Guest User


a guest
Feb 1st, 2016
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text 48.06 KB | None | 0 0
  1. repeat
  2. wait()
  3. until script.Parent:FindFirstChild("GUI") ~= nil
  4. repeat
  5. wait()
  6. until script.Parent.GUI:FindFirstChild("Spectate") ~= nil
  7. repeat
  8. wait()
  9. until script.Parent.GUI:FindFirstChild("ShopGUI") ~= nil
  10. repeat
  11. wait()
  12. until script.Parent.GUI:FindFirstChild("Shop") ~= nil
  13. local user = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  14. repeat
  15. wait()
  16. until user.Character ~= nil
  17. repeat
  18. wait()
  19. until user:findFirstChild("DATA") ~= nil
  20. local data = user:findFirstChild("DATA")
  21. wait(0.5)
  22. local code = "SN00PDWG"
  23. local code2 = "2SW4GGY4U"
  24. local code3 = "TW44T3R"
  25. local code4 = "T0X1CK1LL3R"
  26. local code5 = "P1KAP1K4CH00"
  27. local code6 = "IL0V3G3M5"
  28. local code7 = "2SPOOKY4ME"
  29. local code8 = "B4TTY4BANANA5"
  30. local code9 = "B1RDYBUD"
  31. local code10 = "THX4TWITCH"
  32. local code11 = "D3WR1TOS"
  33. local code12 = "ST4YFRO5TY"
  34. local code13 = "FROZ3NSOL1D"
  35. local code14 = "GOTT4GOF4ST"
  36. local code15 = "SMOK3RYD4Y"
  37. local code16 = "SK3LL1NGTON5"
  38. local code17 = "UR25LOW"
  39. local code18 = "TR1PPYFROGG3R"
  40. local code19 = "Y4Y2015"
  41. local code20 = "L3NNY4LYF3"
  42. local code21 = "P34NUTBUTT4H"
  43. local code22 = "MLGSW4G"
  44. local code23 = "BULL3TB1LL"
  45. local code24 = "LOV3YOU<3"
  46. local code25 = "LOV3INTH3A1R"
  47. local code26 = "5PR1NGFL1NG"
  48. local code27 = "2MUCHDUB"
  49. local code28 = "MON5T4C4T"
  50. local code29 = "JUMPYPUFFY"
  51. local code30 = "STABBYPUFF"
  52. local code31 = "CR1MW3B"
  53. local code32 = "H3LLOK1TTY"
  54. local code33 = "1Y3AR<3"
  55. local code34 = "5QU1D5"
  56. local code35 = "Z4MB1EDOG3"
  57. local code36 = "Y4Y2016"
  58. local shopGUI = script.Parent.GUI.ShopGUI
  59. local sounds = script.Parent.Sounds
  60. local tab1 = shopGUI.TabKnifeSkins
  61. local tab2 = shopGUI.TabGunSkins
  62. local tab3 = shopGUI.TabAbilities
  63. local tab4 = shopGUI.TabPerks
  64. local tab5 = shopGUI.TabCredits
  65. local tab6 = shopGUI.TabGear
  66. local tab7 = shopGUI.TabPets
  67. local frame1 = shopGUI.KnifeSkins
  68. local frame2 = shopGUI.GunSkins
  69. local frame3 = shopGUI.Abilities
  70. local frame4 = shopGUI.Perks
  71. local frame5 = shopGUI.Credits
  72. local frame6 = shopGUI.Gear
  73. local frame7 = shopGUI.Pets
  74. local lastFrame = frame1
  75. local lastTab = tab1
  76. local lastColor =, 1, 1)
  77. local alternateColors = {, 0.87058823529412, 0.87058823529412),, 0.81176470588235, 0.81176470588235)}
  78. local frame = {frame1, frame2, frame3, frame4, frame5, frame6, frame7}
  79. local tab = {tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5, tab6, tab7}
  80. local currentItem = nil
  81. local currentTab = frame1.Name
  82. local view3D = nil
  83. local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
  84. local MarketplaceService = Game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
  85. local user = script.Parent.Parent
  86. local discount = 0
  87. simplify = function(num)
  88. if num then
  89. local str = tostring(num)
  90. local len = string.len(str)
  91. if len <= 3 then
  92. return str
  93. else
  94. if len >= 4 and len <= 5 then
  95. return string.sub(str, 1, 1) .. "," .. string.sub(str, 2)
  96. else
  97. if len == 6 and len == 6 then
  98. return string.sub(str, 1, 3) .. "," .. string.sub(str, 4)
  99. else
  100. if len >= 7 then
  101. return string.sub(str, 1, len - 6) .. "," .. string.sub(str, len - 5, len - 3) .. "," .. string.sub(str, len - 2)
  102. end
  103. end
  104. end
  105. end
  106. end
  107. end
  109. updateCredits = function()
  110. script.Parent.GUI.Shop.Money.Text = "$" .. data.Credits.Value
  111. end
  113. updateCredits()
  114. data.Credits.Changed:connect(updateCredits)
  115. returnTexture = function(t)
  116. return "" .. t .. "&imageFormat=png&width=200&height=200"
  117. end
  119. returnCreator = function(t)
  120. return "" .. t
  121. end
  123. if camera:findFirstChild("3D") ~= nil then
  124. camera:findFirstChild("3D").Parent = nil
  125. end
  126. for i = 1, #tab do
  127. do
  128. tab[i].MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  129. sounds.UI_Click:Play()
  130. lastTab.BorderSizePixel = 3
  131. lastFrame.Visible = false
  132. lastFrame = frame[i]
  133. lastTab = tab[i]
  134. lastColor = tab[i].BackgroundColor3
  135. frame[i].Visible = true
  136. currentTab = frame[i].Name
  137. shopGUI.BackgroundColor3 = tab[i].BackgroundColor3
  138. script.Parent.GUI.Shop.BackgroundColor3 = tab[i].BackgroundColor3
  139. tab[i].BorderSizePixel = 0
  140. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Visible = false
  141. if camera:findFirstChild("3D") ~= nil then
  142. camera:findFirstChild("3D").Parent = nil
  143. end
  144. selectedItem = nil
  145. if tab[i].Name ~= "TabCredits" then
  146. shopGUI.Label.Visible = true
  147. d = data:findFirstChild(string.sub(tab[i].Name, 4))
  148. -- DECOMPILER ERROR at PC95: Unhandled construct in 'MakeBoolean' P1
  150. if d ~= nil and d.Value ~= nil then
  151. selectedItem = d.Value
  152. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.CreatorTexture.Image = returnCreator(d.Value.Creator.Value)
  153. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.CreatorTexture.ItemName.Text = d.Value.Creator.Value
  154. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.Text = "$" .. d.Value.Price.Value - d.Value.Price.Value * discount
  155. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.TextColor3 =, 1, 0.49803921568627)
  156. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.ItemName.Text = d.Value.Name
  157. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Description.Text = d.Value.Desc.Value
  158. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Visible = true
  159. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Visible = true
  160. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Visible = true
  161. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UN-EQUIP"
  162. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "EQUIPPED"
  163. shopGUI.Label.Visible = false
  164. local model = d.Value
  165. module3D = require(script.Parent.Module3D)
  166. local frame = shopGUI.View3D
  167. model3D = module3D:Attach3D(frame, model)
  168. model3D:SetActive(true)
  169. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  170. local fullRotation = math.pi * 2
  171. local currentRotation = tick() % fullRotation
  172. if d.Value ~= nil then
  173. if d.Value.Parent.Name == "KnifeSkins" then
  174. model3D:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), currentRotation, math.rad(45)))
  175. else
  176. if d.Value.Parent.Name == "GunSkins" then
  177. model3D:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), currentRotation, math.rad(0)))
  178. else
  179. model3D:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), currentRotation, math.rad(45)))
  180. end
  181. end
  182. end
  183. end
  184. )
  185. end
  186. end
  187. do
  188. shopGUI.Label.Visible = false
  189. end
  190. end
  191. )
  192. end
  193. end
  194. local setupShop = {"KnifeSkins", "GunSkins", "Gear", "Perks", "Abilities", "Credits", "Pets"}
  195. local box = (shopGUI.ItemBox:clone())
  196. do
  197. selectedItem = nil
  198. do
  199. for x = 1, #setupShop do
  200. local alt = 1
  201. local items = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop[setupShop[x]]:GetChildren()
  202. do
  203. for i = 1, #items do
  204. local newBox = box:clone()
  205. newBox.Visible = true
  206. newBox.Parent = shopGUI[setupShop[x]].ScrollingFrame
  207. newBox.Name = items[i].Name
  208. newBox.Position = newBox.Position +, 0, 0, -25 + 25 * i)
  209. newBox.Text = items[i].Name
  210. shopGUI[setupShop[x]].ScrollingFrame.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 25 * i)
  211. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild(items[i].Name) then
  212. newBox.Check.Visible = true
  213. end
  214. if alt == 1 then
  215. alt = 2
  216. newBox.BackgroundColor3 = alternateColors[alt]
  217. else
  218. alt = 1
  219. newBox.BackgroundColor3 = alternateColors[alt]
  220. end
  221. newBox.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  222. if currentTab ~= "Credits" then
  223. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.Text = "$" .. items[i].Price.Value - items[i].Price.Value * discount
  224. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.TextColor3 =, 1, 0.49803921568627)
  225. if items[i].Price.Value == 0 then
  226. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.Text = "UNLOCKABLE"
  227. end
  228. else
  229. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.Text = items[i].Price.Value .. " ROBUX"
  230. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.TextColor3 =, 1, 0.49803921568627)
  231. end
  232. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.CreatorTexture.Image = returnCreator(items[i].Creator.Value)
  233. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.CreatorTexture.ItemName.Text = items[i].Creator.Value
  234. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.ItemName.Text = items[i].Name
  235. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Description.Text = items[i].Desc.Value
  236. selectedItem = items[i]
  237. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Visible = true
  238. shopGUI.Label.Visible = false
  239. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild(items[i].Name) then
  240. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Visible = true
  241. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "YOU OWN THIS"
  242. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "EQUIP"
  243. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Visible = true
  244. else
  245. if items[i].Price.Value == 0 then
  246. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Visible = true
  247. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.Text = "UNLOCKABLE"
  248. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "TWITTER: @TAYMASTAR"
  249. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Visible = false
  250. else
  251. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Visible = false
  252. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "YOU OWN THIS"
  253. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "BUY"
  254. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Visible = true
  255. end
  256. end
  257. if data[setupShop[x]].Value == items[i] then
  258. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "EQUIPPED"
  259. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UN-EQUIP"
  260. end
  261. local model = items[i]
  262. if camera:findFirstChild("3D") ~= nil then
  263. camera:findFirstChild("3D").Parent = nil
  264. end
  265. module3D = require(script.Parent.Module3D)
  266. local frame = shopGUI.View3D
  267. model3D = module3D:Attach3D(frame, model)
  268. model3D:SetActive(true)
  269. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  270. local fullRotation = math.pi * 2
  271. local currentRotation = tick() % fullRotation
  272. if selectedItem ~= nil then
  273. if items[i].Parent.Name == "KnifeSkins" then
  274. model3D:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), currentRotation, math.rad(45)))
  275. else
  276. if items[i].Parent.Name == "GunSkins" then
  277. model3D:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), currentRotation, math.rad(0)))
  278. else
  279. model3D:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), currentRotation, math.rad(45)))
  280. end
  281. end
  282. end
  283. end
  284. )
  285. end
  286. )
  287. end
  288. end
  289. end
  290. end
  291. buy = function()
  292. if selectedItem ~= nil then
  293. if shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text == "EQUIP" then
  294. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UN-EQUIP"
  295. data[selectedItem.Parent.Name].Value = selectedItem
  296. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Visible = true
  297. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "EQUIPPED"
  298. else
  299. if shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text == "UN-EQUIP" then
  300. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "EQUIP"
  301. data[selectedItem.Parent.Name].Value = nil
  302. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Visible = true
  303. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "YOU OWN THIS"
  304. else
  305. if currentTab ~= "Credits" then
  306. if (selectedItem.Price.Value - selectedItem.Price.Value * discount <= data.RealCredits.Value - 950000 and data.RealCredits.Value - data.Credits.Value == 950000 and data.Backpack:findFirstChild(selectedItem.Name) == nil and selectedItem.Price.Value >= 150) or selectedItem:findFirstChild("Code") ~= nil and data.Backpack:findFirstChild(selectedItem.Name) == nil then
  307. sounds.Money:Play()
  308. shopGUI[selectedItem.Parent.Name].ScrollingFrame:findFirstChild(selectedItem.Name).Check.Visible = true
  309. data.V.Value = true
  310. data.Credits.Value = data.Credits.Value - (selectedItem.Price.Value - selectedItem.Price.Value * discount)
  311. data.RealCredits.Value = data.RealCredits.Value - (selectedItem.Price.Value - selectedItem.Price.Value * discount)
  312. local v ="ObjectValue")
  313. v.Value = selectedItem
  314. v.Name = selectedItem.Name
  315. v.Parent = data.Backpack
  316. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UN-EQUIP"
  317. data[selectedItem.Parent.Name].Value = selectedItem
  318. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Visible = true
  319. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "EQUIPPED"
  320. else
  321. do
  322. sounds.Error:Play()
  323. if selectedItem ~= nil then
  324. local val = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Credits:FindFirstChild(selectedItem.Name).DevID.Value
  325. if game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Credits:FindFirstChild(selectedItem.Name):findFirstChild("GP") == nil then
  326. MarketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase(user, val)
  327. else
  328. MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase(user, val)
  329. end
  330. end
  331. end
  332. end
  333. end
  334. end
  335. end
  336. end
  337. end
  339. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.MouseButton1Down:connect(buy)
  340. spectate = function()
  341. if workspace.GameInProgress.Value == true then
  342. if script.Parent.GUI.Spectating.Visible == true then
  343. script.Parent.GUI.Spectating.Visible = false
  344. sounds.UI_Click:Play()
  345. game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled("Health", true)
  346. else
  347. script.Parent.GUI.Spectating.Visible = true
  348. sounds.UI_Click:Play()
  349. game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled("Health", false)
  350. end
  351. end
  352. end
  354. resetColor = function()
  355. if shopGUI ~= nil and script.Parent.GUI:FindFirstChild("Shop") then
  356. if shopGUI.Visible == false or script.Parent.GUI.Shop.Visible == false then
  357. script.Parent.GUI.Shop.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  358. script.Parent.GUI.ShopGUI.noline.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1)
  359. if camera:findFirstChild("3D") ~= nil then
  360. camera:findFirstChild("3D").Parent = nil
  361. end
  362. else
  363. script.Parent.GUI.Shop.BackgroundColor3 = lastColor
  364. script.Parent.GUI.ShopGUI.noline.BackgroundColor3 = lastColor
  365. end
  366. end
  367. end
  369. shop = function()
  370. if shopGUI ~= nil then
  371. if shopGUI.Visible == true then
  372. shopGUI.Visible = false
  373. sounds.UI_Click:Play()
  374. resetColor()
  375. else
  376. sounds.UI_Click:Play()
  377. shopGUI.Visible = true
  378. resetColor()
  379. local find = data:findFirstChild(currentTab)
  380. if find ~= nil and find.Value ~= nil and currentTab ~= "Credits" then
  381. selectedItem = find.Value
  382. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.CreatorTexture.Image = returnCreator(selectedItem.Creator.Value)
  383. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.CreatorTexture.ItemName.Text = selectedItem.Creator.Value
  384. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.Text = "$" .. selectedItem.Price.Value - selectedItem.Price.Value * discount
  385. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.TextColor3 =, 1, 0.49803921568627)
  386. if selectedItem.Price.Value == 0 then
  387. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Price.Text = "UNLOCKABLE"
  388. end
  389. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.ItemName.Text = selectedItem.Name
  390. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Description.Text = selectedItem.Desc.Value
  391. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Visible = true
  392. shopGUI.Label.Visible = false
  393. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild(selectedItem.Name) then
  394. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Visible = true
  395. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "YOU OWN THIS"
  396. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "EQUIP"
  397. else
  398. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Visible = false
  399. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "YOU OWN THIS"
  400. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "BUY"
  401. end
  402. if data[selectedItem.Parent.Name].Value == selectedItem then
  403. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Owned.Text = "EQUIPPED"
  404. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UN-EQUIP"
  405. end
  406. end
  407. if selectedItem ~= nil then
  408. local model = selectedItem
  409. module3D = require(script.Parent.Module3D)
  410. local frame = shopGUI.View3D
  411. model3D = module3D:Attach3D(frame, model)
  412. model3D:SetActive(true)
  413. game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:connect(function()
  414. local fullRotation = math.pi * 2
  415. local currentRotation = tick() % fullRotation
  416. if selectedItem ~= nil then
  417. if selectedItem.Parent.Name == "KnifeSkins" then
  418. model3D:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), currentRotation, math.rad(45)))
  419. else
  420. if selectedItem.Parent.Name == "GunSkins" then
  421. model3D:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), currentRotation, math.rad(0)))
  422. else
  423. model3D:SetCFrame(CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), currentRotation, math.rad(45)))
  424. end
  425. end
  426. end
  427. end
  428. )
  429. end
  430. end
  431. end
  432. end
  434. local db1 = false
  435. local tb = shopGUI.TextBox
  436. local enter = shopGUI.TextBox.Enter
  437. enter.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  438. if db1 == false then
  439. db1 = true
  440. if tb.Text == code then
  441. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Snoop Dawg") == nil then
  442. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  443. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Snoop Dawg"]
  444. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  445. buy()
  446. else
  447. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  448. end
  449. else
  450. if tb.Text == code2 then
  451. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Swag Shank") == nil then
  452. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  453. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Swag Shank"]
  454. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  455. buy()
  456. else
  457. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  458. end
  459. else
  460. if tb.Text == code3 then
  461. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Social Sheriff") == nil then
  462. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  463. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.GunSkins["Social Sheriff"]
  464. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  465. buy()
  466. else
  467. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  468. end
  469. else
  470. if tb.Text == code4 then
  471. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Radioactive Knife") == nil then
  472. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  473. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Radioactive Knife"]
  474. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  475. buy()
  476. else
  477. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  478. end
  479. else
  480. if tb.Text == code5 then
  481. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Pika Knife") == nil then
  482. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  483. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Pika Knife"]
  484. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  485. buy()
  486. else
  487. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  488. end
  489. else
  490. if tb.Text == code6 then
  491. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Geminite Revolver") == nil then
  492. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  493. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.GunSkins["Geminite Revolver"]
  494. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  495. buy()
  496. else
  497. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  498. end
  499. else
  500. if tb.Text == code7 then
  501. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Cute Pumpkin") == nil then
  502. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  503. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Cute Pumpkin"]
  504. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  505. buy()
  506. else
  507. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  508. end
  509. else
  510. if tb.Text == code8 then
  511. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Bat Buddy") == nil then
  512. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  513. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets["Bat Buddy"]
  514. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  515. buy()
  516. else
  517. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  518. end
  519. else
  520. if tb.Text == code9 then
  521. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Snowbird") == nil then
  522. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  523. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.Snowbird
  524. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  525. buy()
  526. else
  527. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  528. end
  529. else
  530. if tb.Text == code10 then
  531. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Black Fire") == nil then
  532. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  533. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Gear["Black Fire"]
  534. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  535. buy()
  536. else
  537. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  538. end
  539. else
  540. if tb.Text == code11 then
  541. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Doritos") == nil then
  542. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  543. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.Doritos
  544. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  545. buy()
  546. else
  547. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  548. end
  549. else
  550. if tb.Text == code12 then
  551. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Snowball") == nil then
  552. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  553. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Gear.Snowball
  554. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  555. buy()
  556. else
  557. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  558. end
  559. else
  560. if tb.Text == code13 then
  561. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Snow Shank") == nil then
  562. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  563. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Gear["Magic Snowman"]
  564. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  565. buy()
  566. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  567. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Snow Shank"]
  568. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  569. buy()
  570. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  571. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets["Festive Gift"]
  572. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  573. buy()
  574. else
  575. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  576. end
  577. else
  578. if tb.Text == code14 then
  579. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Sanic") == nil then
  580. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  581. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.Sanic
  582. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  583. buy()
  584. else
  585. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  586. end
  587. else
  588. if tb.Text == code15 then
  589. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Snoop") == nil then
  590. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  591. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.Snoop
  592. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  593. buy()
  594. else
  595. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  596. end
  597. else
  598. if tb.Text == code16 then
  599. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Skeleman") == nil then
  600. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  601. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.Skeleman
  602. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  603. buy()
  604. else
  605. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  606. end
  607. else
  608. if tb.Text == code17 then
  609. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Super Sanic") == nil then
  610. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  611. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets["Super Sanic"]
  612. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  613. buy()
  614. else
  615. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  616. end
  617. else
  618. if tb.Text == code18 then
  619. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Rainbow Frog") == nil then
  620. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  621. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets["Rainbow Frog"]
  622. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  623. buy()
  624. else
  625. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  626. end
  627. else
  628. if tb.Text == code19 then
  629. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Sparkler") == nil then
  630. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  631. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Gear.Sparkler
  632. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  633. buy()
  634. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  635. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["2015 Knife"]
  636. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  637. buy()
  638. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  639. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.GunSkins["Gold Justice"]
  640. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  641. buy()
  642. else
  643. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  644. end
  645. else
  646. if tb.Text == code20 then
  647. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Lenny") == nil then
  648. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  649. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.Lenny
  650. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  651. buy()
  652. else
  653. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  654. end
  655. else
  656. if tb.Text == code21 and (user.userId == 59967 or user.userId == 61664 or user.userId == 62346773) then
  657. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("PBJ") == nil then
  658. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  659. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.PBJ
  660. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  661. buy()
  662. else
  663. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  664. end
  665. else
  666. if tb.Text == code22 and (user.userId == 59967 or user.userId == 61664 or user.userId == 62346773) then
  667. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Rainbow Lenny") == nil then
  668. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  669. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets["Rainbow Lenny"]
  670. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  671. buy()
  672. else
  673. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  674. end
  675. else
  676. if tb.Text == code24 and (user.userId == 59967 or user.userId == 62346773) then
  677. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Love Panda") == nil then
  678. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  679. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets["Love Panda"]
  680. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  681. buy()
  682. else
  683. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  684. end
  685. else
  686. if tb.Text == code25 then
  687. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Rose Launcher") == nil then
  688. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  689. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Gear["Rose Launcher"]
  690. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  691. buy()
  692. else
  693. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  694. end
  695. else
  696. if tb.Text == code26 then
  697. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Flower Feet") == nil then
  698. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  699. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Gear["Flower Feet"]
  700. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  701. buy()
  702. else
  703. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  704. end
  705. else
  706. if tb.Text == code23 then
  707. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Bullet Bill") == nil then
  708. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  709. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Bullet Bill"]
  710. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  711. buy()
  712. else
  713. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  714. end
  715. else
  716. if tb.Text == code27 then
  717. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Dubshank") == nil then
  718. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  719. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins.Dubshank
  720. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  721. buy()
  722. else
  723. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  724. end
  725. else
  726. if tb.Text == code28 then
  727. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Monster Cat") == nil then
  728. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  729. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Monster Cat"]
  730. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  731. buy()
  732. else
  733. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  734. end
  735. else
  736. if tb.Text == code29 then
  737. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Puff") == nil then
  738. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  739. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.Puff
  740. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  741. buy()
  742. else
  743. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  744. end
  745. else
  746. if tb.Text == code30 then
  747. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Puffy Shank") == nil then
  748. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  749. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Puffy Shank"]
  750. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  751. buy()
  752. else
  753. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  754. end
  755. else
  756. if tb.Text == code31 then
  757. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Crimson Web") == nil then
  758. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  759. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.KnifeSkins["Crimson Web"]
  760. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  761. buy()
  762. else
  763. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  764. end
  765. else
  766. if tb.Text == code32 and (user.userId == 59967 or user.userId == 62346773 or user.userId == 56586156 or user.userId == 59385130 or user.userId == 5314077) then
  767. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Hello Kitty") == nil then
  768. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  769. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets["Hello Kitty"]
  770. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  771. buy()
  772. else
  773. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  774. end
  775. else
  776. if tb.Text == code33 then
  777. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Golden Cake") == nil then
  778. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  779. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Gear["Golden Cake"]
  780. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  781. buy()
  782. else
  783. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  784. end
  785. else
  786. if tb.Text == code34 then
  787. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Squiddles") == nil then
  788. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  789. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.Squiddles
  790. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  791. buy()
  792. else
  793. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  794. end
  795. else
  796. if tb.Text == code35 then
  797. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Zombie Doge") == nil then
  798. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  799. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets["Zombie Doge"]
  800. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  801. buy()
  802. else
  803. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  804. end
  805. else
  806. if tb.Text == code36 then
  807. if data.Backpack:findFirstChild("Reindeer") == nil then
  808. tb.Text = "Code accepted"
  809. selectedItem = game.ReplicatedStorage.Shop.Pets.Reindeer
  810. shopGUI.SelectedInfo.Buy.Text = "UNLOCKING..."
  811. buy()
  812. else
  813. tb.Text = "Code already used"
  814. end
  815. else
  816. tb.Text = "Invalid code"
  817. end
  818. end
  819. end
  820. end
  821. end
  822. end
  823. end
  824. end
  825. end
  826. end
  827. end
  828. end
  829. end
  830. end
  831. end
  832. end
  833. end
  834. end
  835. end
  836. end
  837. end
  838. end
  839. end
  840. end
  841. end
  842. end
  843. end
  844. end
  845. end
  846. end
  847. end
  848. end
  849. end
  850. end
  851. end
  852. end
  853. db1 = false
  854. end
  855. end
  856. )
  857. local playing = false
  858. local onc = false
  859. script.Parent.GUI.TwistedRadioGUI.TextBox.Play.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  860. if user.Character:findFirstChild("TwistedRadio") then
  861. if user.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music") then
  862. user.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music"):Stop()
  863. wait()
  864. user.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music"):Destroy()
  865. end
  866. local s ="Sound")
  867. s.Parent = user.Character.Torso
  868. s.Volume = 1
  869. if string.sub(script.Parent.GUI.TwistedRadioGUI.TextBox.Text, 1, 8) == "83594623" then
  870. script.Parent.GUI.TwistedRadioGUI.TextBox.Text = "Banned ID"
  871. return
  872. end
  873. s.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. script.Parent.GUI.TwistedRadioGUI.TextBox.Text
  874. s.Name = "Music"
  875. s.Looped = true
  876. s.Pitch = 1
  877. s:Play()
  878. wait()
  879. if s then
  880. s:Play()
  881. end
  882. if not onc then
  883. onc = true
  884. sc = user.Character:findFirstChild("TwistedRadio").Mesh.Scale *, 0.05, 0.1)
  885. end
  886. playing = true
  887. else
  888. do
  889. if user.Character:findFirstChild("Earbuds") then
  890. user.Character:findFirstChild("Earbuds").Handle.Transparency = 0
  891. if user.PlayerGui.Sounds:findFirstChild("Music") then
  892. user.PlayerGui.Sounds:findFirstChild("Music"):Stop()
  893. wait()
  894. user.PlayerGui.Sounds:findFirstChild("Music"):Destroy()
  895. end
  896. local s ="Sound")
  897. s.Parent = user.PlayerGui.Sounds
  898. s.Volume = 1
  899. if string.sub(script.Parent.GUI.TwistedRadioGUI.TextBox.Text, 1, 8) == "83594623" then
  900. script.Parent.GUI.TwistedRadioGUI.TextBox.Text = "Banned ID"
  901. return
  902. end
  903. s.SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. script.Parent.GUI.TwistedRadioGUI.TextBox.Text
  904. s.Name = "Music"
  905. s.Looped = true
  906. s.Pitch = 1
  907. s:Play()
  908. wait()
  909. if s then
  910. s:Play()
  911. end
  912. end
  913. end
  914. end
  915. end
  916. )
  917. script.Parent.GUI.TwistedRadioGUI.BuyRadio.Buy.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  918. MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase(user, 177132160)
  919. end
  920. )
  921. local mvpDoor = workspace.Lobby:FindFirstChild("MVPDoor")
  922. if mvpDoor then
  924. MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase(user, 182499700)
  925. end
  926. )
  927. end
  928. local buyAni = workspace.Lobby:FindFirstChild("BuyAni")
  929. if buyAni then
  931. MarketplaceService:PromptPurchase(user, 280891134)
  932. end
  933. )
  934. end
  935. script.Parent.GUI.TwistedRadioGUI.TextBox.Stop.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  936. playing = false
  937. do
  938. if user.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music") then
  939. local m = user.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music")
  940. m:Stop()
  941. wait()
  942. m:Destroy()
  943. end
  944. if user.PlayerGui.Sounds:findFirstChild("Music") then
  945. local m = user.PlayerGui.Sounds:findFirstChild("Music")
  946. if user.Character:findFirstChild("Earbuds") then
  947. user.Character:findFirstChild("Earbuds").Handle.Transparency = 1
  948. end
  949. m:Stop()
  950. wait()
  951. m:Destroy()
  952. end
  953. end
  954. end
  955. )
  956. repeat
  957. wait()
  958. until user.Character ~= nil
  959. repeat
  960. wait()
  961. until user.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil
  962. user.Character.Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
  963. playing = false
  964. if user.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") and user.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music") then
  965. user.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("Music"):Stop()
  966. end
  967. if user.PlayerGui.Sounds and user.PlayerGui.Sounds:findFirstChild("Music") then
  968. user.PlayerGui.Sounds:findFirstChild("Music"):Stop()
  969. end
  970. end
  971. )
  972. script.Parent.GUI.Shop.Changed:connect(resetColor)
  973. script.Parent.GUI.Shop.MouseButton1Down:connect(shop)
  974. script.Parent.GUI.Spectate.MouseButton1Down:connect(spectate)
  975. while 1 do
  976. wait()
  977. if not playing or user.Character:findFirstChild("TwistedRadio") then
  978. wait(0.25)
  979. user.Character:findFirstChild("TwistedRadio").Mesh.Scale = user.Character:findFirstChild("TwistedRadio").Mesh.Scale + sc
  980. wait(0.25)
  981. user.Character:findFirstChild("TwistedRadio").Mesh.Scale = user.Character:findFirstChild("TwistedRadio").Mesh.Scale - sc
  982. end
  983. end
  984. end
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