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- --usage esparsenal();
- getgenv().esparsenal = function()
- game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function()
- for Index, Value in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() do
- if Value ~= game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer then
- if not Value.Character:FindFirstChild("Pos") then
- local Pos ="BillboardGui");
- Pos.Name = "Pos";
- Pos.Parent = Value.Character.Head;
- Pos.AlwaysOnTop = true;
- Pos.LightInfluence = 0;
- Pos.Enabled = true;
- Pos.Size =, 0, 1.75, 0);
- Pos.Parent = Value.Character;
- local Frame ="Frame", Pos);
- if Value.TeamColor == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.TeamColor then
- Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0);
- else
- Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0);
- end;
- Frame.Size =, 0, 1, 0);
- else
- if Value.TeamColor == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.TeamColor then
- Value.Character:FindFirstChild("Pos").Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0);
- else
- Value.Character:FindFirstChild("Pos").Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end);
- end;
- getgenv().gunmods = function()
- for Index, Value in next, getgc(true) do
- if typeof(Value) == "table" and rawget(Value, "recoil") then
- spawn(function()
- while wait() do
- rawset(Value, "recoil", 0);
- end;
- end);
- end;
- if typeof(Value) == "table" and rawget(Value, "mode") then
- spawn(function()
- while wait() do
- rawset(Value, "mode", "automatic");
- end;
- end);
- end;
- if typeof(Value) == "table" and rawget(Value, "inducefalldamage") then
- spawn(function()
- while wait() do
- rawset(Value, "inducefalldamage", function()
- return nil;
- end);
- end;
- end);
- end;
- if typeof(Value) == "table" and rawget(Value, "currentspread") then
- spawn(function()
- while wait() do
- rawset(Value, "currentspread", 0);
- end;
- end);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- getgenv().hitbox = function()
- repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded()
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local plr = Players.LocalPlayer
- local size = 8 --change size of hitbox
- local key = "c" -- change key to what you want (
- local bighead = true -- This changes if you want the head hitbox or not (If you record arsenal gameplay set the size to 3 because the head hitbox is invisible)
- local isVisible = true -- change this if u want to see head hit box
- local toggle = true
- key = key:sub(1, 1):upper()..key:sub(2, #key)
- if isVisible then
- isVisible = 0
- else
- isVisible = 1
- end
- UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input)
- if UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox() then return end
- if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[key] then
- toggle = not toggle
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
- update(v)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- originalSizes = {LowerTorso=plr.Character.LowerTorso.Size,HumanoidRootPart=plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Size,HeadHB=plr.Character.HeadHB.Size}
- function update(player)
- if not player or not player.Character then return end
- if toggle and player ~= plr and player.Status.Team.Value ~= plr.Status.Team.Value then
- if bighead ~= true then
- player.Character.LowerTorso.Size =,size,size)
- player.Character.LowerTorso.Transparency = isVisible
- else
- player.Character.HeadHB.Size =,size,size)
- player.Character.HeadHB.Transparency = isVisible
- end
- player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Size =,size,size)
- player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Transparency = isVisible
- else
- player.Character.HeadHB.Transparency = 1
- player.Character.LowerTorso.Size = originalSizes.LowerTorso
- player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Size = originalSizes.HumanoidRootPart
- player.Character.HeadHB.Size = originalSizes.HeadHB
- end
- end
- function onjoin(player)
- if player then player = game.Players[player.Name] else return end
- player.Status.Team:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function()
- update(player)
- end)
- update(player)
- end
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player)
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(onjoin)
- end)
- for _,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- v.Status.Team:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function()
- if v == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
- for _,b in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if b ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
- update(b)
- end
- end
- else
- update(v)
- end
- end)
- if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
- update(v)
- end
- end
- end;
- getgenv().Rainbowgun = function()
- function zigzag(X)
- return math.acos(math.cos(X*math.pi))/math.pi;
- end;
- counter = 0;
- color = Color3.fromHSV(zigzag(counter), 1, 1);
- while wait(0.1) do
- color = Color3.fromHSV(zigzag(counter), 1, 1);
- pcall(function()
- for Index, Value in next, workspace.CurrentCamera.Arms:GetChildren() do
- if Value.Name ~= "CSSArms" then
- pcall(function()
- Value.Color = color;
- counter = counter + 0.001;
- end);
- end;
- end;
- end);
- end;
- end;
- getgenv().noreload = function()
- for Index, Value in next, getgc(true) do
- if typeof(Value) == "table" and rawget(Value, "currentspread") then
- for Index2, Value2 in next, Value do
- if string.match(tostring(Index2), "reload") then
- if typeof(Value2) == "function" then
- spawn(function()
- while wait() do
- Value2();
- end;
- end);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end
- getgenv().traces = function()
- local AlreadyGot = {};
- game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function()
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
- local chara = v.Character
- if AlreadyGot[chara] == nil then
- table.insert(AlreadyGot, chara);
- local Line ="Line")
- local a,b = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).X, workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Y
- local x,y = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(chara.HumanoidRootPart.Position).X, workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(chara:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position).Y
- local chara = v.Character
- local _, withinScreenBounds = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(chara.Head.Position)
- if withinScreenBounds then
- Line.Visible = true
- else
- Line.Visible = false
- end;
- Line.From =,b)
- Line.To =,y)
- if v.TeamColor == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.TeamColor then
- Line.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)
- else
- Line.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
- end;
- Line.Thickness = 2
- Line.Transparency = 1
- wait(0.001);
- Line:Remove()
- end
- end;
- end)
- end;
- getgenv().flying = true
- getgenv().speed = 2
- local function FLY()
- local T = game:service("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- local iyflyspeed = getgenv().speed
- local IYMouse = game:service("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local CONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0, Q = 0, E = 0}
- local lCONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0, Q = 0, E = 0}
- local SPEED = 0
- local fly = getgenv().flying
- local BG ='BodyGyro', T)
- local BV ='BodyVelocity', T)
- BG.P = 9e4
- BG.maxTorque =, 9e9, 9e9)
- BG.cframe = T.CFrame
- BV.velocity =, 0, 0)
- BV.maxForce =, 9e9, 9e9)
- spawn(function()
- repeat wait()
- if CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R ~= 0 or CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B ~= 0 or CONTROL.Q + CONTROL.E ~= 0 then
- SPEED = 50
- elseif not (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R ~= 0 or CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B ~= 0 or CONTROL.Q + CONTROL.E ~= 0) and SPEED ~= 0 then
- SPEED = 0
- end
- if (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R) ~= 0 or (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) ~= 0 or (CONTROL.Q + CONTROL.E) ~= 0 then
- BV.velocity = ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B)) + ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * + CONTROL.R, (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B + CONTROL.Q + CONTROL.E) * 0.2, 0).p) - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * SPEED
- elseif (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R) == 0 and (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) == 0 and (CONTROL.Q + CONTROL.E) == 0 and SPEED ~= 0 then
- BV.velocity = ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (lCONTROL.F + lCONTROL.B)) + ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * + lCONTROL.R, (lCONTROL.F + lCONTROL.B + CONTROL.Q + CONTROL.E) * 0.2, 0).p) - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * SPEED
- else
- BV.velocity =, 0, 0)
- end
- BG.cframe = workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame
- until not getgenv().flying
- CONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0, Q = 0, E = 0}
- lCONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0, Q = 0, E = 0}
- SPEED = 0
- BG:destroy()
- BV:destroy()
- end)
- IYMouse.KeyDown:connect(function(KEY)
- if KEY:lower() == 'w' then
- if vfly then
- CONTROL.F = vehicleflyspeed
- else
- CONTROL.F = iyflyspeed
- end
- elseif KEY:lower() == 's' then
- if vfly then
- CONTROL.B = - vehicleflyspeed
- else
- CONTROL.B = - iyflyspeed
- end
- elseif KEY:lower() == 'a' then
- if vfly then
- CONTROL.L = - vehicleflyspeed
- else
- CONTROL.L = - iyflyspeed
- end
- elseif KEY:lower() == 'd' then
- if vfly then
- CONTROL.R = vehicleflyspeed
- else
- CONTROL.R = iyflyspeed
- end
- elseif KEY:lower() == 'e' then
- if vfly then
- CONTROL.Q = vehicleflyspeed*2
- else
- CONTROL.Q = iyflyspeed*2
- end
- elseif KEY:lower() == 'q' then
- if vfly then
- CONTROL.E = -vehicleflyspeed*2
- else
- CONTROL.E = -iyflyspeed*2
- end
- end
- end)
- IYMouse.KeyUp:connect(function(KEY)
- if KEY:lower() == 'w' then
- elseif KEY:lower() == 's' then
- elseif KEY:lower() == 'a' then
- elseif KEY:lower() == 'd' then
- elseif KEY:lower() == 'e' then
- elseif KEY:lower() == 'q' then
- end
- end)
- end
- FLY()
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