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- amr <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("amr", x)
- is.amr <- function(x) inherits(x, "amr")
- #temp
- amr_vals <- function(node) if(length(node[["refinement"]])>0) {
- # browser()
- unlist(lapply(node[["refinement"]], amr_vals))
- } else node[["value"]]
- # x must be a matrix with two columns
- amr.matrix <- function(x, weights=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, ...) {
- if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x[,1]), max(x[,1]))
- if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(x[,2]), max(x[,2]))
- idx <- which(![,1]) & ![,2]))
- amr.default(x[idx,], weights=weights, type="data", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ...)
- }
- # x must be a function that supports vector arguments
- amr.function <- function(x, ...) amr.default(x, type="function", ...)
- # the workhorse, since the difference between function and dataset is small
- amr.default <- function(x, xlim, ylim, weights=NULL, minlevel=4, maxlevel=8, reltol=0.05, log="", type, ...) {
- pts <- matrix(c(c(xlim,rev(xlim)), rep(ylim, each=2), rep(NA, 4)), byrow=FALSE, ncol=3)
- if(type=="function") pts[1:4, 3] <- x(pts[1:4,1], pts[1:4, 2])
- loglist <- strsplit(log,"")[[1]]
- logx <- "x" %in% loglist
- logy <- "y" %in% loglist
- if(type=="data") zlim <- c(0,1)
- pgrad.function <- function(node) {
- vals <- pts[node[["pts_idx"]],3]
- vals <- vals[is.finite(vals)]
- ret <- sd(vals)/(mean(vals)+1)
- # browser()
- return(ret)
- }
- <- function(node) {
- # prob. mass of this rectangle
- ll <- pts[node[["pts_idx"]][1],1:2]
- ur <- pts[node[["pts_idx"]][3],1:2]
- ret <- node[["value"]] * (ur[[1]]-ll[[1]]) * (ur[[2]]-ll[[2]])
- return(ret)
- }
- pgrad <- switch(type, "function"=pgrad.function, "data"
- rectval.function <- function(node) {
- # mean of the function value at the corners
- vals <- pts[node[["pts_idx"]],3]
- return(mean(vals[is.finite(vals)]))
- }
- <- function(node) {
- # probability mass per area unit. should integrate to 1.
- ll <- pts[node[["pts_idx"]][1],1:2]
- ur <- pts[node[["pts_idx"]][3],1:2]
- idx <- (x[,1]>=ll[[1]]) & (x[,1]<ur[[1]]) & (x[,2]>=ll[[2]]) & (x[,2]<ur[[2]])
- xlen <- (ur[[1]]-ll[[1]])
- ylen <- (ur[[2]]-ll[[2]])
- # if(logx) xlen <- ur[[1]]/ll[[1]] else xlen <- (ur[[1]]-ll[[1]])
- # if(logy) ylen <- ur[[2]]/ll[[2]] else ylen <- (ur[[2]]-ll[[2]])
- ret <- if(is.null(weights)) sum(idx)/(nrow(x)*xlen*ylen) else sum(weights[idx]) / (sum(weights)*xlen*ylen)
- # if(ret>10000) browser()
- # ret <- (sum(idx)*total_area) / (nrow(x) * (ur[[1]]-ll[[1]]) * (ur[[2]]-ll[[2]]))
- zlim[[2]] <<- max(c(zlim[[2]], ret))
- return(ret)
- }
- rectval <- switch(type, "function"=rectval.function, "data"
- refinement <- function(node) {
- ll <- pts[node[["pts_idx"]][1],1:2]
- ur <- pts[node[["pts_idx"]][3],1:2]
- lvl <- node[["level"]]
- midx <- if(logx) sqrt(ll[1]*ur[1]) else (ll[1]+ur[1])/2
- midy <- if(logy) sqrt(ll[2]*ur[2]) else (ll[2]+ur[2])/2
- add_pts <- matrix(c(
- midx, ll[2], NA, # lower middle
- ll[1], midy, NA, # left middle
- midx, midy, NA, # middle
- ur[1], midy, NA, # right middle
- midx, ur[2], NA), # upper middle
- byrow=TRUE, ncol=3
- )
- if(type=="function") add_pts[,3] <- x(add_pts[,1], add_pts[,2])
- old_nrow <- nrow(pts)
- pts <<- rbind(pts, add_pts)
- node1 <- list(pts_idx=c(node[["pts_idx"]][1], old_nrow+c(1,3,2)), refinement=list(), level=lvl+1)
- node1[["value"]] <- rectval(node1)
- node1[["pgrad"]] <- pgrad(node1)
- node2 <- list(pts_idx=c(old_nrow+1, node[["pts_idx"]][2], old_nrow+c(4,3)), refinement=list(), level=lvl+1)
- node2[["value"]] <- rectval(node2)
- node2[["pgrad"]] <- pgrad(node2)
- node3 <- list(pts_idx=c(old_nrow+c(3,4), node[["pts_idx"]][3], old_nrow+5), refinement=list(), level=lvl+1)
- node3[["value"]] <- rectval(node3)
- node3[["pgrad"]] <- pgrad(node3)
- node4 <- list(pts_idx=c(old_nrow+c(2,3,5), node[["pts_idx"]][4]), refinement=list(), level=lvl+1)
- node4[["value"]] <- rectval(node4)
- node4[["pgrad"]] <- pgrad(node4)
- return(list(node1, node2, node3, node4))
- }
- needs_refinement <- function(node) {
- if(node[["level"]]<minlevel) return(TRUE)
- if(node[["level"]]>=maxlevel) return(FALSE)
- if(!is.numeric(node[["pgrad"]]) | is.nan(node[["pgrad"]])) return(TRUE)
- if(abs(node[["pgrad"]]) > reltol) return(TRUE)
- # if(is.numeric(node[["pgrad"]])) browser()
- # ans <- try(if(node[["pgrad"]] > reltol) return(TRUE))
- # if (inherits(ans, "try-error")) browser()
- return(FALSE)
- }
- refine_recursively <- function(node) {
- if(needs_refinement(node)) {
- node[["refinement"]] <- refinement(node)
- # browser()
- for (i in seq_len(length(node[["refinement"]])))
- node[["refinement"]][[i]] <- refine_recursively(node[["refinement"]][[i]])
- }
- return(node)
- }
- root <- list(pts_idx=seq(1,4), refinement=list(), level=0)
- root[["value"]] <- rectval(root)
- root[["pgrad"]] <- pgrad(root)
- root <- refine_recursively(root)
- if(type=="function") {
- zlim <- c(min(pts[,3]), max(pts[,3]))
- # browser()
- } else if(type=="data") {
- # browser()
- vals <- amr_vals(root)
- zlim <- c(min(vals), max(vals))
- }
- res <- list(pts=pts, node=root, zlim=zlim)
- class(res) <- "amr"
- return(res)
- }
- # use classInt? quantile method not helpful due to irregular sampling
- # image has a breaks argument that looks cool
- plot.amr <- function(x, col=heat.colors(50), border=NA, xlab="x", ylab="y", zmag=1, ...) {
- zmin <- if(is.finite(x[["zlim"]][[1]])) x[["zlim"]][[1]] else -zmag
- zmax <- if(is.finite(x[["zlim"]][[2]])) x[["zlim"]][[2]] else zmag
- colidx <- seq(zmin, zmax, length.out=length(col))
- plot_node <- function(node) {
- ll <- x[["pts"]][node[["pts_idx"]][1],1:2]
- ur <- x[["pts"]][node[["pts_idx"]][3],1:2]
- rect(ll[1], ll[2], ur[1], ur[2], border=border, col=col[findInterval(node[["value"]], colidx)])
- if(length(node[["refinement"]])>0) lapply(node[["refinement"]], plot_node)
- }
- root <- x[["node"]]
- ll <- x[["pts"]][root[["pts_idx"]][1], 1:2]
- ur <- x[["pts"]][root[["pts_idx"]][3], 1:2]
- plot_arg <- list(...)
- plot_arg[["x"]] <- 1; plot_arg[["col"]] <- "white"; plot_arg[["type"]] <- "p"; plot_arg[["xlim"]] <- c(ll[1], ur[1])
- plot_arg[["ylim"]] <- c(ll[2], ur[2]); plot_arg[["xlab"]] <- xlab; plot_arg[["ylab"]] <- ylab
-, plot_arg)
- plot_node(root)
- }
- # may need a different method (weighted mean instead of sum) for function
- integrate_amr <- function(x, xlim, ylim) {
- eval_rect <- function(node) {
- ll <- x[["pts"]][node[["pts_idx"]][1],1:2]
- ur <- x[["pts"]][node[["pts_idx"]][3],1:2]
- if(xlim[1]>ur[1] || xlim[2]<ll[1] || ylim[1]>ur[2] || ylim[2]<ll[2]) return(NULL)
- if(length(node[["refinement"]])>0) return(unlist(lapply(node[["refinement"]], eval_rect)))
- area <- (min(c(ur[1], xlim[2])) - max(c(ll[1], xlim[1]))) * (min(c(ur[2], ylim[2]))-max(c(ll[2], ylim[1])))
- tot_area <- (ur[1]-ll[1]) * (ur[2]-ll[2])
- return(node[["value"]] * area / tot_area) # this is integreation
- }
- sum(eval_rect(x[["node"]])) # this is integration
- }
- # guess xlab and ylab
- # add breaks argument
- image.amr <- function(x, col=rev(gray(0:12/12)), border=NA, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, log="", xlab="x", ylab="y", zmag=1, length.out=100, breaks=NULL, ...) {
- if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x[["pts"]][,1]), max(x[["pts"]][,1]))
- if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(x[["pts"]][,2]), max(x[["pts"]][,2]))
- zmin <- if(is.finite(x[["zlim"]][[1]])) x[["zlim"]][[1]] else -zmag
- zmax <- if(is.finite(x[["zlim"]][[2]])) x[["zlim"]][[2]] else zmag
- if(length(length.out)==1) length.out <- rep(length.out,2)
- loglist <- strsplit(log,"")[[1]]
- logx <- "x" %in% loglist
- logy <- "y" %in% loglist
- xgrid <- if(logx) exp(seq(log(xlim[1]), log(xlim[2]), length.out=length.out[1])) else seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out=length.out[1])
- ygrid <- if(logy) exp(seq(log(ylim[1]), log(ylim[2]), length.out=length.out[2])) else seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length.out=length.out[2])
- z <- matrix(0, nrow=length.out[1], ncol=length.out[2])
- for (i in,length.out[1]))
- for (j in,length.out[2]))
- z[i,j] <- integrate_amr(x, xlim=xgrid[,i)], ylim=ygrid[,j)])
- if(!is.null(breaks) && length(breaks)==1) {
- breaks <- classIntervals(as.vector(z), n=breaks, style="fisher")$brks
- # browser()
- # breaks <- quantile(as.vector(z), seq(0,1, length.out=(breaks+1)))
- }
- # browser()
- image(x=xgrid, y=ygrid, z=z, zlim=c(zmin, zmax), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col=col, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, log=log, breaks=breaks, ...)
- }
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