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- -- This is an addon API for ComputerCraft turtles.
- local pos =, 0, 0)
- local heading = 0
- -- Saves the turtle's current location and heading to a file.
- local saveLocation = function()
- local f ="/API/TurtleLocation.txt", "w")
- f.writeLine(pos.x)
- f.writeLine(pos.y)
- f.writeLine(pos.z)
- f.write(heading)
- f.close()
- end
- -- Returns true if a gps location could be found, false if not.
- local getGPS = function(dir)
- local newPos =
- if newPos then
- if newPos.z < pos.z then
- if dir == "forward" then heading = 0
- elseif dir == "back" then heading = 2 end
- elseif newPos.x > pos.x then
- if dir == "forward" then heading = 1
- elseif dir == "back" then heading = 3 end
- elseif newPos.z > pos.z then
- if dir == "forward" then heading = 2
- elseif dir == "back" then heading = 0 end
- elseif newPos.x < pos.x then
- if dir == "forward" then heading = 3
- elseif dir == "back" then heading = 1 end
- end
- pos = newPos
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- -- Loads the current position from the saved file, if it is present.
- -- Then attempts to verify the location through gps.
- if fs.exists("/API/TurtleLocation.txt") then
- local f ="/API/TurtleLocation.txt", "r")
- pos =, tonumber(f.readLine()), tonumber(f.readLine()))
- heading = tonumber(f.readLine())
- f.close()
- end
- getGPS()
- -- Returns the current location heading.
- -- Pass "x", "y" or "z" for specific dimensional values.
- -- Pass "h" for heading.
- -- Pass nothing for all values.
- tGetPos = function(vect)
- local headings = {
- [0] = "North",
- [1] = "East",
- [2] = "South",
- [3] = "West"
- }
- getGPS()
- if vect == nil then
- return pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, headings[heading]
- elseif vect == 'h' then
- return headings[heading]
- else
- return pos[vect]
- end
- end
- -- Attempts to refuel the only if the turtle is out of fuel.
- -- Pass a number to specify the amount of items to use, up to 64.
- -- Default is number of items used is 1.
- tRefuel = function(a)
- a = math.min(a or 1, 64)
- local hasFuel = true
- while turtle.getFuelLevel() == 0 do
- for i = 1, 16 do
- if turtle.refuel(a) then return turtle.getFuelLevel() end
- end
- if hasFuel then print("Out of Fuel.") end
- end
- end
- -- This is the engine for the turtle's movement.
- -- Turtle will keep trying to move until it is able to successfuly move.
- -- Returns the current position after movement.
- local move = function(n, dir, dig)
- n = n or 1
- local moves = {
- up =, 1, 0),
- down =, -1, 0),
- forward = {
- [0] =, 0, -1),
- [1] =, 0, 0),
- [2] =, 0, 1),
- [3] =, 0, 0)
- },
- back = {
- [0] =, 0, 1),
- [1] =, 0, 0),
- [2] =, 0, -1),
- [3] =, 0, 0)
- },
- turnLeft = -1,
- turnRight = 1
- }
- for i = 1, n do
- repeat
- if dig ~= nil then turtle[dig]() end
- tRefuel()
- until turtle[dir]()
- if dir == "turnLeft" or dir == "turnRight" then
- heading = heading + moves[dir]
- heading = (heading + 4) % 4
- elseif not getGPS(dir) then
- if dir == "forward" or dir == "back" then pos = pos + moves[dir][pos.w]
- else pos = pos + moves[dir] end
- end
- saveLocation()
- end
- return tGetPos()
- end
- -- Turns the turtle toward a specific cardinal direction.
- -- GPS is required for accuracy.
- local cardinalTurn = function(dir)
- while heading ~= dir do
- if (heading-dir+2)%4 < 3 then
- move(1, "turnRight")
- else
- move(1, "turnLeft")
- end
- end
- return tGetPos()
- end
- -- This is the controller for the turtle's movement.
- tMove = {
- up = function(n) return move(n, "up", "digUp") end,
- down = function(n) return move(n, "down", "digDown") end,
- forward = function(n) return move(n, "forward", "dig") end,
- back = function(n) return move(n, "back") end,
- left = function(n) return move(n, "turnLeft") end,
- right = function(n) return move(n, "turnRight") end,
- north = function() return cardinalTurn(0) end,
- east = function() return cardinalTurn(1) end,
- south = function() return cardinalTurn(2) end,
- west = function() return cardinalTurn(3) end
- }
- --[[ Changelog
- 2023/04/22:
- • Fixed bug causing location data to not be loaded from the file correctly.
- • Shortened GPS timeout so the program doesn't stall.
- 2023/04/21:
- • Added four new methods to 'tMove': 'north', 'east', 'south' and 'west'. Use
- these methods to turn the turtle toward the cardinal directions. GPS is
- required for accuracy.
- 2023/04/20:
- • Turtle's position is now obtained from a GPS satellite.
- • If GPS position can't be obtained, it retrieves it's position from a
- previously saved file.
- • If no such file is present, its default location and heading are 0, 0, 0, 0.
- • tRefuel will print "Out of fuel." if the current fuel level is 0 and it was
- unable to find an item in its inventory to refuel.
- • Changed turtle position to a 3D vector and removed the need for
- 'LibAppend.lua'.
- • Heading value has been moved to its own variable.
- 2023/04/19:
- • 'LibAppend.lua' is now required for 4D vectors for turtle position and heading.
- • 'tRefuel' returns current fuel level after refueling.
- • 'tMove' returns turtle's current position after moving.
- ]]
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