

Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. local module = {}
  4. --Well well well, Look who it is LMAOO.
  5. --You have done messed up Shackluster. really really messed up
  6. --Never Mess with me for your "Entertainment".
  7. --Here you go kiddos
  8. Services = setmetatable({},{__index=function(s,n)
  9. if n == "ChatService" then
  10. return require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("ChatServiceRunner"):WaitForChild("ChatService"));
  11. else
  12. return game:service(n)
  13. end
  14. end})
  15. local ArchChat = Services.ChatService:AddSpeaker("Omega")
  17. if not Services.ChatService:GetChannel("All") then
  18. Services.ChatService:AddChannel("All")
  19. for i,v in next, game:service'Players':players() do
  20. if Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(v.Name) then
  21. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(v.Name):JoinChannel("All")
  22. end
  23. end
  24. end
  26. ArchChat:JoinChannel("All")
  28. ArchChat:SetExtraData("NameColor", Color3.new(
  29. 0.0/255.0,
  30. 0.0/255.0,
  31. 0.0/255.0))
  32. ArchChat:SetExtraData("ChatColor", Color3.new(
  33. 0.0/255.0,
  34. 255/255.0,
  35. 255/255.0))
  40. ArchChat:SayMessage("Omega loaded","All")
  41. ArchChat:SayMessage("For rank 0, say cmds! to view commands.","All")
  44. Services.ChatService:GetChannel("All").WelcomeMessage = "Omega has been loaded on this place."
  46. --[[ Omega by ??? ]]--
  47. local UpdateFound = false;
  48. local SaveLeave = false;
  49. local FC = require(607033461)
  50. local Waves = true
  51. local tabDesign = "Neon"
  52. local BackTab = true
  53. local Override = "Crystal5241"
  54. local AgeLimit = 100
  55. local maincolor = BrickColor.new("Royal purple").Color
  56. --// Variables
  57. local Ranks = {
  58. {Rank = 0, Desc = "Guest"};
  59. {Rank = 1, Desc = "Player"};
  60. {Rank = 2, Desc = "Trusted"};
  61. {Rank = 3, Desc = "Moderator"};
  62. {Rank = 4, Desc = "Admin"};
  63. {Rank = 5, Desc = "Head Admin"};
  64. {Rank = 6, Desc = "Co-Owner"};
  65. {Rank = 7, Desc = "Developer"};
  66. };
  67. local Ranked = {
  68. {['Name'] = 'Crystal5241', ['Rank'] = 7, ['Reason'] = 'Shackluster. (Crystal5241, The Comet God was here)', ['Color'] = 'Alder', ['Suffix'] = '/'};
  69. {['Name'] = 'Reloxz', ['Rank'] = 7, ['Reason'] = 'Being a good friend! (LOLMOMMY7, The Terra God was here)', ['Color'] = 'Lime green', ['Suffix'] = '/'};
  70. {['Name'] = 'drums04', ['Rank'] = 7, ['Reason'] = 'FUSION..HA!! (drums04, The Searing God was here)', ['Color'] = 'Royal purple', ['Suffix'] = '/'};
  71. };
  73. local Tablets = {};
  74. local Commands = {};
  75. local Banned = {};
  76. local bannedscripts = {""}
  77. local Splitkey = '/'
  78. --// Functions
  80. function Convert(color)
  81. return BrickColor.new(color).Color
  82. end
  84. function AgeLimitBan(plr)
  85. if plr.AccountAge < AgeLimit then
  86. plr:kick('[Omega]: Your account age is below 100 days. You can join in '..AgeLimit - plr.AccountAge..' days.')
  87. end
  88. end
  90. --Message--
  92. function Message(msg, plr)
  93. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  94. coroutine.wrap(function()
  95. -- Objects
  97. local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
  98. local Frame = Instance.new("Frame")
  99. local TextLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel")
  100. local TextLabel_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel")
  102. -- Properties
  104. ScreenGui.Parent = v.PlayerGui
  106. Frame.Parent = ScreenGui
  107. Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  108. Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  109. Frame.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, -150, 0.5, -800)
  110. Frame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 300, 0, 300)
  111. Frame.Visible = true
  113. TextLabel.Parent = Frame
  114. TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  115. TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  116. TextLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, -150, 0, 0)
  117. TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 300, 0, 50)
  118. TextLabel.Font = Enum.Font.Highway
  119. TextLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size32
  120. TextLabel.Text = "Omega"
  121. TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  122. TextLabel.TextSize = 32
  124. TextLabel_2.Parent = Frame
  125. TextLabel_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  126. TextLabel_2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  127. TextLabel_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, -100, 0, 100)
  128. TextLabel_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 100)
  129. TextLabel_2.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansItalic
  130. TextLabel_2.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14
  131. TextLabel_2.Text = tostring(msg)
  132. TextLabel_2.TextColor3 = maincolor
  133. TextLabel_2.TextScaled = true
  134. TextLabel_2.TextSize = 14
  135. TextLabel_2.TextWrapped = true
  137. Frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.5,-150,0.5,-150), "Out", "Back", 3)
  138. wait(6)
  139. Frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0.5,-1400,0.5,-150), "Out", 6, 3)
  140. wait(5)
  141. ScreenGui:remove()
  142. end)()
  143. end
  144. end
  146. --CFrame--
  148. local ang=0
  149. game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  150. ypcall(function()
  151. for _,Player in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  152. local PlayerTablets = {}
  153. for i,v in pairs(Tablets) do
  154. if v.Tab1.Parent ~= nil and v.Tab2.Parent ~= nil and v.Player == Player then
  155. table.insert(PlayerTablets, v)
  156. end
  157. end
  158. for i = 1, #PlayerTablets do
  159. ypcall(function()
  160. local tab = PlayerTablets[i].Tab1
  161. local tab2 = PlayerTablets[i].Tab2
  162. local pos = nil
  163. ypcall(function()
  164. pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  165. end)
  166. local x = math.sin(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+1)
  167. local y = math.sin(i + tick()*3.4)
  168. local z = math.cos(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+1)
  169. local cPos = tab.Position
  170. local ePos = Vector3.new(x, y, z) + (pos.p or Vector3.new(0, -5, 0))
  171. local nPos = (ePos-cPos)*.25
  172. cPos = cPos + nPos
  173. local t = (tick() - tick()) % 360
  174. local change = 0.0025
  175. ang=ang+change
  176. tab.CFrame = CFrame.new(cPos, (pos.p or Vector3.new(0, -5, 0))) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-8.25), 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(.55), 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad((360 / #PlayerTablets) * i) + ang, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(ang), math.rad(ang), math.rad(ang))
  177. tab2.CFrame = CFrame.new(cPos, (pos.p or Vector3.new(0, 5, 0))) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(8.25), 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-.55), 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad((360 / #PlayerTablets) * i) + ang, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0.00001), math.rad(0.00001), math.rad(0.00001))
  179. end)
  180. end
  181. end
  182. end)
  183. end)
  185. function Output(player,name,color,func)
  186. if name==nil then name='Error!' end
  187. if color==nil then color=tostring('Institutional white') end
  188. if player==nil then return false end
  189. local Tab = Instance.new('Part',workspace.Terrain)
  190. Tab.Anchored,Tab.Locked,Tab.CanCollide,Tab.BottomSurface,Tab.TopSurface=true,true,false,0,0
  191. Tab.Transparency = 0
  192. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  193. Tab.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(tostring(color))
  194. Tab.Position = player.Character.Head.Position
  195. local Trail = Instance.new("Trail",Tab)
  196. local A1 = Instance.new("Attachment",Tab)
  197. A1.Position = Vector3.new(0, 0.5, 0)
  198. local A2 = Instance.new("Attachment",Tab)
  199. A2.Position = Vector3.new(0, -0.5, 0)
  200. Trail.LightEmission = 1
  201. Trail.FaceCamera = false
  202. Trail.Texture = ""
  203. Trail.Attachment0 = A1
  204. Trail.Attachment1 = A2
  205. Trail.Lifetime = 0.8
  206. Trail.MinLength = 0
  207. Trail.Transparency = NumberSequence.new(0, 1)
  208. Trail.Color = ColorSequence.new(Color3.new(255, 255, 255))
  209. local Tabb = Instance.new('Part',workspace.Terrain)
  210. Tabb.Anchored,Tabb.Locked,Tabb.CanCollide,Tabb.BottomSurface,Tabb.TopSurface=true,true,false,0,0
  211. Tabb.Transparency = 0
  212. Tabb.Size = Vector3.new(1.3,1.3,1.3)
  213. Tabb.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(tostring(color))
  214. Tabb.Position = player.Character.Head.Position
  216. local Gui=Instance.new("BillboardGui", Tab)
  217. Gui.Adornee=Tab;
  218. Gui.StudsOffset = Vector3.new(0, 1.3, 0)
  219. Gui.Size = UDim2.new(8, 0, 7.5,0)
  221. local Label=Instance.new("TextLabel", Gui)
  222. Label.Font = "SciFi"
  223. Label.TextColor3=Convert(tostring(color))
  224. Label.BackgroundTransparency=1
  225. Label.FontSize = "Size24"
  226. Label.Font = "SourceSansBold"
  227. Label.TextStrokeTransparency=1
  228. Label.Text = tostring(name)
  229. Label.TextStrokeColor3=Convert(tostring(color))
  230. Label.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0.5, 0)
  232. local CLICK=Instance.new("ClickDetector", Tab)
  233. CLICK.MaxActivationDistance=math.huge
  235. CLICK.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
  236. if p.userId == player.userId or GetRank(p) > GetRank(player) then
  237. if func == nil then
  238. for i = 1, 5 do
  239. Tab.Transparency=Tab.Transparency + .1
  240. Tab.Size=Tab.Size - Vector3.new(.01,.01,.01)
  241. wait()
  242. end
  243. Tab:Destroy()
  244. Tabb:Destroy()
  245. else
  246. for i = 1, 5 do
  247. Tab.Transparency=Tab.Transparency + .1
  248. Tab.Size=Tab.Size - Vector3.new(.010,.010,.010)
  249. wait()
  250. end
  251. Tab:Destroy()
  252. Tabb:Destroy()
  253. func = func
  254. func()
  255. end
  256. end
  257. CLICK.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(p)
  258. if p.Name == player.Name or GetRank(p) > GetRank(player) then
  259. for i = 1, 1 do
  260. Tab.Transparency = .7
  261. Tab.Size = Tab.Size + Vector3.new(.1,.1,.1)
  262. end
  263. end
  264. end)
  265. CLICK.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(p)
  266. if p.Name == player.Name or GetRank(p) > GetRank(player) then
  267. Tab.Transparency = .3
  268. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  269. end
  270. end)
  271. end)
  273. if tabDesign == "Double" then
  274. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  275. Tabb.Size = Vector3.new(.7,.7,.7)
  276. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SelectionBox") then v:remove() end end
  277. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then v:remove() end end
  278. Tabb.Transparency = 0
  279. Tab.Transparency = 0.3
  280. elseif tabDesign == "Plain" then
  281. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  282. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SelectionBox") then v:remove() end end
  283. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then v:remove() end end
  284. Tabb.Transparency = 1
  285. Tab.Transparency = 0
  286. elseif tabDesign == "SelectionBox" then
  287. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  288. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then v:remove() end end
  289. local sel = Instance.new('SelectionBox',Tab)
  290. sel.Color = Tab.BrickColor
  291. sel.LineThickness = 0.01
  292. sel.Adornee = Tab
  293. Tab.Transparency = 0.3
  294. Tabb.Transparency = 1
  295. elseif tabDesign == "DoubledSel" then
  296. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  297. Tabb.Size = Vector3.new(.7,.7,.7)
  298. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then v:remove() end end
  299. local sel = Instance.new('SelectionBox',Tab)
  300. sel.Color = Tab.BrickColor
  301. sel.LineThickness = 0.01
  302. sel.Adornee = Tab
  303. Tab.Transparency = 0.3
  304. Tabb.Transparency = 0
  305. elseif tabDesign == "Orb" then
  306. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  307. Tabb.Transparency = 1
  308. Tab.Transparency = 0
  309. local m = Instance.new('SpecialMesh',Tab)
  310. m.MeshType = "Sphere"
  311. m.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  312. elseif tabDesign == "DoubleOrb" then
  313. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  314. Tabb.Size = Vector3.new(1.3,1.3,1.3)
  315. Tab.Transparency = 0.3
  316. local m = Instance.new('SpecialMesh',Tab)
  317. m.MeshType = "Sphere"
  318. m.Scale = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  319. local m = Instance.new('SpecialMesh',Tabb)
  320. m.MeshType = "Sphere"
  321. m.Scale = Vector3.new(.6,.6,.6)
  322. elseif tabDesign == "Flat" then
  323. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(3,4,0.2)
  324. Tab.Transparency = 0
  325. Tabb.Transparency = 1
  326. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SelectionBox") then v:remove() end end
  327. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then v:remove() end end
  328. elseif tabDesign == "DoubleFlat" then
  329. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(3,4,0.4)
  330. Tab.Transparency = .3
  331. Tabb.Transparency = 0
  332. Tabb.Size = Vector3.new(2,3,0.2)
  333. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SelectionBox") then v:remove() end end
  334. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then v:remove() end end
  335. elseif tabDesign == "Neon" then
  336. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SelectionBox") then v:remove() end end
  337. for i,v in pairs(Tab:children()) do if v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then v:remove() end end
  338. Tab.Material = "Neon"
  339. Tab.Size = Vector3.new(2,2,2)
  340. Tab.Transparency=0
  341. Tabb.Size = Vector3.new(.7,.7,.7)
  342. Tabb.Transparency = 1
  343. end
  345. table.insert(Tablets, {Tab1 = Tab, Tab2 = Tabb, Player = player})
  346. end
  350. AddRank = function(Name, Rank, Reason, Color, Trans, SelBox, Suffix)
  351. if type(Name) == 'userdata' then Name = Name.Name end
  352. table.insert(Ranked, {['Name'] = Name, ['Rank'] = Rank, ['Reason'] = Reason, ['Color'] = Color, ['Transparency'] = Trans, ['SelBox'] = SelBox, ['Suffix'] = Suffix})
  353. end
  355. SetRank = function(player, rank)
  356. if type(player) == 'userdata' then player = player.Name end
  357. for _,plr in next,Ranked do
  358. if plr.Name == player then
  359. plr.Rank = rank
  360. end
  361. end
  363. AddRank(player, rank, "A normal player", "Toothpaste", .3, false, '~')
  364. end
  366. function getRanked(player)
  367. Dismiss(player)
  368. Output(player, 'Getting ranked table, please wait...', 'Institutional white')
  369. wait(3)
  370. Dismiss(player)
  371. Output(player, 'Dismiss', 'Really red', function() Dismiss(player) end)
  372. for _,plr in next,Ranked do
  373. Output(player, plr.Name, 'Institutional white', function()
  374. Dismiss(player)
  375. Output(player, 'Name: '..plr.Name, 'Institutional white')
  376. Output(player, 'Rank: '..GetRank(plr), 'Lime green')
  377. Output(player, 'Description: '..GetDesc(plr), 'Toothpaste')
  378. Output(player, 'Suffix: '..GetSuffix(plr), 'Really blue')
  379. Output(player, 'Dismiss', 'Royal purple', function() Dismiss(player) end)
  380. end)
  381. end
  382. end
  384. function GetRank(plr)
  385. if type(plr) == 'userdata' then
  386. plr=tostring(plr)
  387. elseif type(plr) == 'string' then
  388. plr=plr.Name
  389. else
  390. plr=plr
  391. end
  393. for _,data in pairs(Ranked) do
  394. if data['Name'] == plr then
  395. local rnk = data['Rank']
  396. return rnk --If plr is on the rank list their rank is here
  397. end
  398. end
  400. return 0 --Player's rank will be 0 if not on the list
  401. end
  403. function GetSuffix(plr)
  404. if type(plr) == 'userdata' then
  405. plr=tostring(plr)
  406. elseif type(plr) == 'string' then
  407. plr=plr.Name
  408. else
  409. plr=plr
  410. end
  412. for _,data in pairs(Ranked) do
  413. if data['Name'] == plr then
  414. local suffix = data['Suffix']
  415. return suffix --If plr is on the rank list their rank is here
  416. end
  417. end
  419. return '!' --Player's suffix is ! if not ranked.
  420. end
  422. function GetDesc(plr)
  423. if type(plr) == 'userdata' then
  424. plr=tostring(plr)
  425. elseif type(plr) == 'string' then
  426. plr=plr.Name
  427. else
  428. plr=plr
  429. end
  431. for _,data in pairs(Ranked) do
  432. if data['Name'] == plr then
  433. local reason = data['Reason']
  434. return reason
  435. end
  436. end
  438. return 'A normal player!'
  439. end
  441. function GetColor(plr)
  442. if type(plr) == 'userdata' then
  443. plr=tostring(plr)
  444. elseif type(plr) == 'string' then
  445. plr=plr.Name
  446. else
  447. plr=plr
  448. end
  450. for _,data in pairs(Ranked) do
  451. if data['Name'] == plr then
  452. local clr = data['Color']
  453. return clr --If plr is on the rank list their color here
  454. end
  455. end
  457. return 'White' --Player's color is Cyan if not ranked.
  458. end
  460. function Dismiss(plr)
  461. pcall(function()
  462. for _,tablets in pairs(Tablets) do
  463. if tablets.Player == plr then
  464. local T = coroutine.create(function()
  465. repeat
  466. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait(0.000000000000000000000001)
  467. tablets.Tab1.Size=Vector3.new(tablets.Tab1.Size.X-0.1,tablets.Tab1.Size.Y-0.1,tablets.Tab1.Size.Z-0.1)
  468. tablets.Tab2.Size=Vector3.new(tablets.Tab2.Size.X-0.1,tablets.Tab2.Size.Y-0.1,tablets.Tab2.Size.Z-0.1)
  469. until tablets.Tab1.Size.X<0.3;
  470. tablets.Tab1:Destroy()
  471. tablets.Tab2:Destroy()
  472. end)
  473. coroutine.resume(T)
  474. end
  475. end
  476. end)
  477. end
  479. Commands_E = function(player)
  480. Dismiss(player)
  481. for i = 0, 7 do
  482. Output(player, 'Rank '..i..'', GetColor(player), function()
  483. GetCommands(player, i)
  484. end)
  485. end
  486. Output(player, 'Your rank is '..GetRank(player)..'','Bright green')
  487. end
  490. GetCommands = function(player, rank)
  491. Dismiss(player)
  492. for _, CMDS in pairs(Commands) do
  493. if CMDS['Rank'] <= rank then
  494. Output(player, CMDS['Name'], GetColor(player), function()
  495. Dismiss(player)
  496. Output(player, 'Description: '..CMDS['Desc'], 'Lime green')
  497. Output(player, 'Usage (For you): '..CMDS['Say']..''..GetSuffix(player),'Bright red')
  498. Output(player, 'Rank Needed: '..CMDS['Rank'], 'Cyan')
  499. Output(player, 'Name: '..CMDS['Name'], 'Toothpaste')
  500. Output(player, 'Back', 'Navy blue', function() GetCommands(player, rank) end)
  501. Output(player, 'Dismiss', 'Really red', function() Dismiss(player) end)
  502. if GetRank(player) < CMDS['Rank'] then
  503. Output(player, "You can't use this command!","Really red")
  504. else
  505. Output(player, 'You can use this command!','Lime green')
  506. end
  507. end)
  508. end
  509. end
  510. end
  514. function getPlayers(plr)
  515. Dismiss(plr)
  516. Output(plr, 'Dismiss', 'Really red', function() Dismiss(plr) end)
  517. for _,player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  518. Output(plr, player.Name..' [RANK '..GetRank(player)..']', 'Institutional white',function()
  519. Dismiss(plr)
  520. Output(plr, 'Dismiss', 'Really red', function() Dismiss(plr) end)
  521. Output(plr, 'Name: '..player.Name..'','Institutional white')
  522. Output(plr, 'Rank: '..GetRank(player)..'', 'Lime green')
  523. Output(plr, 'Account Age: '..player.AccountAge..'', 'Toothpaste')
  524. Output(plr, 'Builders Club Type: '..player.MembershipType.Name..'', 'Really blue')
  525. Output(plr, 'Description: '..GetDesc(player), 'Royal purple')
  526. Output(plr, 'Suffix: '..GetSuffix(player), 'Alder')
  527. Output(plr, 'Color: '..GetColor(player), GetColor(player))
  528. Output(plr, 'Kick', 'Really red', function() Dismiss(plr) player:kick('[Omega]: You have been kicked from the game.(broke a rule)') end)
  529. Output(plr, 'Ban', 'Really red', function() Dismiss(plr) player:kick('[Omega]: You have been banned .(for abusing or breaking the rules)') table.insert(Banned, player.Name) end)
  530. end)
  531. end
  532. end
  536. Chatted = function(speaker, message)
  537. if message:sub(1, 2) == '/e' then
  538. if #message > 3 then
  539. message = message:sub(4)
  540. end
  541. elseif message:sub(1, 1) == '*' then
  542. if #message > 2 then
  543. message = message:sub(2)
  544. end
  545. elseif message:sub(1, 1) == '>' then
  546. if #message > 2 then
  547. message = message:sub(2)
  548. end
  549. end
  552. local command=message
  553. for _, CMDS in pairs(Commands) do
  554. if command:sub(1, #CMDS['Say']+#GetSuffix(speaker)) == CMDS['Say']..GetSuffix(speaker) then
  555. if GetRank(speaker) >= CMDS['Rank'] then
  556. local msg = command:sub(#CMDS["Say"]+#GetSuffix(speaker)+1)
  557. a,b = ypcall(function()
  558. CMDS["Func"](speaker, msg)
  559. end)
  560. if not a then warn(b) Output(speaker, 'ERROR: '..b, 'Really red') end
  561. else
  562. Output(speaker, 'You need rank '..CMDS['Rank']..' to use this command!', 'Really red')
  563. end
  564. end
  565. end
  566. end
  571. function NewCommand(name, usage, rank, desc, func)
  572. table.insert(Commands, {['Name'] = name, ['Say'] = usage, ['Rank'] = rank, ['Desc'] = desc, ['Func'] = func})
  573. end
  575. function colortween()
  576. while true do
  577. maincolor = BrickColor.new("Royal purple").Color
  578. wait(.01)
  579. maincolor = BrickColor.new("Really blue").Color
  580. wait(.01)
  581. maincolor = BrickColor.new("Toothpaste").Color
  582. wait(.01)
  583. maincolor = BrickColor.new("Lime green").Color
  584. wait(.01)
  585. maincolor = BrickColor.new("Toothpaste").Color
  586. wait(.01)
  587. maincolor = BrickColor.new("Really blue").Color
  588. wait(.01)
  589. end
  591. function SBChat(title,msg)
  592. pcall(function()
  593. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  594. local value = Instance.new('StringValue',v)
  595. value.Name = "SB_Chat"
  596. value.Value = tostring(title)..'/'..msg
  597. game.Debris:AddItem(value,.1)
  598. end
  599. end)
  600. end
  602. function SBChatAll(name, cht)
  603. for _,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  604. SBChat(plr, name, cht)
  605. end
  606. end
  608. GetPlayers = function(plr, msg)
  609. local plrs = {}
  610. if msg:match("^!") then
  611. return FindPlayers(plr, msg:sub(2), true)
  612. elseif msg == "me" then
  613. table.insert(plrs, plr)
  614. elseif msg == "all" then FindPlayers = function(plr, msg)
  615. local plrs = {}
  616. if msg:match("^!") then
  617. return FindPlayers(plr, msg:sub(2), true)
  618. elseif msg == "me" then
  619. table.insert(plrs, plr)
  620. elseif msg == "all" then
  621. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  622. table.insert(plrs, v)
  623. end
  624. elseif msg == "others" then
  625. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  626. if v ~= plr then
  627. table.insert(plrs, v)
  628. end
  629. end
  630. else
  631. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  632. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#msg) == msg:lower() then
  633. table.insert(plrs, v)
  634. end
  635. end
  636. end
  637. return plrs
  638. end
  639. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  640. table.insert(plrs, v)
  641. end
  642. elseif msg == "others" then
  643. for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  644. if v ~= plr then
  645. table.insert(plrs, v)
  646. end end
  647. else for _,v in pairs(game:service'Players':players()) do
  649. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#msg) == msg:lower() then
  650. table.insert(plrs, v)
  651. end
  652. end
  653. end
  654. return plrs
  655. end
  657. function ConnectPlayer(plr)
  658. wait(1);
  659. for _,bans in pairs(Banned) do
  660. if plr.Name == bans then
  661. plr:kick("[Omega]: You are banned!(And dont ever rejoin unless you really want a perm ban)")
  662. end
  663. end
  664. end
  666. for _,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  667. ConnectPlayer(plr)
  668. end
  670. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
  671. ConnectPlayer(plr)
  672. Output(plr, 'Welcome to Omega, '..plr.Name..'!','Royal purple')
  673. Output(plr, 'Your rank is: '..GetRank(plr),'Royal blue')
  674. Output(plr, 'Click to show commands','Toothpaste',function() Commands_E(plr) end)
  675. Output(plr, 'Dismiss','',function() Dismiss(plr) end)
  676. Output(plr, 'Your Suffix is '..GetSuffix(plr), 'Lime green')
  679. plr.Chatted:connect(function(m)
  680. Chatted(plr, m)
  681. end)
  683. ArchChat:SayMessage(plr.Name.." has joined the game!","All")
  685. setChatColor(plr)
  686. end)
  688. game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player)
  689. ArchChat:SayMessage(player.Name.." has left the game.","All")
  690. end)
  692. function Sbexe(cmd,plr)
  693. if not type(cmd)=='string'then return end
  694. if plr then
  695. if type(plr)=='userdata'then
  696. plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value = cmd
  697. elseif type(plr)=='string'then
  698. plr = game:GetService('Players'):FindFirstChild(plr)
  699. plr:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value = cmd
  700. end
  701. else
  702. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService('Players'):children())do
  703. v:FindFirstChild("SB_CommandRemote",true).Value = cmd
  704. end
  705. end
  706. end
  708. --// Moving on from functions
  710. NewCommand("ForceField", 'ff',3,'Give a player a forcefield',function(player,message)
  711. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  712. Instance.new('ForceField',plr.Character)
  713. end
  714. end)
  716. NewCommand('Commands', 'cmds',0,'Show the commands',function(player,message)
  717. Commands_E(player)
  718. end)
  720. NewCommand('Dismiss','dt',0,'Dismisses tablets',function(player,message)
  721. Dismiss(player)
  722. end)
  724. NewCommand('SB Exe','sb',5,'Make a player run a SB Command/Script',function(player,message)
  725. local Split = message:find(Splitkey)
  726. local PreSplit = message:sub(1, Split - 1)
  727. local AfterSplit = message:sub(Split + 1)
  728. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,PreSplit) do
  729. Sbexe(tostring(AfterSplit), plr)
  730. end
  731. end)
  733. NewCommand('Kick','kick',4,'Kick a player',function(player,message)
  734. local Split = message:find(Splitkey)
  735. local PreSplit = message:sub(1, Split - 1)
  736. local AfterSplit = message:sub(Split + 1)
  737. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,PreSplit) do
  738. plr:kick('[Sapphire]: You have been kicked for '..tostring(AfterSplit))
  739. end
  740. end)
  742. NewCommand('Kill','kill',3,'Kill a player',function(player,message)
  743. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  744. plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
  745. end
  746. end)
  748. NewCommand('Rank','rank',7,'Set a players rank',function(player,message)
  749. local Split = message:find(Splitkey)
  750. local PreSplit = message:sub(1, Split - 1)
  751. local AfterSplit = message:sub(Split + 1)
  752. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,PreSplit) do
  753. SetRank(plr, tonumber(AfterSplit))
  754. end
  755. end)
  757. NewCommand('God','god',3,'God a player',function(player,message)
  758. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  759. plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  760. end
  761. end)
  763. NewCommand('UnGod','ungod',3,'Remove a players god mode',function(player,message)
  764. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  765. plr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
  766. end
  767. end)
  769. NewCommand("SBExe To All",'sball',6,'Run a SB script to everyone',function(player,message)
  770. Output(player, 'Made everyone do '..message,GetColor(player))
  771. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  772. Sbexe(message, v)
  773. end
  774. end)
  776. NewCommand('Execute','exe',5,'Execute a script',function(player,message)
  777. local success,errored = loadstring(message)
  778. if success and not errored then
  779. success()
  780. else
  781. Output(player, 'Omega - Error: '..errored,'Really red')
  782. end
  783. end)
  785. NewCommand('UnFF','unff',3,'Remove someones forcefield',function(player,message)
  786. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  787. for i,v in pairs(plr.Character:children()) do
  788. if v:IsA("ForceField") or v.ClassName == "ForceField" then
  789. v:remove()
  790. end
  791. end
  792. end
  793. end)
  795. NewCommand('Ban','ban',5,'Ban a player',function(player,message)
  796. local Split = message:find(Splitkey)
  797. local PreSplit = message:sub(1, Split - 1)
  798. local AfterSplit = message:sub(Split + 1)
  799. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,PreSplit) do
  800. plr:kick('[Omega]: You have been banned for '..tostring(AfterSplit))
  801. table.insert(Banned, plr.Name)
  802. end
  803. end)
  805. NewCommand('Message','msg',3,'Send a server message',function(player,message)
  806. Message(message)
  807. end)
  809. NewCommand("Set Bass","bass",4,"Set the bass of every sound on ROBLOX",function(player,message)
  810. Output(player, 'Set the bass to '..tonumber(message),GetColor(player))
  811. game:GetService("SoundService").AmbientReverb = tonumber(message)
  812. end)
  814. NewCommand('Music','play',4,'Play a music sound',function(player,message)
  815. Output(player, 'Now playing: '..game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(message:match("%d+$"))).Name..'','Institutional white')
  816. ArchChat:SayMessage("Now playing "..game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(message:match("%d+$"))).Name, "All")
  817. local s = Instance.new('Sound',workspace) s.SoundId = 'rbxassetid://'..message s.Volume = 1 s.Pitch = 1 s.Looped = true s:play()
  818. end)
  820. NewCommand('Stop Music','stop',4,'Stop all running music',function(player,message)
  821. for i,v in pairs(workspace:children(), workspace.Terrain:children()) do
  822. if v:IsA("Sound") then
  823. v:remove()
  824. SBChat('Sapphire','Stopped all running music.')
  825. end
  826. end
  827. end)
  829. NewCommand('Respawn','rsp',3,'Respawn a player',function(player,message)
  830. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  831. plr:LoadCharacter()
  832. end
  833. end)
  835. NewCommand("Define", "def", 0, "Defines a word", function(player, message)
  836. local http=game:GetService('HttpService')
  837. local req=http:GetAsync("http://api.wordnik.com/v4/word.json/"..message.."/definitions?limit=1&includeRelated=false&sourceDictionaries=all&useCanonical=false&includeTags=false&api_key=a2a73e7b926c924fad7001ca3111acd55af2ffabf50eb4ae5",true)
  838. req=http:JSONDecode(req)
  839. local def={}
  840. for i in string.gmatch(req[1].text, "%w+%p*") do
  841. table.insert(def,i)
  842. end
  843. local defs=""
  844. for _,v in pairs(def) do
  845. defs=defs..v.." "
  846. if _%10==0 then defs=defs.."\n" end
  847. end
  848. Output(player,defs,GetColor(player))
  849. end)
  851. NewCommand('Rank Override','override',0,'Show a GUI. If you enter the code right, you get rank 6.',function(player,message)
  852. -- Objects
  854. local Interface = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
  855. local Body = Instance.new("Frame")
  856. local head = Instance.new("TextLabel")
  857. local CodeInput = Instance.new("TextBox")
  858. local LoginButton = Instance.new("TextButton")
  859. local CancelButton = Instance.new("TextButton")
  860. local TextLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel")
  862. -- Properties
  864. Interface.Name = "Interface"
  865. Interface.Parent = player.PlayerGui
  867. Body.Name = "Body"
  868. Body.Parent = Interface
  869. Body.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  870. Body.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  871. Body.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, -150, 0.5, -150)
  872. Body.Size = UDim2.new(0, 300, 0, 300)
  874. head.Name = "head"
  875. head.Parent = Body
  876. head.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  877. head.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  878. head.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, -150, 0, 0)
  879. head.Size = UDim2.new(0, 300, 0, 50)
  880. head.Font = Enum.Font.Highway
  881. head.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size28
  882. head.Text = "Omega Rank Override"
  883. head.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  884. head.TextSize = 28
  886. CodeInput.Name = "CodeInput"
  887. CodeInput.Parent = Body
  888. CodeInput.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  889. CodeInput.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, -75, 0, 100)
  890. CodeInput.Size = UDim2.new(0, 150, 0, 30)
  891. CodeInput.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
  892. CodeInput.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14
  893. CodeInput.Text = "Login"
  894. CodeInput.TextScaled = true
  895. CodeInput.TextSize = 14
  896. CodeInput.TextWrapped = true
  898. LoginButton.Name = "LoginButton"
  899. LoginButton.Parent = Body
  900. LoginButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  901. LoginButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  902. LoginButton.Position = UDim2.new(0, 25, 0, 150)
  903. LoginButton.Size = UDim2.new(0, 80, 0, 30)
  904. LoginButton.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
  905. LoginButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size28
  906. LoginButton.Text = "Login"
  907. LoginButton.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  908. LoginButton.TextSize = 28
  910. CancelButton.Name = "CancelButton"
  911. CancelButton.Parent = Body
  912. CancelButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  913. CancelButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  914. CancelButton.Position = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 150)
  915. CancelButton.Size = UDim2.new(0, 80, 0, 30)
  916. CancelButton.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
  917. CancelButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size28
  918. CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
  919. CancelButton.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0)
  920. CancelButton.TextSize = 28
  922. TextLabel.Parent = Body
  923. TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  924. TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  925. TextLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, -100, 0, 40)
  926. TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 50)
  927. TextLabel.Font = Enum.Font.Highway
  928. TextLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  929. TextLabel.Text = "Please login to get rank 6."
  930. TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  931. TextLabel.TextSize = 24
  933. LoginButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  934. if CodeInput.Text == ShacklusterIsAJerkAndCrystalIsNice then
  935. Interface:remove()
  936. SetRank(player, 6)
  937. else
  938. local WrongCode = Instance.new('TextLabel',Body)
  939. WrongCode.Name = "WrongCode"
  940. WrongCode.Parent = Body
  941. WrongCode.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  942. WrongCode.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  943. WrongCode.Position = UDim2.new(0, 50, 0, 200)
  944. WrongCode.Size = UDim2.new(0, 200, 0, 50)
  945. WrongCode.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
  946. WrongCode.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  947. WrongCode.Text = "Wrong Code!"
  948. WrongCode.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0)
  949. WrongCode.TextSize = 24
  950. wait(3)
  951. WrongCode:remove()
  952. end
  953. end)
  954. CancelButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  955. Interface:remove()
  956. end)
  957. end)
  959. NewCommand('WalkSpeed','ws',3,'Set someones walkspeed',function(player,message)
  960. local Split = message:find(Splitkey)
  961. local PreSplit = message:sub(1, Split - 1)
  962. local AfterSplit = message:sub(Split + 1)
  963. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,PreSplit) do
  964. plr.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = tonumber(AfterSplit)
  965. end
  966. end)
  968. NewCommand('Jump Power','jp',3,'Set someones jumppower',function(player,message)
  969. local Split = message:find(Splitkey)
  970. local PreSplit = message:sub(1, Split - 1)
  971. local AfterSplit = message:sub(Split + 1)
  972. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,PreSplit) do
  973. plr.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = tonumber(AfterSplit)
  974. end
  975. end)
  979. NewCommand('Get Ranked','ranked',0,'Get the ranked players',function(player,message)
  980. getRanked(player)
  981. end)
  983. NewCommand("Force Chat","fchat",5,"Force someone to say something",function(player,message)
  984. local Split = message:find(Splitkey)
  985. local PreSplit = message:sub(1, Split - 1)
  986. local AfterSplit = message:sub(Split + 1)
  987. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,PreSplit) do
  988. FC(plr, tostring(AfterSplit))
  989. end
  990. end)
  992. NewCommand('Loopkill','lk',4,'Loopkill someone',function(player,message)
  993. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  994. while wait() do
  995. plr.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
  996. end
  997. end
  998. end)
  1003. NewCommand("Fake Chat","fake",5,"Fake a chat message",function(player,message)
  1004. local Split = message:find(Splitkey)
  1005. local PreSplit = message:sub(1, Split - 1)
  1006. local AfterSplit = message:sub(Split + 1)
  1008. Services = setmetatable({},{__index=function(s,n)
  1009. if n == "ChatService" then
  1010. return require(game.ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("ChatServiceRunner"):WaitForChild("ChatService"));
  1011. else
  1012. return game:service(n)
  1013. end
  1014. end})
  1015. local FakeChat = Services.ChatService:AddSpeaker(PreSplit)
  1017. if not Services.ChatService:GetChannel("All") then
  1018. Services.ChatService:AddChannel("All")
  1019. for i,v in next, game:service'Players':players() do
  1020. if Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(v.Name) then
  1021. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(v.Name):JoinChannel("All")
  1022. end
  1023. end
  1024. end
  1026. FakeChat:JoinChannel("All")
  1030. FakeChat:SayMessage(tostring(AfterSplit),"All")
  1033. wait(0.01)
  1035. Services.ChatService:RemoveSpeaker(PreSplit)
  1036. end)
  1040. NewCommand('No Loopkill','unlk',4,'UnLoopkill someone',function(player,message)
  1041. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  1042. plr.Character = nil
  1043. wait(0.3)
  1044. plr:LoadCharacter()
  1045. end
  1046. end)
  1048. NewCommand("Set Waves","wave",5,"Set if waves are on or off",function(player,message)
  1049. Output(player, 'Do you want waves on?','Institutional white')
  1050. Output(player, 'Yes','Lime green',function() Waves = true end)
  1051. Output(player, 'No','Really red',function() Waves = false end)
  1052. end)
  1054. NewCommand("Add Channel","add",6,"Add a channel to the chat system",function(player,message)
  1055. addChannel(message)
  1056. end)
  1058. NewCommand('Ping','ping',0,'Ping a message on a tablet',function(player,message)
  1059. Output(player, message, GetColor(player))
  1060. if message == "" then
  1061. Output(player, 'Omega', 'Lime green')
  1062. end
  1063. end)
  1065. NewCommand("Show Players","plrs", 4, "Show the players on the game",function(player,message)
  1066. getPlayers(player)
  1067. end)
  1070. NewCommand("Gear","gear",4,"Gear someone a tool",function(player,message)
  1071. local Split = message:find(Splitkey)
  1072. local PreSplit = message:sub(1, Split - 1)
  1073. local AfterSplit = message:sub(Split + 1)
  1074. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,PreSplit) do
  1075. game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://"..tostring(AfterSplit))[1].Parent = plr.Backpack
  1076. end
  1077. end)
  1079. NewCommand('Shutdown','sd',5,'Shutdown the server',function(player,message)
  1080. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1081. v:kick('[Omega]: Server has been shutdown.(Dumb Abusers.)')
  1082. end
  1083. end)
  1085. NewCommand("Script Executor GUI","exegui",5,"Give someone a script executor gui",function(player,message)
  1086. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  1087. -- Objects
  1089. local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
  1090. local Frame = Instance.new("Frame")
  1091. local TextButton = Instance.new("TextButton")
  1092. local TextBox = Instance.new("TextBox")
  1093. local TextButton_2 = Instance.new("TextButton")
  1094. local TextButton_3 = Instance.new("TextButton")
  1095. local TextLabel = Instance.new('TextLabel')
  1097. -- Properties
  1099. ScreenGui.Parent = plr.PlayerGui
  1101. Frame.Parent = ScreenGui
  1102. Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 0)
  1103. Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  1104. Frame.Draggable = true
  1105. Frame.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, -200, 0.5, -200)
  1106. Frame.Selectable = true
  1107. Frame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 400, 0, 400)
  1108. Frame.Visible = true
  1110. TextButton.Parent = Frame
  1111. TextButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  1112. TextButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.60000002384186
  1113. TextButton.Position = UDim2.new(0, 380, 0, 0)
  1114. TextButton.Size = UDim2.new(0, 20, 0, 20)
  1115. TextButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  1116. TextButton.Text = "-"
  1117. TextButton.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  1119. TextBox.Parent = Frame
  1120. TextBox.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  1121. TextBox.Position = UDim2.new(0, 50, 0, 50)
  1122. TextBox.Size = UDim2.new(0, 300, 0, 250)
  1123. TextBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  1124. TextBox.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
  1125. TextBox.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14
  1126. TextBox.MultiLine = true
  1127. TextBox.Text = "INPUT YOUR SCRIPT HERE"
  1128. TextBox.TextScaled = false
  1129. TextBox.TextWrapped = true
  1130. TextBox.TextXAlignment="Left"
  1131. TextBox.TextYAlignment="Top"
  1133. TextButton_2.Parent = Frame
  1134. TextButton_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  1135. TextButton_2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 50, 0, 330)
  1136. TextButton_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 50, 0, 50)
  1137. TextButton_2.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
  1138. TextButton_2.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  1139. TextButton_2.Text = "EXE"
  1140. TextButton_2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  1142. TextButton_3.Parent = Frame
  1143. TextButton_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.666667, 0, 0)
  1144. TextButton_3.Position = UDim2.new(0, 300, 0, 330)
  1145. TextButton_3.Size = UDim2.new(0, 50, 0, 50)
  1146. TextButton_3.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
  1147. TextButton_3.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24
  1148. TextButton_3.Text = "CLR"
  1149. TextButton_3.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  1151. TextLabel.Parent = Frame
  1152. TextLabel.Text = "SCRIPT EXECUTION GUI"
  1153. TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 380, 0, 20)
  1154. TextLabel.TextScaled = true
  1155. TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(255,255,255)
  1156. TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  1157. TextLabel.Selectable = true
  1158. TextLabel.Draggable = true
  1160. TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1161. if Frame.Size == UDim2.new(0, 400, 0, 400) then
  1162. Frame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 400, 0, 20)
  1163. TextButton.Text = "+"
  1164. TextBox.Visible,TextButton_2.Visible,TextButton_3.Visible = false,false,false
  1165. else
  1166. Frame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 400, 0, 400)
  1167. TextButton.Text = "-"
  1168. TextBox.Visible,TextButton_2.Visible,TextButton_3.Visible = true,true,true
  1169. end
  1170. end)
  1171. TextButton_2.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1172. local success,errored = loadstring(TextBox.Text)
  1173. if success and not errored then
  1174. success()
  1175. else
  1176. TextBox.Text = "Error: "..errored
  1177. end
  1178. end)
  1180. TextButton_3.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1181. TextBox.Text = ""
  1182. end)
  1183. end
  1184. end)
  1186. NewCommand('Mute','mute',6,'Mute a player',function(player,message)
  1187. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  1188. Sbexe('x/game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, false)', plr)
  1189. end
  1190. end)
  1192. NewCommand('UnMute','unmute',6,'UnMute a player',function(player,message)
  1193. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  1194. Sbexe('x/game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, true)', plr)
  1195. end
  1196. end)
  1198. NewCommand("Stun","stun",3,"Stun a player",function(player,message)
  1199. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  1200. plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1201. end
  1202. end)
  1205. NewCommand("UnStun","unstun",3,"UnStun a player",function(player,message)
  1206. for _,plr in next,GetPlayers(player,message) do
  1207. plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  1208. end
  1209. end)
  1211. --Loadup--
  1213. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  1214. Output(v, 'Welcome to Omega, '..v.Name..'!',GetColor(v))
  1215. Output(v, 'Your rank is: '..GetRank(v),'Royal purple')
  1216. Output(v, 'Click to show commands','Royal blue',function() Commands_E(v) end)
  1217. Output(v, 'Dismiss','Toothpaste',function() Dismiss(v) end)
  1218. Output(v, 'Your suffix is '..GetSuffix(v), 'Lime green')
  1220. if GetRank(v) >= 1 then
  1221. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(v.Name):SetExtraData("NameColor", Color3.new(155, 155, 155))
  1222. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(v.Name):SetExtraData("ChatColor", Color3.new(255, 255, 255))
  1223. else
  1224. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(v.Name):SetExtraData("NameColor", maincolor)
  1225. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(v.Name):SetExtraData("ChatColor", maincolor)
  1226. end
  1228. v.Chatted:connect(function(m)
  1229. Chatted(v, m)
  1230. end)
  1231. end
  1233. function setChatColor(player)
  1234. pcall(function()
  1235. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1236. if GetRank(player) >= 1 then
  1237. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(player.Name):SetExtraData("NameColor", Color3.new( 255, 255, 255))
  1238. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(player.Name):SetExtraData("ChatColor", Color3.new( 255, 255, 0))
  1239. else
  1240. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(player.Name):SetExtraData("NameColor", maincolor)
  1241. Services.ChatService:GetSpeaker(player.Name):SetExtraData("ChatColor", maincolor)
  1242. end
  1243. end)()
  1244. end)
  1245. end
  1247. colortween()
  1248. end
  1249. return module
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