

Dec 2nd, 2022
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  1. Here is a fictional language that can be recorded by placing food items on a plate in a specific layout that corresponds to the language's grammar:
  3. The language, called "Comida Idioma", uses common Mexican and Latino food items to represent words and phrases. The words are arranged on the plate according to the grammar of the language, with the subject of the sentence placed in the center of the plate and the verb and object placed around it. For example, a sentence that means "I eat rice" would be represented on the plate as follows:
  5. Copy code
  6. Rice
  7. |
  8. |
  9. V
  10. I
  12. [Eat]
  13. The subject of the sentence, "I", is placed in the center of the plate, and the verb, "eat", is placed around it. The object of the sentence, "rice", is placed on top of the verb.
  15. The language also uses different food items to represent different parts of speech. For example, beans are used to represent nouns, chiles are used to represent verbs, and tortillas are used to represent adjectives. The language also uses different colors and textures of food to represent different tenses and moods, such as green chiles for the present tense and red chiles for the past tense.
  17. The layout of the food on the plate forms a visual representation of the sentence's meaning and grammar, making it easy to understand and interpret even for people who are not familiar with the language.
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