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- import pandas as pd
- import numpy as np
- import openpyxl as xl
- import os
- import natsort
- import glob as gb
- from openpyxl import Workbook
- import filecmp
- import time
- os.getcwd()
- file_paths_1 = {} #RS2.8
- file_paths_2 = {} #RS2.7
- check_mass = []
- #sort_nass = natsort.natsorted(nass_1, reverse=False)
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("."):
- for filename in filenames:
- if filename.endswith('2.8.xlsm'):
- if filename not in file_paths_1:
- file_paths_1[filename] = []
- file_paths_1[filename].append('./' + dirpath.partition('\\')[2] +'/')
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("."):
- for filename in filenames:
- if filename.endswith('2.7.xlsm'):
- if filename not in file_paths_2:
- file_paths_2[filename] = []
- file_paths_2[filename].append('./' + dirpath.partition('\\')[2] +'/')
- for file1, path1 in file_paths_1.items():
- check_mass.append(file1.partition('_')[0])
- print(set(check_mass))
- print(len(set(check_mass)))
- count = 0
- for fil2, path2 in file_paths_2.items():
- if fil2.partition('_')[0] in check_mass:
- print("YES")
- else:
- print("NO", fil2)
- count += 1
- print(count)
- for file, path in file_paths_1.items():
- df_main = pd.read_excel(path[0] + file, sheet_name='Лист1')
- df_main = df_main.drop(columns=df_main.iloc[:, 1:43])
- k = 1
- for p in path:
- df_temp = pd.read_excel(p + file, sheet_name='Лист1')
- df_temp = df_temp.iloc[:, 1]
- df_main = pd.concat([df_main, df_temp], axis=1)
- # print(k, p, file)
- k += 1
- for file2, path2 in file_paths_2.items():
- # print(path[0] + file)
- # print(len(path))
- k = 1
- # print(file, file2, p2, i)
- # i += 1
- if file.partition('_')[0] == file2.partition('_')[0]: # TODO if file != file2 ===>>>>> upgrade__
- # ___new df_main(path2[0] + file2, .....)___
- # ___Save files (f'output{file}.xlsx')
- for p2 in path2:
- df_temp = pd.read_excel(p2 + file2, sheet_name='Лист1')
- if p2 != './05.2020-10.2021 2.7 new/':
- df_temp = df_temp.iloc[:, 1: 38]
- else:
- df_temp = df_temp.iloc[:, 1: 16]
- print(df_temp)
- df_main = pd.concat([df_main, df_temp], axis=1)
- print(k, p, file, p2, file2)
- print(file.partition('_')[0], file2.partition('_')[0], p2)
- k += 1
- #print(file.partition('_')[0], file2.partition('_')[0], p)
- #if file.partition('_')[0] == file2.partition('_')[0]: # TODO if file != file2 ===>>>>> upgrade__
- # ___new df_main(path2[0] + file2, .....)___
- # ___Save files (f'output{file}.xlsx')
- toc = time.perf_counter()
- print('Time is: ', toc, f'for {file} ')
- writer = pd.ExcelWriter(f"{file.partition('_')[0]}.xlsx", engine='xlsxwriter',
- datetime_format="DD-MM-YYYY")
- df_main.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Лист1', index=False, header=True)
- # df_main.to_excel(f'output{file.partition(".xlsm")[0]}.xlsx', index=False, header=False, formatters={'cost':'{:,.2f}'.format})
- workbook =
- worksheet = writer.sheets['Лист1']
- format1 = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#,##0.00'})
- worksheet.set_column(1, 168, 18, format1)
- for file2, path2 in file_paths_2.items():
- if file2 not in check_mass:
- df_main = pd.read_excel(path2[0] + file2, sheet_name='Лист1')
- df_main = df_main.drop(columns=df_main.iloc[:, 1:43])
- k = 1
- for p2 in path2:
- df_temp = pd.read_excel(p2 + file2, sheet_name='Лист1')
- if p2 != './05.2020-10.2021 2.7 new/':
- df_temp = df_temp.iloc[:, 1: 38]
- else:
- df_temp = df_temp.iloc[:, 1: 16]
- df_main = pd.concat([df_main, df_temp], axis=1)
- print(k, p2, file2)
- k += 1
- # print(file.partition('_')[0], file2.partition('_')[0], p)
- # if file.partition('_')[0] == file2.partition('_')[0]: # TODO if file != file2 ===>>>>> upgrade__
- # ___new df_main(path2[0] + file2, .....)___
- # ___Save files (f'output{file}.xlsx')
- toc = time.perf_counter()
- print('Time is: ', toc, f'for {file2} ')
- writer = pd.ExcelWriter(f"{file2.partition('_')[0]}.xlsx", engine='xlsxwriter',
- datetime_format="DD-MM-YYYY")
- df_main.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Лист1', index=False, header=True)
- workbook =
- worksheet = writer.sheets['Лист1']
- format1 = workbook.add_format({'num_format': '#,##0.00'})
- worksheet.set_column(1, 168, 18, format1)
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