
- 817 # A simple menu system
- 818 names='Kyle Cartman Stan Quit'
- 819 PS3='Select character: '
- 820 select name in $names
- 821 do
- 822 if [ $name == 'Quit' ]
- 823 then
- 824 break
- 825 fi
- 826 echo Hello $name
- 827 done
- 828 echo Bye
- 829 Let's break it down:
- 830
- 831 Line 4 - Set up a variable with the list of characters and a last option which we may select to quit. Note that the items are separated by a space.
- 832 Line 6 - Change the value of the system variable PS3 so that the prompt is set to something a little more descriptive. (By default it is #?)
- 833 Lines 10 - 13 - If the last option, 'Quit', is selected then break out of the select loop.
- 834 Line 14 - Print out a message just to demonstrate the mechanism has worked. You may have as many commands here as you like.
- 835 Line 17 - Print a message just to show that the script has continued as normal after the select loop.
- 836 And now let's run the Bash script:
- 837
- 838 ./
- 839 1) Kyle 3) Stan
- 840 2) Cartman 4) Quit
- 841 Select character: 2
- 842 Hello Cartman
- 843 Select Character: 1
- 844 Hello Kyle
- 845 Select character: 4
- 846 Bye
- 847 Summary
- 848 while do done
- 849 Perform a set of commands while a test is true.
- 850 until do done
- 851 Perform a set of commands until a test is true.
- 852 for do done
- 853 Perform a set of commands for each item in a list.
- 854 break
- 855 Exit the currently running loop.
- 856 continue
- 857 Stop this iteration of the loop and begin the next iteration.
- 858 select do done
- 859 Display a simple menu system for selecting items from a list.
- 860 Clarity
- 861 There are several Bash loop mechanisms. Pick the one which makes your code the easiest to follow.
- 862 Planning
- 863 Now that your scripts are getting a little more complex you will probably want to spend a little bit of time thinking about how you structure them before diving in.
- 864
- 865 Tue Sep 4 20:48:34 EDT 2018
- 866 NOTE: dd compression on the fly
- 867
- 868 sudo bash -c "dd if=/dev/sda2 | gzip > /media/disk/sda2-backup-10august09.gz"
- 869 sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 | bzip2 --best > /media/disk/$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)_sda2-backup.bz2
- 870 lzma -z9ev
- 871
- 872 ---------------------------------------------
- 873
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