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- import std.datetime;
- import std.exception;
- import std.format;
- import std.json;
- enum {
- apiUrl = "",
- callLimit = 5,
- callLimitInterval = 1010.msecs,
- }
- enum {
- minRelativeTime =,
- maxRelativeTime = (6 * 4).weeks,
- }
- class CfApiBaseException: Exception {
- mixin basicExceptionCtors;
- }
- class CfApiException: CfApiBaseException {
- mixin basicExceptionCtors;
- }
- JSONValue cfCall(Args...)(in char[ ] method, in auto ref Args args) {
- import core.thread;
- import requests;
- static SysTime[callLimit] queue;
- static int qpos = 0;
- auto now = Clock.currTime();
- const elapsed = now - queue[qpos];
- if (elapsed < callLimitInterval) {
- Thread.sleep(callLimitInterval - elapsed);
- now = Clock.currTime();
- }
- queue[qpos++] = now;
- qpos %= callLimit;
- const response = getContent(format!apiUrl(method), args).data!string.parseJSON();
- const status = response["status"];
- if (status != JSONValue("OK")) {
- if (status == JSONValue("FAILED"))
- throw new CfApiException(response["comment"].str);
- else
- throw new CfApiBaseException(format!"%s: %s"(status, response["comment"]));
- }
- return response["result"];
- }
- void main() {
- import std.algorithm.sorting;
- import std.array;
- import std.stdio;
- int[string] users;
- writeln("Getting contest list...");
- stdout.flush();
- foreach (contest; cfCall("contest.list").array) {
- const relativeTime = contest["relativeTimeSeconds"].integer.seconds;
- if (relativeTime < minRelativeTime)
- continue;
- if (relativeTime > maxRelativeTime)
- break;
- const id = contest["id"].integer;
- writefln!"%s (%s)..."(contest["name"], id);
- stdout.flush();
- try
- foreach (submission; cfCall("contest.status", "contestId", id).array)
- if (submission["programmingLanguage"].str == "D")
- foreach (member; submission["author"]["members"].array)
- users[member["handle"].str]++;
- catch (CfApiException e) {
- //`contest.list` may return contests unavailable for inspection. Yes, that's weird.
- if (e.msg != format!"contestId: Contest with id %s not found"(id))
- throw e;
- writeln("[Not found]");
- }
- }
- writefln!"{%(%(\"%s\": %s%),\n %)}"(
- users.byPair().array().multiSort!(`a[1] > b[1]`, `a[0] < b[0]`));
- }
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