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- #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
- struct edge
- {
- int from , to , cost , flow;
- edge (int f,int t,int c,int flw) : from(f),to(t),cost(c),flow(flw)
- {}
- };
- const int MAX_NODE = 405;
- int flow [MAX_NODE];
- int cost [MAX_NODE];
- int parent [MAX_NODE];
- #define INF (1e9)
- vector < edge > edgeList;
- int n ; // 3add el nodes
- inline void bellman (int src,int sink )
- {
- int i,j;
- memset ( flow , 0 , (sizeof (int))*n);
- fill(cost,cost+n,INF);
- parent [src] = -1;
- flow [src] = INF;
- cost [src] = 0;
- for ( i = n-1 ; i > 0 ; i -- )
- {
- bool f = false;
- for ( j = 0 ; j < int(edgeList.size()) ; j ++ )
- {
- if ( cost[edgeList[j].from] + edgeList[j].cost < cost [edgeList[j].to] && edgeList[j].flow > 0)
- {
- //relax
- cost [edgeList[j].to] = cost[edgeList[j].from] + edgeList[j].cost ;
- parent[edgeList[j].to] = j;
- flow[edgeList[j].to] = min ( flow[edgeList[j].from] , edgeList[j].flow ) ;
- f = true;
- }
- }
- if ( !f )
- break;
- }
- }
- inline void addEdge (int f,int t,int c,int flw)
- {
- edge e1( f,t,c,flw);
- edge e2( t,f,-c,0);
- edgeList.push_back(e1);
- edgeList.push_back(e2);
- }
- //returns (flow,cost)
- inline pair<int,int> minCost_maxFlow (int src,int sink)
- {
- int totF = 0 ,totC = 0;
- if (src==sink)
- return make_pair(INF,0);
- while(1)
- {
- bellman(src,sink);
- if ( flow[sink] <= 0 ) break;
- for (int cur = sink ; cur != src ; cur = edgeList[parent[cur]].from )
- {
- int revInd = (parent[cur] & 1) ? parent [cur] -1 : parent [cur] +1 ;
- edgeList[parent[cur]].flow -= flow[sink];
- edgeList[revInd].flow += flow[sink];
- totC += edgeList[parent[cur]].cost * flow[sink];
- }
- totF += flow[sink];
- }
- return make_pair(totF,totC);
- }
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